Java tutorial
/** * Logspace * Copyright (c) 2015 Indoqa Software Design und Beratung GmbH. All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of * the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0, which accompanies this distribution and * is available at */ package io.logspace.agent.hq; import static java.text.MessageFormat.format; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.squareup.tape.FileObjectQueue; import io.logspace.agent.api.*; import io.logspace.agent.api.AgentControllerDescription.Parameter; import io.logspace.agent.api.event.Event; import io.logspace.agent.api.order.AgentControllerCapabilities; import io.logspace.agent.api.order.AgentControllerOrder; import io.logspace.agent.api.order.AgentOrder; import io.logspace.agent.api.order.TriggerType; import io.logspace.agent.api.util.ConsoleWriter; import io.logspace.agent.impl.AbstractAgentController; import io.logspace.agent.scheduling.AgentExecutor; import io.logspace.agent.scheduling.AgentScheduler; public class HqAgentController extends AbstractAgentController implements AgentExecutor { private static final int HTTP_NOT_FOUND = 404; private static final int HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 403; private static final int UPLOAD_SIZE = 1000; private static final int DEFAULT_COMMIT_DELAY = 300; private static final int RETRY_DELAY = 60; private static final String HQ_URL_PARAMETER = "hq-url"; private static final String SPACE_TOKEN_PARAMETER = "space-token"; private static final String QUEUE_DIRECTORY_PARAMETER = "queue-directory"; private static final String HQ_COMMUNICATION_INTERVAL_PARAMETER = "hq-communication-interval"; private static final String HQ_COMMUNICATION_INTERVAL_DEFAULT_VALUE = "60"; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private final AtomicBoolean modifiedAgents = new AtomicBoolean(false); private FileObjectQueue<Event> persistentQueue; private HqClient hqClient; private AgentScheduler agentScheduler; private CommitRunnable commitRunnable; private AgentControllerOrder agentControllerOrder; public HqAgentController(AgentControllerDescription agentControllerDescription) { super(agentControllerDescription); this.initializePersistentQueue(agentControllerDescription); this.initializeHqClient(agentControllerDescription); this.initializeCommitRunnable(); this.initializeAgentScheduler(agentControllerDescription); } public static void install(String id, String hqUrl, String queueDirectory, String spaceToken, String marker) { AgentControllerDescription description = new AgentControllerDescription(); description.setClassName(HqAgentController.class.getName()); description.setId(id); description.addParameter(Parameter.create(HQ_URL_PARAMETER, hqUrl)); description.addParameter(Parameter.create(QUEUE_DIRECTORY_PARAMETER, queueDirectory)); description.addParameter(Parameter.create(SPACE_TOKEN_PARAMETER, spaceToken)); description.addParameter(Parameter.create(MARKER_PARAMETER, marker)); AgentControllerProvider.setDescription(description); } private static String createQueueFileName(String agentControllerId) { return MessageFormat.format("logspace-{0}.dat", agentControllerId); } private static File getFile(String path, String agentControllerId) { String resolvedPath = resolveProperties(path); File file = new File(resolvedPath); try { file = file.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore this } return new File(file.getAbsoluteFile(), createQueueFileName(agentControllerId)); } @Override public void executeScheduledAgent(AgentOrder agentOrder) { Agent agent = this.getAgent(agentOrder.getId()); if (agent == null) { this.logger.error( "Could not execute agent with ID '" + agentOrder.getId() + "', because it does not exist."); return; } if (!(agent instanceof SchedulerAgent)) { this.logger.error("Could not execute agent with ID '" + agentOrder.getId() + "', because it is not a scheduled agent."); return; } ((SchedulerAgent) agent).execute(agentOrder); } @Override public void flush() {"{} - Flushing events", this.getId()); this.commitRunnable.commit(); } @Override public boolean isAgentEnabled(String agentId) { AgentOrder agentOrder = this.agentScheduler.getAgentOrder(agentId); if (agentOrder == null) { return false; } TriggerType agentTriggerType = agentOrder.getTriggerType(); return agentTriggerType == TriggerType.Application || agentTriggerType == TriggerType.Scheduler; } @Override public void send(Collection<Event> events) { synchronized (this.persistentQueue) { int previousQueueSize = this.persistentQueue.size(); for (Event eachEvent : events) { this.persistentQueue.add(eachEvent); } if (previousQueueSize < UPLOAD_SIZE && this.persistentQueue.size() >= UPLOAD_SIZE) { this.commitRunnable.commit(); } } } @Override