Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0, available at */ package io.liveoak.common.codec.html; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import io.liveoak.common.codec.StateEncoder; import io.liveoak.spi.state.ResourceState; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufOutputStream; /** * @author Bob McWhirter */ public class HTMLEncoder implements StateEncoder { @Override public void initialize(ByteBuf buffer) throws Exception { XMLOutputFactory factory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); this.writer = factory.createXMLEventWriter(new ByteBufOutputStream(buffer)); this.eventFactory = XMLEventFactory.newFactory(); startTag("html"); startTag("head"); startTag("title"); text("LiveOak"); endTag("title"); startTag("link"); attribute("rel", "stylesheet"); attribute("type", "text/css"); attribute("href", "//"); endTag("link"); startTag("style"); text(getCss()); endTag("style"); endTag("head"); startTag("body"); } @Override public void close() throws Exception { startTag("div"); attribute("class", "footer"); text("LiveOak BaaS"); endTag("div"); endTag("body"); endTag("html"); this.writer.flush(); this.writer.close(); } protected void text(String text) throws XMLStreamException { this.writer.add(this.eventFactory.createCharacters(text)); } protected void startTag(String name) throws XMLStreamException { this.writer.add(this.eventFactory.createStartElement("", "", name)); } protected void endTag(String name) throws XMLStreamException { this.writer.add(this.eventFactory.createEndElement("", "", name)); } protected void attribute(String name, String value) throws XMLStreamException { this.writer.add(this.eventFactory.createAttribute(name, value)); } @Override public void startResource(ResourceState resourcestate) throws Exception { startTag("div"); attribute("class", "resource"); resourceLink(resourcestate); } protected void resourceLink(ResourceState resourcestate) throws XMLStreamException { if (resourcestate.uri() != null) { startTag("a"); String uri = resourcestate.uri().toString(); attribute("href", uri); text( != null ? : uri); endTag("a"); text(" / "); } } @Override public void endResource(ResourceState resourcestate) throws Exception { endTag("div"); } @Override public void startProperties() throws Exception { startTag("table"); startTag("tr"); startTag("th"); text("name"); endTag("th"); startTag("th"); text("value"); endTag("th"); endTag("tr"); } @Override public void endProperties() throws Exception { endTag("table"); } @Override public void startProperty(String propertyName) throws Exception { startTag("tr"); startTag("td"); text(propertyName); endTag("td"); startTag("td"); } @Override public void endProperty(String propertyName) throws Exception { endTag("td"); endTag("tr"); } @Override public void startMembers() throws Exception { startTag("div"); attribute("class", "members"); } @Override public void endMembers() throws Exception { endTag("div"); } @Override public void startList() throws Exception { } @Override public void endList() throws Exception { } @Override public void writeValue(String value) throws Exception { text(value); } @Override public void writeValue(Integer value) throws Exception { text(value.toString()); } @Override public void writeValue(Double value) throws Exception { text(value.toString()); } @Override public void writeValue(Long value) throws Exception { text(value.toString()); } @Override public void writeValue(Boolean value) throws Exception { text(value.toString()); } @Override public void writeValue(Date value) throws Exception { text(value.toString()); } protected void writeValue(Object value) throws Exception { if (value instanceof Map) { writeValue((Map) value); } else { writeValue(value.toString()); } } @Override public void writeValue(Map value) throws Exception { startTag("dl"); for (Object key : value.keySet()) { startTag("dt"); text(key.toString()); endTag("dt"); writeValue(value.get(key)); } endTag("dl"); } @Override public void writeNullValue() throws Exception { text(""); //Set the value to empty since a null value cannot be represented in html } @Override public void writeLink(ResourceState resourcestate) throws Exception { if ( != null) { startTag("div"); attribute("class", "resource"); startTag("a"); attribute("href", resourcestate.uri().toString()); text(; endTag("a"); endTag("div"); } } private String getCss() { return ".resource {\n" + " padding: 1em;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".resource .self {\n" + " border: 1px solid black;\n" + " padding: 1ex;\n" + " margin-bottom: 1em;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".resource .content {\n" + " margin-left: 1em;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".resource .resource {\n" + " border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;\n" + " padding: 0;\n" + " margin-bottom: .5ex;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".resource .resource .self {\n" + " border: none;\n" + " padding: 0;\n" + " margin: 0;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".resource table {\n" + " border: 1px solid #ccc;\n" + " font-size: 90%;\n" + " margin-bottom: 1em;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".resource table tr {\n" + " border-bottom: 1px solid #666;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".resource table tr th {\n" + " padding: .5ex;\n" + " background-color: #ddd;\n" + " border: 1px solid #666;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".resource table tr td {\n" + " padding: .5ex;\n" + " border: 1px solid #666;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".resource .members {\n" + " padding: 1ex;\n" + " border: 1px solid #ccc;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".footer {\n" + " border-top: 1px solid #ddd;\n" + " padding-left: 1em;\n" + " color: #999;\n" + " font-size: 80%;\n" + "}\n"; } private XMLEventWriter writer; private XMLEventFactory eventFactory; }