Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.hops.common; import io.hops.exception.StorageException; import io.hops.exception.TransactionContextException; import io.hops.metadata.HdfsStorageFactory; import io.hops.metadata.adaptor.INodeDALAdaptor; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.dal.AceDataAccess; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.dal.BlockLookUpDataAccess; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.dal.INodeDataAccess; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.dal.LeaseDataAccess; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.dal.LeasePathDataAccess; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.entity.Ace; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.entity.BlockLookUp; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.entity.INodeIdentifier; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.entity.LeasePath; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.entity.ProjectedINode; import io.hops.transaction.EntityManager; import io.hops.transaction.handler.HDFSOperationType; import io.hops.transaction.handler.LightWeightRequestHandler; import io.hops.util.Slicer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AclException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.UnresolvedPathException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INode; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeAclHelper; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeDirectory; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.Lease; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfoContiguous; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INode.EMPTY_LIST; public class INodeUtil { private final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(INodeUtil.class); public static String constructPath(byte[][] components, int start, int end) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { buf.append(DFSUtil.bytes2String(components[i])); if (i < end - 1) { buf.append(Path.SEPARATOR); } } return buf.toString(); } public static INode getNode(byte[] name, long parentId, long partitionId, boolean transactional) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { String nameString = DFSUtil.bytes2String(name); if (transactional) { return EntityManager.find(INode.Finder.ByNameParentIdAndPartitionId, nameString, parentId, partitionId); } else { return findINodeWithNoTransaction(nameString, parentId, partitionId); } } public static INode getNode(long inodeId, boolean transactional) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { if (transactional) { return EntityManager.find(INode.Finder.ByINodeIdFTIS, inodeId); } else { return findINodeWithNoTransaction(inodeId); } } private static INode findINodeWithNoTransaction(String name, long parentId, long partitionId) throws StorageException { LOG.debug(String.format("Read inode with no transaction by parent_id=%d, name=%s, partitionId=%s", parentId, name, parentId)); INodeDataAccess<INode> da = (INodeDataAccess) HdfsStorageFactory.getDataAccess(INodeDataAccess.class); return da.findInodeByNameParentIdAndPartitionIdPK(name, parentId, partitionId); } private static INode findINodeWithNoTransaction(long inodeId) throws StorageException { LOG.debug(String.format("Read inode with no transaction by inodeId=%d", inodeId)); INodeDataAccess<INode> da = (INodeDataAccess) HdfsStorageFactory.getDataAccess(INodeDataAccess.class); return da.findInodeByIdFTIS(inodeId); } public static boolean resolvePathWithNoTransaction(String path, boolean resolveLink, LinkedList<INode> preTxResolvedINodes) throws UnresolvedPathException, StorageException, TransactionContextException { preTxResolvedINodes.clear(); byte[][] components = INode.getPathComponents(path); INode curNode = getRoot(); preTxResolvedINodes.add(curNode); if (components.length == 1) { return false; } INodeResolver resolver = new INodeResolver(components, curNode, resolveLink, false); while (resolver.hasNext()) { curNode =; if (curNode != null) { preTxResolvedINodes.add(curNode); } } return preTxResolvedINodes.size() == components.length; } public static void findPathINodesById(long inodeId, boolean inTree, LinkedList<INode> preTxResolvedINodes, boolean[] isPreTxPathFullyResolved) throws StorageException { if (inTree) { INode inode = indexINodeScanById(inodeId); if (inode == null) { isPreTxPathFullyResolved[0] = false; return; } preTxResolvedINodes.add(inode); readFromLeafToRoot(inode, preTxResolvedINodes); } isPreTxPathFullyResolved[0] = true; //reverse the list int firstCounter = 0; int lastCounter = preTxResolvedINodes.size() - 1 - firstCounter; INode firstNode = null; INode lastNode = null; while (firstCounter < (preTxResolvedINodes.size() / 2)) { firstNode = preTxResolvedINodes.get(firstCounter); lastNode = preTxResolvedINodes.get(lastCounter); preTxResolvedINodes.remove(firstCounter); preTxResolvedINodes.add(firstCounter, lastNode); preTxResolvedINodes.remove(lastCounter); preTxResolvedINodes.add(lastCounter, firstNode); firstCounter++; lastCounter = preTxResolvedINodes.size() - 