Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Hakbot Origin Controller. * * Hakbot Origin Controller is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * Hakbot Origin Controller is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * Hakbot Origin Controller. If not, see */ package io.hakbot.controller.persistence; import alpine.Config; import alpine.model.ApiKey; import alpine.model.LdapUser; import alpine.model.UserPrincipal; import alpine.persistence.AlpineQueryManager; import io.hakbot.controller.model.Job; import io.hakbot.controller.model.JobArtifact; import io.hakbot.controller.model.JobProperty; import io.hakbot.controller.model.SystemAccount; import io.hakbot.controller.model.Team; import io.hakbot.controller.workers.State; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.jdo.Query; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; public class QueryManager extends AlpineQueryManager { private static final boolean ENFORCE_AUTHORIZATION = Config.getInstance() .getPropertyAsBoolean(Config.AlpineKey.ENFORCE_AUTHORIZATION); public enum OrderDirection { ASC, DESC } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Job> getJobs(OrderDirection order, Principal principal) { final Query query = pm.newQuery(Job.class); query.setOrdering("created " +; final List<Job> result = (List<Job>) query.execute(); return getPermissible(result, principal); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Job> getJobs(State state, OrderDirection order, Principal principal) { final Query query = pm.newQuery(Job.class, "state == :state"); query.setOrdering("created " +; final List<Job> result = (List<Job>) query.execute(state.getValue()); return getPermissible(result, principal); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Job> getJobs(String pluginClass, State state, OrderDirection order, Principal principal) { final Query query = pm.newQuery(Job.class, "providerClass == :pluginClass && state == :state"); query.setOrdering("created " +; final List<Job> result = (List<Job>) query.execute(pluginClass, state.getValue()); return getPermissible(result, principal); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Job getJob(String uuid, Principal principal) { final Query query = pm.newQuery(Job.class, "uuid == :uuid"); final List<Job> result = (List<Job>) query.execute(uuid); final List<Job> permissible = getPermissible(result, principal); return permissible.size() == 0 ? null : permissible.get(0); } public Job createJob(String name, String provider, String providerPayload, String publisher, String publisherPayload, ApiKey apiKey) { pm.currentTransaction().begin(); final Job job = new Job(); job.setName(name); job.setProvider(provider); job.setPublisher(publisher); job.setCreated(new Date()); job.setState(State.CREATED); if (apiKey != null) { job.setStartedByApiKeyId(apiKey.getId()); } job.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); pm.makePersistent(job); pm.currentTransaction().commit(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(providerPayload)) { setJobArtifact(job, JobArtifact.Type.PROVIDER_PAYLOAD, JobArtifact.MimeType.JSON.value(), providerPayload.getBytes(), null, null); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(publisherPayload)) { setJobArtifact(job, JobArtifact.Type.PUBLISHER_PAYLOAD, JobArtifact.MimeType.JSON.value(), publisherPayload.getBytes(), null, null); } return pm.getObjectById(Job.class, job.getId()); } public Job updateJob(Job transientJob) { final Job job = getJob(transientJob.getUuid(), new SystemAccount()); pm.currentTransaction().begin(); job.setCompleted(transientJob.getCompleted()); job.setCreated(transientJob.getCreated()); job.setMessage(transientJob.getMessage()); job.setName(transientJob.getName()); job.setProvider(transientJob.getProvider()); job.setPublisher(transientJob.getPublisher()); job.setStarted(transientJob.getStarted()); job.setStartedByApiKeyId(transientJob.getStartedByApiKeyId()); job.setState(transientJob.getState()); pm.currentTransaction().commit(); return pm.getObjectById(Job.class, job.getId()); } public long getUnprocessedJobCount() { final Query query = pm.newQuery(Job.class, "state == :created || state == :unavailable || state == :inQueue || state == :inProgress"); query.setResult("count(id)"); return (Long) query.executeWithArray(State.CREATED.getValue(), State.UNAVAILABLE.getValue(), State.IN_QUEUE.getValue(), State.IN_PROGRESS.getValue()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<JobProperty> getJobProperties(Job job) { final Query query = pm.newQuery(JobProperty.class, "jobid == :jobid"); return (List<JobProperty>) query.execute(job.getId()); } public JobProperty getJobProperty(Job job, String key) { final List<JobProperty> properties = getJobProperties(job); for (JobProperty property : properties) { if (property.getKey().equals(key)) { return property; } } return null; } public JobProperty setJobProperty(Job job, String key, Object value) { pm.currentTransaction().begin(); JobProperty property = getJobProperty(job, key); if (property == null) { property = new JobProperty(job, key, value.toString()); pm.makePersistent(property); } else { property.setJobId(job.getId()); property.setKey(key); property.setValue(value.toString()); } pm.currentTransaction().commit(); property = pm.getObjectById(JobProperty.class, property.getId()); return property; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<JobArtifact> getJobArtifacts(Job job) { final Query query = pm.newQuery(JobArtifact.class, "jobid == :jobid"); return (List<JobArtifact>) query.execute(job.getId()); } public JobArtifact getJobArtifact(Job job, JobArtifact.Type type) { final List<JobArtifact> artifacts = getJobArtifacts(job); for (JobArtifact artifact : artifacts) { if (artifact.getType().equals( { return artifact; } } return null; } public JobArtifact setJobArtifact(@Nonnull Job job, @Nonnull JobArtifact.Type type, @Nonnull String mimeType, @Nonnull byte[] contents, @Nullable String uuid, @Nullable String filename) { pm.currentTransaction().begin(); JobArtifact artifact = null; boolean isNewObject = false; if (uuid != null) { isNewObject = false; artifact = getObjectByUuid(JobArtifact.class, uuid); } if (artifact == null) { isNewObject = true; artifact = new JobArtifact(); artifact.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } artifact.setJobid(job.getId()); artifact.setType(type); artifact.setMimetype(mimeType); artifact.setContents(contents); artifact.setFilename(filename); if (isNewObject) { pm.makePersistent(artifact); } pm.currentTransaction().commit(); return pm.getObjectById(JobArtifact.class, artifact.getId()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void deleteAllJobs(Principal principal) { final Query query = pm.newQuery(Job.class); final List<Job> result = (List<Job>) query.execute(); final List<Job> permissible = getPermissible(result, principal); pm.currentTransaction().begin(); for (Job job : permissible) { final List<JobProperty> properties = getJobProperties(job); pm.deletePersistentAll(properties); } pm.deletePersistentAll(permissible); pm.currentTransaction().commit(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void deleteJob(String uuid, Principal principal) { final Query query = pm.newQuery(Job.class, "uuid == :uuid"); final List<Job> result = (List<Job>) query.execute(uuid); final List<Job> permissible = getPermissible(result, principal); pm.currentTransaction().begin(); for (Job job : permissible) { final List<JobProperty> properties = getJobProperties(job); pm.deletePersistentAll(properties); } pm.deletePersistentAll(permissible); pm.currentTransaction().commit(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void deleteJobs(State state, Principal principal) { final Query query = pm.newQuery(Job.class, "state == :state"); final List<Job> result = (List<Job>) query.execute(state.getValue()); final List<Job> permissible = getPermissible(result, principal); pm.currentTransaction().begin(); for (Job job : permissible) { final List<JobProperty> properties = getJobProperties(job); pm.deletePersistentAll(properties); } pm.deletePersistentAll(permissible); pm.currentTransaction().commit(); } @Override public List<alpine.model.LdapUser> getLdapUsers() { final List<LdapUser> users = new ArrayList<>(); for (LdapUser ldapUser : super.getLdapUsers()) { final LdapUser transientUser = new LdapUser(); transientUser.setId(ldapUser.getId()); transientUser.setDN(ldapUser.getDN()); transientUser.setUsername(ldapUser.getUsername()); final