Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013. Ground Zero Labs, Private Company. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.hightide.handlers; import io.hightide.ApplicationContext; import io.hightide.ApplicationStage; import io.hightide.renderers.RythmHtmlRenderer; import; import io.undertow.server.DefaultResponseListener; import io.undertow.server.HttpHandler; import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange; import io.undertow.server.handlers.ResponseCodeHandler; import io.undertow.util.Headers; import io.undertow.util.StatusCodes; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import static java.util.Objects.nonNull; /** * @author <a href="">George Panagiotopoulos</a> */ public class ErrorHandler implements HttpHandler { private volatile HttpHandler next = ResponseCodeHandler.HANDLE_404; private boolean devMode = false; public ErrorHandler(HttpHandler next) { devMode = ApplicationStage.DEV.equals(ApplicationContext.instance().getAppStage()); = next; } public ErrorHandler(boolean devMode, HttpHandler next) { this(next); this.devMode = devMode; } @Override public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception { exchange.addDefaultResponseListener(new DefaultResponseListener() { @Override public boolean handleDefaultResponse(final HttpServerExchange exchange) { if (!exchange.isResponseChannelAvailable()) { return false; } if (exchange.getResponseCode() >= 400) { Throwable t = exchange.getAttachment(HightideHandler.EXCEPTION_ATTACHMENT); String exceptionString; String message = exchange.getResponseCode() == 404 ? "Wrong address, no one lives here!" : "Server's on fire, run for your life!"; String errorPage; try { Map<String, Object> errorMap = new HashMap<>(); errorMap.put("message", message); errorMap.put("responseCode", exchange.getResponseCode()); errorMap.put("reason", StatusCodes.getReason(exchange.getResponseCode())); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); t.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(baos)); exceptionString = baos.toString(); errorMap.put("exception", exceptionString); errorMap.put("exceptionMsg", t.getMessage()); errorPage = new RythmHtmlRenderer().render("errors/default.html.rythm", errorMap); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionString = printException(t); errorPage = "<html><head><title>Error</title></head><body>" + "<h1>" + message + "</h1>" + exchange.getResponseCode() + " - " + StatusCodes.getReason(exchange.getResponseCode()) + exceptionString + "</body></html>"; } exchange.getResponseHeaders().put(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH, "" + errorPage.length()); exchange.getResponseHeaders().put(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html"); Sender sender = exchange.getResponseSender(); sender.send(errorPage); return true; } return false; } }); next.handleRequest(exchange); } private String printException(Throwable t) { StackTraceElement ste = t.getStackTrace().length > 0 ? t.getStackTrace()[0] : null; String message; if (nonNull(t.getMessage())) { message = htmlify(t.getMessage()); } else { message = ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<div><strong>Error Message:</strong> ").append(t.getClass().getName()).append(" - ") .append(message).append("<br/><br/>"); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); t.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(baos)); sb.append("<strong>Stacktrace</strong><br/><div class='exception'>").append(htmlify(baos.toString())) .append("</div>"); //sb.append("File name: ").append(ste.getFileName()).append(" at line ").append(ste.getLineNumber()).append(nl); //sb.append("Method Called: ").append(ste.getClassName()).append(".").append(ste.getMethodName()); return sb.toString(); } private String htmlify(String str) { return StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(str).replaceAll("\\n", "<br/>").replaceAll("\\t", " "); } }