Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 The original author or authors * ------------------------------------------------------ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution. * * The Eclipse Public License is available at * * * The Apache License v2.0 is available at * * * You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses. */ package io.moquette.spi.impl; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import io.moquette.server.ConnectionDescriptor; import io.moquette.server.netty.AutoFlushHandler; import io.moquette.server.netty.NettyUtils; import io.moquette.spi.ClientSession; import io.moquette.spi.IMatchingCondition; import io.moquette.spi.IMessagesStore; import io.moquette.spi.IMessagesStore.StoredMessage; import io.moquette.spi.ISessionsStore; import; import; import io.moquette.spi.impl.subscriptions.SubscriptionsStore; import io.moquette.spi.impl.subscriptions.Subscription; import static io.moquette.parser.netty.Utils.VERSION_3_1; import static io.moquette.parser.netty.Utils.VERSION_3_1_1; import io.moquette.interception.messages.InterceptAcknowledgedMessage; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.AbstractMessage; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.AbstractMessage.QOSType; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.ConnAckMessage; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.ConnectMessage; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.PubAckMessage; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.PubCompMessage; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.PubRecMessage; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.PubRelMessage; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.PublishMessage; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.SubAckMessage; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.SubscribeMessage; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.UnsubAckMessage; import io.moquette.parser.proto.messages.UnsubscribeMessage; import; import; import io.netty.handler.timeout.IdleStateHandler; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Class responsible to handle the logic of MQTT protocol it's the director of * the protocol execution. * * Used by the front facing class SimpleMessaging. * * @author andrea */ public class ProtocolProcessor { static final class WillMessage { private final String topic; private final ByteBuffer payload; private final boolean retained; private final QOSType qos; public WillMessage(String topic, ByteBuffer payload, boolean retained, QOSType qos) { this.topic = topic; this.payload = payload; this.retained = retained; this.qos = qos; } public String getTopic() { return topic; } public ByteBuffer getPayload() { return payload; } public boolean isRetained() { return retained; } public QOSType getQos() { return qos; } } private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProtocolProcessor.class); protected ConcurrentMap<String, ConnectionDescriptor> m_clientIDs; private SubscriptionsStore subscriptions; private boolean allowAnonymous; private IAuthorizator m_authorizator; private IMessagesStore m_messagesStore; private ISessionsStore m_sessionsStore; private IAuthenticator m_authenticator; private BrokerInterceptor m_interceptor; //maps clientID to Will testament, if specified on CONNECT private ConcurrentMap<String, WillMessage> m_willStore = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); ProtocolProcessor() { } /** * @param subscriptions the subscription store where are stored all the existing * clients subscriptions. * @param storageService the persistent store to use for save/load of messages * for QoS1 and QoS2 handling. * @param sessionsStore the clients sessions store, used to persist subscriptions. * @param authenticator the authenticator used in connect messages. * @param allowAnonymous true connection to clients without credentials. * @param authorizator used to apply ACL policies to publishes and subscriptions. * @param interceptor to notify events to an intercept handler */ void init(SubscriptionsStore subscriptions, IMessagesStore storageService, ISessionsStore