List<alpine.model.Team> transientTeams = new ArrayList<>(); for (alpine.model.Team team : ldapUser.getTeams()) { if (team instanceof Team) { transientTeams.add(team); } } transientUser.setTeams(transientTeams); users.add(transientUser); } return users; } /** * Since we are extending alpine.model.Team, we don't want to create an Alpine team. */ @Deprecated public alpine.model.Team createTeam(String name, boolean createApiKey) { return createTeam(name, false, createApiKey); } /** * Creates a Hakbot team */ public Team createTeam(String name, boolean isHakmaster, boolean createApiKey) { pm.currentTransaction().begin(); final Team team = new Team(); team.setName(name); team.setHakmaster(isHakmaster); pm.makePersistent(team); pm.currentTransaction().commit(); if (createApiKey) { createApiKey(team); } return getObjectByUuid(Team.class, team.getUuid(), Team.FetchGroup.ALL.getName()); } /** * Since we are extending alpine.model.Team, we don't want to retrieve Alpine teams. */ @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<alpine.model.Team> getTeams() { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } public List<Team> getHakbotTeams() { final List<Team> teams = new ArrayList<>(); for (alpine.model.Team alpineTeam : super.getTeams()) { if (alpineTeam instanceof Team) { teams.add(getObjectById(Team.class, alpineTeam.getId())); } } return teams; } /** * Since we are extending alpine.model.Team, we don't want to update Alpine teams. */ @Deprecated public alpine.model.Team updateTeam(alpine.model.Team transientTeam) { return null; } public Team updateTeam(Team transientTeam) { final Team team = getObjectByUuid(Team.class, transientTeam.getUuid()); pm.currentTransaction().begin(); team.setName(transientTeam.getName()); team.setHakmaster(transientTeam.isHakmaster()); pm.currentTransaction().commit(); return pm.getObjectById(Team.class, team.getId()); } public boolean addUserToTeam(LdapUser user, Team team) { final List<alpine.model.Team> teams = user.getTeams(); boolean found = false; for (alpine.model.Team alpineTeam : teams) { Team t = getObjectById(Team.class, alpineTeam.getId()); if (team.getUuid().equals(t.getUuid())) { found = true; } } if (!found) { pm.currentTransaction().begin(); teams.add(team); user.setTeams(teams); pm.currentTransaction().commit(); return true; } return false; } private List<Job> getPermissible(List<Job> result, Principal principal) { final List<Job> permissible = new ArrayList<>(); for (Job job : result) { if (hasPermission(job, principal)) { permissible.add(job); } } return permissible; } public boolean hasPermission(Job job, Principal principal) { if (!ENFORCE_AUTHORIZATION) { return true; } if (principal instanceof ApiKey) { return hasPermission(job, (ApiKey) principal); } else if (principal instanceof LdapUser) { return hasPermission(job, (LdapUser) principal); } else if (principal instanceof SystemAccount) { return true; } else { return false; } } private boolean hasPermission(Job job, ApiKey apiKey) { //todo: check apikey team permission - future enhancement return job.getStartedByApiKeyId() == apiKey.getId(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean hasPermission(Job job, LdapUser ldapUser) { final ApiKey apiKey = pm.getObjectById(ApiKey.class, job.getStartedByApiKeyId()); final ArrayList<Long> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (alpine.model.Team alpineTeam : apiKey.getTeams()) { final Team team = getObjectById(Team.class, alpineTeam.getId()); list.add(team.getId()); } for (alpine.model.Team alpineTeam : ldapUser.getTeams()) { final Team team = getObjectById(Team.class, alpineTeam.getId()); if (team.isHakmaster()) { return true; } if (list.contains(team.getId())) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isHakMaster(UserPrincipal principal) { return isHakMaster(principal.getTeams()); } public boolean isHakMaster(ApiKey apiKey) { return isHakMaster(apiKey.getTeams()); } private boolean isHakMaster(List<alpine.model.Team> teamMembership) { if (teamMembership != null) { for (alpine.model.Team alpineTeam : teamMembership) { final Team team = getObjectById(Team.class, alpineTeam.getId()); if (team.isHakmaster()) { return true; } } } return false; } }