Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2017, CloudBees, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package io.jenkins.blueocean.blueocean_git_pipeline; import com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey; import; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch; import com.jcraft.jsch.KeyPair; import hudson.model.User; import hudson.remoting.Base64; import; import io.jenkins.blueocean.ssh.UserSSHKeyManager; import io.jenkins.blueocean.test.ssh.SSHServer; import jenkins.plugins.git.GitSCMFileSystem; import jenkins.plugins.git.GitSampleRepoRule; import jenkins.scm.impl.mock.AbstractSampleDVCSRepoRule; import jenkins.scm.impl.mock.AbstractSampleRepoRule; import; import org.apache.sshd.common.util.OsUtils; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository; import org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.scripts.ScriptApproval; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; /** * Testing the git load/save backend * @author kzantow */ public class GitReadSaveTest extends PipelineBaseTest { @Rule public GitSampleRepoRule repoWithJenkinsfiles = new GitSampleRepoRule(); @Rule public GitSampleRepoRule repoNoJenkinsfile = new GitSampleRepoRule(); @Rule public GitSampleRepoRule repoForSSH = new GitSampleRepoRule(); private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); private SSHServer sshd; public GitReadSaveTest() { } @Before @Override public void setup() throws Exception { super.setup(); setupScm(); } private String getOrgName() { return "jenkins"; } private static final String masterPipelineScript = "pipeline { stage('Build 1') { steps { echo 'build' } } }"; private static final String branchPipelineScript = "pipeline { stage('Build 2') { steps { echo 'build' } } }"; private static final String newPipelineScript = "pipeline { stage('Build 3') { steps { echo 'build' } } }"; private void setupScm() throws Exception { // create git repo repoWithJenkinsfiles.init(); repoWithJenkinsfiles.write("Jenkinsfile", masterPipelineScript); repoWithJenkinsfiles.write("file", "initial content"); repoWithJenkinsfiles.git("add", "Jenkinsfile"); repoWithJenkinsfiles.git("commit", "--all", "--message=flow"); //create feature branch repoWithJenkinsfiles.git("checkout", "-b", "feature/ux-1"); repoWithJenkinsfiles.write("Jenkinsfile", branchPipelineScript); ScriptApproval.get().approveSignature("method java.lang.String toUpperCase"); repoWithJenkinsfiles.write("file", "subsequent content1"); repoWithJenkinsfiles.git("commit", "--all", "--message=tweaked1"); // we're using this to test push/pull, allow pushes to current branch, we reset it to match repoWithJenkinsfiles.git("config", "--local", "--add", "receive.denyCurrentBranch", "false"); repoNoJenkinsfile.init(); repoNoJenkinsfile.write("file", "nearly empty file"); repoNoJenkinsfile.git("add", "file"); repoNoJenkinsfile.git("commit", "--all", "--message=initialize the repo"); // we're using this to test push/pull, allow pushes to current branch, we reset it to match repoNoJenkinsfile.git("config", "--local", "--add", "receive.denyCurrentBranch", "false"); String gitRoot = System.getProperty("TEST_SSH_SERVER_GIT_ROOT", null); boolean createRepoForSSH = true; if (gitRoot != null) { Field f = AbstractSampleRepoRule.class.getDeclaredField("tmp"); f.setAccessible(true); Object tmpFolder = f.get(repoForSSH); f = TemporaryFolder.class.getDeclaredField("folder"); f.setAccessible(true); File dir = new File(gitRoot); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } else { createRepoForSSH = false; } f.set(tmpFolder, dir); f = AbstractSampleDVCSRepoRule.class.getDeclaredField("sampleRepo"); f.setAccessible(true); f.set(repoForSSH, dir); } if (createRepoForSSH) { repoForSSH.init(); repoForSSH.write("Jenkinsfile", masterPipelineScript); repoForSSH.git("add", "Jenkinsfile"); repoForSSH.git("commit", "--all", "--message=initialize the repo"); // we're using this to test push/pull, allow pushes to current branch, we reset it to match repoForSSH.git("config", "--local", "--add", "receive.denyCurrentBranch", "false"); } } private void startSSH() throws Exception { startSSH(null); } private void startSSH(@Nullable User u) throws Exception { if (sshd == null) { // Set up an SSH