Java tutorial
/* * Changes to this file committed after and not including commit-id: ccc0d2c5f9a5ac661e60e6eaf138de7889928b8b * are released under the following license: * * This file is part of Hopsworks * Copyright (C) 2018, Logical Clocks AB. All rights reserved * * Hopsworks is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Hopsworks is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. * * Changes to this file committed before and including commit-id: ccc0d2c5f9a5ac661e60e6eaf138de7889928b8b * are released under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018, Logical Clocks AB and RISE SICS AB. All rights reserved * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package io.hops.hopsworks.api.zeppelin.server; import com.github.eirslett.maven.plugins.frontend.lib.TaskRunnerException; import io.hops.hopsworks.api.zeppelin.socket.NotebookServerImpl; import io.hops.hopsworks.api.zeppelin.socket.NotebookServerImplFactory; import io.hops.hopsworks.api.zeppelin.util.SecurityUtils; import; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.util.ConfigFileGenerator; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.util.HopsUtils; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.util.Settings; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import; import org.apache.zeppelin.conf.ZeppelinConfiguration; import org.apache.zeppelin.dep.DependencyResolver; import org.apache.zeppelin.helium.Helium; import org.apache.zeppelin.helium.HeliumApplicationFactory; import org.apache.zeppelin.helium.HeliumBundleFactory; import org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterException; import org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterFactory; import org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterOption; import org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterOutput; import org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterSettingManager; import org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.Notebook; import org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.NotebookAuthorization; import org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.repo.NotebookRepoSync; import org.apache.zeppelin.scheduler.SchedulerFactory; import; import; import org.apache.zeppelin.user.Credentials; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.sonatype.aether.RepositoryException; public class ZeppelinConfig { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ZeppelinConfig.class.getName()); private static final String ZEPPELIN_SITE_XML = "/zeppelin-site.xml"; private static final String ZEPPELIN_ENV_SH = "/"; public static final String INTERPRETER_JSON = "/interpreter.json"; private static final int DELETE_RETRY = 10; /** * A configuration that is common for all projects. */ public static ZeppelinConfiguration COMMON_CONF; private ZeppelinConfiguration conf; private SchedulerFactory schedulerFactory; private Notebook notebook; private NotebookServerImpl notebookServer; private InterpreterFactory replFactory; private NotebookRepoSync notebookRepo; private DependencyResolver depResolver; private NotebookAuthorization notebookAuthorization; private InterpreterSettingManager interpreterSettingManager; private Helium helium; private HeliumApplicationFactory heliumApplicationFactory; private HeliumBundleFactory heliumBundleFactory; private Credentials credentials; private SearchService noteSearchService; private final Settings settings; private final String projectName; private final Integer projectId; private final String projectDirPath; private final String confDirPath; private final String notebookDirPath; private final String runDirPath; private final String binDirPath; private final String logDirPath; private final String interpreterDirPath; private final String libDirPath; private final String repoDirPath; private final String owner; public ZeppelinConfig(String projectName, Integer projectId, String owner, Settings settings, String interpreterConf, NotebookServerImpl nbs) throws IOException, RepositoryException, TaskRunnerException { this.projectName = projectName; this.projectId = projectId; this.owner = owner; this.settings = settings; this.projectDirPath = settings.getZeppelinDir() + File.separator + Settings.DIR_ROOT + File.separator + this.projectName; this.runDirPath = this.projectDirPath + File.separator + "run"; this.binDirPath = this.projectDirPath + File.separator + "bin"; this.logDirPath = this.projectDirPath + File.separator + "logs"; this.libDirPath = this.projectDirPath + File.separator + "lib"; this.confDirPath = this.projectDirPath + File.separator + "conf"; this.interpreterDirPath = this.projectDirPath + File.separator + "interpreter"; this.notebookDirPath = this.projectDirPath + File.separator + COMMON_CONF.getNotebookDir(); this.repoDirPath = this.projectDirPath + File.separator + COMMON_CONF.getInterpreterLocalRepoPath(); boolean newDir = false; boolean newFile = false; boolean newBinDir = false; try { newDir = createZeppelinDirs();//creates the necessary folders for the project in /srv/hops/zeppelin newBinDir = copyBinDir(); createSymLinks();//interpreter and lib createVisCacheSymlink();//create a symlink to node and npm tar cache. newFile = createZeppelinConfFiles(interpreterConf);//create project specific configurations for zeppelin this.conf = loadConfig();//load the newly created zeppelin-site.xml this.depResolver = new DependencyResolver( conf.getString(ZeppelinConfiguration.ConfVars.ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_LOCALREPO)); InterpreterOutput.limit = conf.getInt(ZeppelinConfiguration.ConfVars.ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_OUTPUT_LIMIT); this.heliumApplicationFactory = new HeliumApplicationFactory(); this.heliumBundleFactory = new HeliumBundleFactory(conf, null, new File(conf.getRelativeDir(ZeppelinConfiguration.ConfVars.ZEPPELIN_DEP_LOCALREPO)), new File(conf.getRelativeDir("lib/node_modules/zeppelin-tabledata")), new File(conf.getRelativeDir("lib/node_modules/zeppelin-vis")), new File(conf.getRelativeDir("lib/node_modules/zeppelin-spell"))); this.helium = new Helium(conf.getHeliumConfPath(), conf.getHeliumRegistry(), new File(conf.getRelativeDir(ZeppelinConfiguration.ConfVars.ZEPPELIN_DEP_LOCALREPO), "helium-registry-cache"), heliumBundleFactory, heliumApplicationFactory); // create bundle try { this.heliumBundleFactory.buildAllPackages(helium.getBundlePackagesToBundle()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, e.getMessage(), e); } this.schedulerFactory = SchedulerFactory.singleton(); this.interpreterSettingManager = new InterpreterSettingManager(conf, depResolver, new InterpreterOption(true)); this.notebookRepo = getNotebookRepo(owner); this.noteSearchService = new LuceneSearch(); this.notebookAuthorization = NotebookAuthorization.init(conf); this.credentials = new Credentials(conf.credentialsPersist(), conf.getCredentialsPath()); if (nbs != null) { setNotebookServer(nbs); } } catch (IOException | RepositoryException | TaskRunnerException e) { if (newDir) { // if the folder was newly created delete it removeProjectDirRecursive(); } else if (newFile) { // if the conf files were newly created delete them removeProjectConfFiles(); } LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in initializing ZeppelinConfig for project: {0}. {1}", new Object[] { this.projectName, e }); throw e; } } public ZeppelinConfig(ZeppelinConfig zConf, NotebookServerImpl nbs) { this.settings = zConf.getSettings(); this.projectName = zConf.getProjectName(); this.projectId = zConf.getProjectId(); this.owner = zConf.getOwner(); this.projectDirPath = zConf.getProjectDirPath(); this.confDirPath = zConf.getConfDirPath(); this.notebookDirPath = zConf.getNotebookDirPath(); this.runDirPath = zConf.getRunDirPath(); this.binDirPath = zConf.getBinDirPath(); this.logDirPath = zConf.getLogDirPath(); this.interpreterDirPath = zConf.getInterpreterDirPath(); this.libDirPath = zConf.getLibDirPath(); this.repoDirPath = zConf.getRepoDirPath(); this.conf = zConf.getConf(); this.depResolver = zConf.getDepResolver(); this.schedulerFactory = zConf.getSchedulerFactory(); this.interpreterSettingManager = zConf.getInterpreterSettingManager(); this.heliumApplicationFactory = zConf.getHeliumApplicationFactory(); this.helium = zConf.getHelium(); this.notebookRepo = zConf.getNotebookRepo(); this.noteSearchService = zConf.getNotebookIndex(); this.notebookAuthorization = zConf.getNotebookAuthorization(); this.credentials = zConf.getCredentials(); setNotebookServer(nbs); } private NotebookRepoSync getNotebookRepo(String owner) { if (owner == null) { return null; } String notebookStorage = conf.getString(ZeppelinConfiguration.ConfVars.ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_STORAGE); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Using notebook Repo class {0}", notebookStorage); boolean notebookInHdfs = notebookStorage.contains("HDFSNotebookRepo"); if (!notebookInHdfs) { return new NotebookRepoSync(conf); } NotebookRepoSync nbRepo = null; UserGroupInformation ugi; try { ugi = UserGroupInformation.createProxyUser(owner, UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser()); nbRepo = ugi.doAs((PrivilegedExceptionAction<NotebookRepoSync>) () -> new NotebookRepoSync(conf)); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create proxy user.", ex); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create notebook repo.", ex); } if (nbRepo == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create notebook repo."); throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create notebook repo."); } return nbRepo; } public ZeppelinConfiguration getConf() { return this.conf; } public void setNotebookServer(NotebookServerImpl nbs) { if (this.notebookServer != null) { return; } this.notebookServer = nbs; try { this.replFactory = new InterpreterFactory(this.conf, this.notebookServer, this.notebookServer, this.heliumApplicationFactory, this.depResolver, SecurityUtils.isAuthenticated(), this.interpreterSettingManager); this.notebook = new Notebook(this.conf, this.notebookRepo, this.schedulerFactory, this.replFactory, interpreterSettingManager, this.notebookServer, this.noteSearchService, this.notebookAuthorization, this.credentials); // to update notebook from application event from remote process. this.heliumApplicationFactory.setNotebook(notebook); // to update fire websocket event on application event. this.heliumApplicationFactory.setApplicationEventListener(this.notebookServer); this.notebook.addNotebookEventListener(heliumApplicationFactory); this.notebook.addNotebookEventListener(this.notebookServer.getNotebookInformationListener()); } catch (InterpreterException | IOException | RepositoryException | SchedulerException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } public boolean isClosed() { return this.replFactory == null || this.notebook == null || this.notebookServer == null; } public InterpreterSettingManager getInterpreterSettingManager() { return interpreterSettingManager; } public Notebook getNotebook() { return notebook; } public NotebookRepoSync getNotebookRepo() { return notebookRepo; } private SchedulerFactory getSchedulerFactory() { return this.schedulerFactory; } public Helium getHelium() { return helium; } private HeliumApplicationFactory getHeliumApplicationFactory() { return heliumApplicationFactory; } public NotebookServerImpl getNotebookServer() { return this.notebookServer; } public InterpreterFactory getReplFactory() { return this.replFactory; } public String getProjectName() { return projectName; } public Integer getProjectId() { return projectId; } public String getOwner() { return owner; } private String getProjectDirPath() { return projectDirPath; } public SearchService getNotebookIndex() { return noteSearchService; } private DependencyResolver getDepResolver() { return depResolver; } public void setDepResolver(DependencyResolver depResolver) { this.depResolver = depResolver; } public Settings getSettings() { return settings; } private String getInterpreterDirPath() { return interpreterDirPath; } private String getLibDirPath() { return libDirPath; } public String getConfDirPath() { return confDirPath; } private String getNotebookDirPath() { return notebookDirPath; } private String getRunDirPath() { return