sessionsStore, IAuthenticator authenticator, boolean allowAnonymous, IAuthorizator authorizator, BrokerInterceptor interceptor) { this.m_clientIDs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.m_interceptor = interceptor; this.subscriptions = subscriptions; this.allowAnonymous = allowAnonymous; m_authorizator = authorizator; LOG.trace("subscription tree on init {}", subscriptions.dumpTree()); m_authenticator = authenticator; m_messagesStore = storageService; m_sessionsStore = sessionsStore; } public void processConnect(Channel channel, ConnectMessage msg) { LOG.debug("CONNECT for client <{}>", msg.getClientID()); if (msg.getProtocolVersion() != VERSION_3_1 && msg.getProtocolVersion() != VERSION_3_1_1) { ConnAckMessage badProto = new ConnAckMessage(); badProto.setReturnCode(ConnAckMessage.UNNACEPTABLE_PROTOCOL_VERSION); LOG.warn("processConnect sent bad proto ConnAck"); channel.writeAndFlush(badProto); channel.close(); return; } if (msg.getClientID() == null || msg.getClientID().length() == 0) { ConnAckMessage okResp = new ConnAckMessage(); okResp.setReturnCode(ConnAckMessage.IDENTIFIER_REJECTED); channel.writeAndFlush(okResp); m_interceptor.notifyClientConnected(msg); return; } //handle user authentication if (msg.isUserFlag()) { byte[] pwd = null; if (msg.isPasswordFlag()) { pwd = msg.getPassword(); } else if (!this.allowAnonymous) { failedCredentials(channel); return; } if (!m_authenticator.checkValid(msg.getUsername(), pwd)) { failedCredentials(channel); channel.close(); return; } NettyUtils.userName(channel, msg.getUsername()); } else if (!this.allowAnonymous) { failedCredentials(channel); return; } //if an old client with the same ID already exists close its session. if (m_clientIDs.containsKey(msg.getClientID())) {"Found an existing connection with same client ID <{}>, forcing to close", msg.getClientID()); //clean the subscriptions if the old used a cleanSession = true Channel oldChannel = m_clientIDs.get(msg.getClientID()).channel; ClientSession oldClientSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(msg.getClientID()); oldClientSession.disconnect(); NettyUtils.sessionStolen(oldChannel, true); oldChannel.close(); LOG.debug("Existing connection with same client ID <{}>, forced to close", msg.getClientID()); } ConnectionDescriptor connDescr = new ConnectionDescriptor(msg.getClientID(), channel, msg.isCleanSession()); m_clientIDs.put(msg.getClientID(), connDescr); int keepAlive = msg.getKeepAlive(); LOG.debug("Connect with keepAlive {} s", keepAlive); NettyUtils.keepAlive(channel, keepAlive); //session.attr(NettyUtils.ATTR_KEY_CLEANSESSION).set(msg.isCleanSession()); NettyUtils.cleanSession(channel, msg.isCleanSession()); //used to track the client in the subscription and publishing phases. //session.attr(NettyUtils.ATTR_KEY_CLIENTID).set(msg.getClientID()); NettyUtils.clientID(channel, msg.getClientID()); LOG.debug("Connect create session <{}>", channel); setIdleTime(channel.pipeline(), Math.round(keepAlive * 1.5f)); //Handle will flag if (msg.isWillFlag()) { AbstractMessage.QOSType willQos = AbstractMessage.QOSType.valueOf(msg.getWillQos()); byte[] willPayload = msg.getWillMessage(); ByteBuffer bb = (ByteBuffer) ByteBuffer.allocate(willPayload.length).put(willPayload).flip(); //save the will testament in the clientID store WillMessage will = new WillMessage(msg.getWillTopic(), bb, msg.isWillRetain(), willQos); m_willStore.put(msg.getClientID(), will);"Session for clientID <{}> with will to topic {}", msg.getClientID(), msg.getWillTopic()); } ConnAckMessage okResp = new ConnAckMessage(); okResp.setReturnCode(ConnAckMessage.CONNECTION_ACCEPTED); ClientSession clientSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(msg.getClientID()); boolean isSessionAlreadyStored = clientSession != null; if (!msg.isCleanSession() && isSessionAlreadyStored) { okResp.setSessionPresent(true); } if (isSessionAlreadyStored) { clientSession.cleanSession(msg.isCleanSession()); } channel.writeAndFlush(okResp); m_interceptor.notifyClientConnected(msg); if (!isSessionAlreadyStored) {"Create persistent session for clientID <{}>", msg.getClientID()); clientSession = m_sessionsStore.createNewSession(msg.getClientID(), msg.isCleanSession()); } clientSession.activate(); if (msg.isCleanSession()) { clientSession.cleanSession(); }"Connected client ID <{}> with clean session {}", msg.getClientID(), msg.isCleanSession()); if (!msg.isCleanSession()) { //force the republish of stored QoS1 and QoS2 republishStoredInSession(clientSession); } int flushIntervalMs = 500/*(keepAlive * 1000) / 2*/; setupAutoFlusher(channel.pipeline(), flushIntervalMs);"CONNECT processed"); } private void setupAutoFlusher(ChannelPipeline pipeline, int flushIntervalMs) { AutoFlushHandler autoFlushHandler = new AutoFlushHandler(flushIntervalMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); try { pipeline.addAfter("idleEventHandler", "autoFlusher", autoFlushHandler); } catch (NoSuchElementException nseex) { //the idleEventHandler is not present on the pipeline pipeline.addFirst("autoFlusher", autoFlushHandler); } } private void setIdleTime(ChannelPipeline pipeline, int idleTime) { if (pipeline.names().contains("idleStateHandler")) { pipeline.remove("idleStateHandler"); } pipeline.addFirst("idleStateHandler", new IdleStateHandler(0, 0, idleTime)); } private void failedCredentials(Channel session) { ConnAckMessage okResp = new ConnAckMessage(); okResp.setReturnCode(ConnAckMessage.BAD_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD); session.writeAndFlush(okResp); } /** * Republish QoS1 and QoS2 messages stored into the session for the clientID. * */ private void republishStoredInSession(ClientSession clientSession) { LOG.trace("republishStoredInSession for client <{}>", clientSession); List<IMessagesStore.StoredMessage> publishedEvents = clientSession.storedMessages(); if (publishedEvents.isEmpty()) {"No stored messages for client <{}>", clientSession.clientID); return; }"republishing stored messages to client <{}>", clientSession.clientID); for (IMessagesStore.StoredMessage pubEvt : publishedEvents) { //TODO put in flight zone directSend(clientSession, pubEvt.getTopic(), pubEvt.getQos(), pubEvt.getMessage(), false, pubEvt.getMessageID()); clientSession.removeEnqueued(pubEvt.getGuid()); } } public void processPubAck(Channel channel, PubAckMessage msg) { String clientID = NettyUtils.clientID(channel); int messageID = msg.getMessageID(); String username = NettyUtils.userName(channel); StoredMessage inflightMsg = m_sessionsStore.getInflightMessage(clientID, messageID); //Remove the message from message store ClientSession targetSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(clientID); verifyToActivate(clientID, targetSession); targetSession.inFlightAcknowledged(messageID); String topic = inflightMsg.getTopic(); m_interceptor.notifyMessageAcknowledged(new InterceptAcknowledgedMessage(inflightMsg, topic, username)); } private void verifyToActivate(String clientID, ClientSession targetSession) { if (m_clientIDs.containsKey(clientID)) { targetSession.activate(); } } private static IMessagesStore.StoredMessage asStoredMessage(PublishMessage msg) { IMessagesStore.StoredMessage stored = new IMessagesStore.StoredMessage(msg.getPayload().array(), msg.getQos(), msg.getTopicName()); stored.setRetained(msg.isRetainFlag()); stored.setMessageID(msg.getMessageID()); return stored; } private static IMessagesStore.StoredMessage asStoredMessage(WillMessage will) { IMessagesStore.StoredMessage pub = new IMessagesStore.StoredMessage(will.getPayload().array(), will.getQos(), will.getTopic()); pub.setRetained(will.isRetained()); return pub; } public void processPublish(Channel channel, PublishMessage msg) { LOG.trace("PUB --PUBLISH--> SRV executePublish invoked with {}", msg); String clientID = NettyUtils.clientID(channel); final String topic = msg.getTopicName(); //check if the topic can be wrote String username = NettyUtils.userName(channel); if (!m_authorizator.canWrite(topic, username, clientID)) { LOG.debug("topic {} doesn't have write credentials", topic); return; } final AbstractMessage.QOSType qos = msg.getQos(); final Integer messageID = msg.getMessageID();"PUBLISH from clientID <{}> on topic <{}> with QoS {}", clientID, topic, qos); String guid = null; IMessagesStore.StoredMessage toStoreMsg = asStoredMessage(msg); toStoreMsg.setClientID(clientID); if (qos == AbstractMessage.QOSType.MOST_ONE) { //QoS0 route2Subscribers(toStoreMsg); } else if (qos == AbstractMessage.QOSType.LEAST_ONE) { //QoS1 route2Subscribers(toStoreMsg); sendPubAck(clientID, messageID); LOG.debug("replying with PubAck to MSG ID {}", messageID); } else if (qos == AbstractMessage.QOSType.EXACTLY_ONCE) { //QoS2 guid = m_messagesStore.storePublishForFuture(toStoreMsg); sendPubRec(clientID, messageID); //Next the client will send us a pub rel //NB publish to subscribers for QoS 2 happen upon PUBREL from publisher } if (msg.isRetainFlag()) { if (qos == AbstractMessage.QOSType.MOST_ONE) { //QoS == 0 && retain => clean old retained m_messagesStore.cleanRetained(topic); } else { if (!msg.getPayload().hasRemaining()) { m_messagesStore.cleanRetained(topic); } else { if (guid == null) { //before wasn't stored guid = m_messagesStore.storePublishForFuture(toStoreMsg); } m_messagesStore.storeRetained(topic, guid); } } } m_interceptor.notifyTopicPublished(msg, clientID, username); } /** * Intended usage is only for embedded versions of the broker, where the hosting application want to use the * broker to send a publish message. * Inspired by {@link #processPublish} but with some changes to avoid security check, and the handshake phases * for Qos1 and Qos2. * It also doesn't notifyTopicPublished because using internally the owner should already know where * it's publishing. * */ public void internalPublish(PublishMessage msg) { final AbstractMessage.QOSType qos = msg.getQos(); final String topic = msg.getTopicName();"embedded PUBLISH on topic <{}> with QoS {}", topic, qos); String guid = null; IMessagesStore.StoredMessage toStoreMsg = asStoredMessage(msg); toStoreMsg.setClientID("BROKER_SELF"); toStoreMsg.setMessageID(1); if (qos == AbstractMessage.QOSType.EXACTLY_ONCE) { //QoS2 guid = m_messagesStore.storePublishForFuture(toStoreMsg); } route2Subscribers(toStoreMsg); if (!msg.isRetainFlag()) { return; } if (qos == AbstractMessage.QOSType.MOST_ONE || !msg.getPayload().hasRemaining()) { //QoS == 0 && retain => clean old retained m_messagesStore.cleanRetained(topic); return; } if (guid == null) { //before wasn't stored guid = m_messagesStore.storePublishForFuture(toStoreMsg); } m_messagesStore.storeRetained(topic, guid); } /** * Specialized version to publish will testament message. */ private void forwardPublishWill(WillMessage will, String clientID) { //it has just to publish the message downstream to the subscribers //NB it's a will publish, it needs a PacketIdentifier for this conn, default to 1 Integer messageId = null; if (will.getQos() != AbstractMessage.QOSType.MOST_ONE) { messageId = m_sessionsStore.nextPacketID(clientID); } IMessagesStore.StoredMessage tobeStored = asStoredMessage(will); tobeStored.setClientID(clientID); tobeStored.setMessageID(messageId); route2Subscribers(tobeStored); } /** * Flood the subscribers with the message to notify. MessageID is optional and should only used for QoS 1 and 2 * */ void route2Subscribers(IMessagesStore.StoredMessage pubMsg) { final String topic = pubMsg.getTopic(); final AbstractMessage.QOSType publishingQos = pubMsg.getQos(); final ByteBuffer origMessage = pubMsg.getMessage(); LOG.debug("route2Subscribers republishing to existing subscribers that matches the topic {}", topic); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("content <{}>", DebugUtils.payload2Str(origMessage)); LOG.trace("subscription tree {}", subscriptions.dumpTree()); } //if QoS 1 or 2 store the message String guid = null; if (publishingQos == QOSType.EXACTLY_ONCE || publishingQos == QOSType.LEAST_ONE) { guid = m_messagesStore.storePublishForFuture(pubMsg); } for (final Subscription sub : subscriptions.matches(topic)) { AbstractMessage.QOSType qos = publishingQos; if (qos.byteValue() > sub.getRequestedQos().byteValue()) { qos = sub.getRequestedQos(); } ClientSession targetSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(sub.getClientId()); verifyToActivate(sub.getClientId(), targetSession); LOG.debug("Broker republishing to