public void send(Event event) { synchronized (this.persistentQueue) { int previousQueueSize = this.persistentQueue.size(); this.persistentQueue.add(event); if (previousQueueSize < UPLOAD_SIZE && this.persistentQueue.size() >= UPLOAD_SIZE) { this.commitRunnable.commit(); } } } @Override public void shutdown() {"Performing shutdown."); try { this.agentScheduler.stop(); this.logger.debug("Scheduler is stopped."); } catch (AgentControllerException acex) { this.logger.error("Failed to stop scheduler.", acex); } try { this.commitRunnable.stop(); this.logger.debug("Commit runnable is stopped."); } catch (Exception ex) { this.logger.error("Failed to commit runnable.", ex); } try { this.hqClient.close(); this.logger.debug("HQ client is closed."); } catch (IOException ioex) { this.logger.error("Failed to close HTTP client.", ioex); } super.shutdown(); } @Override public void update(Date nextFireTime) { try { this.uploadCapabilities(); } catch (UnknownHostException uhex) { this.logger.error( "Could not upload capabilities because the HQ was not available: {} - Will retry at {}", uhex.getMessage(), nextFireTime); // no need to try downloading as well return; } catch (NoRouteToHostException nrthex) { this.logger.error( "Could not upload capabilities because the HQ was not available: {} - Will retry at {}", nrthex.getMessage(), nextFireTime); // no need to try downloading as well return; } catch (ConnectException cex) { this.logger.error( "Could not upload capabilities because the HQ was not available: {} - Will retry at {}", cex.getMessage(), nextFireTime); // no need to try downloading as well return; } catch (IOException ioex) { this.logger.error("Failed to upload capabilities. Will retry at " + nextFireTime, ioex); } try { this.downloadOrder(); } catch (ConnectException cex) { this.logger.error("Could not download orders because the HQ was not available: {} - Will retry at {}", cex.getMessage(), nextFireTime); } catch (HttpResponseException hrex) { if (hrex.getStatusCode() == HTTP_NOT_FOUND) { this.logger.error("There was no order available: {} - Will retry at {}", hrex.getMessage(), nextFireTime); } else if (hrex.getStatusCode() == HTTP_FORBIDDEN) { this.logger.error("Not allowed to download order: {} - Will retry at {}", hrex.getMessage(), nextFireTime); } else { this.logger.error("Failed to download order. Will retry at {}", nextFireTime, hrex); } } catch (IOException ioex) { this.logger.error("Failed to download order. Will retry at {}", nextFireTime, ioex); } } @Override protected void onAgentRegistered(Agent agent) { super.onAgentRegistered(agent); this.modifiedAgents.set(true); if (this.agentControllerOrder == null) { return; } AgentOrder agentOrder = this.agentControllerOrder.getAgentOrder(agent.getId()); if (agentOrder != null) { this.agentScheduler.applyAgentOrder(agentOrder); } } @Override protected void onAgentUnregistered(Agent agent) { super.onAgentUnregistered(agent); this.modifiedAgents.set(true); if (this.agentControllerOrder == null) { return; } AgentOrder agentOrder = this.agentControllerOrder.getAgentOrder(agent.getId()); if (agentOrder != null) { this.agentScheduler.removeAgentOrder(agentOrder); } } protected void performCommit() { try { do { List<Event> eventsForUpload = this.getEventsForUpload(); if (eventsForUpload == null || eventsForUpload.isEmpty()) { return; } this.uploadEvents(eventsForUpload); this.purgeUploadedEvents(eventsForUpload); } while (this.persistentQueue.size() >= UPLOAD_SIZE); } catch (NoRouteToHostException nrthex) { this.logger.error( "Could not upload events because the HQ was not available: {}. Trying again in {} seconds.", nrthex.getMessage(), RETRY_DELAY); new RetryThread(this.commitRunnable, RETRY_DELAY).start(); } catch (ConnectException cex) { this.logger.error( "Could not upload events because the HQ was not available: {}. Trying again in {} seconds.", cex.getMessage(), RETRY_DELAY); new RetryThread(this.commitRunnable, RETRY_DELAY).start(); } catch (IOException ioex) { this.logger.error("Failed to upload events. Trying again in {} seconds.", RETRY_DELAY, ioex); new RetryThread(this.commitRunnable, RETRY_DELAY).start(); } catch (UploadException uex) { this.logger.error("The HQ did not accept events: {} Trying again in {} seconds.", uex.getMessage(), RETRY_DELAY); new RetryThread(this.commitRunnable, RETRY_DELAY).start(); } } private void downloadOrder() throws IOException { AgentControllerOrder order = this.hqClient.downloadOrder(); if (order == null) { return; }"Received new AgentControllerOrder from HQ."); this.agentControllerOrder = order; this.agentScheduler.applyAgentControllerOrder(this.agentControllerOrder, this.getAgentIds()); Integer