Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2013 The jeo project. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.jeo.geopkg; import static io.jeo.Tests.unzip; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.List; import io.jeo.geom.Bounds; import io.jeo.vector.FeatureWriteCursor; import io.jeo.vector.ListFeature; import; import; import io.jeo.vector.VectorQuery; import io.jeo.vector.VectorDataset; import io.jeo.vector.Feature; import io.jeo.vector.Schema; import io.jeo.vector.SchemaBuilder; import io.jeo.geom.Geom; import io.jeo.geopkg.Entry.DataType; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; import; import; import; public class GeoPkgFeatureTest extends GeoPkgTestSupport { GeoPkgWorkspace geopkg; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Path dir = unzip(getClass().getResourceAsStream(""), newTmpDir()); geopkg ="usa.gpkg")); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { geopkg.close(); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(geopkg.file().getParentFile()); } @Test public void testFeatureEntry() throws Exception { List<FeatureEntry> entries = geopkg.features(); assertEquals(1, entries.size()); FeatureEntry entry = entries.get(0); assertEquals("states", entry.getTableName()); } @Test public void testCreateSchema() throws Exception { FeatureEntry entry = geopkg.feature("states"); assertNotNull(entry); Schema schema = geopkg.createSchema(entry); assertEquals("states",; assertNotNull(schema.geometry()); assertEquals(MultiPolygon.class, schema.geometry().type()); assertNotNull(schema.field("STATE_NAME")); } @Test public void testCount() throws Exception { FeatureEntry entry = geopkg.feature("states"); assertEquals(49, geopkg.count(entry, new VectorQuery())); } @Test public void testRead() throws Exception { FeatureEntry entry = geopkg.feature("states"); Cursor<Feature> c =, new VectorQuery()); assertNotNull(c); for (int i = 0; i < 49; i++) { assertTrue(c.hasNext()); Feature f =; assertNotNull(f); assertTrue(f.geometry() instanceof MultiPolygon); assertNotNull(f.get("STATE_NAME")); } assertFalse(c.hasNext()); assertNull(; c.close(); } @Test public void testReadWithFilter() throws Exception { FeatureEntry entry = geopkg.feature("states"); Cursor<Feature> c =, new VectorQuery().filter("STATE_NAME = 'Texas'")); assertNotNull(c); assertTrue(c.hasNext()); assertNotNull(; assertFalse(c.hasNext()); c.close(); } @Test public void testAdd() throws Exception { FeatureEntry entry = geopkg.feature("states"); Schema schema = geopkg.schema(entry); FeatureWriteCursor cursor = geopkg.append(entry, new VectorQuery()); assertTrue(cursor.hasNext()); Geometry g = Geom.point(0, 0).buffer(1); Feature f =; f.put(schema.geometry().name(), g); f.put("STATE_NAME", "JEOLAND"); cursor.write().close(); assertEquals(50, geopkg.count(entry, new VectorQuery())); Cursor<Feature> c =, new VectorQuery().bounds(g.getEnvelopeInternal())); assertTrue(c.hasNext()); assertEquals("JEOLAND","STATE_NAME")); c.close(); } @Test public void testUpdate() throws Exception { VectorDataset states = (VectorDataset) geopkg.get("states"); assertEquals(1, states.count(new VectorQuery().filter("STATE_ABBR = 'TX'"))); assertEquals(0, states.count(new VectorQuery().filter("STATE_ABBR = 'XT'"))); FeatureWriteCursor c = states.update(new VectorQuery().filter("STATE_NAME = 'Texas'")); assertTrue(c.hasNext()); Feature f =; f.put("STATE_ABBR", "XT"); c.write().close(); assertEquals(0, states.count(new VectorQuery().filter("STATE_ABBR = 'TX'"))); assertEquals(1, states.count(new VectorQuery().filter("STATE_ABBR = 'XT'"))); } @Test public void testDelete() throws Exception { VectorDataset states = (VectorDataset) geopkg.get("states"); assertEquals(49, states.count(new VectorQuery())); FeatureWriteCursor c = states.update(new VectorQuery().filter("STATE_ABBR = 'TX'")); assertTrue(c.hasNext());; c.remove().close(); assertEquals(48, states.count(new VectorQuery())); assertEquals(0, states.count(new VectorQuery().filter("STATE_NAME = 'Texas'"))); } @Test public void testCreate() throws Exception { Schema schema = new SchemaBuilder("widgets").field("geometry", Point.class).field("name", String.class) .field("cost", Double.class).schema(); FeatureEntry entry = new FeatureEntry(); entry.setSrid(4326); entry.setBounds(new Bounds(-180, 180, -90, 90)); geopkg.create(entry, schema); geopkg.insert(entry, new ListFeature(schema, Geom.point(1, 2), "anvil", 10.99), null); Cursor<Feature> c =, new VectorQuery()); try { assertTrue(c.hasNext()); Feature f =; assertEquals(((Point) f.geometry()).getX(), 1f, 0.1); assertEquals(((Point) f.geometry()).getY(), 2f, 0.1); assertEquals("anvil", f.get("name")); assertEquals(10.99, ((Number) f.get("cost")).doubleValue(), 0.1); } finally { c.close(); } //test re-loading the entry entry = geopkg.feature("widgets"); assertNotNull(entry); assertEquals(Geom.Type.POINT, entry.getGeometryType()); Backend.Results rs = geopkg.rawQuery("SELECT data_type FROM gpkg_contents WHERE table_name = 'widgets'"); try { assertTrue(; assertEquals(DataType.Feature.value(), rs.getString(0)); } finally { rs.close(); } } private void assertCleanState(VectorDataset states) throws IOException { assertEquals(1, states.count(new VectorQuery().filter("STATE_ABBR = 'TX'"))); assertEquals(49, states.count(new VectorQuery())); } @Test public void testTransaction() throws Exception { // ensure a transaction works across mutiple operations VectorDataset states = (VectorDataset) geopkg.get("states"); assertCleanState(states); Transaction tx = ((Transactional) states).transaction(null); // update one FeatureWriteCursor c = states.update(new VectorQuery().filter("STATE_NAME = 'Texas'").transaction(tx)); assertTrue(c.hasNext()); Feature f =; f.put("STATE_ABBR", "XT"); c.write().close(); // remove one c = states.update(new VectorQuery().filter("STATE_ABBR = 'WV'").transaction(tx)); assertTrue(c.hasNext());; c.remove().close(); // add one c = states.append(new VectorQuery().transaction(tx)); assertTrue(c.hasNext()); f =; f.put("STATE_ABBR", "XX"); c.write().close(); tx.rollback(); assertCleanState(states); } }