Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.insideout.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.freeling; import io.insideout.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.freeling.impl.AnalyzerFactory; import io.insideout.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.freeling.impl.LangIdFactory; import io.insideout.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.freeling.pool.ResourcePool; import io.insideout.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.freeling.pool.ResourcePool.ResourceFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Wrapper class that provides easy access to the Freeling Analyzers and Language * Identification * * TODO: has still a dependency to the impl package :( * * @author Rupert Westenthaler * */ public class Freeling { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Freeling.class); public final static String DEFAULT_FREELING_LIB_PATH = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase() .indexOf("mac os x") >= 0 ? "lib/libfreeling_javaAPI.jnilib" : "lib/"; public final static String DEFAULT_RELATIVE_CONFIGURATION_PATH = "config"; public final static String DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME_SUFFIX = ".cfg"; //public final static String DEFAULT_FREELING_SHARE_PATH = "/usr/local/Cellar/freeling/3.0/share/freeling"; /** * By default only a single thread is used to initialize Freeling Analyzers * as multi-threaded initialisation may cause crashes during the initialization. */ public final static int DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_THREADS = 1; public final static String DEFAULT_FREELING_LOCALE = "default"; private static final int DEFAULT_ANALYZER_POOL_SIZE = 10; private static final int DEFAULT_MIN_ANALYZER_QUEUE_SIZE = 1; /** * Map holding the ResourcePools for the supported languages. does have the * same keys as the {@link #supportedLanguages}. */ private final Map<String, ResourcePool<Analyzer>> analyzerPools = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, ResourcePool<Analyzer>>()); protected final ExecutorService freelingInitThreadPool; private ResourcePool<LanguageIdentifier> langIdPool; private boolean closed; /** * Creates a Freeling Analyzer Factory for the parsed Freeling shared path * directory. * @param freelingSharePath */ public Freeling(String freelingSharePath, int poolSize) { this(freelingSharePath, poolSize, DEFAULT_MIN_ANALYZER_QUEUE_SIZE); } /** * Create a Freeling instance for the parsed shared resource directory, * Analyzer pool size and minimum Analyzer queue size. * @param freelingSharePath the shared resource path * @param poolSize the maximum number of Analyzers instantiated for a language * @param minQueueSize defines how many instances are created at startup and * also when additional Analyzer instances are created. Set to <code>0</code> * to deactivate this feature (default=1 ... Two instances at startup and * creates additional instances if only 1 instance is left in the queue) */ public Freeling(String freelingSharePath, int poolSize, int minQueueSize) { this(FilenameUtils.concat(freelingSharePath, DEFAULT_RELATIVE_CONFIGURATION_PATH), DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILENAME_SUFFIX, freelingSharePath, DEFAULT_FREELING_LIB_PATH, DEFAULT_FREELING_LOCALE, DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_THREADS, poolSize <= 0 ? DEFAULT_ANALYZER_POOL_SIZE : poolSize, minQueueSize < 0 ? DEFAULT_MIN_ANALYZER_QUEUE_SIZE : minQueueSize); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Freeling(final String configurationPath, final String configurationFilenameSuffix, final String freelingSharePath, final String freelingLibPath, final String locale, final int maxInitThreads, final int poolSize, final int minQueueSize) { //determine the supported languages File configDir = new File(configurationPath); if (!configDir.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The parsed configDirectory '" + configDir + "' is not a directory!"); }"Reading Freeling Configuration from Directory: {}", configDir); Map<String, File> supportedLanguages = new HashMap<String, File>(); String langIdConfigFile = null; if (configDir.isDirectory()) { for (File confFile : (Collection<File>) FileUtils.listFiles(configDir, new SuffixFileFilter(configurationFilenameSuffix), null)) { Properties prop = new Properties(); InputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(confFile); prop.load(in); String lang = prop.getProperty("Lang"); String langIdentFileName = prop.getProperty("LangIdentFile"); if (lang != null) { //not a Analyzer config File existing = supportedLanguages.get(lang); if (existing == null) {" ... adding language '{}' with config {}", lang, confFile); supportedLanguages.put(lang, confFile); } else { //two configs for the same language //take the one that is more similar to the language name int eld = StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(lang, FilenameUtils.getBaseName(existing.getName())); int cld = StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(lang, FilenameUtils.getBaseName(confFile.getName())); if (cld < eld) {" ... setting language '{}' to config {}", lang, confFile); supportedLanguages.put(lang, confFile); } } } else if (langIdentFileName != null) { if (langIdentFileName.startsWith("$FREELING")) { langIdentFileName = FilenameUtils.concat(freelingSharePath, langIdentFileName.substring(langIdentFileName.indexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1)); } if (langIdConfigFile != null) { log.warn( "Multiple LanguageIdentification configuration files. " + "Keep using '{}' and ignore '{}'!", langIdConfigFile, langIdentFileName); } else {" ... setting language identification config to '{}'", langIdentFileName); langIdConfigFile = langIdentFileName; } } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Unable to read configuration file " + confFile, e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } } } //init the ThreadPool used to create Freeling components //this is mainly needed for beeing able to ensure that only one Freeling //component is created at a time. This may be necessary in some //environment to avoid random crashes. freelingInitThreadPool = Executors .newFixedThreadPool(maxInitThreads <= 0 ? DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_THREADS : maxInitThreads); //Init the Analyzers if (supportedLanguages.isEmpty()) { log.warn("The parsed configDirectory '{}' does not contain any valid " + "language configuration (*.