Java tutorial
/** * Retz * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Nautilus Technologies, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.github.retz.inttest; import io.github.retz.cli.TimestampHelper; import io.github.retz.protocol.*; import*; import io.github.retz.protocol.exception.JobNotFoundException; import io.github.retz.web.Client; import io.github.retz.web.ClientHelper; import; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.*; import; import; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; @Ignore public class RetzIntTest extends IntTestBase { @Test public void listAppTest() throws Exception { URI uri = new URI("http://" + RETZ_HOST + ":" + RETZ_PORT); Client client = Client.newBuilder(uri).setAuthenticator(config.getAuthenticator()).build(); Response res = client.listApp(); System.out.println(res.status()); ListAppResponse response = (ListAppResponse) client.listApp(); assertThat(response.status(), is("ok")); assertThat(response.applicationList().size(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(0)); client.close(); } public <E> void assertIncludes(List<E> list, E element) { assertThat(list, hasItem(element)); } @Test public void runAppTest() throws Exception { URI uri = new URI("http://" + RETZ_HOST + ":" + RETZ_PORT); Client client = Client.newBuilder(uri).setAuthenticator(config.getAuthenticator()).build(); Application echoApp = new Application("echo-app", Arrays.asList(), Arrays.asList("file:///"), Optional.empty(), "deadbeef", 0, new MesosContainer(), true); LoadAppResponse loadRes = (LoadAppResponse) client.load(echoApp); assertThat(loadRes.status(), is("ok")); ListAppResponse listRes = (ListAppResponse) client.listApp(); assertThat(listRes.status(), is("ok")); List<String> appNameList = listRes.applicationList().stream().map(app -> app.getAppid()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); assertIncludes(appNameList, "echo-app"); { String echoText = "hoge from echo-app via Retz"; Job job = new Job("echo-app", "echo " + echoText, new Properties(), 2, 256, 32, 0, 1); Job runRes =; assertThat(runRes.result(), is(RES_OK)); assertThat(runRes.state(), is(Job.JobState.FINISHED)); String toDir = "build/log/"; // These downloaded files are not inspected now, useful for debugging test cases, maybe ClientHelper.getWholeFile(client,, "stdout", toDir); ClientHelper.getWholeFile(client,, "stderr", toDir); String actualText = catStdout(client, runRes); List<String> lines = Arrays.asList(actualText.split("\n")); assertThat(lines, hasItem(echoText)); assertThat(lines, hasItem("Received SUBSCRIBED event")); assertThat(lines, hasItem("Received LAUNCH event")); } assertThat(ClientHelper.finished(client).size(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(ClientHelper.running(client).size(), is(0)); assertThat(ClientHelper.queue(client).size(), is(0)); { String echoText = "PPAP"; Job job = new Job("echo-app", "mkdir -p a/b/c/d; echo " + echoText + " > a/b/c/e", new Properties(), 1, 32, 32); Job runRes =; assertThat(runRes.result(), is(RES_OK)); assertThat(runRes.state(), is(Job.JobState.FINISHED)); Response response = client.getFile(, "a/b/c/e", 0, 1024); System.err.println(response.status()); GetFileResponse getFileResponse = (GetFileResponse) response; assertEquals(echoText + "\n", getFileResponse.file().get().data()); ListFilesResponse listFilesResponse = (ListFilesResponse) client.listFiles(, "a/b/c"); assertEquals(2, listFilesResponse.entries().size()); List<String> files = listFilesResponse.entries().stream().map(e -> FilenameUtils.getName(e.path())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); assertEquals("d", files.get(0)); assertEquals("e", files.get(1)); } UnloadAppResponse unloadRes = (UnloadAppResponse) client.unload("echo-app"); assertThat(unloadRes.status(), is("ok")); client.close(); } @Test public void killTest() throws Exception { URI uri = new URI("http://" + RETZ_HOST + ":" + RETZ_PORT); Client client = Client.newBuilder(uri).setAuthenticator(config.getAuthenticator()).build(); Application echoApp = new Application("echo-app", Arrays.asList(), Arrays.asList(), Optional.empty(), "deadbeef", 0, new MesosContainer(), true); Response response = client.load(echoApp); System.err.println(response.status()); LoadAppResponse loadRes = (LoadAppResponse) response; assertThat(loadRes.status(), is("ok")); ListAppResponse listRes = (ListAppResponse) client.listApp(); assertThat(listRes.status(), is("ok")); List<String> appNameList = listRes.applicationList().stream().map(app -> app.getAppid()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); assertIncludes(appNameList, "echo-app"); Job job = new Job("echo-app", "sleep 60", new Properties(), 1, 32, 32, 0, 2); response = client.schedule(job); assertThat(response, instanceOf(ScheduleResponse.class)); ScheduleResponse scheduleResponse = (ScheduleResponse) response; int id = scheduleResponse.job().id(); System.err.println(id); { response = client.getJob(id); assertThat(response, instanceOf(GetJobResponse.class)); GetJobResponse getJobResponse = (GetJobResponse) response; //depending on the timing, like if the test is relatively slow, this could be JobState.STARTED assertTrue(getJobResponse.job().isPresent()); assertThat(getJobResponse.job().get().state(), isOneOf(Job.JobState.QUEUED, Job.JobState.STARTING)); } { Thread.sleep(5000); // Make sure a job is sent to Mesos response = client.kill(id); System.err.println(response.status()); assertThat(response, instanceOf(KillResponse.class)); } { Thread.sleep(5000); // Make sure kill sent to Mesos response = client.getJob(id); assertThat(response, instanceOf(GetJobResponse.class)); GetJobResponse getJobResponse = (GetJobResponse) response; assertThat(getJobResponse.job().get().state(), is(Job.JobState.KILLED)); String taskId = getJobResponse.job().get().taskId(); assertNotNull(taskId); URI mesos = new URI("http://" + RETZ_HOST + ":" + MESOS_PORT); String state = MesosFlakyClient.getTaskState(mesos, taskId); System.err.println(state); assertEquals("Chacking whether a job kill reached Mesos", state, "TASK_KILLED"); } UnloadAppResponse unloadRes = (UnloadAppResponse) client.unload("echo-app"); assertThat(unloadRes.status(), is("ok")); client.close(); } @Test public void scheduleAppTest() throws Exception { URI uri = new URI("http://" + RETZ_HOST + ":" + RETZ_PORT); try (Client client = Client.newBuilder(uri).setAuthenticator(config.getAuthenticator()).build()) { loadSimpleApp(client, "echo2"); List<EchoJob> finishedJobs = new LinkedList<>(); List<Integer> argvList = IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 32).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList()); argvList.addAll(Arrays.asList(42, 63, 64, 127, 128, 151, 192, 255)); int jobNum = argvList.size(); List<EchoJob> echoJobs = scheduleEchoJobs(client, "echo2", " ", argvList); assertThat(echoJobs.size(), is(jobNum)); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { List<EchoJob> toRemove = toRemove(client, echoJobs, true); if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) { i = 0; } echoJobs.removeAll(toRemove); finishedJobs.addAll(toRemove); if (echoJobs.isEmpty()) { break; } Thread.sleep(1000); System.err.println( + ": Finished=" + ClientHelper.finished(client).size() + ", Running=" + ClientHelper.running(client).size() + ", Scheduled=" + ClientHelper.queue(client).size()); for (Job finished : ClientHelper.finished(client)) { assertThat(finished.retry(), is(0)); } } assertThat(finishedJobs.size(), is(jobNum)); assertThat(ClientHelper.finished(client).size(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(jobNum)); assertThat(ClientHelper.running(client).size(), is(0)); assertThat(ClientHelper.queue(client).size(), is(0)); UnloadAppResponse unloadRes = (UnloadAppResponse) client.unload("echo2"); assertThat(unloadRes.status(), is("ok")); } } private void loadSimpleApp(Client client, String appName) throws IOException { Application app = new