Java tutorial
/** * Logspace * Copyright (c) 2016 Indoqa Software Design und Beratung GmbH. All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of * the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0, which accompanies this distribution and * is available at */ package io.logspace.hq.core.solr.utils; import static com.indoqa.lang.util.StringUtils.escapeSolr; import static com.indoqa.lang.util.TimeUtils.formatSolrDate; import static io.logspace.agent.api.event.Event.FIELD_TIMESTAMP; import java.util.Date; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery.SortClause; import io.logspace.agent.api.order.PropertyDescription; import io.logspace.agent.api.order.PropertyType; import io.logspace.hq.core.solr.FieldDefinitions; import; public final class SolrQueryHelper { public static final String ALL_DOCS_QUERY = "*:*"; public static final String SORT_CRON_ASC = "timestamp ASC, id ASC"; public static final String SORT_CRON_DESC = "timestamp DESC, id ASC"; public static final String VALUE_FACET_NAME = "val"; public static final String AGGREGATION_FACET_NAME = "agg"; public static final String COUNT_FACET_NAME = "count"; private static final Pattern PATTERN_PROPERTY_ID = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)_property_(.*?)"); private SolrQueryHelper() { // hide utility class constructor } public static void addFilterQuery(SolrQuery solrQuery, String fieldName, String value) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { return; } solrQuery.addFilterQuery(fieldName + ":" + escapeSolr(value)); } public static void addSort(SolrQuery solrQuery, String sort) { addSort(solrQuery, sort, FieldDefinitions.empty()); } public static void addSort(SolrQuery solrQuery, String sort, FieldDefinitions fieldDefinitions) { if (sort.endsWith(" asc") || sort.endsWith(" ASC")) { String apiFieldName = sort.substring(0, sort.length() - 4); String solrFieldName = fieldDefinitions.getSolrFieldName(apiFieldName); solrQuery.addSort(SortClause.asc(solrFieldName)); return; } if (sort.endsWith(" desc") || sort.endsWith(" DESC")) { String apiFieldName = sort.substring(0, sort.length() - 5); String solrFieldName = fieldDefinitions.getSolrFieldName(apiFieldName); solrQuery.addSort(SortClause.desc(solrFieldName)); return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid sort argument. Expected 'fieldname asc' or 'fieldname desc'."); } public static PropertyDescription createPropertyDescription(String propertyId) { if (propertyId == null) { return null; } Matcher matcher = PATTERN_PROPERTY_ID.matcher(propertyId); if (!matcher.matches()) { return null; } PropertyDescription result = new PropertyDescription(); result.setId(propertyId); result.setPropertyType(PropertyType.get(; result.setName(; return result; } public static String getTimestampRangeQuery(Date start, Date end) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(FIELD_TIMESTAMP); stringBuilder.append(":["); stringBuilder.append(formatSolrDate(start)); stringBuilder.append(" TO "); stringBuilder.append(formatSolrDate(end)); stringBuilder.append("}"); return stringBuilder.toString(); } public static String getTimestampRangeQuery(TimeWindow timeWindow) { return getTimestampRangeQuery(timeWindow.getStart(), timeWindow.getEnd()); } public static void setRange(SolrQuery solrQuery, int start, int count) { solrQuery.setStart(start); solrQuery.setRows(count); } }