commitDelay = this.agentControllerOrder.getCommitMaxSeconds(); if (commitDelay == null) { commitDelay = DEFAULT_COMMIT_DELAY; }"Committing after {} second(s).", commitDelay); this.setCommitDelayInSeconds(commitDelay); } private List<Event> getEventsForUpload() { this.logger.debug("Retrieving events to be committed."); synchronized (this.persistentQueue) { return this.persistentQueue.peek(UPLOAD_SIZE); } } private void initializeAgentScheduler(AgentControllerDescription agentControllerDescription) { int hqCommunicationInterval = Integer.parseInt(agentControllerDescription .getParameterValue(HQ_COMMUNICATION_INTERVAL_PARAMETER, HQ_COMMUNICATION_INTERVAL_DEFAULT_VALUE)); this.agentScheduler = new AgentScheduler(this, hqCommunicationInterval); } private void initializeCommitRunnable() { this.commitRunnable = new CommitRunnable(); this.setCommitDelayInSeconds(DEFAULT_COMMIT_DELAY); new Thread(this.commitRunnable, "Logspace-Commit-Thread").start(); } private void initializeHqClient(AgentControllerDescription agentControllerDescription) { String hqUrl = agentControllerDescription.getParameterValue(HQ_URL_PARAMETER); String spaceToken = agentControllerDescription.getParameterValue(SPACE_TOKEN_PARAMETER); this.hqClient = new HqClient(hqUrl, this.getId(), spaceToken); } private void initializePersistentQueue(AgentControllerDescription agentControllerDescription) { try { String queueDirectoryParameter = agentControllerDescription .getParameterValue(QUEUE_DIRECTORY_PARAMETER); if (queueDirectoryParameter == null) { throw new AgentControllerInitializationException( format("No queue directory is configured. Did you set parameter ''{0}''?", QUEUE_DIRECTORY_PARAMETER)); } File queueFile = getFile(queueDirectoryParameter, agentControllerDescription.getId()); ConsoleWriter.writeSystem(format("Using queue file ''{0}''.", queueFile.getPath())); this.persistentQueue = new FileObjectQueue<Event>(queueFile, new TapeEventConverter()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AgentControllerInitializationException("Could not initialize queue file.", e); } } private void purgeUploadedEvents(List<Event> events) throws IOException { this.logger.debug("Removing {} events from persistent queue.", events.size()); synchronized (this.persistentQueue) { this.persistentQueue.remove(events.size()); } } private void setCommitDelayInSeconds(int commitDelayInSeconds) { this.commitRunnable.setCommitDelayInMilliseconds(SECONDS.toMillis(commitDelayInSeconds)); } private void uploadCapabilities() throws IOException { if (!this.modifiedAgents.get()) { return; } AgentControllerCapabilities capabilities = this.getCapabilities(); this.hqClient.uploadCapabilities(capabilities); this.modifiedAgents.set(false); } private void uploadEvents(Collection<Event> events) throws IOException { this.hqClient.uploadEvents(events);"Successfully uploaded {} event(s) to the HQ.", events.size()); } private class CommitRunnable implements Runnable { private boolean run = true; private Thread executorThread; private long commitDelayInMilliseconds; public void commit() { this.wakeUp(); } @Override public void run() { this.executorThread = Thread.currentThread(); while (true) { HqAgentController.this.performCommit(); synchronized (this) { if (! { break; } this.sleep(this.commitDelayInMilliseconds); } }"CommitRunnable: Stopped."); } public void setCommitDelayInMilliseconds(long commitDelay) { boolean commitDelayChanged = this.commitDelayInMilliseconds != commitDelay; this.commitDelayInMilliseconds = commitDelay; if (commitDelayChanged) { this.wakeUp(); } } public void stop() {"CommitRunnable: Stopping"); synchronized (this) { = false; this.wakeUp(); } while (true) { try { this.executorThread.join(); break; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // do nothing } } } private void sleep(long duration) { try { HqAgentController.this.logger.debug("CommitRunnable: Waiting for {} ms", duration); this.wait(duration); HqAgentController.this.logger.debug("CommitRunnable: Resuming"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // do nothing } } private synchronized void wakeUp() { this.notifyAll(); } } private static class RetryThread extends Thread { private final CommitRunnable commitRunnable; private final int delaySeconds; public RetryThread(CommitRunnable commitRunnable, int delaySeconds) { super("Logspace-Upload-Retry"); this.setDaemon(true); this.commitRunnable = commitRunnable; this.delaySeconds = delaySeconds; } @Override public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(SECONDS.toMillis(this.delaySeconds)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // do nothing } this.commitRunnable.commit(); } } }