Application(appName, Arrays.asList(), Arrays.asList(), Optional.empty(), "deadbeef", 0, new MesosContainer(), true); Response res = client.load(app); assertTrue(res.status(), res instanceof LoadAppResponse); LoadAppResponse loadRes = (LoadAppResponse) res; assertThat(loadRes.status(), is("ok")); ListAppResponse listRes = (ListAppResponse) client.listApp(); assertThat(listRes.status(), is("ok")); List<String> appNameList = listRes.applicationList().stream().map(a -> a.getAppid()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); assertIncludes(appNameList, appName); } private List<EchoJob> scheduleEchoJobs(Client client, String appName, String cmdPrefix, List<Integer> argvList) throws IOException { List<EchoJob> echoJobs = new LinkedList<>(); for (Integer i : argvList) { Job job = new Job(appName, cmdPrefix + i.toString(), new Properties(), 1, 32, 32, 0, 3); ScheduleResponse scheduleResponse = (ScheduleResponse) client.schedule(job); assertThat(scheduleResponse.status(), is("ok")); Job scheduledJob = scheduleResponse.job(); echoJobs.add(new EchoJob(i.intValue(), scheduledJob)); } return echoJobs; } private List<EchoJob> toRemove(Client client, List<EchoJob> echoJobs, boolean checkRetval) throws IOException, Exception { List<EchoJob> toRemove = new LinkedList<>(); for (EchoJob echoJob : echoJobs) { Response response = client.getJob(; if (response instanceof GetJobResponse) { GetJobResponse getJobResponse = (GetJobResponse) client.getJob(; // System.err.println( + " => " + getJobResponse.job().get().result()); if (getJobResponse.job().isPresent()) { if (getJobResponse.job().get().state() == Job.JobState.FINISHED || getJobResponse.job().get().state() == Job.JobState.KILLED) { toRemove.add(echoJob); String actualText = catStdout(client, getJobResponse.job().get()); List<String> lines = Arrays.asList(actualText.split("\n")); assertThat(lines, hasItem(Integer.toString(echoJob.argv))); assertThat(lines, hasItem("Received SUBSCRIBED event")); assertThat(lines, hasItem("Received LAUNCH event")); } else if (checkRetval) { assertNull( "Unexpected return value for Job " + getJobResponse.job().get().result() + ", Message: " + getJobResponse.job().get().reason(), getJobResponse.job().get().finished()); } } } else { ErrorResponse errorResponse = (ErrorResponse) response; System.err.println( + ": " + errorResponse.status()); } } return toRemove; } @Test public void scheduleAppTest2() throws Exception { URI uri = new URI("http://" + RETZ_HOST + ":" + RETZ_PORT); try (Client client = Client.newBuilder(uri).setAuthenticator(config.getAuthenticator()).build()) { loadSimpleApp(client, "echo3"); List<EchoJob> finishedJobs = new LinkedList<>(); List<Integer> argvList = IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 32).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList()); argvList.addAll(Arrays.asList(42, 63, 64, 127, 128, 151, 192, 255)); int jobNum = argvList.size(); List<EchoJob> echoJobs = scheduleEchoJobs(client, "echo3", "echo ", argvList); assertThat(echoJobs.size(), is(jobNum)); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { List<EchoJob> toRemove = toRemove(client, echoJobs, false); if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) { i = 0; } echoJobs.removeAll(toRemove); finishedJobs.addAll(toRemove); if (echoJobs.isEmpty()) { break; } Thread.sleep(1000); System.err.println( + ": Finished=" + ClientHelper.finished(client).size() + ", Running=" + ClientHelper.running(client).size() + ", Scheduled=" + ClientHelper.queue(client).size()); for (Job finished : ClientHelper.finished(client)) { assertThat(finished.retry(), is(0)); assertThat(finished.state(), is(Job.JobState.FINISHED)); assertThat(finished.result(), is(RES_OK)); } } assertThat(finishedJobs.size(), is(jobNum)); assertThat(ClientHelper.finished(client).size(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(jobNum)); assertThat(ClientHelper.running(client).size(), is(0)); assertThat(ClientHelper.queue(client).size(), is(0)); UnloadAppResponse