Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (C) 2016-2018, the @authors. All rights reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package io.mapzone.arena.share.content; import java.util.StringJoiner; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import org.polymap.service.geoserver.GeoServerUtils; import io.mapzone.arena.ArenaPlugin; import io.mapzone.arena.jmx.ArenaConfig; import io.mapzone.arena.share.ui.ShareContext; import io.mapzone.arena.share.ui.ShareContext.SelectionDescriptor; /** * Creates a complete openlayers HTML page as string. * * @author Steffen Stundzig */ public class OpenLayersContentProvider implements ShareableContentProvider { public final static String MIMETYPE = "application/openlayers"; public class OpenLayersContent implements ShareableContent { public String jsressource; public String cssressource; public String body; public String js; public String complete; } // instance ******************************************* private ShareContext context; @Override public OpenLayersContent get() { OpenLayersContent content = new OpenLayersContent(); content.jsressource = JSRESOURCE; content.cssressource = CSSRESOURCE; content.body = BODY; StringBuffer js = new StringBuffer(MAPJSSTART); StringJoiner layers = new StringJoiner(",\n"); for (SelectionDescriptor selection : context.selectionDescriptors.get()) { String layer = replace(LAYERJS, "WMSURL", ArenaPlugin.instance().config().getProxyUrl() + "/ows"); layer = replace(layer, "LAYER", GeoServerUtils.simpleName(selection.layer.get().label.get())); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(ArenaPlugin.instance().config().getServiceAuthToken())) { layer = replace(layer, "AUTH", ", 'authToken': '" + ArenaPlugin.instance().config().getServiceAuthToken() + "'"); } else { layer = replace(layer, "AUTH", ""); } // Envelope envelope = context.boundingBox.get(); // StringBuffer extent = new StringBuffer().append( (int)envelope.getMinX() ).append( "," ).append( (int)envelope.getMinY() ).append( "," ).append( (int)envelope.getMaxX() ).append( "," ).append( (int)envelope.getMaxY() ); // layer = replace( layer, "EXTENT", extent.toString() ); layer = replace(layer, "CRS",; layers.add(layer); } js.append(layers.toString()); Coordinate centreCoordinate = context.boundingBox.get().centre(); StringBuffer centre = new StringBuffer().append((int) centreCoordinate.x).append(",") .append((int) centreCoordinate.y); String jsend = replace(MAPJSEND, "CENTER", centre.toString()); jsend = replace(jsend, "RESOLUTION", "" + context.resolution.get().intValue()); js.append(jsend); content.js = js.toString(); StringBuffer complete = new StringBuffer(); complete.append("<!DOCTYPE html>\n"); complete.append("<html>\n"); complete.append(" <head>\n"); complete.append(" <title>").append(ArenaConfig.getAppTitle()).append("</title>\n"); complete.append(" <link rel='stylesheet' href='").append(content.cssressource) .append("' type='text/css'>\n"); complete.append(" <script src='").append(content.jsressource).append("'></script>\n"); complete.append(" </head>\n"); complete.append(" <body>\n"); complete.append(" ").append(content.body).append("\n"); complete.append(" <script>\n"); complete.append(content.js); complete.append(" </script>\n"); complete.append(" </body>\n"); complete.append("</html>\n"); content.complete = complete.toString(); return content; } @Override public boolean supports(final String mimeType, @SuppressWarnings("hiding") final ShareContext context) { this.context = context; return MIMETYPE.equals(mimeType) && !context.selectionDescriptors.get().isEmpty(); } private String replace(String template, String key, String value) { return template.replaceAll("_" + key + "_", value); } private final static String JSRESOURCE = ""; private final static String CSSRESOURCE = ""; private final static String BODY = "<div id='map' class='map'></div>"; private final static String LAYERJS = new StringBuilder().append(" new ol.layer.Tile({\n") // .append( " extent: [_EXTENT_],\n") .append(" source: new ol.source.TileWMS({\n").append(" url: '_WMSURL_',\n") .append(" params: {'LAYERS': '_LAYER_', 'SRS': '_CRS_'_AUTH_},\n") // .append( " serverType: 'geoserver'\n") .append(" })\n").append(" })").toString(); private final static String MAPJSSTART = new StringBuilder().append(" var layers = [\n").toString(); private final static String MAPJSEND = new StringBuilder().append("\n ];\n") .append(" var map = new ol.Map({\n").append(" layers: layers,\n") .append(" target: 'map',\n").append(" view: new ol.View({\n") .append(" center: [_CENTER_],\n").append(" resolution: _RESOLUTION_\n") .append(" })\n").append(" });\n").toString(); }