server with access to a git repo User user; if (u == null) { user = login(); } else { user = u; } final BasicSSHUserPrivateKey key = UserSSHKeyManager.getOrCreate(user); final JSch jsch = new JSch(); final KeyPair pair = KeyPair.load(jsch, key.getPrivateKey().getBytes(), null); File keyFile = new File(System.getProperty("TEST_SSH_SERVER_KEY_FILE", File.createTempFile("hostkey", "ser").getCanonicalPath())); int port = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("TEST_SSH_SERVER_PORT", "0")); boolean allowLocalUser = Boolean.getBoolean("TEST_SSH_SERVER_ALLOW_LOCAL"); String userPublicKey = Base64.encode(pair.getPublicKeyBlob()); sshd = new SSHServer(repoForSSH.getRoot(), keyFile, port, allowLocalUser, ImmutableMap.of("bob", userPublicKey), true); // Go, go, go sshd.start(); } } @After public void stopSSHServer() throws InterruptedException, IOException { if (sshd != null) { String ssh = "ssh -p " + sshd.getPort() + " bob@"; String remote = "ssh://bob@" + sshd.getPort() + "" + repoForSSH.getRoot().getCanonicalPath(); logger.fine(ssh + " // remote: " + remote); sshd.stop(); sshd = null; } } @Test public void testRepositoryCallbackToFSFunctionAdapter() throws IOException, InterruptedException { final boolean[] called = { false }; new GitCacheCloneReadSaveRequest.RepositoryCallbackToFSFunctionAdapter<>( new GitSCMFileSystem.FSFunction<Object>() { @Override public Object invoke(Repository repository) throws IOException, InterruptedException { called[0] = true; return null; } }).invoke(null, null); Assert.assertTrue(called[0]); } @Test public void testGitCloneReadWrite() throws Exception { testGitReadWrite(GitReadSaveService.ReadSaveType.CLONE, repoWithJenkinsfiles, masterPipelineScript); testGitReadWrite(GitReadSaveService.ReadSaveType.CLONE, repoNoJenkinsfile, null); } @Test public void testGitCacheCloneReadWrite() throws Exception { testGitReadWrite(GitReadSaveService.ReadSaveType.CACHE_CLONE, repoWithJenkinsfiles, masterPipelineScript); testGitReadWrite(GitReadSaveService.ReadSaveType.CACHE_CLONE, repoNoJenkinsfile, null); } @Test public void testBareRepoReadWrite() throws Exception { testGitReadWrite(GitReadSaveService.ReadSaveType.CACHE_BARE, repoWithJenkinsfiles, masterPipelineScript); testGitReadWrite(GitReadSaveService.ReadSaveType.CACHE_BARE, repoNoJenkinsfile, null); } @Test public void testGitScmValidate() throws Exception { if (!OsUtils.isUNIX()) { return; // can't really run this on windows } startSSH(); String userHostPort = "bob@" + sshd.getPort(); String remote = "ssh://" + userHostPort + "" + repoForSSH.getRoot().getCanonicalPath(); User bob = login(); // Validate bob via repositoryUrl Map r = new RequestBuilder(baseUrl).status(200).jwtToken(getJwtToken(j.jenkins, bob.getId(), bob.getId())) .put("/organizations/" + getOrgName() + "/scm/git/validate/").data(ImmutableMap.of("repositoryUrl", remote, "credentialId", UserSSHKeyManager.getOrCreate(bob).getId())) .build(Map.class); assertTrue(r.get("error") == null); // Create a job String jobName = "test-token-validation"; r = new RequestBuilder(baseUrl).status(201).jwtToken(getJwtToken(j.jenkins, bob.getId(), bob.getId())) .post("/organizations/" + getOrgName() + "/pipelines/") .data(ImmutableMap.of("name", jobName, "$class", "io.jenkins.blueocean.blueocean_git_pipeline.GitPipelineCreateRequest", "scmConfig", ImmutableMap.of("uri", remote, "credentialId", UserSSHKeyManager.getOrCreate(bob).getId()))) .build(Map.class); assertEquals(jobName, r.get("name")); // Test for existing pipeline/job r = new RequestBuilder(baseUrl).status(200).jwtToken(getJwtToken(j.jenkins, bob.getId(), bob.getId())) .put("/organizations/" + getOrgName() + "/scm/git/validate/") .data(ImmutableMap.of("pipeline", ImmutableMap.of("fullName", jobName), "credentialId", UserSSHKeyManager.getOrCreate(bob).getId())) .build(Map.class); User alice = login("alice", "Alice Cooper", ""); // Test alice fails r = new RequestBuilder(baseUrl).status(428).jwtToken(getJwtToken(j.jenkins, alice.getId(), alice.getId())) .put("/organizations/" + getOrgName() + "/scm/git/validate/").data(ImmutableMap.of("repositoryUrl", remote, "credentialId", UserSSHKeyManager.getOrCreate(alice).getId())) .build(Map.class); r = new