runDirPath; } private String getBinDirPath() { return binDirPath; } private String getLogDirPath() { return logDirPath; } private String getRepoDirPath() { return repoDirPath; } private NotebookAuthorization getNotebookAuthorization() { return notebookAuthorization; } private Credentials getCredentials() { return credentials; } //returns true if the project dir was created private boolean createZeppelinDirs() { File projectDir = new File(projectDirPath); boolean newProjectDir = projectDir.mkdirs(); new File(confDirPath).mkdirs(); new File(notebookDirPath).mkdirs(); new File(runDirPath).mkdirs(); new File(binDirPath).mkdirs(); new File(logDirPath).mkdirs(); new File(repoDirPath).mkdirs(); return newProjectDir; } //copies /srv/zeppelin/bin to /srv/zeppelin/this.project/bin private boolean copyBinDir() throws IOException { String source = settings.getZeppelinDir() + File.separator + "bin"; File binDir = new File(binDirPath); File sourceDir = new File(source); if (binDir.list().length == sourceDir.list().length) { //should probably check if the files are the same return false; } Path destinationPath; for (File file : sourceDir.listFiles()) { destinationPath = Paths.get(binDirPath + File.separator + file.getName()); Files.copy(file.toPath(), destinationPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } return binDir.list().length == sourceDir.list().length; } //creates symlink to interpreters and libs private void createSymLinks() throws IOException { File target = new File(settings.getZeppelinDir() + File.separator + "interpreter"); File newLink = new File(interpreterDirPath); if (!newLink.exists()) { Files.createSymbolicLink(newLink.toPath(), target.toPath()); } target = new File(settings.getZeppelinDir() + File.separator + "lib"); newLink = new File(libDirPath); if (!newLink.exists()) { Files.createSymbolicLink(newLink.toPath(), target.toPath()); } } private void createVisCacheSymlink() throws IOException { File target = new File(settings.getZeppelinDir() + File.separator + "local-repo/vis"); if (!target.exists()) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Node and npm not cached at {0}. Zeppelin will try to download this for every project.", target.toURI()); return; } File newLink = new File(repoDirPath + File.separator + "vis"); if (!newLink.exists()) { Files.createSymbolicLink(newLink.toPath(), target.toPath()); } } // returns true if one of the conf files were created anew private boolean createZeppelinConfFiles(String interpreterConf) throws IOException { File zeppelin_env_file = new File(confDirPath + ZEPPELIN_ENV_SH); File zeppelin_site_xml_file = new File(confDirPath + ZEPPELIN_SITE_XML); File interpreter_file = new File(confDirPath + INTERPRETER_JSON); String home = settings.getZeppelinDir() + File.separator + Settings.DIR_ROOT + File.separator + this.projectName; String notebookDir = File.separator + Settings.DIR_ROOT + File.separator + this.projectName; String resourceDir = File.separator + Settings.DIR_ROOT + File.separator + this.projectName + File.separator + Settings.BaseDataset.RESOURCES.getName(); boolean createdSh = false; boolean createdLog4j = false; boolean createdXml = false; String log4jPath = settings.getSparkLog4JPath(); String zeppelinPythonPath = settings.getAnacondaProjectDir(this.projectName) + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "python"; if (!zeppelin_env_file.exists()) { String ldLibraryPath = ""; if (System.getenv().containsKey("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")) { ldLibraryPath = System.