Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Hopsworks * Copyright (C) 2018, Logical Clocks AB. All rights reserved * * Hopsworks is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Hopsworks is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. */ package io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.tensorflow.config; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.hdfsUser.HdfsUsers; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.hdfsUser.HdfsUsersFacade; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.project.Project; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.tensorflow.TensorBoard; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.user.Users; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.exception.RESTCodes; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.exception.ServiceException; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.hdfs.DistributedFileSystemOps; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.hdfs.DistributedFsService; import; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.util.HopsUtils; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.util.Settings; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import; import javax.ejb.ConcurrencyManagement; import javax.ejb.ConcurrencyManagementType; import javax.ejb.DependsOn; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * * * This class wraps a bash script with sudo rights that can be executed by the node['hopsworks']['user']. * /srv/hops/domains/domain1/bin/ * The bash script has several commands with parameters that can be executed. * This class provides a Java interface for executing the commands. */ @Stateless @ConcurrencyManagement(ConcurrencyManagementType.CONTAINER) @DependsOn("Settings") public class TensorBoardProcessMgr { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(TensorBoardProcessMgr.class.getName()); @EJB private Settings settings; @EJB private HdfsUsersFacade hdfsUsersFacade; @EJB private DistributedFsService dfsService; @EJB private CertificateMaterializer certificateMaterializer; /** * Start the TensorBoard process * @param project * @param user * @param hdfsUser * @param hdfsLogdir * @return * @throws IOException */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) public TensorBoardDTO startTensorBoard(Project project, Users user, HdfsUsers hdfsUser, String hdfsLogdir) throws IOException { String prog = settings.getHopsworksDomainDir() + "/bin/"; Process process = null; Integer port = 0; BigInteger pid = null; String tbBasePath = settings.getStagingDir() + Settings.TENSORBOARD_DIRS + File.separator; String projectUserUniquePath = project.getName() + "_" + hdfsUser.getName(); String tbPath = tbBasePath + DigestUtils.sha256Hex(projectUserUniquePath); String certsPath = "\"\""; File tbDir = new File(tbPath); if (tbDir.exists()) { for (File file : tbDir.listFiles()) { if (file.getName().endsWith(".pid")) { String pidContents =, Charset.defaultCharset()); try { pid = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.parseLong(pidContents)); if (pid != null && ping(pid) == 0) { killTensorBoard(pid); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Expected number in pidfile " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " got " + pidContents); } } } FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tbDir); } tbDir.mkdirs(); DistributedFileSystemOps dfso = dfsService.getDfsOps(); try { certsPath = tbBasePath + DigestUtils.sha256Hex(projectUserUniquePath + "_certs"); File certsDir = new File(certsPath); certsDir.mkdirs(); HopsUtils.materializeCertificatesForUserCustomDir(project.getName(), user.getUsername(), settings.getHdfsTmpCertDir(), dfso, certificateMaterializer, settings, certsPath); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed in materializing certificates for " + hdfsUser + " in directory " + certsPath, ioe); HopsUtils.cleanupCertificatesForUserCustomDir(user.getUsername(), project.getName(), settings.getHdfsTmpCertDir(), certificateMaterializer, certsPath, settings); } finally { if (dfso != null) { dfsService.closeDfsClient(dfso); } } String anacondaEnvironmentPath = settings.getAnacondaProjectDir(project.getName()); int retries = 3; while (retries > 0) { if (retries == 0) { throw new IOException( "Failed to start TensorBoard for project=" + project.getName() + ", user=" + user.getUid()); } // use pidfile to kill any running servers port = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(40000, 59999); String[] command = new String[] { "/usr/bin/sudo", prog, "start", hdfsUser.getName(), hdfsLogdir, tbPath, port.toString(), anacondaEnvironmentPath, settings.getHadoopVersion(), certsPath, settings.getJavaHome() }; LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, Arrays.toString(command)); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command); try { // Send both stdout and stderr to the same stream pb.redirectErrorStream(true); process = pb.start(); synchronized (pb) { try { // Wait until the launcher bash script has finished process.waitFor(20l, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Woken while waiting for the TensorBoard to start: {0}", ex.getMessage()); } } int exitValue = process.exitValue(); String pidPath = tbPath + File.separator + port + ".pid"; File pidFile = new File(pidPath); // Read the pid for TensorBoard server if (pidFile.exists()) { String pidContents =, Charset.defaultCharset()); pid = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.parseLong(pidContents)); } if (exitValue == 0 && pid != null) { int maxWait = 10; String logFilePath = tbPath + File.separator + port + ".log"; File logFile = new File(logFilePath); while (maxWait > 0) { String logFileContents =, Charset.defaultCharset()); // It is not possible to have a fixed wait time before showing the TB, we need to be sure it has started if (logFile.length() > 0 && (logFileContents.contains("Loaded") | logFileContents.contains("Reloader") | logFileContents.contains("event")) | maxWait == 1) { Thread.currentThread().sleep(5000); TensorBoardDTO tensorBoardDTO = new TensorBoardDTO(); String host = null; try { host = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { Logger.getLogger(TensorBoardProcessMgr.