RequestBuilder(baseUrl).status(428).jwtToken(getJwtToken(j.jenkins, alice.getId(), alice.getId())) .put("/organizations/" + getOrgName() + "/scm/git/validate/") .data(ImmutableMap.of("pipeline", ImmutableMap.of("fullName", jobName), "credentialId", UserSSHKeyManager.getOrCreate(alice).getId())) .build(Map.class); } @Test public void bareRepoReadWriteOverSSH() throws Exception { if (!OsUtils.isUNIX()) { return; // can't really run this on windows } startSSH(); String userHostPort = "bob@" + sshd.getPort(); String remote = "ssh://" + userHostPort + "" + repoForSSH.getRoot().getCanonicalPath() + "/.git"; testGitReadWrite(GitReadSaveService.ReadSaveType.CACHE_BARE, remote, repoForSSH, masterPipelineScript); } @Test public void bareRepoReadWriteNoEmail() throws Exception { if (!OsUtils.isUNIX()) { return; // can't really run this on windows } User user = login("bob", "Bob Smith", null); startSSH(user); String userHostPort = "bob@" + sshd.getPort(); String remote = "ssh://" + userHostPort + "" + repoForSSH.getRoot().getCanonicalPath() + "/.git"; testGitReadWrite(GitReadSaveService.ReadSaveType.CACHE_BARE, remote, repoForSSH, masterPipelineScript, user); } private void testGitReadWrite(final @Nonnull GitReadSaveService.ReadSaveType type, @Nonnull GitSampleRepoRule repo, @Nullable String startPipelineScript) throws Exception { testGitReadWrite(type, repo.getRoot().getCanonicalPath(), repo, startPipelineScript); } private void testGitReadWrite(final @Nonnull GitReadSaveService.ReadSaveType type, @Nonnull String remote, @Nonnull GitSampleRepoRule repo, @Nullable String startPipelineScript) throws Exception { testGitReadWrite(type, remote, repo, startPipelineScript, login()); } private void testGitReadWrite(final @Nonnull GitReadSaveService.ReadSaveType type, @Nonnull String remote, @Nonnull GitSampleRepoRule repo, @Nullable String startPipelineScript, @Nullable User user) throws Exception { GitReadSaveService.setType(type); String jobName = repo.getRoot().getName(); Map r = new RequestBuilder(baseUrl).status(201).jwtToken(getJwtToken(j.jenkins, user.getId(), user.getId())) .post("/organizations/" + getOrgName() + "/pipelines/") .data(ImmutableMap.of("name", jobName, "$class", "io.jenkins.blueocean.blueocean_git_pipeline.GitPipelineCreateRequest", "scmConfig", ImmutableMap.of("uri", remote, "credentialId", UserSSHKeyManager.getOrCreate(user).getId()))) .build(Map.class); assertEquals(jobName, r.get("name")); String urlJobPrefix = "/organizations/" + getOrgName() + "/pipelines/" + jobName; r = new RequestBuilder(baseUrl).status(200).jwtToken(getJwtToken(j.jenkins, user.getId(), user.getId())) .get(urlJobPrefix + "/scm/content/?branch=master&path=Jenkinsfile&type=" + .build(Map.class); String base64Data = (String) ((Map) r.get("content")).get("base64Data"); assertEquals(startPipelineScript, base64Data == null ? null : new String(Base64.decode(base64Data), "utf-8")); // Update the remote String newBase64Data = Base64.encode(newPipelineScript.getBytes("utf-8")); Map<String, String> content = new HashMap<>(); content.put("message", "Save Jenkinsfile"); content.put("path", "Jenkinsfile"); content.put("branch", "master"); content.put("sourceBranch", "master"); content.put("repo", jobName); // if no repo, this is not in an org folder content.put("sha", ""); content.put("base64Data", newBase64Data); content.put("type",; new RequestBuilder(baseUrl).status(200).jwtToken(getJwtToken(j.jenkins, user.getId(), user.getId())) .put(urlJobPrefix + "/scm/content/").data(ImmutableMap.of("content", content)).build(Map.class); // Check to make sure the remote was actually updated: // refs udpated in our sample repo, not working tree, update it to get contents: repo.git("reset", "--hard", "refs/heads/master"); String remoteJenkinsfile = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(repo.getRoot(), "Jenkinsfile")); Assert.assertEquals(newPipelineScript, remoteJenkinsfile); // check to make sure we get the same thing from the service r = new RequestBuilder(baseUrl).status(200).jwtToken(getJwtToken(j.jenkins, user.getId(), user.getId())) .get(urlJobPrefix + "/scm/content/?branch=master&path=Jenkinsfile&type=" + .build(Map.class); base64Data = (String) ((Map) r.get("content")).get("base64Data"); Assert.assertEquals(base64Data, newBase64Data); } }