1 - firstCounter; } } public static Set<String> findPathsByLeaseHolder(String holder) throws StorageException { HashSet<String> paths = new HashSet<>(); LeaseDataAccess<Lease> lda = (LeaseDataAccess) HdfsStorageFactory.getDataAccess(LeaseDataAccess.class); Lease rcLease = lda.findByPKey(holder, Lease.getHolderId(holder)); if (rcLease == null) { return paths; } LeasePathDataAccess pda = (LeasePathDataAccess) HdfsStorageFactory.getDataAccess(LeasePathDataAccess.class); Collection<LeasePath> rclPaths = pda.findByHolderId(rcLease.getHolderID()); for (LeasePath lp : rclPaths) { paths.add(lp.getPath()); } return paths; } private static INode getRoot() throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { return getNode(INodeDirectory.ROOT_NAME.getBytes(), INodeDirectory.ROOT_PARENT_ID, INodeDirectory.getRootDirPartitionKey(), false); } public static INode indexINodeScanById(long id) throws StorageException { LOG.debug(String.format("Read inode with no transaction by id=%d", id)); INodeDataAccess<INode> da = (INodeDataAccess) HdfsStorageFactory.getDataAccess(INodeDataAccess.class); return da.findInodeByIdFTIS(id); } //puts the indoes in the list in reverse order private static void readFromLeafToRoot(INode inode, LinkedList<INode> list) throws StorageException { INode temp = inode; while (temp != null && temp.getParentId() != INodeDirectory.ROOT_PARENT_ID) { temp = indexINodeScanById(temp.getParentId()); // all upper components are dirs if (temp != null) { list.add(temp); } } } public static INodeIdentifier resolveINodeFromBlockID(final long bid) throws StorageException { INodeIdentifier inodeIdentifier; LightWeightRequestHandler handler = new LightWeightRequestHandler( HDFSOperationType.RESOLVE_INODE_FROM_BLOCKID) { @Override public Object performTask() throws IOException { BlockLookUpDataAccess<BlockLookUp> da = (BlockLookUpDataAccess) HdfsStorageFactory .getDataAccess(BlockLookUpDataAccess.class); BlockLookUp blu = da.findByBlockId(bid); if (blu == null) { return null; } INodeIdentifier inodeIdent = new INodeIdentifier(blu.getInodeId()); INodeDALAdaptor ida = (INodeDALAdaptor) HdfsStorageFactory.getDataAccess(INodeDataAccess.class); INode inode = ida.findInodeByIdFTIS(blu.getInodeId()); if (inode != null) { inodeIdent.setName(inode.getLocalName()); inodeIdent.setPid(inode.getParentId()); inodeIdent.setPartitionId(inode.getPartitionId()); } return inodeIdent; } }; try { inodeIdentifier = (INodeIdentifier) handler.handle(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Could not resolve iNode from blockId (blockid=" + bid + ")"); throw new StorageException(ex.getMessage()); } return inodeIdentifier; } public static INodeIdentifier resolveINodeFromBlock(final Block b) throws StorageException { if (b instanceof BlockInfoContiguous || b instanceof BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction) { INodeIdentifier inodeIden = new INodeIdentifier(((BlockInfoContiguous) b).getInodeId()); INodeDALAdaptor ida = (INodeDALAdaptor) HdfsStorageFactory.getDataAccess(INodeDataAccess.class); INode inode = ida.findInodeByIdFTIS(((BlockInfoContiguous) b).getInodeId()); if (inode != null) { inodeIden.setName(inode.getLocalName()); inodeIden.setPid(inode.getParentId()); inodeIden.setPartitionId(inode.getPartitionId()); } return inodeIden; } else { return resolveINodeFromBlockID(b.getBlockId()); } } public static Map<Long, List<Long>> getINodeIdsForBlockIds(final List<Long> blockIds, int batchSize, int nbThreads, ExecutorService executor) throws IOException { final Map<Long, List<Long>> inodeIds = new HashMap<>(); try { Slicer.slice(blockIds.size(), batchSize, nbThreads, executor, new Slicer.OperationHandler() { @Override public void handle(int startIndex, int endIndex) throws Exception { List<Long> ids = blockIds.subList(startIndex, endIndex); final long[] array = new long[ids.size()]; int i = 0; for (long blockId : ids) { array[i] = blockId; i++; } LightWeightRequestHandler handler = new LightWeightRequestHandler( HDFSOperationType.RESOLVE_INODES_FROM_BLOCKIDS) { @Override public Object performTask() throws IOException { boolean transactionActive = connector.isTransactionActive(); try { if (!transactionActive) { connector.beginTransaction(); } BlockLookUpDataAccess<BlockLookUp> da = (BlockLookUpDataAccess) HdfsStorageFactory .getDataAccess(BlockLookUpDataAccess.class); Map<Long, List<Long>> inodeIds = da.getINodeIdsForBlockIds(array); return inodeIds; } finally { if (!transactionActive) { connector.commit(); } } } }; try { Map<Long, List<Long>> map = (Map<Long, List<Long>>) handler.handle(); synchronized (inodeIds) { for (long inodeId : map.keySet()) { List<Long> blockIds = inodeIds.get(inodeId); if (blockIds == null) { blockIds = new ArrayList<>(); inodeIds.put(inodeId, blockIds); } blockIds.addAll(map.get(inodeId)); } } } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Could not resolve iNode from blockId (blockid=" + Arrays.toString(array) + ")"); throw new StorageException(ex.getMessage()); } } }); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } return inodeIds; } public static