Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2015 Mesosphere, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.mesosphere.mesos.frameworks.cassandra.scheduler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.mesosphere.mesos.util.Clock; import org.apache.mesos.Protos.*; import org.apache.mesos.Scheduler; import org.apache.mesos.SchedulerDriver; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Marker; import org.slf4j.MarkerFactory; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import static; import static; import static io.mesosphere.mesos.frameworks.cassandra.CassandraFrameworkProtos.*; import static io.mesosphere.mesos.util.CassandraFrameworkProtosUtils.*; import static io.mesosphere.mesos.util.Functions.headOption; import static io.mesosphere.mesos.util.ProtoUtils.*; public final class CassandraScheduler implements Scheduler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CassandraScheduler.class); private static final Joiner JOIN_WITH_SPACE = Joiner.on(" ").skipNulls(); private static final Function<FileDownload, CommandInfo.URI> uriToCommandInfoUri = new Function<FileDownload, CommandInfo.URI>() { @Override public CommandInfo.URI apply(final FileDownload input) { return commandUri(input.getDownloadUrl(), input.getExtract()); } }; @NotNull private final PersistedCassandraFrameworkConfiguration configuration; @NotNull private final CassandraCluster cassandraCluster; @NotNull private final Clock clock; public CassandraScheduler(@NotNull final PersistedCassandraFrameworkConfiguration configuration, @NotNull final CassandraCluster cassandraCluster, @NotNull final Clock clock) { this.configuration = configuration; this.cassandraCluster = cassandraCluster; this.clock = clock; } @Override public void registered(final SchedulerDriver driver, final FrameworkID frameworkId, final MasterInfo masterInfo) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("> registered(driver : {}, frameworkId : {}, masterInfo : {})", driver, protoToString(frameworkId), protoToString(masterInfo)); } configuration.frameworkId(frameworkId.getValue()); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("< registered(driver : {}, frameworkId : {}, masterInfo : {})", driver, protoToString(frameworkId), protoToString(masterInfo)); } } @Override public void reregistered(final SchedulerDriver driver, final MasterInfo masterInfo) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("reregistered(driver : {}, masterInfo : {})", driver, protoToString(masterInfo)); } driver.reconcileTasks(Collections.<TaskStatus>emptySet()); } @Override public void resourceOffers(final SchedulerDriver driver, final List<Offer> offers) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("> resourceOffers(driver : {}, offers : {})", driver, protoToString(offers)); } for (final Offer offer : offers) { final Marker marker = MarkerFactory .getMarker("offerId:" + offer.getId().getValue() + ",hostname:" + offer.getHostname()); final boolean offerUsed = evaluateOffer(driver, marker, offer); if (!offerUsed) { LOGGER.trace(marker, "Declining Offer: {}", offer.getId().getValue()); driver.declineOffer(offer.getId()); } } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("< resourceOffers(driver : {}, offers : {})", driver, protoToString(offers)); } } @Override public void offerRescinded(final SchedulerDriver driver, final OfferID offerId) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("offerRescinded(driver : {}, offerId : {})", driver, protoToString(offerId)); } } @Override public void statusUpdate(final SchedulerDriver driver, final TaskStatus status) { final Marker taskIdMarker = MarkerFactory.getMarker("taskId:" + status.getTaskId().getValue()); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(taskIdMarker, "> statusUpdate(driver : {}, status : {})", driver, protoToString(status)); } try { final ExecutorID executorId = status.getExecutorId(); final TaskID taskId = status.getTaskId(); final SlaveStatusDetails statusDetails; if (!status.getData().isEmpty()) { statusDetails = SlaveStatusDetails.parseFrom(status.getData()); } else { statusDetails = SlaveStatusDetails.getDefaultInstance(); } switch (status.getState()) { case TASK_STAGING: // TODO really interested in staging state? break; case TASK_STARTING: // TODO really interested in starting state? break; case TASK_RUNNING: switch (statusDetails.getStatusDetailsType()) { case NULL_DETAILS: break; case EXECUTOR_METADATA: final ExecutorMetadata executorMetadata = statusDetails.getExecutorMetadata(); cassandraCluster.addExecutorMetadata(executorMetadata); break; case CASSANDRA_SERVER_RUN: cassandraCluster.updateCassandraProcess(executorId, statusDetails.getCassandraServerRunMetadata()); break; case