Java tutorial
/* * Changes to this file committed after and not including commit-id: ccc0d2c5f9a5ac661e60e6eaf138de7889928b8b * are released under the following license: * * This file is part of Hopsworks * Copyright (C) 2018, Logical Clocks AB. All rights reserved * * Hopsworks is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Hopsworks is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. * * Changes to this file committed before and including commit-id: ccc0d2c5f9a5ac661e60e6eaf138de7889928b8b * are released under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018, Logical Clocks AB and RISE SICS AB. All rights reserved * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.jobhistory.Execution; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.jobhistory.ExecutionFacade; import; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.project.service.ProjectServiceEnum; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.project.service.ProjectServices; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.hdfs.DistributedFileSystemOps; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.hdfs.DistributedFsService; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.hdfs.Utils; import; import; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.util.Settings; import; import; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.ejb.AsyncResult; import javax.ejb.Asynchronous; import javax.ejb.DependsOn; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.yarn.YarnClientService; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.yarn.YarnClientWrapper; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException; @Stateless @DependsOn("Settings") public class YarnExecutionFinalizer { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(YarnExecutionFinalizer.class.getName()); @EJB private ExecutionFacade executionFacade; @EJB private JobsHistoryFacade jobsHistoryFacade; @EJB private Settings settings; @EJB private DistributedFsService dfs; @EJB private YarnClientService ycs; /** * Update the current state of the Execution entity to the given state. * <p/> * @param newState */ private Execution updateState(JobState newState, Execution execution) { return executionFacade.updateState(execution, newState); } @Asynchronous public Future<Execution> copyLogs(Execution exec) { DistributedFileSystemOps udfso = dfs.getDfsOps(exec.getHdfsUser()); ApplicationId applicationId = ApplicationId.fromString(exec.getAppId()); YarnClientWrapper yarnClientWrapper = ycs.getYarnClientSuper(settings.getConfiguration()); YarnMonitor monitor = new YarnMonitor(applicationId, yarnClientWrapper, ycs); try { String defaultOutputPath; switch (exec.getJob().getJobType()) { case SPARK: case PYSPARK: defaultOutputPath = Settings.SPARK_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PATH; break; case FLINK: defaultOutputPath = Settings.FLINK_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PATH; break; case YARN: defaultOutputPath = Settings.YARN_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PATH; default: defaultOutputPath = "Logs/"; } String stdOutFinalDestination = Utils.getHdfsRootPath(exec.getJob().getProject().getName()) + defaultOutputPath; String stdErrFinalDestination = Utils.getHdfsRootPath(exec.getJob().getProject().getName()) + defaultOutputPath; String stdOutPath = settings.getAggregatedLogPath(exec.getHdfsUser(), exec.getAppId()); try { if (stdOutFinalDestination != null && !stdOutFinalDestination.isEmpty()) { stdOutFinalDestination = stdOutFinalDestination + exec.getAppId() + File.separator + "stdout.log"; String[] desiredLogTypes = { "out" }; YarnLogUtil.copyAggregatedYarnLogs(udfso, stdOutPath, stdOutFinalDestination, desiredLogTypes, monitor); } if (stdErrFinalDestination != null && !stdErrFinalDestination.isEmpty()) { stdErrFinalDestination = stdErrFinalDestination + exec.getAppId() + File.separator + "stderr.log"; String[] desiredLogTypes = { "err", ".log" }; YarnLogUtil.copyAggregatedYarnLogs(udfso, stdOutPath, stdErrFinalDestination, desiredLogTypes, monitor); } } catch (IOException | InterruptedException | YarnException ex) { LOG.severe("error while aggregation logs" + ex.toString()); } Execution