unloadRes = (UnloadAppResponse) client.unload("echo3"); assertThat(unloadRes.status(), is("ok")); } } @Test public void listFilesTest() throws Exception { //Regression test for #79 : URI uri = new URI("http://" + RETZ_HOST + ":" + RETZ_PORT); try (Client client = Client.newBuilder(uri).setAuthenticator(config.getAuthenticator()).build()) { loadSimpleApp(client, "touch-many"); { Job job = new Job("touch-many", "mkdir d++; touch d++/e++; touch d++/f", new Properties(), 1, 32, 32); job.addTags("tag1-listFilesTest"); Job ran =; Response response = client.listFiles(, "d++"); assertEquals("ok", response.status()); ListFilesResponse listFilesResponse = (ListFilesResponse) response; assertEquals(2, listFilesResponse.entries().size()); assertTrue(listFilesResponse.entries().get(0).path().endsWith("d++/e++")); assertTrue(listFilesResponse.entries().get(1).path().endsWith("d++/f")); } { //Test unicode paths Job job = new Job("touch-many", "mkdir d++; touch ====== ", new Properties(), 1, 32, 32); job.addTags("tag1-listFilesTest", "multibytes"); Job ran =; Response response = client.listFiles(, ListFilesRequest.DEFAULT_SANDBOX_PATH); ListFilesResponse listFilesResponse = (ListFilesResponse) response; for (DirEntry e : listFilesResponse.entries()) { System.err.println(e.path()); } assertEquals(5, listFilesResponse.entries().size()); assertTrue(listFilesResponse.entries().get(0).path().endsWith("d++")); assertTrue(listFilesResponse.entries().get(1).path().endsWith("stderr")); assertTrue(listFilesResponse.entries().get(2).path().endsWith("stdout")); assertTrue(listFilesResponse.entries().get(3).path().endsWith("======")); assertTrue(listFilesResponse.entries().get(4).path().endsWith("")); } { Response response = client.list(Job.JobState.FINISHED, Optional.of("tag1-listFilesTest")); ListJobResponse listJobResponse = (ListJobResponse) response; assertEquals(2,; assertFalse(listJobResponse.more()); } { Response response = client.list(Job.JobState.FINISHED, Optional.of("multibytes")); ListJobResponse listJobResponse = (ListJobResponse) response; assertEquals(1,; assertFalse(listJobResponse.more()); } { Response response = client.list(Job.JobState.FINISHED, Optional.empty()); ListJobResponse listJobResponse = (ListJobResponse) response; assertThat(, greaterThanOrEqualTo(2)); } } } @Test(expected = JobNotFoundException.class) public void jobNotFoundTest() throws Exception { URI uri = new URI("http://" + RETZ_HOST + ":" + RETZ_PORT); try (Client client = Client.newBuilder(uri).setAuthenticator(config.getAuthenticator()).build()) { Response response = client.getJob(102345); System.err.println(response.status()); GetJobResponse getJobResponse = (GetJobResponse) response; assertTrue(!getJobResponse.job().isPresent()); ClientHelper.getWholeFile(client, 102345, "stdout", false, System.out); } } @Test(expected = FileNotFoundException.class) public void fileNotFoundTest() throws Exception { URI uri = new URI("http://" + RETZ_HOST + ":" + RETZ_PORT); try (Client client = Client.newBuilder(uri).setAuthenticator(config.getAuthenticator()).build()) { { loadSimpleApp(client, "echo"); Job job = new Job("echo", "echo 42", new Properties(), 1, 32, 32); Job ran =; Response response = client.getFile(, "non-existent-file", 0, -1); GetFileResponse getFileResponse = (GetFileResponse) response; assertTrue(getFileResponse.job().isPresent()); assertTrue(!getFileResponse.file().isPresent()); ClientHelper.getWholeFile(client,, "no-such-file", false, System.out); } } } @Test public void tooMuchResourceRequested() throws Exception { URI uri = new URI("http://" + RETZ_HOST + ":" + RETZ_PORT); try (Client client = Client.newBuilder(uri).setAuthenticator(config.getAuthenticator()).build()) { { loadSimpleApp(client, "echo"); Job job = new Job("echo", "echo 42", new Properties(), 1024, 32, 32); Response response = client.schedule(job); // TODO: how do we indicate this is from WebConsole::schedule, ResourceQuantitiy#fits(job)? assertTrue(response