Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.hops.experiments.stats; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Map; public class TransactionStatsCumulative { /* threads_n depth_d mem nomem */ private static final String SEPERATOR = "_"; private static final String CLIENT = "threads"; private static final String DEPTH = "depth"; private static final String MEMSTATS = "memcache-stats"; private static final String HOPSSTATS = "hops-stats.csv"; private static final String RESOLVING_CACHE_STATS = "hops-resolving-cache-stats.csv"; private static final String BASE = "Base"; private static final String INMEMORY = "InMemory"; private static final String INODE_MEMCACHE = "INode"; private static final String PATH_MEMCACHE = "Path"; private static final String[] RESOLVING_CACHES = { BASE, INMEMORY, INODE_MEMCACHE, PATH_MEMCACHE }; private static final String[] RESOLVING_CACHE_COLUMNS = new String[] { "Elapsed", "RoundTrips" }; private static final Integer[] CLIENTS = new Integer[] { 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 }; private static final Integer[] DEPTHS = new Integer[] { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 }; private final File statsDir; public TransactionStatsCumulative(File statsDir) { this.statsDir = statsDir; } public void dump(String transaction, String[] columns) throws IOException { dumpClients(transaction, columns); dumpDepths(transaction, columns); } public void dumpClients(String transaction, String[] columns) throws IOException { if (statsDir.exists()) { File clientsStats = new File(statsDir, transaction + "-cumlativestats-clients"); clientsStats.mkdirs(); for (int client : CLIENTS) { File clientDir = new File(statsDir, CLIENT + SEPERATOR + client); if (clientDir.exists()) { File clientStats = new File(clientsStats, String.valueOf(client)); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(clientStats)); writer.write("# Depth " + Joiner.on(" ").join(columns) + " " + Joiner.on(" ").join(RESOLVING_CACHE_COLUMNS)); writer.newLine(); for (int depth : DEPTHS) { File depthDir = new File(clientDir, DEPTH + SEPERATOR + depth); if (depthDir.exists()) { System.out.println(client + " clients - Depth " + depth); writeStats(writer, transaction, columns, depthDir, depth); } } writer.close(); } } generateGraphsFor(transaction, clientsStats, columns, "TotalTime", "File Tree Depth", "Time (miliseconds)", "Clients"); } } public void dumpDepths(String transaction, String[] columns) throws IOException { if (statsDir.exists()) { File depthsStats = new File(statsDir, transaction + "-cumlativestats-depths"); depthsStats.mkdirs(); for (int depth : DEPTHS) { File depthStats = new File(depthsStats, String.valueOf(depth)); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(depthStats)); writer.write("# Clients " + Joiner.on(" ").join(columns) + " " + Joiner.on(" ").join(RESOLVING_CACHE_COLUMNS)); writer.newLine(); for (int client : CLIENTS) { File clientDir = new File(statsDir, CLIENT + SEPERATOR + client); if (clientDir.exists()) { File depthDir = new File(clientDir, DEPTH + SEPERATOR + depth); if (depthDir.exists()) { System.out.println(client + " clients - Depth " + depth); writeStats(writer, transaction, columns, depthDir, client); } } } writer.close(); } generateGraphsFor(transaction, depthsStats, columns, "TotalTime", "Clients", "Time (miliseconds)", DEPTH); } } private void writeStats(BufferedWriter writer, String transaction, String[] columns, File depthDir, int key) throws IOException { writer.write(key + " "); for (String cache : RESOLVING_CACHES) { File cacheDir = new File(depthDir, cache); Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> stats = null; Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> statsResolving = null; if (cacheDir.exists()) { stats = TransactionStatsAggregator.aggregate(new File(cacheDir, HOPSSTATS), transaction); } if (isResolvingCache(cache)) { statsResolving = TransactionStatsAggregator.aggregate(new File(cacheDir, RESOLVING_CACHE_STATS), "GET"); } if (stats != null) { for (String col : columns) { DescriptiveStatistics