execution = updateExecutionSTDPaths(stdOutFinalDestination, stdErrFinalDestination, exec); return new AsyncResult<>(execution); } finally { dfs.closeDfsClient(udfso); monitor.close(); } } /** * Removes the marker file for streaming jobs if it exists, after a non FINISHED/SUCCEEDED job. */ private void removeMarkerFile(Execution exec, DistributedFileSystemOps dfso) { String marker = settings.getJobMarkerFile(exec.getJob(), exec.getAppId()); try { if (dfso.exists(marker)) { dfso.rm(new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path(marker), false); } } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not remove marker file for job:{0}, with appId:{1}, {2}", new Object[] { exec.getJob().getName(), exec.getAppId(), ex.getMessage() }); } } @Asynchronous public void finalize(Execution exec, JobState jobState) { long executionStop = System.currentTimeMillis(); exec = executionFacade.updateExecutionStop(exec, executionStop); updateJobHistoryApp(exec.getExecutionDuration(), exec); try { // TODO(Antonis) In the future this call should be async as well // Network traffic in a transaction is not good removeAllNecessary(exec); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception while cleaning after job:{0}, with appId:{1}, some cleanning is probably needed {2}", new Object[] { exec.getJob().getName(), exec.getAppId(), ex.getMessage() }); } if (exec.getJob().getJobType().equals(JobType.FLINK)) { cleanCerts(exec); } updateState(jobState, exec); } private void updateJobHistoryApp(long executiontime, Execution execution) { jobsHistoryFacade.updateJobHistory(execution, executiontime); } private Execution updateExecutionSTDPaths(String stdoutPath, String stderrPath, Execution exec) { exec = executionFacade.updateStdErrPath(exec, stderrPath); exec = executionFacade.updateStdOutPath(exec, stdoutPath); return exec; } public void removeAllNecessary(Execution exec) throws IOException { List<String> filesToRemove = exec.getFilesToRemove(); String appDir = "hdfs://" + settings.getHdfsTmpCertDir() + "/" + exec.getHdfsUser() + File.separator + exec.getAppId(); filesToRemove.add(appDir); String tensorboardFile = "hdfs://" + File.separator + Settings.DIR_ROOT + File.separator + exec.getJob().getProject().getName() + File.separator + Settings.PROJECT_STAGING_DIR + File.separator + ".tensorboard." + exec.getAppId(); filesToRemove.add(tensorboardFile); String certsAppDir = Paths.get(settings.getFlinkKafkaCertDir(), exec.getAppId()).toString(); filesToRemove.add(certsAppDir); DistributedFileSystemOps dfso = dfs.getDfsOps(); try { for (String s : filesToRemove) { if (s.startsWith("hdfs:") && dfso.getFilesystem().exists(new Path(s))) { dfso.getFilesystem().delete(new Path(s), true); } else { File(s)); } } removeMarkerFile(exec, dfso); } finally { dfs.closeDfsClient(dfso); } } private void cleanCerts(Execution exec) { //Remove local files required for the job (Kafka certs etc.) //Search for other jobs using Kafka in the same project. If any active //ones are found Collection<ProjectServices> projectServices = exec.getJob().getProject().getProjectServicesCollection(); Iterator<ProjectServices> iter = projectServices.iterator(); boolean removeKafkaCerts = true; while (iter.hasNext()) { ProjectServices projectService =; //If the project is of type KAFKA if (projectService.getProjectServicesPK().getService() == ProjectServiceEnum.KAFKA) { List<Execution> execs = executionFacade.findForProjectByType(exec.getJob().getProject(), JobType.FLINK); if (execs != null) { execs.addAll(executionFacade.findForProjectByType(exec.getJob().getProject(), JobType.SPARK)); } //Find if this project has running jobs if (execs != null && !execs.isEmpty()) { for (Execution exe : execs) { if (!exe.getState().isFinalState()) { removeKafkaCerts = false; break; } } } } } if (removeKafkaCerts) { String k_certName = exec.getHdfsUser() + "__kstore.jks"; String t_certName = exec.getHdfsUser() + "__tstore.jks"; File k_cert = new File(settings.getHopsworksDomainDir() + "/domain1/config/" + k_certName); File t_cert = new File(settings.getHopsworksDomainDir() + "/domain1/config/" + t_certName); if (k_cert.exists()) { k_cert.delete(); } if (t_cert.exists()) { t_cert.delete(); } } } }