Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0, available at */ package io.liveoak.stomp.client; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Consumer; import io.liveoak.stomp.Headers; import io.liveoak.stomp.Stomp; import io.liveoak.stomp.StompException; import io.liveoak.stomp.StompMessage; import io.liveoak.stomp.client.protocol.ConnectionNegotiatingHandler; import io.liveoak.stomp.client.protocol.DisconnectionNegotiatingHandler; import io.liveoak.stomp.client.protocol.MessageHandler; import io.liveoak.stomp.client.protocol.ReceiptHandler; import io.liveoak.stomp.client.protocol.StompClientContext; import io.liveoak.stomp.client.protocol.StompErrorClientHandler; import io.liveoak.stomp.client.protocol.SubscriptionEncoder; import io.liveoak.stomp.client.protocol.UnsubscribeEncoder; import io.liveoak.stomp.common.DefaultStompMessage; import io.liveoak.stomp.common.HeadersImpl; import io.liveoak.stomp.common.StompFrame; import io.liveoak.stomp.common.StompFrameDecoder; import io.liveoak.stomp.common.StompFrameEncoder; import io.liveoak.stomp.common.StompMessageDecoder; import io.liveoak.stomp.common.StompMessageEncoder; import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; /** * STOMP client. * * <p>This client may be used in synchronous or asynchronous environments</p> * * @author Bob McWhirter * @author Ken Finnigan */ public class StompClient { public enum ConnectionState { DISCONNECTED, CONNECTING, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTING; } public StompClient() { this.errorCallback = (StompMessage error) -> { log.warn("Unexpected stomp error: " + error.utf8Content()); }; } /** * Construct a new client. */ public StompClient(Consumer<StompMessage> errorCallback) { this.errorCallback = errorCallback; } private Bootstrap createBootstrap(String host, Consumer<StompClient> callback) { Executor executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); NioEventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup(); StompClientContext clientContext = new ContextImplStomp(); Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap();;; bootstrap.handler(new ChannelInitializer<NioSocketChannel>() { @Override protected void initChannel(NioSocketChannel ch) throws Exception { //ch.pipeline().addLast( new DebugHandler( "client-head" ) ); ch.pipeline().addLast(new StompFrameEncoder()); ch.pipeline().addLast(new StompFrameDecoder()); ch.pipeline().addLast(new SubscriptionEncoder()); ch.pipeline().addLast(new UnsubscribeEncoder()); ch.pipeline().addLast(new ReceiptHandler(executor)); //ch.pipeline().addLast( new DebugHandler( "client-frames" ) ); ch.pipeline().addLast(new ConnectionNegotiatingHandler(clientContext, callback)); ch.pipeline().addLast(new StompMessageEncoder(false)); ch.pipeline().addLast(new StompMessageDecoder()); ch.pipeline().addLast(new MessageHandler(executor)); ch.pipeline().addLast(new StompErrorClientHandler(errorCallback)); } }); return bootstrap; } /** * Retrieve the current state of the connection. * * @return The current state. */ public ConnectionState getConnectionState() { return this.connectionState; } /** * Connect synchronously. * * @param host Host to connect to. * @param port Port to connect to. * @throws InterruptedException If the connection times out. * @throws StompException If an error occurs during connection. */ public void connectSync(String host, int port) throws InterruptedException, StompException { CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); connect(host, port, (client) -> { latch.countDown(); }); latch.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * Connect asynchronously * * @param host Host to connect to. * @param port Port to connect to. * @param callback Callback to fire after successfully connecting. */ public void connect(String host, int port, Consumer<StompClient> callback) { = host; Bootstrap bootstrap = createBootstrap(host, callback); bootstrap.connect(host, port); } /** * Connect synchronously with credentials included * * @param host Host to connect to. * @param port Port to connect to. * @param login Login (username) to use for secured connection. * @param passcode Passcode (password) to use for secured connection. * @throws InterruptedException If the connection times out. * @throws StompException If an error occurs during connection. */ public void connectSync(String host, int port, String login, String passcode) throws InterruptedException, StompException { this.login = login; this.passcode = passcode; this.connectSync(host, port); } /** * Connect asynchronously with credentials included * * @param host Host to connect to. * @param port Port to connect to. * @param login Login (username) to use for secured connection. * @param passcode Passcode (password) to use for secured connection. * @param callback Callback to fire after successfully connecting. */ public void connect(String host, int port, String login, String passcode, Consumer<StompClient> callback) { this.login = login; this.passcode = passcode; this.connect(host, port, callback); } /** * Disconnect synchronously * * @throws InterruptedException If the disconnect times out. * @throws StompException If an error occurs during disconnection. */ public void disconnectSync() throws StompException, InterruptedException { CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); disconnect(() -> { latch.countDown(); }); latch.