st = stats.get(col); writer.write(st.getMin() + " " + st.getMean() + " " + st.getMax() + " "); } } if (statsResolving != null) { for (String col : RESOLVING_CACHE_COLUMNS) { DescriptiveStatistics st = statsResolving.get(col); writer.write(st.getMin() + " " + st.getMean() + " " + st.getMax() + " "); } } } writer.newLine(); } private boolean isResolvingCache(String cache) { return !cache.equals(BASE); } private String getResolvingCacheTitle(String cache) { if (cache.equals(INODE_MEMCACHE) || cache.equals(PATH_MEMCACHE)) { return cache + "Memcache"; } return cache; } private void generateGraphsFor(String transaction, File baseDir, String[] columns, String graphCol, String xlabel, String ylabel, String title) throws IOException { String[] datFiles = baseDir.list(); int i = 0; for (String col : columns) { if (col.equals(graphCol)) { break; } i++; } Arrays.sort(datFiles, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return Integer.valueOf(o1).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(o2)); } }); int baseOffset = 1; int[] lines = new int[RESOLVING_CACHES.length]; String[] linesTitles = new String[RESOLVING_CACHES.length]; for (int c = 0; c < RESOLVING_CACHES.length; c++) { lines[c] = baseOffset + i * 3 + 2; linesTitles[c] = getResolvingCacheTitle(RESOLVING_CACHES[c]); baseOffset += (columns.length + (isResolvingCache(RESOLVING_CACHES[c]) ? RESOLVING_CACHE_COLUMNS.length : 0)) * 3; } for (String datFile : datFiles) { String name = transaction.replace("_", "-") + "-" + datFile + "-" + title; String graph = getGnuScript(name, name, xlabel, ylabel, datFile, lines, linesTitles); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(new File(baseDir, name + ".gnu")); writer.write(graph); writer.close(); } for (int rccol = 0; rccol < RESOLVING_CACHE_COLUMNS.length; rccol++) { baseOffset = 1 + columns.length * 3; for (int rc = 1; rc < RESOLVING_CACHES.length; rc++) { String name = transaction.replace("_", "-") + "-" + RESOLVING_CACHE_COLUMNS[rccol] + "-" + getResolvingCacheTitle(RESOLVING_CACHES[rc]); int line = baseOffset + (columns.length + rccol) * 3 + 2; String graph = getGnuScript(name, name, xlabel, rccol == 1 ? "RoundTrips" : ylabel, datFiles, line); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(new File(baseDir, name + ".gnu")); writer.write(graph); writer.close(); baseOffset += (columns.length + RESOLVING_CACHE_COLUMNS.length) * 3; } } } private String getGnuScript(String fileName, String title, String xlabel, String ylabel, String[] datFiles, int line) { return getGnuScript(fileName, title, xlabel, ylabel, datFiles, new int[] { line }, null); } private String getGnuScript(String fileName, String title, String xlabel, String ylabel, String datfile, int lines[], String[] linesTitle) { return getGnuScript(fileName, title, xlabel, ylabel, new String[] { datfile }, lines, linesTitle); } private String getGnuScript(String fileName, String title, String xlabel, String ylabel, String[] datFiles, int lines[], String[] linesTitle) { String graph = "set terminal png enhanced #postscript eps enhanced color " + "\n"; graph += "set style data lines \n"; graph += "set border 3 \n"; graph += "set key outside \n"; graph += "set grid \n"; graph += "set title \"" + title + "\" \n"; graph += "set output '" + fileName + ".png' \n"; graph += "set xlabel \"" + xlabel + "\" \n"; graph += "set ylabel \"" + ylabel + "\" \n"; graph += "plot "; for (String datfile : datFiles) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { graph += "\"" + datfile + "\" using " + lines[i] + ":xtic(1) title"; if (linesTitle != null) { graph += "\"" + linesTitle[i] + "\", "; } else { graph += "\"" + datfile + "\", "; } } } return graph.substring(0, graph.length() - 2); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { TransactionStatsCumulative txs = new TransactionStatsCumulative(new File("/home/maism/src/hops/stats_01")); txs.dump("start_file", new String[] { "TotalTime" }); txs.dump("get_block_locations", new String[] { "TotalTime" }); txs.dump("complete_file", new String[] { "TotalTime" }); } }