client <{}> topic <{}> qos <{}>, active {}", sub.getClientId(), sub.getTopicFilter(), qos, targetSession.isActive()); ByteBuffer message = origMessage.duplicate(); if (qos == AbstractMessage.QOSType.MOST_ONE && targetSession.isActive()) { //QoS 0 directSend(targetSession, topic, qos, message, false, null); } else { //QoS 1 or 2 //if the target subscription is not clean session and is not connected => store it if (!targetSession.isCleanSession() && !targetSession.isActive()) { //store the message in targetSession queue to deliver targetSession.enqueueToDeliver(guid); } else { //publish if (targetSession.isActive()) { int messageId = targetSession.nextPacketId(); targetSession.inFlightAckWaiting(guid, messageId); directSend(targetSession, topic, qos, message, false, messageId); } } } } } protected void directSend(ClientSession clientsession, String topic, AbstractMessage.QOSType qos, ByteBuffer message, boolean retained, Integer messageID) { String clientId = clientsession.clientID; LOG.debug("directSend invoked clientId <{}> on topic <{}> QoS {} retained {} messageID {}", clientId, topic, qos, retained, messageID); PublishMessage pubMessage = new PublishMessage(); pubMessage.setRetainFlag(retained); pubMessage.setTopicName(topic); pubMessage.setQos(qos); pubMessage.setPayload(message);"send publish message to <{}> on topic <{}>", clientId, topic); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("content <{}>", DebugUtils.payload2Str(message)); } //set the PacketIdentifier only for QoS > 0 if (pubMessage.getQos() != AbstractMessage.QOSType.MOST_ONE) { pubMessage.setMessageID(messageID); } else { if (messageID != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Internal bad error, trying to forwardPublish a QoS 0 message " + "with PacketIdentifier: " + messageID); } } if (m_clientIDs == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Internal bad error, found m_clientIDs to null while it should be " + "initialized, somewhere it's overwritten!!"); } //LOG.trace("clientIDs are {}", m_clientIDs); if (m_clientIDs.get(clientId) == null) { //TODO while we were publishing to the target client, that client disconnected, // could happen is not an error HANDLE IT throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Can't find a ConnectionDescriptor for client <%s> in cache <%s>", clientId, m_clientIDs)); } Channel channel = m_clientIDs.get(clientId).channel; LOG.trace("Session for clientId {}", clientId); if (channel.isWritable()) { //if channel is writable don't enqueue channel.write(pubMessage); } else { //enqueue to the client session clientsession.enqueue(pubMessage); } } private void sendPubRec(String clientID, int messageID) { LOG.trace("PUB <--PUBREC-- SRV sendPubRec invoked for clientID {} with messageID {}", clientID, messageID); PubRecMessage pubRecMessage = new PubRecMessage(); pubRecMessage.setMessageID(messageID); m_clientIDs.get(clientID).channel.writeAndFlush(pubRecMessage); } private void sendPubAck(String clientId, int messageID) { LOG.trace("sendPubAck invoked"); PubAckMessage pubAckMessage = new PubAckMessage(); pubAckMessage.setMessageID(messageID); try { if (m_clientIDs == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Internal bad error, found m_clientIDs to null while it should be initialized, somewhere it's overwritten!!"); } LOG.debug("clientIDs are {}", m_clientIDs); if (m_clientIDs.get(clientId) == null) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Can't find a ConnectionDescriptor for client %s in cache %s", clientId, m_clientIDs)); } m_clientIDs.get(clientId).channel.writeAndFlush(pubAckMessage); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error(null, t); } } /** * Second phase of a publish QoS2 protocol, sent by publisher to the broker. Search the stored message and publish * to all interested subscribers. * */ public void processPubRel(Channel channel, PubRelMessage msg) { String clientID = NettyUtils.clientID(channel); int messageID = msg.getMessageID(); LOG.debug("PUB --PUBREL--> SRV processPubRel invoked for clientID {} ad messageID {}", clientID, messageID); ClientSession targetSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(clientID); verifyToActivate(clientID, targetSession); IMessagesStore.StoredMessage evt = targetSession.storedMessage(messageID); route2Subscribers(evt); if (evt.isRetained()) { final String topic = evt.getTopic(); if (!evt.getMessage().hasRemaining()) { m_messagesStore.cleanRetained(topic); } else { m_messagesStore.storeRetained(topic, evt.getGuid()); } } sendPubComp(clientID, messageID); } private void sendPubComp(String clientID, int messageID) { LOG.debug("PUB <--PUBCOMP-- SRV sendPubComp invoked for clientID {} ad messageID {}", clientID, messageID); PubCompMessage pubCompMessage = new PubCompMessage(); pubCompMessage.setMessageID(messageID); m_clientIDs.get(clientID).channel.writeAndFlush(pubCompMessage); } public void processPubRec(Channel channel, PubRecMessage msg) { String clientID = NettyUtils.clientID(channel); int messageID = msg.getMessageID(); ClientSession targetSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(clientID); verifyToActivate(clientID, targetSession); //remove from the inflight and move to the QoS2 second phase queue targetSession.inFlightAcknowledged(messageID); targetSession.secondPhaseAckWaiting(messageID); //once received a PUBREC reply with a PUBREL(messageID) LOG.debug("\t\tSRV <--PUBREC-- SUB processPubRec invoked for clientID {} ad messageID {}", clientID, messageID); PubRelMessage pubRelMessage = new PubRelMessage(); pubRelMessage.setMessageID(messageID); pubRelMessage.setQos(AbstractMessage.QOSType.LEAST_ONE); channel.writeAndFlush(pubRelMessage); } public void processPubComp(Channel channel, PubCompMessage msg) { String clientID = NettyUtils.clientID(channel); int messageID = msg.getMessageID(); StoredMessage inflightMsg = m_sessionsStore.getInflightMessage(clientID, messageID); LOG.debug("\t\tSRV <--PUBCOMP-- SUB processPubComp invoked for clientID {} ad messageID {}", clientID, messageID); //once received the PUBCOMP then remove the message from the temp memory ClientSession targetSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(clientID); verifyToActivate(clientID, targetSession); targetSession.secondPhaseAcknowledged(messageID); String username = NettyUtils.userName(channel); String topic = inflightMsg.getTopic(); m_interceptor.notifyMessageAcknowledged(new InterceptAcknowledgedMessage(inflightMsg, topic, username)); } public void processDisconnect(Channel channel) throws InterruptedException { channel.flush(); String clientID = NettyUtils.clientID(channel); boolean cleanSession = NettyUtils.cleanSession(channel);"DISCONNECT client <{}> with clean session {}", clientID, cleanSession); ClientSession clientSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(clientID); clientSession.disconnect(); m_clientIDs.remove(clientID); channel.close(); //cleanup the will store m_willStore.remove(clientID); String username = NettyUtils.userName(channel); m_interceptor.notifyClientDisconnected(clientID, username);"DISCONNECT client <{}> finished", clientID, cleanSession); } public void processConnectionLost(String clientID, boolean sessionStolen, Channel channel) { ConnectionDescriptor oldConnDescr = new ConnectionDescriptor(clientID, channel, true); m_clientIDs.remove(clientID, oldConnDescr); //If already removed a disconnect message was already processed for this clientID if (sessionStolen) { //de-activate the subscriptions for this ClientID ClientSession clientSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(clientID); clientSession.deactivate();"Lost connection with client <{}>", clientID); } //publish the Will message (if any) for the clientID if (!sessionStolen && m_willStore.containsKey(clientID)) { WillMessage will = m_willStore.get(clientID); forwardPublishWill(will, clientID); m_willStore.remove(clientID); } } /** * Remove the clientID from topic subscription, if not previously subscribed, * doesn't reply any error */ public void processUnsubscribe(Channel channel, UnsubscribeMessage msg) { List<String> topics = msg.topicFilters(); int messageID = msg.getMessageID(); String clientID = NettyUtils.clientID(channel); LOG.debug("UNSUBSCRIBE subscription on topics {} for clientID <{}>", topics, clientID); ClientSession clientSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(clientID); verifyToActivate(clientID, clientSession); for (String topic : topics) { boolean validTopic = SubscriptionsStore.validate(topic); if (!validTopic) { //close the connection, not valid topicFilter is a protocol violation channel.close(); LOG.warn("UNSUBSCRIBE found an invalid topic filter <{}> for clientID <{}>", topic, clientID); return; } subscriptions.removeSubscription(topic, clientID); clientSession.unsubscribeFrom(topic); String username = NettyUtils.userName(channel); m_interceptor.notifyTopicUnsubscribed(topic, clientID, username); } //ack the client UnsubAckMessage ackMessage = new UnsubAckMessage(); ackMessage.setMessageID(messageID);"replying with UnsubAck to MSG ID {}", messageID); channel.writeAndFlush(ackMessage); } public void processSubscribe(Channel channel, SubscribeMessage msg) { String clientID = NettyUtils.clientID(channel); LOG.debug("SUBSCRIBE client <{}> packetID {}", clientID, msg.getMessageID()); ClientSession clientSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(clientID); verifyToActivate(clientID, clientSession); //ack the client SubAckMessage ackMessage = new SubAckMessage(); ackMessage.setMessageID(msg.getMessageID()); String username = NettyUtils.userName(channel); List<Subscription> newSubscriptions = new ArrayList<>(); for (SubscribeMessage.Couple req : msg.subscriptions()) { if (!m_authorizator.canRead(req.topicFilter, username, clientSession.clientID)) { //send SUBACK with 0x80, the user hasn't credentials to read the topic LOG.debug("topic {} doesn't have read credentials", req.topicFilter); ackMessage.addType(AbstractMessage.QOSType.FAILURE); continue; } AbstractMessage.QOSType qos = AbstractMessage.QOSType.valueOf(req.qos); Subscription newSubscription = new Subscription(clientID, req.topicFilter, qos); boolean valid = clientSession.subscribe(req.topicFilter, newSubscription); ackMessage.addType(valid ? qos : AbstractMessage.QOSType.FAILURE); if (valid) { newSubscriptions.add(newSubscription); } } //save session, persist subscriptions from session LOG.debug("SUBACK for packetID {}", msg.getMessageID()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("subscription tree {}", subscriptions.dumpTree()); } channel.writeAndFlush(ackMessage); //fire the publish for (Subscription subscription : newSubscriptions) { subscribeSingleTopic(subscription, username); } } private boolean subscribeSingleTopic(final Subscription newSubscription, String username) { subscriptions.add(newSubscription.asClientTopicCouple()); //scans retained messages to be published to the new subscription //TODO this is ugly, it does a linear scan on potential big dataset Collection<IMessagesStore.StoredMessage> messages = m_messagesStore .searchMatching(new IMatchingCondition() { @Override public boolean match(String key) { return SubscriptionsStore.matchTopics(key, newSubscription.getTopicFilter()); } }); ClientSession targetSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(newSubscription.getClientId()); verifyToActivate(newSubscription.getClientId(), targetSession); for (IMessagesStore.StoredMessage storedMsg : messages) { //fire the as retained the message LOG.debug("send publish message for topic {}", newSubscription.getTopicFilter()); //forwardPublishQoS0(newSubscription.getClientId(), storedMsg.getTopic(), storedMsg.getQos(), storedMsg.getPayload(), true); Integer packetID = storedMsg.getQos() == QOSType.MOST_ONE ? null : targetSession.nextPacketId(); directSend(targetSession, storedMsg.getTopic(), storedMsg.getQos(), storedMsg.getPayload(), true, packetID); } //notify the Observables m_interceptor.notifyTopicSubscribed(newSubscription, username); return true; } public void notifyChannelWritable(Channel channel) { String clientID = NettyUtils.clientID(channel); ClientSession clientSession = m_sessionsStore.sessionForClient(clientID); boolean emptyQueue = false; while (channel.isWritable() && !emptyQueue) { AbstractMessage msg = clientSession.dequeue(); if (msg == null) { emptyQueue = true; } else { channel.write(msg); } } channel.flush(); } }