List<INodeIdentifier> resolveINodesFromIds(final List<Long> inodeIds) throws StorageException { LightWeightRequestHandler handler = new LightWeightRequestHandler( HDFSOperationType.RESOLVE_INODES_FROM_IDS) { @Override public Object performTask() throws IOException { boolean transactionActive = connector.isTransactionActive(); try { if (!transactionActive) { connector.beginTransaction(); } INodeDALAdaptor ida = (INodeDALAdaptor) HdfsStorageFactory.getDataAccess(INodeDataAccess.class); long[] ids = new long[inodeIds.size()]; int i = 0; for (long id : inodeIds) { ids[i] = id; i++; } List<INodeIdentifier> result = new ArrayList<>(inodeIds.size()); Collection<INode> inodes = ida.findInodesByIdsFTIS(ids); if (inodes == null) { return result; } for (INode inode : inodes) { INodeIdentifier inodeIdent = new INodeIdentifier(inode.getId()); inodeIdent.setName(inode.getLocalName()); inodeIdent.setPid(inode.getParentId()); inodeIdent.setPartitionId(inode.getPartitionId()); result.add(inodeIdent); } return result; } finally { if (!transactionActive) { connector.commit(); } } } }; try { return (List<INodeIdentifier>) handler.handle(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Could not resolve iNode from their Id"); throw new StorageException(ex.getMessage()); } } public static long[] resolveINodesFromBlockIds(final long[] blockIds) throws StorageException { LightWeightRequestHandler handler = new LightWeightRequestHandler(HDFSOperationType.GET_INODEIDS_FOR_BLKS) { @Override public Object performTask() throws IOException { BlockLookUpDataAccess<BlockLookUp> da = (BlockLookUpDataAccess) HdfsStorageFactory .getDataAccess(BlockLookUpDataAccess.class); return da.findINodeIdsByBlockIds(blockIds); } }; try { return (long[]) handler.handle(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new StorageException(ex.getMessage()); } } public static INodeIdentifier resolveINodeFromId(final long id) throws StorageException { INodeIdentifier inodeIdentifier; LightWeightRequestHandler handler = new LightWeightRequestHandler(HDFSOperationType.RESOLVE_INODE_FROM_ID) { @Override public Object performTask() throws StorageException, IOException { INodeDALAdaptor ida = (INodeDALAdaptor) HdfsStorageFactory.getDataAccess(INodeDataAccess.class); INode inode = ida.findInodeByIdFTIS(id); INodeIdentifier inodeIdent = new INodeIdentifier(id); if (inode != null) { inodeIdent.setName(inode.getLocalName()); inodeIdent.setPid(inode.getParentId()); inodeIdent.setPartitionId(inode.getPartitionId()); } return inodeIdent; } }; try { inodeIdentifier = (INodeIdentifier) handler.handle(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new StorageException(ex.getMessage()); } return inodeIdentifier; } public static String constructPath(List<INode> pathINodes) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (INode node : pathINodes) { if (node.isDirectory()) { builder.append(node.getLocalName() + "/"); } else { builder.append(node.getLocalName()); } } return builder.toString(); } public static List<AclEntry> getInodeOwnAclNoTransaction(INode inode) throws AclException, StorageException { AceDataAccess<Ace> aceDataAccess = (AceDataAccess) HdfsStorageFactory.getDataAccess(AceDataAccess.class); int numAces = inode.getNumAces(); if (numAces == 0) { return new ArrayList<>(); } int[] aceIndices = new int[numAces]; for (int i = 0; i < aceIndices.length; i++) { aceIndices[i] = i; } List<Ace> acesByPKBatched = aceDataAccess.getAcesByPKBatched(inode.getId(), aceIndices); return INodeAclHelper.convert(acesByPKBatched); } public static List<AclEntry> getInodeOwnAclNoTransaction(ProjectedINode child) throws StorageException, AclException { AceDataAccess<Ace> aceDataAccess = (AceDataAccess) HdfsStorageFactory.getDataAccess(AceDataAccess.class); int numAces = child.getNumAces(); if (numAces == 0) { return new ArrayList<>(); } int[] aceIndices = new int[numAces]; for (int i = 0; i < aceIndices.length; i++) { aceIndices[i] = i; } List<Ace> acesByPKBatched = aceDataAccess.getAcesByPKBatched(child.getId(), aceIndices); return INodeAclHelper.convert(acesByPKBatched); } /** * @return an empty list if the children list is null; * otherwise, return the children list. * The returned list should not be modified. */ static public List<INode> getChildrenListNotTransactional(long inodeId, int depth) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { List<INode> children = getChildrenNotTransactional(inodeId, depth); return children == null ? EMPTY_LIST : children; } /** * @return the children list which is possibly null. */ static private List<INode> getChildrenNotTransactional(long inodeId, int depth) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { INodeDataAccess da = (INodeDataAccess) HdfsStorageFactory.getDataAccess(INodeDataAccess.class); short childrenDepth = ((short) (depth + 1)); if (INode.isTreeLevelRandomPartitioned(childrenDepth)) { return (List<INode>) da.findInodesByParentIdFTIS(inodeId); } else { return (List<INode>) da.findInodesByParentIdAndPartitionIdPPIS(inodeId, inodeId/* * partition id for all the childred is the parent id */); } } }