Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 The gRPC Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.grpc.netty; import static; import static io.grpc.netty.NettyServerBuilder.MAX_CONNECTION_AGE_NANOS_DISABLED; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import io.grpc.InternalChannelz; import io.grpc.InternalChannelz.SocketStats; import io.grpc.InternalInstrumented; import io.grpc.InternalLogId; import io.grpc.InternalWithLogId; import io.grpc.ServerStreamTracer; import io.grpc.internal.InternalServer; import io.grpc.internal.ObjectPool; import io.grpc.internal.ServerListener; import io.grpc.internal.ServerTransportListener; import io.grpc.internal.TransportTracer; import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.util.AbstractReferenceCounted; import io.netty.util.ReferenceCounted; import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future; import io.netty.util.concurrent.GenericFutureListener; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Netty-based server implementation. */ class NettyServer implements InternalServer, InternalWithLogId { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(InternalServer.class.getName()); private final InternalLogId logId; private final SocketAddress address; private final ChannelFactory<? extends ServerChannel> channelFactory; private final Map<ChannelOption<?>, ?> channelOptions; private final ProtocolNegotiator protocolNegotiator; private final int maxStreamsPerConnection; private final ObjectPool<? extends EventLoopGroup> bossGroupPool; private final ObjectPool<? extends EventLoopGroup> workerGroupPool; private EventLoopGroup bossGroup; private EventLoopGroup workerGroup; private ServerListener listener; private Channel channel; private final int flowControlWindow; private final int maxMessageSize; private final int maxHeaderListSize; private final long keepAliveTimeInNanos; private final long keepAliveTimeoutInNanos; private final long maxConnectionIdleInNanos; private final long maxConnectionAgeInNanos; private final long maxConnectionAgeGraceInNanos; private final boolean permitKeepAliveWithoutCalls; private final long permitKeepAliveTimeInNanos; private final ReferenceCounted eventLoopReferenceCounter = new EventLoopReferenceCounter(); private final List<? extends ServerStreamTracer.Factory> streamTracerFactories; private final TransportTracer.Factory transportTracerFactory; private final InternalChannelz channelz; // Only modified in event loop but safe to read any time. Set at startup and unset at shutdown. private final AtomicReference<InternalInstrumented<SocketStats>> listenSocketStats = new AtomicReference<>(); NettyServer(SocketAddress address, ChannelFactory<? extends ServerChannel> channelFactory, Map<ChannelOption<?>, ?> channelOptions, ObjectPool<? extends EventLoopGroup> bossGroupPool, ObjectPool<? extends EventLoopGroup> workerGroupPool, ProtocolNegotiator protocolNegotiator, List<? extends ServerStreamTracer.Factory> streamTracerFactories, TransportTracer.Factory transportTracerFactory, int maxStreamsPerConnection, int flowControlWindow, int maxMessageSize, int maxHeaderListSize, long keepAliveTimeInNanos, long keepAliveTimeoutInNanos, long maxConnectionIdleInNanos, long maxConnectionAgeInNanos, long maxConnectionAgeGraceInNanos, boolean permitKeepAliveWithoutCalls, long permitKeepAliveTimeInNanos, InternalChannelz channelz) { this.address = address; this.channelFactory = checkNotNull(channelFactory, "channelFactory"); checkNotNull(channelOptions, "channelOptions"); this.channelOptions = new HashMap<ChannelOption<?>, Object>(channelOptions); this.bossGroupPool = checkNotNull(bossGroupPool, "bossGroupPool"); this.workerGroupPool = checkNotNull(workerGroupPool, "workerGroupPool"); this.bossGroup = bossGroupPool.getObject(); this.workerGroup = workerGroupPool.getObject(); this.protocolNegotiator = checkNotNull(protocolNegotiator, "protocolNegotiator"); this.streamTracerFactories = checkNotNull(streamTracerFactories, "streamTracerFactories"); this.transportTracerFactory = transportTracerFactory; this.maxStreamsPerConnection = maxStreamsPerConnection; this.flowControlWindow = flowControlWindow; this.maxMessageSize = maxMessageSize; this.maxHeaderListSize = maxHeaderListSize; this.keepAliveTimeInNanos = keepAliveTimeInNanos; this.keepAliveTimeoutInNanos = keepAliveTimeoutInNanos; this.maxConnectionIdleInNanos = maxConnectionIdleInNanos; this.maxConnectionAgeInNanos = maxConnectionAgeInNanos; this.maxConnectionAgeGraceInNanos = maxConnectionAgeGraceInNanos; this.permitKeepAliveWithoutCalls = permitKeepAliveWithoutCalls; this.permitKeepAliveTimeInNanos = permitKeepAliveTimeInNanos; this.channelz = Preconditions.checkNotNull(channelz); this.logId = InternalLogId.allocate(getClass(), address != null ? address.toString() : "No address"); } @Override public SocketAddress getListenSocketAddress() { if (channel == null) { // server is not listening/bound yet, just return the original port. return address; } return channel.localAddress(); } @Override public InternalInstrumented<SocketStats> getListenSocketStats() { return listenSocketStats.get(); } @Override public void start(ServerListener serverListener) throws IOException { listener = checkNotNull(serverListener, "serverListener"); ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();, workerGroup); b.channelFactory(channelFactory); // For non-socket based channel, the option will be ignored. b.option(SO_BACKLOG, 128); b.childOption(SO_KEEPALIVE, true); if (channelOptions != null) { for (Map.Entry<ChannelOption<?