{}) files!", configDir, configurationFilenameSuffix); } else { AnalyzerFactory analyzerFactory = new AnalyzerFactory(freelingLibPath, freelingSharePath, locale, freelingInitThreadPool); //now init the ResourcePool(s)"init ResourcePools (size: " + poolSize + ")"); for (Entry<String, File> supported : supportedLanguages.entrySet()) { Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>(); context.put(AnalyzerFactory.PROPERTY_LANGUAGE, supported.getKey()); context.put(AnalyzerFactory.PROPERTY_CONFIG_FILE, supported.getValue()); log.debug(" ... create ResourcePool for {}", context); analyzerPools.put(supported.getKey(), new ResourcePool<Analyzer>(poolSize, minQueueSize, analyzerFactory, context)); } } if (langIdConfigFile == null) { log.warn( "The parsed configDirectory '{}' does not contain the " + "Language Identification Component configuration (a *.{}) file! " + "Language Identification Service will not ba available.", configDir, configurationFilenameSuffix); langIdPool = null; } else { LangIdFactory langIdFactory = new LangIdFactory(freelingLibPath, langIdConfigFile, locale, freelingInitThreadPool); //Finally init the language identifier resource pool langIdPool = new ResourcePool<LanguageIdentifier>(poolSize, minQueueSize, langIdFactory, null); } } /** * Getter for the read-only set with the supported languages * @return */ public Set<String> getSupportedLanguages() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(analyzerPools.keySet()); } /** * Checks if the parsed language is supported by the Freeling instance * @param language the language * @return <code>true</code> if supported. Otherwise <code>false</code>. */ public boolean isLanguageSupported(String language) { return analyzerPools.containsKey(language); } /** * Getter for the {@link ResourcePool} for the parsed language. * ResourcePools can be used to obtain {@link Analyzer}s. <p> * <b>Usage Example:</b> * <code><pre> * Analyzer analyzer = pool.getResource(30*1000); * if(analyzer != null){ * try { * return analyzer.analyse(in, mediaType); * } finally { * //we need to return the resource to the pool * pool.returnResource(analyzer); * } * } else { * //else do some Error Handling * } * </pre></code> * @param language * @return */ public ResourcePool<Analyzer> getAnalyzerPool(String language) { return analyzerPools.get(language); } /* * This is more a demo of how to use te API * This class should return ResourcePools instead */ // public AnalysedText analyzer(String language, InputStream in, MediaType mediaType) throws IOException { // ResourcePool<Analyzer,RuntimeException> pool = analyzerPools.get(language); // if(pool == null){ //language not supported // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Language '"+language+"' is not supported" // +"(supported: "+analyzerPools.keySet()+")!"); // } // //TODO: make the maximum wait time configurable // Analyzer analyzer = pool.getResource(30*1000); // if(analyzer != null){ // try { // return analyzer.analyse(in, mediaType); // } finally { // pool.returnResource(analyzer); // } // } else { // throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to get Analyzer for supported language '" // +language+"'!"); // } // } /** * Getter for the state of the {@link LanguageIdentifier} service * @return <code>true</code> if the {@link LanguageIdentifier} service is * available */ public boolean isLanguageIdentificationSupported() { return langIdPool != null; } /** * Getter for the {@link ResourcePool} for the {@link LanguageIdentifier} * service.<p> * <b>Usage Example:</b> * <code><pre> * LanguageIdentifier langId = pool.getResource(30*1000); * if(langId != null){ * try { * return langId.identifyLanguage(text); * } finally { * //we need to return the resource to the pool * pool.returnResource(langId); * } * } else { * //else do some Error Handling * } * </pre></code> * @return the {@link ResourcePool} or <code>null</code> if * {@link #isLanguageIdentificationSupported()} is <code>false</code> */ public ResourcePool<LanguageIdentifier> getLangIdPool() { return langIdPool; } /** * If this Freeling instance was already {@link #closed()} * @return <code>true</code> if {@link #close()} was already called on this * Freeling instance. */ public final boolean isClosed() { return closed; } /** * Closes this Freeling instance by closing all resources in the different * {@link ResourcePool}s. */ public final void close() { closed = true; ResourcePool<LanguageIdentifier> langIdPool = this.langIdPool; this.langIdPool = null; //set first to null langIdPool.close(); //than close //create a copy of the analyzerPools Collection<ResourcePool<Analyzer>> analyzerPools = new HashSet<ResourcePool<Analyzer>>( this.analyzerPools.values()); this.analyzerPools.clear(); //clean the member variable for (ResourcePool<Analyzer> pool : analyzerPools) { pool.close(); } } }