Java tutorial
/** * Retz * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Nautilus Technologies, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.github.retz.web; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jdk8.Jdk8Module; import io.github.retz.auth.AuthHeader; import io.github.retz.cli.TimestampHelper; import io.github.retz.db.Database; import io.github.retz.mesosc.MesosHTTPFetcher; import io.github.retz.misc.Pair; import io.github.retz.misc.Triad; import io.github.retz.planner.AppJobPair; import io.github.retz.protocol.*; import; import; import; import; import io.github.retz.protocol.exception.DownloadFileSizeExceeded; import io.github.retz.scheduler.*; import; import org.apache.mesos.Protos; import org.apache.mesos.SchedulerDriver; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import spark.Request; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import static io.github.retz.web.WebConsole.validateOwner; import static spark.Spark.halt; public class JobRequestHandler { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JobRequestHandler.class); private static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); private static Optional<RetzScheduler> scheduler = Optional.empty(); private static Optional<SchedulerDriver> driver = Optional.empty(); private static int MAX_LIST_JOB_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE; static { MAPPER.registerModule(new Jdk8Module()); } static void setScheduler(RetzScheduler sched) { scheduler = Optional.ofNullable(sched); } static void setDriver(SchedulerDriver d) { driver = Optional.ofNullable(d); } static void setMaxListJobSize(int v) {"Setting max list-job size as {}", v); MAX_LIST_JOB_SIZE = v; } static String listJob(spark.Request req, spark.Response res) throws IOException { Optional<AuthHeader> authHeaderValue = WebConsole.getAuthInfo(req); LOG.debug("list jobs owned by {}", authHeaderValue.get().key()); ListJobRequest listJobRequest = MAPPER.readValue(req.body(), ListJobRequest.class); LOG.debug("q: state={}, tag={}", listJobRequest.state(), listJobRequest.tag()); String user = Objects.requireNonNull(authHeaderValue.get().key()); try { List<Job> jobs = JobQueue.list(user, listJobRequest.state(), listJobRequest.tag(), MAX_LIST_JOB_SIZE); boolean more = false; if (jobs.size() > ListJobResponse.MAX_JOB_NUMBER) { more = true; jobs = jobs.subList(0, ListJobResponse.MAX_JOB_NUMBER); } ListJobResponse listJobResponse = new ListJobResponse(jobs, more); listJobResponse.ok(); res.status(200); res.type("application/json"); return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(listJobResponse); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error(e.toString(), e); res.status(500); return "\"Internal Error\""; } } private static Optional<Job> getJobAndVerify(Request req) throws IOException { int id = Integer.parseInt(req.params(":id")); Optional<AuthHeader> authHeaderValue = WebConsole.getAuthInfo(req); if (!authHeaderValue.isPresent()) { LOG.debug("Authorization header lacking?"); return Optional.empty(); } LOG.debug("get-xxx id={}, user={}", id, authHeaderValue.get().key()); Optional<AppJobPair> maybePair = Database.getInstance().getAppJob(id); if (maybePair.isPresent()) { AppJobPair pair = maybePair.get(); if (pair.application().getOwner().equals(authHeaderValue.get().key())) { return Optional.of(pair.job()); } } return Optional.empty(); } static String getJob(spark.Request req, spark.Response res) throws IOException { Optional<Job> maybeJob = getJobAndVerify(req); res.type("application/json"); Response response = new GetJobResponse(maybeJob); response.status("ok"); res.status(200); return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(response); } static String getFile(spark.Request req, spark.Response res) throws IOException { Optional<Job> job = getJobAndVerify(req); String file = req.queryParams("path"); long offset = Long.parseLong(req.queryParams("offset")); long length = Long.parseLong(req.queryParams("length")); LOG.debug("get-file: path={}, offset={}, length={}", file, offset, length); res.type("application/json"); Optional<FileContent> fileContent; if (job.isPresent() && job.get().url() != null // If url() is null, the job hasn't yet been started at Mesos && MesosHTTPFetcher.statHTTPFile(job.get().url(), file)) { Pair<Integer, String> payload = MesosHTTPFetcher.fetchHTTPFile(job.get().url(), file, offset, length); LOG.debug("Payload length={}, offset={}", payload.right().length(), offset); // TODO: what the heck happens when a file is not UTF-8 encodable???? How Mesos works? if (payload.left() == 200) { fileContent = Optional.ofNullable(MAPPER.readValue(payload.right(), FileContent.class)); } else { return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new ErrorResponse(payload.right())); } } else { fileContent = Optional.empty(); } GetFileResponse getFileResponse = new GetFileResponse(job, fileContent); getFileResponse.ok(); res.status(200); return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(getFileResponse); } // A new HTTP endpoint to support binaries static String downloadFile(spark.Request req, spark.Response res) throws Exception { Optional<Job> job = getJobAndVerify(req); String file = req.queryParams("path"); LOG.debug("download: path={}", file); if (job.isPresent() && job.get().url() != null) { // If url() is null, the job hasn't yet been started at Mesos MesosHTTPFetcher.downloadHTTPFile(job.get().url(), file, (Triad<Integer, String, Pair<Long, InputStream>> triad) -> { Integer statusCode = triad.left(); res.status(statusCode); if (statusCode == 200) { Long length = triad.right().left(); InputStream