Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2013 The Netty Project
 * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import io.netty.util.internal.NativeLibraryLoader;
import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent;
import io.netty.util.internal.SystemPropertyUtil;
import io.netty.util.internal.ThrowableUtil;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;

import java.util.Locale;

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 * Native helper methods
 * <p><strong>Internal usage only!</strong>
 * <p>Static members which call JNI methods must be defined in {@link NativeStaticallyReferencedJniMethods}.
public final class Native {
    private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(Native.class);

    static {
        try {
            // First, try calling a side-effect free JNI method to see if the library was already
            // loaded by the application.
        } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ignore) {
            // The library was not previously loaded, load it now.

    // EventLoop operations and constants
    public static final int EPOLLIN = epollin();
    public static final int EPOLLOUT = epollout();
    public static final int EPOLLRDHUP = epollrdhup();
    public static final int EPOLLET = epollet();
    public static final int EPOLLERR = epollerr();

    public static final boolean IS_SUPPORTING_SENDMMSG = isSupportingSendmmsg();
    static final boolean IS_SUPPORTING_RECVMMSG = isSupportingRecvmmsg();

    public static final boolean IS_SUPPORTING_TCP_FASTOPEN = isSupportingTcpFastopen();
    public static final int TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN = tcpMd5SigMaxKeyLen();
    public static final String KERNEL_VERSION = kernelVersion();

    public static FileDescriptor newEventFd() {
        return new FileDescriptor(eventFd());

    public static FileDescriptor newTimerFd() {
        return new FileDescriptor(timerFd());

    private static native int eventFd();

    private static native int timerFd();

    public static native void eventFdWrite(int fd, long value);

    public static native void eventFdRead(int fd);

    static native void timerFdRead(int fd);

    static native void timerFdSetTime(int fd, int sec, int nsec) throws IOException;

    public static FileDescriptor newEpollCreate() {
        return new FileDescriptor(epollCreate());

    private static native int epollCreate();

     * @deprecated this method is no longer supported. This functionality is internal to this package.
    public static int epollWait(FileDescriptor epollFd, EpollEventArray events, FileDescriptor timerFd,
            int timeoutSec, int timeoutNs) throws IOException {
        if (timeoutSec == 0 && timeoutNs == 0) {
            // Zero timeout => poll (aka return immediately)
            return epollWait(epollFd, events, 0);
        if (timeoutSec == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            // Max timeout => wait indefinitely: disarm timerfd first
            timeoutSec = 0;
            timeoutNs = 0;
        int ready = epollWait0(epollFd.intValue(), events.memoryAddress(), events.length(), timerFd.intValue(),
                timeoutSec, timeoutNs);
        if (ready < 0) {
            throw newIOException("epoll_wait", ready);
        return ready;

    static int epollWait(FileDescriptor epollFd, EpollEventArray events, boolean immediatePoll) throws IOException {
        return epollWait(epollFd, events, immediatePoll ? 0 : -1);

     * This uses epoll's own timeout and does not reset/re-arm any timerfd
    static int epollWait(FileDescriptor epollFd, EpollEventArray events, int timeoutMillis) throws IOException {
        int ready = epollWait(epollFd.intValue(), events.memoryAddress(), events.length(), timeoutMillis);
        if (ready < 0) {
            throw newIOException("epoll_wait", ready);
        return ready;

     * Non-blocking variant of
     * {@link #epollWait(FileDescriptor, EpollEventArray, FileDescriptor, int, int)}
     * that will also hint to processor we are in a busy-wait loop.
    public static int epollBusyWait(FileDescriptor epollFd, EpollEventArray events) throws IOException {
        int ready = epollBusyWait0(epollFd.intValue(), events.memoryAddress(), events.length());
        if (ready < 0) {
            throw newIOException("epoll_wait", ready);
        return ready;

    private static native int epollWait0(int efd, long address, int len, int timerFd, int timeoutSec,
            int timeoutNs);

    private static native int epollWait(int efd, long address, int len, int timeout);

    private static native int epollBusyWait0(int efd, long address, int len);

    public static void epollCtlAdd(int efd, final int fd, final int flags) throws IOException {
        int res = epollCtlAdd0(efd, fd, flags);
        if (res < 0) {
            throw newIOException("epoll_ctl", res);

    private static native int epollCtlAdd0(int efd, int fd, int flags);

    public static void epollCtlMod(int efd, final int fd, final int flags) throws IOException {
        int res = epollCtlMod0(efd, fd, flags);
        if (res < 0) {
            throw newIOException("epoll_ctl", res);

    private static native int epollCtlMod0(int efd, int fd, int flags);

    public static void epollCtlDel(int efd, final int fd) throws IOException {
        int res = epollCtlDel0(efd, fd);
        if (res < 0) {
            throw newIOException("epoll_ctl", res);

    private static native int epollCtlDel0(int efd, int fd);

    // File-descriptor operations
    public static int splice(int fd, long offIn, int fdOut, long offOut, long len) throws IOException {
        int res = splice0(fd, offIn, fdOut, offOut, len);
        if (res >= 0) {
            return res;
        return ioResult("splice", res);

    private static native int splice0(int fd, long offIn, int fdOut, long offOut, long len);

    public static int sendmmsg(int fd, NativeDatagramPacketArray.NativeDatagramPacket[] msgs, int offset, int len)
            throws IOException {
        return sendmmsg(fd, Socket.isIPv6Preferred(), msgs, offset, len);

    static int sendmmsg(int fd, boolean ipv6, NativeDatagramPacketArray.NativeDatagramPacket[] msgs, int offset,
            int len) throws IOException {
        int res = sendmmsg0(fd, ipv6, msgs, offset, len);
        if (res >= 0) {
            return res;
        return ioResult("sendmmsg", res);

    private static native int sendmmsg0(int fd, boolean ipv6, NativeDatagramPacketArray.NativeDatagramPacket[] msgs,
            int offset, int len);

    static int recvmmsg(int fd, boolean ipv6, NativeDatagramPacketArray.NativeDatagramPacket[] msgs, int offset,
            int len) throws IOException {
        int res = recvmmsg0(fd, ipv6, msgs, offset, len);
        if (res >= 0) {
            return res;
        return ioResult("recvmmsg", res);

    private static native int recvmmsg0(int fd, boolean ipv6, NativeDatagramPacketArray.NativeDatagramPacket[] msgs,
            int offset, int len);

    // epoll_event related
    public static native int sizeofEpollEvent();

    public static native int offsetofEpollData();

    private static void loadNativeLibrary() {
        String name = SystemPropertyUtil.get("").toLowerCase(Locale.UK).trim();
        if (!name.startsWith("linux")) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Only supported on Linux");
        String staticLibName = "netty_transport_native_epoll";
        String sharedLibName = staticLibName + '_' + PlatformDependent.normalizedArch();
        ClassLoader cl = PlatformDependent.getClassLoader(Native.class);
        try {
            NativeLibraryLoader.load(sharedLibName, cl);
        } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e1) {
            try {
                NativeLibraryLoader.load(staticLibName, cl);
                logger.debug("Failed to load {}", sharedLibName, e1);
            } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e2) {
                ThrowableUtil.addSuppressed(e1, e2);
                throw e1;

    private Native() {
        // utility