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"); } String javaHome = settings.getJavaHome(); if (System.getenv().containsKey("JAVA_HOME")) { javaHome = System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"); } StringBuilder zeppelin_env = ConfigFileGenerator.instantiateFromTemplate( ConfigFileGenerator.ZEPPELIN_ENV_TEMPLATE, "spark_dir", settings.getSparkDir(), "hadoop_dir", settings.getHadoopSymbolicLinkDir(), "anaconda_env_dir", settings.getAnacondaDir() + "/envs/" + this.projectName, "hadoop_username", this.projectName + Settings.PROJECT_GENERIC_USER_SUFFIX, "java_home", javaHome, "cuda_dir", settings.getCudaDir(), "ld_library_path", ldLibraryPath, "hadoop_classpath", HopsUtils.getHadoopClasspathGlob(settings.getHadoopSymbolicLinkDir() + "/bin/hadoop", "classpath", "--glob"), "spark_options", "--files " + log4jPath); createdSh = ConfigFileGenerator.createConfigFile(zeppelin_env_file, zeppelin_env.toString()); } if (!zeppelin_site_xml_file.exists()) { StringBuilder zeppelin_site_xml = ConfigFileGenerator.instantiateFromTemplate( ConfigFileGenerator.ZEPPELIN_CONFIG_TEMPLATE, "zeppelin_home", home, "livy_url", settings.getLivyUrl(), "livy_master", settings.getLivyYarnMode(), "zeppelin_home_dir", home, "zeppelin_notebook_dir", notebookDir, "zeppelin_interpreters", settings.getZeppelinInterpreters()); createdXml = ConfigFileGenerator.createConfigFile(zeppelin_site_xml_file, zeppelin_site_xml.toString()); } //get interpreter string from db if (interpreter_file.exists()) { interpreter_file.delete(); } //Set Hopsworks properties to be available in Zeppelin String logstashID = "-D" + Settings.LOGSTASH_JOB_INFO + "=" + this.projectName.toLowerCase() + ",zeppelin," + "notebook,?"; String restEndpointProp = " -D" + Settings.HOPSWORKS_REST_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY + "=" + settings.getRestEndpoint(); String elasticEndpointProp = " -D" + Settings.HOPSWORKS_ELASTIC_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY + "=" + settings.getElasticRESTEndpoint(); String projectIdProp = " -D" + Settings.HOPSWORKS_PROJECTID_PROPERTY + "=" + this.projectId; String projectNameProp = " -D" + Settings.HOPSWORKS_PROJECTNAME_PROPERTY + "=" + this.projectName; String userProp = " -D" + Settings.HOPSWORKS_PROJECTUSER_PROPERTY + "=" + this.projectName + Settings.PROJECT_GENERIC_USER_SUFFIX; String jobType = " -D" + Settings.HOPSWORKS_JOBTYPE_PROPERTY + "=" + JobType.SPARK; String kafkaBrokers = " -D" + Settings.KAFKA_BROKERADDR_PROPERTY + "=" + settings.getKafkaBrokersStr(); String extraJavaOptions = " -Dlog4j.configuration=./ " + logstashID + restEndpointProp + elasticEndpointProp + projectIdProp + projectNameProp + userProp + jobType + kafkaBrokers; String hdfsResourceDir = "hdfs://" + resourceDir + File.separator; // Comma-separated files to be added as local resources to Spark/Livy interpreter String driverExtraClassPath = settings.getHopsLeaderElectionJarPath() + File.pathSeparator + settings.getHopsUtilFilename(); String executorExtraClassPath = settings.getHopsLeaderElectionJarPath() + File.pathSeparator + settings.getHopsUtilFilename(); StringBuilder distFiles = new StringBuilder(); // When Hops RPC TLS is enabled, Yarn will take care of application certificate if (!settings.getHopsRpcTls()) { distFiles // KeyStore .append("hdfs://").append(settings.getHdfsTmpCertDir()).append(File.separator) .append(projectName).append(Settings.PROJECT_GENERIC_USER_SUFFIX).append(File.separator) .append(projectName).append(Settings.PROJECT_GENERIC_USER_SUFFIX).append("__kstore.jks#") .append(Settings.K_CERTIFICATE).append(",") // TrustStore .append("hdfs://").append(settings.getHdfsTmpCertDir()).append(File.separator) .append(projectName).append(Settings.PROJECT_GENERIC_USER_SUFFIX).append(File.separator) .append(projectName).append(Settings.PROJECT_GENERIC_USER_SUFFIX).append("__tstore.jks#") .append(Settings.T_CERTIFICATE).append(",") // Material password .append("hdfs://").append(settings.getHdfsTmpCertDir()).append(File.separator) .append(projectName).append(Settings.PROJECT_GENERIC_USER_SUFFIX).append(File.separator) .append(projectName).append(Settings.PROJECT_GENERIC_USER_SUFFIX).append("__cert.key#") .append(Settings.CRYPTO_MATERIAL_PASSWORD).append(","); } distFiles // Glassfish domain truststore .append(settings.getGlassfishTrustStoreHdfs()).append("#").append(Settings.DOMAIN_CA_TRUSTSTORE) .append(",") // Add HopsUtil .append(settings.getHopsUtilHdfsPath()).append("#").append(settings.getHopsUtilFilename()); if (interpreterConf == null) { StringBuilder interpreter_json = ConfigFileGenerator.instantiateFromTemplate( ConfigFileGenerator.INTERPRETER_TEMPLATE, "projectName", this.projectName, "zeppelin_home_dir", home, "hdfs_user", this.projectName + Settings.PROJECT_GENERIC_USER_SUFFIX, "hadoop_home", settings.getHadoopSymbolicLinkDir(), "livy_url", settings.getLivyUrl(), "dist_files", log4jPath + "," + distFiles.toString(), "extra_spark_java_options", extraJavaOptions, "driver_extraClassPath", driverExtraClassPath, "executor_extraClassPath", executorExtraClassPath, "spark.sql.warehouse.dir", hdfsResourceDir + "spark-warehouse", "spark.yarn.stagingDir", hdfsResourceDir, "livy.spark.sql.warehouse.dir", hdfsResourceDir + "spark-warehouse", "livy.spark.yarn.stagingDir", hdfsResourceDir, "hadoop_version", settings.getHadoopVersion(), "zeppelin.python_conda_path", zeppelinPythonPath, "livy_session_timeout", settings.getLivyZeppelinSessionTimeout(), "spark.yarn.dist.files", distFiles.toString(), "hive.server", settings.getHiveServerHostName(false), "hive.db", this.projectName); interpreterConf = interpreter_json.toString(); } createdXml = ConfigFileGenerator.createConfigFile(interpreter_file, interpreterConf); return createdSh || createdXml || createdLog4j; } // loads configeration from project specific zeppelin-site.xml private ZeppelinConfiguration loadConfig() { URL url = null; File zeppelinConfig = new File(confDirPath + ZEPPELIN_SITE_XML); try { url = zeppelinConfig.toURI().toURL(); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Load configuration from {0}", url); conf = new ZeppelinConfiguration(url); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Failed to load configuration from " + url + " proceeding with a default", e); conf = new ZeppelinConfiguration(); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Malformed URL failed to load configuration from " + url + " proceeding with a default", ex); conf = new ZeppelinConfiguration(); } return conf; } /** * Closes all resources and deletes project dir * /srv/zeppelin/Projects/this.projectName recursive. * * @return true if the dir is deleted */ public boolean cleanAndRemoveConfDirs(NotebookServerImplFactory notebookServerImplFactory) { clean(notebookServerImplFactory); return removeProjectDirRecursive(); } private boolean removeProjectDirRecursive() { File projectDir = new File(projectDirPath); if (!projectDir.exists()) { return true; } boolean ret = false; File interpreter = new File(interpreterDirPath); File lib = new File(libDirPath); File repo = new File(repoDirPath + File.separator + "vis"); //symlinks must be deleted before we recursive delete the project dir. int retry = 0; while (interpreter.exists() || lib.exists() || repo.exists()) { if (interpreter.exists()) { interpreter.delete(); } if (lib.exists()) { lib.delete(); } if (repo.exists()) { repo.delete(); } retry++; if (retry > DELETE_RETRY) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not delete zeppelin project folder."); return false; } } try { ret = ConfigFileGenerator.deleteRecursive(projectDir); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { } return ret; } private boolean removeProjectConfFiles() { File zeppelin_env_file = new File(confDirPath + ZEPPELIN_ENV_SH); File zeppelin_site_xml_file = new File(confDirPath + ZEPPELIN_SITE_XML); File interpreter_file = new File(confDirPath + INTERPRETER_JSON); boolean ret = false; if (zeppelin_env_file.exists()) { ret = zeppelin_env_file.delete(); } if (zeppelin_site_xml_file.exists()) { ret = zeppelin_site_xml_file.delete(); } if (interpreter_file.exists()) { ret = interpreter_file.delete(); } return ret; } /** * closes notebook SearchService, Repo, InterpreterFactory, and * SchedulerFactory */ public void clean(NotebookServerImplFactory notebookServerImplFactory) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Cleanup of zeppelin resources for project {0}", this.projectName); if (interpreterSettingManager != null) { interpreterSettingManager.close(); } // will close repo and index if (this.notebook != null) { this.notebook.close(); } if (this.notebookServer != null) { this.notebookServer.closeConnections(notebookServerImplFactory); } this.schedulerFactory = null; this.replFactory = null; this.notebook = null; } }