io = triad.right().right(); Long maxFileSize = scheduler.get().maxFileSize(); if (length < 0) { throw new IOException("content length is negative: " + length); } else if (0 <= maxFileSize && maxFileSize < length) { // negative maxFileSize indicates no limit throw new DownloadFileSizeExceeded(length, maxFileSize); } res.raw().setHeader("Content-Length", length.toString()); LOG.debug("start streaming of {} bytes for {}", length, file); IOUtils.copyLarge(io, res.raw().getOutputStream(), 0, length); LOG.debug("end streaming for {}", file); } else { res.body(; } }); return ""; } else { res.status(404); return ""; } } static String getDir(spark.Request req, spark.Response res) throws JsonProcessingException { Optional<Job> job; try { job = getJobAndVerify(req); } catch (IOException e) { return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new ErrorResponse(e.toString())); } String path = req.queryParams("path"); LOG.debug("get-path: path={}", path); res.type("application/json"); // Translating default as SparkJava's router doesn't route '.' or empty string if (ListFilesRequest.DEFAULT_SANDBOX_PATH.equals(path)) { path = ""; } List ret; if (job.isPresent() && job.get().url() != null) { try { Pair<Integer, String> maybeJson = MesosHTTPFetcher.fetchHTTPDir(job.get().url(), path); if (maybeJson.left() == 200) { ret = MAPPER.readValue(maybeJson.right(), new TypeReference<List<DirEntry>>() { }); } else { return MAPPER.writeValueAsString( new ErrorResponse(path + ":" + maybeJson.left() + " " + maybeJson.right())); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { res.status(404); LOG.warn("path {} not found", path); return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new ErrorResponse(path + " not found")); } catch (IOException e) { return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new ErrorResponse(e.toString())); } } else { ret = Arrays.asList(); } ListFilesResponse listFilesResponse = new ListFilesResponse(job, ret); listFilesResponse.status("ok"); return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(listFilesResponse); } static String kill(Request req, spark.Response res) throws JsonProcessingException { LOG.debug("kill", req.params(":id")); res.type("application/json"); int id = Integer.parseInt(req.params(":id")); Optional<Job> maybeJob; try { maybeJob = getJobAndVerify(req); } catch (IOException e) { return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new ErrorResponse(e.toString())); } if (!maybeJob.isPresent()) { res.status(404); Response response = new ErrorResponse("No such job: " + id); response.status("No such job: " + id); return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(response); } Optional<Boolean> result = -> { Optional<Job> maybeJob2 = JobQueue.cancel(id, "Canceled by user"); if (maybeJob2.isPresent()) { Job job = maybeJob2.get(); // There's a slight pitfall between cancel above and kill below where // no kill may be sent, RetzScheduler is exactly in resourceOffers and being scheduled. // Then this protocol returns false for sure. if (job.taskId() != null && !job.taskId().isEmpty() && driver.isPresent()) { Protos.TaskID taskId = Protos.TaskID.newBuilder().setValue(job.taskId()).build(); Protos.Status status = driver.get().killTask(taskId);"Job id={} was running and killed. status={}, taskId={}",, status, job.taskId()); } return job.state() == Job.JobState.KILLED; } // Job is already finished or killed, no more running nor runnable, or something is wrong return false; }); Response response; if (result.isPresent() && result.get()) { response = new KillResponse(); res.status(200); response.ok(); } else { res.status(500); response = new ErrorResponse(); response.status("Can't kill job - due to unknown reason"); } return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(response); } static String schedule(spark.Request req, spark.Response res) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ScheduleRequest scheduleRequest = MAPPER.readValue(req.bodyAsBytes(), ScheduleRequest.class); res.type("application/json"); Optional<Application> maybeApp = Applications.get(scheduleRequest.job().appid()); // TODO check owner right here if (!maybeApp.isPresent()) { // TODO: this warn log cannot be written in real stable release LOG.warn("No such application loaded: {}", scheduleRequest.job().appid()); ErrorResponse response = new ErrorResponse("No such application: " + scheduleRequest.job().appid()); res.status(404); return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(response); } else if (maybeApp.get().enabled()) { validateOwner(req, maybeApp.get()); Job job = scheduleRequest.job(); if (scheduler.isPresent()) { if (!scheduler.get().validateJob(job)) { String msg = "Job " + job.toString() + " does not fit system limit " + scheduler.get().maxJobSize(); // TODO: this warn log cannot be written in real stable release LOG.warn(msg); halt(400, msg); } } job.schedule(JobQueue.issueJobId(),; JobQueue.push(job); if (scheduler.isPresent() && driver.isPresent()) {"Trying invocation from offer stock: {}", job); scheduler.get().maybeInvokeNow(driver.get(), job); } ScheduleResponse scheduleResponse = new ScheduleResponse(job); scheduleResponse.ok();"Job '{}' at {} has been scheduled at {}.", job.cmd(), job.appid(), job.scheduled()); res.status(201); return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(scheduleResponse); } else { // Application is currently disabled res.status(401); ErrorResponse response = new ErrorResponse("Application " + maybeApp.get().getAppid() + " is disabled"); return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(response); } } }