>, ?> entry : channelOptions.entrySet()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ChannelOption<Object> key = (ChannelOption<Object>) entry.getKey(); b.childOption(key, entry.getValue()); } } b.childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<Channel>() { @Override public void initChannel(Channel ch) { ChannelPromise channelDone = ch.newPromise(); long maxConnectionAgeInNanos = NettyServer.this.maxConnectionAgeInNanos; if (maxConnectionAgeInNanos != MAX_CONNECTION_AGE_NANOS_DISABLED) { // apply a random jitter of +/-10% to max connection age maxConnectionAgeInNanos = (long) ((.9D + Math.random() * .2D) * maxConnectionAgeInNanos); } NettyServerTransport transport = new NettyServerTransport(ch, channelDone, protocolNegotiator, streamTracerFactories, transportTracerFactory.create(), maxStreamsPerConnection, flowControlWindow, maxMessageSize, maxHeaderListSize, keepAliveTimeInNanos, keepAliveTimeoutInNanos, maxConnectionIdleInNanos, maxConnectionAgeInNanos, maxConnectionAgeGraceInNanos, permitKeepAliveWithoutCalls, permitKeepAliveTimeInNanos); ServerTransportListener transportListener; // This is to order callbacks on the listener, not to guard access to channel. synchronized (NettyServer.this) { if (channel != null && !channel.isOpen()) { // Server already shutdown. ch.close(); return; } // `channel` shutdown can race with `ch` initialization, so this is only safe to increment // inside the lock. eventLoopReferenceCounter.retain(); transportListener = listener.transportCreated(transport); } /** * Releases the event loop if the channel is "done", possibly due to the channel closing. */ final class LoopReleaser implements ChannelFutureListener { private boolean done; @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception { if (!done) { done = true; eventLoopReferenceCounter.release(); } } } transport.start(transportListener); ChannelFutureListener loopReleaser = new LoopReleaser(); channelDone.addListener(loopReleaser); ch.closeFuture().addListener(loopReleaser); } }); // Bind and start to accept incoming connections. ChannelFuture future = b.bind(address); try { future.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted waiting for bind"); } if (!future.isSuccess()) { throw new IOException("Failed to bind", future.cause()); } channel =; Future<?> channelzFuture = channel.eventLoop().submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { InternalInstrumented<SocketStats> listenSocket = new ListenSocket(channel); listenSocketStats.set(listenSocket); channelz.addListenSocket(listenSocket); } }); try { channelzFuture.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted while registering listen socket to channelz", ex); } } @Override public void shutdown() { if (channel == null || !channel.isOpen()) { // Already closed. return; } channel.close().addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception { if (!future.isSuccess()) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error shutting down server", future.cause()); } InternalInstrumented<SocketStats> stats = listenSocketStats.getAndSet(null); if (stats != null) { channelz.removeListenSocket(stats); } synchronized (NettyServer.this) { listener.serverShutdown(); } eventLoopReferenceCounter.release(); } }); try { channel.closeFuture().await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Interrupted while shutting down", e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } @Override public InternalLogId getLogId() { return logId; } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("logId", logId.getId()).add("address", address).toString(); } class EventLoopReferenceCounter extends AbstractReferenceCounted { @Override protected void deallocate() { try { if (bossGroup != null) { bossGroupPool.returnObject(bossGroup); } } finally { bossGroup = null; try { if (workerGroup != null) { workerGroupPool.returnObject(workerGroup); } } finally { workerGroup = null; } } } @Override public ReferenceCounted touch(Object hint) { return this; } } /** * A class that can answer channelz queries about the server listen sockets. */ private static final class ListenSocket implements InternalInstrumented<SocketStats> { private final InternalLogId id; private final Channel ch; ListenSocket(Channel ch) { = ch; = InternalLogId.allocate(getClass(), String.valueOf(ch.localAddress())); } @Override public ListenableFuture<SocketStats> getStats() { final SettableFuture<SocketStats> ret = SettableFuture.create(); if (ch.eventLoop().inEventLoop()) { // This is necessary, otherwise we will block forever if we get the future from inside // the event loop. ret.set(new SocketStats(/*data=*/ null, ch.localAddress(), /*remote=*/ null, Utils.getSocketOptions(ch), /*security=*/ null)); return ret; } ch.eventLoop().submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ret.set(new SocketStats(/*data=*/ null, ch.localAddress(), /*remote=*/ null, Utils.getSocketOptions(ch), /*security=*/ null)); } }).addListener(new GenericFutureListener<Future<Object>>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<Object> future) throws Exception { if (!future.isSuccess()) { ret.setException(future.cause()); } } }); return ret; } @Override public InternalLogId getLogId() { return id; } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("logId", id.getId()).add("channel", ch).toString(); } } }