instanceof ErrorResponse); } } } @Test public void userTest() throws Exception { System.err.println("Connecting to " + RETZ_HOST); // create-user, list-user, disable-user, enable-user, get-user String jar = "/build/libs/retz-admin-all.jar"; String cfg = "/" + serverConfigFile; { String[] command = { "java", "-jar", jar, "-C", cfg, "list-user" }; verifyCommand(command); } { String[] command = { "java", "-jar", jar, "-C", cfg, "create-user", "--info", "farboom" }; verifyCommand(command); } { String[] command = { "java", "-jar", jar, "-C", cfg, "get-user", "-id", "deadbeef" }; verifyCommand(command); } { String[] command = { "java", "-jar", jar, "-C", cfg, "disable-user", "-id", "deadbeef" }; verifyCommand(command); } { String[] command = { "java", "-jar", jar, "-C", cfg, "enable-user", "-id", "deadbeef" }; verifyCommand(command); } { String[] command = { "java", "-jar", jar, "-C", cfg, "get-user", "-id", "deadbeef" }; verifyCommand(command); } { String[] command = { "java", "-jar", jar, "-C", cfg, "fail!" }; verifyCommandFails(command, "ERROR"); } } // No reason for this test to be in persistentTest, possibly could be in RetzIntTest @Test public void disableUser() throws Exception { User user = config.getUser(); List<String> e = Arrays.asList(); Application application = new Application("t", e, e, Optional.empty(), user.keyId(), 0, new MesosContainer(), true); URI uri = new URI("http://" + RETZ_HOST + ":" + RETZ_PORT); String jar = "/build/libs/retz-admin-all.jar"; String cfg = "/" + serverConfigFile; try (Client client = Client.newBuilder(uri).setAuthenticator(config.getAuthenticator()).build()) { Response res; res = client.load(application); assertEquals("ok", res.status()); res = client.schedule(new Job("t", "ls", new Properties(), 1, 32, 32)); ScheduleResponse scheduleResponse = (ScheduleResponse) res; Job job1 = scheduleResponse.job(); { System.err.println("Disable user " + user.keyId()); String[] command = { "java", "-jar", jar, "-C", cfg, "disable-user", "-id", user.keyId() }; verifyCommand(command); } res = client.getJob(; System.err.println(res.status()); assertThat(res, instanceOf(ErrorResponse.class)); res = client.load( new Application("t2", e, e, Optional.empty(), user.keyId(), 0, new MesosContainer(), true)); System.err.println(res.status()); assertThat(res, instanceOf(ErrorResponse.class)); res = client.schedule(new Job("t", "echo prohibited job", new Properties(), 1, 32, 32)); System.err.println(res.status()); assertThat(res, instanceOf(ErrorResponse.class)); { String[] command = { "java", "-jar", jar, "-C", cfg, "enable-user", "-id", "deadbeef" }; verifyCommand(command); } res = client.getJob(; System.err.println(res.status()); assertEquals("ok", res.status()); res = client.load( new Application("t2", e, e, Optional.empty(), user.keyId(), 0, new MesosContainer(), true)); System.err.println(res.status()); assertEquals("ok", res.status()); res = client.schedule(new Job("t", "echo okay job", new Properties(), 1, 32, 32)); System.err.println(res.status()); assertEquals("ok", res.status()); } } protected void verifyCommand(String[] command) throws Exception { String result = container.system(command); System.err.println(String.join(" ", command) + " => " + result); assertFalse(result, result.contains("ERROR")); assertFalse(result, result.contains("Error")); assertFalse(result, result.contains("Exception")); } protected void verifyCommandFails(String[] command, String word) throws Exception { String result = container.system(command); System.err.println(String.join(" ", command) + " => " + result); assertTrue(result, result.contains(word)); } private String catStdout(Client c, Job job) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ClientHelper.getWholeFile(c,, "stdout", true, out); return out.toString(String.valueOf(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } static class EchoJob { int argv; Job job; EchoJob(int argv, Job job) { this.argv = argv; this.job = job; } } }