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } tensorBoardDTO.setEndpoint(host + ":" + port); tensorBoardDTO.setPid(pid); return tensorBoardDTO; } else { Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); maxWait--; } } TensorBoardDTO tensorBoardDTO = new TensorBoardDTO(); tensorBoardDTO.setPid(pid); String host = null; try { host = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { Logger.getLogger(TensorBoardProcessMgr.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } tensorBoardDTO.setEndpoint(host + ":" + port); return tensorBoardDTO; } else { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed starting TensorBoard got exitcode " + exitValue + " retrying on new port"); if (pid != null) { this.killTensorBoard(pid); } pid = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Problem starting TensorBoard: {0}", ex); if (process != null) { process.destroyForcibly(); } } finally { retries--; } } //Failed to start TensorBoard, make sure there is no process running for it! (This should not be needed) if (pid != null && == 0) { this.killTensorBoard(pid); } //Certificates cleanup in case they were materialized but no TB started successfully dfso = dfsService.getDfsOps(); certsPath = tbBasePath + DigestUtils.sha256Hex(projectUserUniquePath + "_certs"); File certsDir = new File(certsPath); certsDir.mkdirs(); try { HopsUtils.cleanupCertificatesForUserCustomDir(user.getUsername(), project.getName(), settings.getHdfsTmpCertDir(), certificateMaterializer, certsPath, settings); } finally { if (dfso != null) { dfsService.closeDfsClient(dfso); } } return null; } /** * Kill the TensorBoard process * @param pid * @return */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) public int killTensorBoard(BigInteger pid) { String prog = settings.getHopsworksDomainDir() + "/bin/"; int exitValue; String[] command = { "/usr/bin/sudo", prog, "kill", pid.toString() }; LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, Arrays.toString(command)); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command); try { Process process = pb.start(); process.waitFor(20l, TimeUnit.SECONDS); exitValue = process.exitValue(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { exitValue = 2; LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to kill TensorBoard", ex); } return exitValue; } /** * Kill the TensorBoard process * @param tb * @return */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) public int killTensorBoard(TensorBoard tb) throws ServiceException { String prog = settings.getHopsworksDomainDir() + "/bin/"; int exitValue; String[] command = { "/usr/bin/sudo", prog, "kill", tb.getPid().toString() }; LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, Arrays.toString(command)); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command); try { Process process = pb.start(); process.waitFor(20l, TimeUnit.SECONDS); exitValue = process.exitValue(); cleanupLocalTBDir(tb); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { exitValue = 2; LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to kill TensorBoard", ex); } return exitValue; } /** * Cleanup the local TensorBoard directory * @param tb * @throws IOException */ public void cleanupLocalTBDir(TensorBoard tb) throws ServiceException { int hdfsUserId = tb.getHdfsUserId(); HdfsUsers hdfsUser = hdfsUsersFacade.findById(hdfsUserId); String tbBasePath = settings.getStagingDir() + Settings.TENSORBOARD_DIRS + File.separator; String projectUserUniquePath = tb.getProject().getName() + "_" + hdfsUser.getName(); String tbPath = tbBasePath + DigestUtils.sha256Hex(projectUserUniquePath); //dematerialize certificates String certsPath = tbBasePath + DigestUtils.sha256Hex(projectUserUniquePath + "_certs"); DistributedFileSystemOps dfso = dfsService.getDfsOps(); try { HopsUtils.cleanupCertificatesForUserCustomDir(tb.getUsers().getUsername(), tb.getProject().getName(), settings.getHdfsTmpCertDir(), certificateMaterializer, certsPath, settings); } finally { if (dfso != null) { dfsService.closeDfsClient(dfso); } } //remove directory itself File tbDir = new File(tbPath); if (tbDir.exists()) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tbDir); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not delete TensorBoard directory: " + tbDir); throw new ServiceException(RESTCodes.ServiceErrorCode.TENSORBOARD_CLEANUP_ERROR, Level.SEVERE, "TensorBoard directory:" + tbDir, e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Check to see if the process is running and is a TensorBoard started by * @param pid * @return */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) public int ping(BigInteger pid) { String prog = settings.getHopsworksDomainDir() + "/bin/"; int exitValue = 1; String[] command = { "/usr/bin/sudo", prog, "ping", pid.toString() }; LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, Arrays.toString(command)); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command); try { Process process = pb.start(); process.waitFor(20l, TimeUnit.SECONDS); exitValue = process.exitValue(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Problem pinging: {0}", ex.toString()); } return exitValue; } }