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * Disconnect asynchronously * * @param callback Callback to fire after successfully disconnecting. */ public void disconnect(Runnable callback) {;; } /** * Send a message to the server. * * <p>The message should be fully-formed, including a destination * header indicating where the message should be sent.</p> * * @param message The message to send. */ public void send(StompMessage message) {; } /** * Send a message to the server. * * @param destination The destination. * @param content The content bytes. */ public void send(String destination, ByteBuf content) { StompMessage message = new DefaultStompMessage(); message.destination(destination); message.content(content.duplicate().retain()); send(message); } /** * Send a message to the server. * * @param destination The destination. * @param content The content, as a UTF-8 string. */ public void send(String destination, String content) { StompMessage message = new DefaultStompMessage(); message.destination(destination); message.content(content); send(message); } /** * Send a message to the server. * * @param destination The destination. * @param headers Additional headers. * @param content The content, as a UTF-8 string. */ public void send(String destination, Headers headers, String content) { StompMessage message = new DefaultStompMessage(); message.headers().putAll(headers); message.destination(destination); message.content(content); send(message); } /** * Send a message to the server. * * @param destination The destination. * @param headers Additional headers. * @param content The content bytes. */ public void send(String destination, Headers headers, ByteBuf content) { StompMessage message = new DefaultStompMessage(); message.headers().putAll(headers); message.destination(destination); message.content(content); send(message); } /** * Subscribe to a destination. * * @param destination The destination to subscribe to. * @param subscriptionSetup Code to setup subscription * * @return The subscription id. */ public String subscribe(String destination, Consumer<Subscription> subscriptionSetup) { return subscribe(destination, new HeadersImpl(), subscriptionSetup); } /** * Subscribe to a destination. * * <p>Additional headers may be included to support complex subscriptions. * The {@code destination} paramter will be added to the headers on * your behalf.</p> * * @param destination The destination to subscribe to. * @param headers Additional headers. * @param subscriptionSetup Code to setup subscription * * @return The subscription id. */ public String subscribe(String destination, Headers headers, Consumer<Subscription> subscriptionSetup) { SubscriptionImpl subscription = new SubscriptionImpl(destination, headers); subscriptionSetup.accept(subscription);; return subscription.subscriptionId(); } /** * Unsubscribe. * * @param subscriptionId Id of the subscription to unsubscribe from. */ public void unsubscribe(String subscriptionId) { unsubscribe(subscriptionId, new HeadersImpl()); } /** * Unsubscribe. * * @param subscriptionId Id of the subscription to unsubscribe from. * @param headers Additional headers. */ public void unsubscribe(String subscriptionId, Headers headers) { Unsubscribe unsubscribe = new Unsubscribe(subscriptionId, headers);; } private String host; private String login; private String passcode; private ConnectionState connectionState; private Stomp.Version version = Stomp.Version.VERSION_1_2; private Channel channel; private final Consumer<StompMessage> errorCallback; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(StompClient.class); class ContextImplStomp implements StompClientContext { public StompClient getClient() { return StompClient.this; } public String getHost() { return; } @Override public String getLogin() { return login; } @Override public String getPasscode() { return passcode; } public void setChannel(Channel channel) { = channel; } public Channel getChannel() { return; } public void setConnectionState(ConnectionState connectionState) { StompClient.this.connectionState = connectionState; } public ConnectionState getConnectionState() { return StompClient.this.connectionState; } public void setVersion(Stomp.Version version) { StompClient.this.version = version; } public Stomp.Version getVersion() { return StompClient.this.version; } } }