Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.hops.transaction.context; import io.hops.metadata.common.FinderType; import io.hops.transaction.EntityManager; import io.hops.transaction.handler.RequestHandler; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import static io.hops.transaction.context.EntityContextStat.HitMissCounter; import static io.hops.transaction.context.EntityContextStat.StatsAggregator; public class TransactionsStats { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TransactionsStats.class); private static TransactionsStats instance = null; public static class TransactionStat { private RequestHandler.OperationType name; private Collection<EntityContextStat> stats; private Exception ignoredException; private long acquireTime; private long processingTime; private long commitTime; TransactionStat(RequestHandler.OperationType name, Collection<EntityContextStat> stats, Exception ignoredException) { = name; this.stats = stats; this.ignoredException = ignoredException; } public void setTimes(long acquire, long processing, long commit) { this.acquireTime = acquire; this.processingTime = processing; this.commitTime = commit; } static String getHeader() { String header = "Tx,"; for (FinderType.Annotation annotation : FinderType.Annotation.values()) { String ann = annotation.toString(); header += ann + "_hits," + ann + "_hitsRows," + ann + "_misses," + ann + "_missesRows,"; } header += "Hits,HitsRows,Misses,MissesRows,New,Modified,Deleted," + "Acquire,Processing,Commit,TotalTime"; return header; } @Override public String toString() { String tx = name.toString() + ","; StatsAggregator txStatsAggregator = new StatsAggregator(); for (EntityContextStat contextStat : stats) { txStatsAggregator.update(contextStat.getStatsAggregator()); } for (FinderType.Annotation annotation : FinderType.Annotation.values()) { HitMissCounter hitMissCounter = txStatsAggregator.getCounter(annotation); tx += hitMissCounter.hits + "," + hitMissCounter.hitsRowsCount + "," + "" + hitMissCounter.misses + "," + hitMissCounter.missesRowsCount + ","; } tx += txStatsAggregator.hitMissCounter.hits + "," + txStatsAggregator.hitMissCounter.hitsRowsCount + "," + txStatsAggregator.hitMissCounter.misses + "," + txStatsAggregator.hitMissCounter.missesRowsCount + ","; tx += txStatsAggregator.newRows + "," + txStatsAggregator.modifiedRows + "," + txStatsAggregator.deletedRows + ","; tx += acquireTime + "," + processingTime + "," + commitTime + "," + (acquireTime + processingTime + commitTime); return tx; } } public static class ResolvingCacheStat { public static enum Op { GET, SET } private Op operation; private long elapsed; private int roundTrips; public ResolvingCacheStat(Op operation, long elapsed, int roundTrips) { this.operation = operation; this.elapsed = elapsed; this.roundTrips = roundTrips; } static String getHeader() { return "Operation, Elapsed, RoundTrips"; } @Override public String toString() { return operation.toString() + "," + elapsed + "," + roundTrips; } } private boolean enabled; private int WRITER_ROUND; private BufferedWriter statsLogWriter; private BufferedWriter csvFileWriter; private BufferedWriter memcacheCSVFileWriter; private List<TransactionStat> transactionStats; private File statsDir; private Thread writerThread; private List<ResolvingCacheStat> resolvingCacheStats; private boolean detailedStats; private TransactionsStats() { this.enabled = false; this.transactionStats = new LinkedList<TransactionStat>(); this.resolvingCacheStats = new LinkedList<ResolvingCacheStat>(); } public static TransactionsStats getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new TransactionsStats(); } return instance; } public void setConfiguration(boolean enableOrDisable, String statsDir, int writerRound, boolean detailed) throws IOException { if (enableOrDisable) { this.enabled = true; this.statsDir = new File(statsDir); this.WRITER_ROUND = writerRound; if (!this.statsDir.exists()) { this.statsDir.mkdirs(); } BaseEntityContext.enableStats(); this.writerThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (true && enabled) { try { Thread.sleep(WRITER_ROUND * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn(e); } try { dump(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn(e); } } } }); this.writerThread.start(); this.detailedStats = detailed; } else { this.enabled = false; BaseEntityContext.disableStats(); } } public TransactionStat collectStats(RequestHandler.OperationType operationType, Exception ignoredException) throws IOException { if (enabled) { Collection<EntityContextStat> contextStats = EntityManager.collectSnapshotStat(); if (!contextStats.isEmpty() || ignoredException != null) { TransactionStat stat = new TransactionStat(operationType, contextStats, ignoredException); synchronized (transactionStats) { transactionStats.add(stat); } return stat; } } return null; } public void pushResolvingCacheStats(ResolvingCacheStat stat) { if (enabled) { synchronized (resolvingCacheStats) { resolvingCacheStats.add(stat); } } } private void dump() throws IOException { if (enabled) { synchronized (transactionStats) { if (!transactionStats.isEmpty()) { dumpDetailed(); dumpCSVLike(); clear(); } } synchronized (resolvingCacheStats) { if (!resolvingCacheStats.isEmpty()) { dumpResolvingCacheStats(); memcacheCSVFileWriter.flush(); resolvingCacheStats.clear(); } } } } public void close() throws IOException { if (enabled) { enabled = false; writerThread.interrupt(); if (statsLogWriter != null) { statsLogWriter.close(); } if (csvFileWriter != null) { csvFileWriter.close(); } if (memcacheCSVFileWriter != null) { memcacheCSVFileWriter.close(); } } } public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } private void clear() throws IOException { if (statsLogWriter != null) { statsLogWriter.flush(); } if (csvFileWriter != null) { csvFileWriter.flush(); } transactionStats.clear(); } private void dumpResolvingCacheStats() throws IOException { boolean fileExists = getResolvingCacheCSVFile().exists(); BufferedWriter writer = getResolvingCSVFileWriter(); if (!fileExists) { writer.write(ResolvingCacheStat.getHeader()); writer.newLine(); } for (ResolvingCacheStat stat : resolvingCacheStats) { writer.write(stat.toString()); writer.newLine(); } } private void dumpCSVLike() throws IOException { boolean fileExists = getCSVFile().exists(); BufferedWriter writer = getCSVFileWriter(); if (!fileExists) { writer.write(TransactionStat.getHeader()); writer.newLine(); } for (TransactionStat stat : transactionStats) { writer.write(stat.toString()); writer.newLine(); } } private void dumpDetailed() throws IOException { if (detailedStats) { BufferedWriter writer = getStatsLogWriter(); for (TransactionStat stat : transactionStats) { writer.write("Transaction: " +; writer.newLine(); dump(writer, stat); writer.newLine(); writer.newLine(); } } } private EntityContextStat.StatsAggregator dump(BufferedWriter writer, TransactionStat transactionStat) throws IOException { if (transactionStat.ignoredException != null) { writer.write(transactionStat.ignoredException.toString()); writer.newLine(); writer.newLine(); } EntityContextStat.StatsAggregator txAggStat = new EntityContextStat.StatsAggregator(); for (EntityContextStat contextStat : transactionStat.stats) { writer.write(contextStat.toString()); txAggStat.update(contextStat.getStatsAggregator()); } writer.write(txAggStat.toCSFString("Tx.")); writer.newLine(); return txAggStat; } private BufferedWriter getCSVFileWriter() throws IOException { if (csvFileWriter == null) { this.csvFileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(getCSVFile(), true)); } return this.csvFileWriter; } private BufferedWriter getStatsLogWriter() throws IOException { if (statsLogWriter == null) { this.statsLogWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(getStatsFile(), true)); } return this.statsLogWriter; } private BufferedWriter getResolvingCSVFileWriter() throws IOException { if (memcacheCSVFileWriter == null) { this.memcacheCSVFileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(getResolvingCacheCSVFile(), true)); } return this.memcacheCSVFileWriter; } private File getStatsFile() { return new File(statsDir, "hops-stats.log"); } private File getCSVFile() { return new File(statsDir, "hops-stats.csv"); } private File getResolvingCacheCSVFile() { return new File(statsDir, "hops-resolving-cache-stats.csv"); } }