HEALTH_CHECK_DETAILS: break; case ERROR_DETAILS: break; } break; case TASK_FAILED: case TASK_KILLED: case TASK_LOST: case TASK_ERROR: LOGGER.error(taskIdMarker, "Got status {} for task {}, executor {} ({}, healthy={}): {}", status.getState(), status.getTaskId().getValue(), status.getExecutorId().getValue(), protoToString(status.getReason()), status.getHealthy(), status.getMessage()); case TASK_FINISHED: if (status.getSource() == TaskStatus.Source.SOURCE_SLAVE && status.getReason() == TaskStatus.Reason.REASON_EXECUTOR_TERMINATED) { // this code should really be handled by executorLost, but it can't due to the fact that // executorLost will never be called. // there is the possibility that the executorId we get in the task status is empty, // so here we use the taskId to lookup the executorId based on the tasks we're tracking // to try and have a more accurate value. final Optional<String> opt = cassandraCluster.getExecutorIdForTask(taskId.getValue()); final ExecutorID executorIdForTask; if (opt.isPresent()) { executorIdForTask = executorId(opt.get()); } else { executorIdForTask = executorId; } executorLost(driver, executorIdForTask, status.getSlaveId(), status.getState().ordinal()); } else { switch (statusDetails.getStatusDetailsType()) { case NULL_DETAILS: break; case EXECUTOR_METADATA: break; case ERROR_DETAILS: LOGGER.error(taskIdMarker, protoToString(statusDetails.getSlaveErrorDetails())); break; case HEALTH_CHECK_DETAILS: cassandraCluster.recordHealthCheck(executorId.getValue(), statusDetails.getHealthCheckDetails()); break; case NODE_JOB_STATUS: cassandraCluster.onNodeJobStatus(statusDetails); break; } cassandraCluster.removeTask(taskId.getValue(), status); } break; } } catch (final InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { final String msg = "Error deserializing task status data to type: " + SlaveStatusDetails.class.getName(); LOGGER.error(msg, e); } if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace(taskIdMarker, "< statusUpdate(driver : {}, status : {})", driver, protoToString(status)); } } @Override public void frameworkMessage(final SchedulerDriver driver, final ExecutorID executorId, final SlaveID slaveId, final byte[] data) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("frameworkMessage(driver : {}, executorId : {}, slaveId : {}, data : {})", driver, protoToString(executorId), protoToString(slaveId), protoToString(data)); } try { final SlaveStatusDetails statusDetails = SlaveStatusDetails.parseFrom(data); switch (statusDetails.getStatusDetailsType()) { case HEALTH_CHECK_DETAILS: cassandraCluster.recordHealthCheck(executorId.getValue(), statusDetails.getHealthCheckDetails()); break; case NODE_JOB_STATUS: cassandraCluster.onNodeJobStatus(statusDetails); break; } } catch (final InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { final String msg = "Error deserializing task status data to type: " + SlaveStatusDetails.class.getName(); LOGGER.error(msg, e); } } @Override public void disconnected(final SchedulerDriver driver) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("disconnected(driver : {})", driver); } // TODO implement } @Override public void slaveLost(final SchedulerDriver driver, final SlaveID slaveId) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("slaveLost(driver : {}, slaveId : {})", driver, protoToString(slaveId)); } // TODO implement } @Override public void executorLost(final SchedulerDriver driver, final ExecutorID executorId, final SlaveID slaveId, final int status) { final Marker executorIdMarker = MarkerFactory.getMarker("executorId:" + executorId.getValue()); // this method will never be called by mesos until MESOS-313 is fixed // if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(executorIdMarker, "executorLost(driver : {}, executorId : {}, slaveId : {}, status : {})", driver, protoToString(executorId), protoToString(slaveId), protoToString(status)); } cassandraCluster.removeExecutor(executorId.getValue()); } @Override public void error(final SchedulerDriver driver, final String message) { LOGGER.error("error(driver : {}, message : {})", driver, message); } // ---------------------------- Helper methods --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @return boolean representing if the the offer was used */ private boolean evaluateOffer(@NotNull final SchedulerDriver driver, @NotNull final Marker marker, @NotNull final Offer offer) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(marker, "> evaluateOffer(driver : {}, offer : {})", protoToString(offer)); } final TasksForOffer tasksForOffer = cassandraCluster.getTasksForOffer(offer); if (tasksForOffer == null || !tasksForOffer.hasAnyTask()) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(marker, "< evaluateOffer(driver : {}, offer : {}) = nothing to do", protoToString(offer)); } return false; } final CassandraNodeExecutor executor = tasksForOffer.getExecutor(); final ExecutorID executorId = executorId(executor.getExecutorId()); // process tasks to kill for (final TaskID taskID : tasksForOffer.getKillTasks()) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(marker, "killing task {} on executor {}, slave {}", protoToString(taskID), protoToString(executorId), protoToString(offer.getSlaveId())); } driver.killTask(taskID); } // process tasks to submit as framework message for (final TaskDetails taskDetails : tasksForOffer.getSubmitTasks()) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(marker, "submitting framework message to executor {}, slave {} : {}", protoToString(executorId), protoToString(offer.getSlaveId()), protoToString(taskDetails)); } driver.sendFrameworkMessage(executorId, offer.getSlaveId(), taskDetails.toByteArray()); } if (tasksForOffer.getLaunchTasks().isEmpty()) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(marker, "< evaluateOffer(driver : {}, offer : {}) = no tasks to launch", protoToString(offer)); } // no tasks to launch return false; } final List<TaskInfo> taskInfos = newArrayList(); for (final CassandraNodeTask cassandraNodeTask : tasksForOffer.getLaunchTasks()) { final TaskDetails taskDetails = cassandraNodeTask.getTaskDetails(); final ExecutorInfo info = executorInfo(executorId, executorId.getValue(), executor.getSource(), commandInfo(JOIN_WITH_SPACE.join(executor.getCommandList()), environmentFromTaskEnv(executor.getTaskEnv()), newArrayList(FluentIterable.from(executor.getDownloadList()) .transform(uriToCommandInfoUri))), resourceList(executor.getResources(), configuration.mesosRole(), offer)); final TaskID taskId = taskId(cassandraNodeTask.getTaskId()); final List<Resource> resources = resourceList(cassandraNodeTask.getResources(), configuration.mesosRole(), offer); if (!cassandraNodeTask.getResources().getPortsList().isEmpty()) { resources.addAll( ports(cassandraNodeTask.getResources().getPortsList(), configuration.mesosRole(), offer)); } final TaskInfo task = TaskInfo.newBuilder() .setName(getTaskName(cassandraNodeTask.getTaskName(), taskId.getValue())).setTaskId(taskId) .setSlaveId(offer.getSlaveId()).setData(ByteString.copyFrom(taskDetails.toByteArray())) .addAllResources(resources).setExecutor(info).build(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(marker, "Launching task {} in executor {}. Details = {}", taskDetails.getType(), executorId.getValue(), protoToString(task)); } taskInfos.add(task); } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(marker, "< evaluateOffer(driver : {}, offer : {}) = {}", protoToString(offer), protoToString(taskInfos)); } driver.launchTasks(Collections.singleton(offer.getId()), taskInfos); return true; } @NotNull public static String getTaskName(@Nullable final String taskName, @NotNull final String taskIdValue) { if (taskName == null || taskName.trim().isEmpty()) { return taskIdValue; } else { return taskName; } } @NotNull @VisibleForTesting static List<Resource> resourceList(@NotNull final TaskResources taskResources, @NotNull final String role, Offer offer) { final ListMultimap<String, Resource> index = resourcesForRoleAndOffer(role, offer); final String cpuRole = resourceValueRole(headOption(index.get("cpus"))).or("*"); Optional<Resource> memResource = from(index.get("mem")).filter(scalarValueAtLeast(taskResources.getMemMb())) .first(); final String memRole = resourceValueRole(memResource).or("*"); final String diskRole = resourceValueRole(headOption(index.get("disk"))).or("*"); final List<Resource> retVal = newArrayList(cpu(taskResources.getCpuCores(), cpuRole), mem(taskResources.getMemMb(), memRole)); if (taskResources.hasDiskMb() && taskResources.getDiskMb() > 0) { retVal.add(disk(taskResources.getDiskMb(), diskRole)); } return retVal; } @NotNull @VisibleForTesting static List<Resource> ports(@NotNull final Iterable<Long> ports, @NotNull final String mesosRole, Offer offer) { final ListMultimap<String, Resource> resourcesForRoleAndOffer = resourcesForRoleAndOffer(mesosRole, offer); ImmutableMap<String, Collection<Long>> portsByRole = from(ports).index(byRole(resourcesForRoleAndOffer)) .asMap(); return from(portsByRole.entrySet()).transform(roleAndPortsToResource()).toList(); } @NotNull private static Environment environmentFromTaskEnv(@NotNull final TaskEnv taskEnv) { final Environment.Builder builder = Environment.newBuilder(); for (final TaskEnv.Entry entry : taskEnv.getVariablesList()) { builder.addVariables( Environment.Variable.newBuilder().setName(entry.getName()).setValue(entry.getValue()).build()); } return; } }