Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Pivotal Software, Inc.. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequest; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; /** * @author josesousa */ @RestController @Transactional public class PrintShopController { @Autowired private PrintShopDAO printshops; @Autowired private PrintRequestDAO printrequests; @Autowired private EmployeeDAO employees; @Autowired private ConsumerDAO consumers; @Autowired private ManagerDAO managers; @Autowired private AdminDAO admin; @Autowired private NotificationManager notificationManager; @Autowired private UserDAO users; @Autowired private Gson GSON; @ApiOperation(value = "Returns a list of printshops.", notes = "This method returns a list of the nearest printshops.") @RequestMapping(value = "/printshops/nearest", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getNearestPrintShops(WebRequest request) { String lat = request.getParameter("latitude"); String lon = request.getParameter("longitude"); JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); if (lat != null && lon != null) { Double latitude = Double.parseDouble(lat); Double longitude = Double.parseDouble(lon); System.out.format("Latitude: %s Longitude: %s\n", latitude, longitude); TreeMap<Double, PrintShop> pshops = new TreeMap<>(); for (PrintShop p : printshops.findAll()) { double distance = DistanceCalculator.distance(latitude, longitude, p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude()); pshops.put(distance, p); } response.addProperty("success", true); response.add("printshops", GSON.toJsonTree((pshops))); } else { response.addProperty("success", false); } return GSON.toJson(response); } @ApiOperation(value = "Returns a pricetable", notes = "This method returns a pricetable of a specific printshop.") @Secured({ "ROLE_MANAGER", "ROLE_USER" }) @RequestMapping(value = "/printshops/{id}/pricetable", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getPrintShopPriceTable(@PathVariable(value = "id") long id) { PrintShop pshop = printshops.findOne(id); JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); PapersTable papersTable = new PapersTable(); RingsTable ringsTable = new RingsTable(); CoversTable coversTable = new CoversTable(); if (pshop == null) { response.addProperty("success", false); } else { for (String key : pshop.getPriceTable().keySet()) { String type = Item.checkItemType(key); if (type.equals(Item.PAPER)) { RangePaperItem rpi = (RangePaperItem) pshop.loadPriceItem(key); papersTable.addRangePaperItem(rpi, pshop); } else if (type.equals(Item.RingType.BINDING.toString())) { BindingItem bi = (BindingItem) pshop.loadPriceItem(key); ringsTable.addBindingItem(bi, pshop.getPrice(bi)); } else if (type.equals(Item.COVER)) { CoverItem ci = (CoverItem) pshop.loadPriceItem(key); coversTable.addCoverItem(ci, pshop.getPrice(ci)); } } response.add("printcopy", GSON.toJsonTree(papersTable.getFinalTable())); response.add("rings", GSON.toJsonTree(ringsTable.getItems())); response.addProperty("stapling", ringsTable.getStaplingPrice()); response.add("covers", GSON.toJsonTree(coversTable.getItems())); response.addProperty("success", true); } return GSON.toJson(response); } /*------------------------- PrintRequests -------------------------*/ @ApiOperation(value = "Returns the new status.", notes = "Returns the new status of the corresponding print request.") @Secured({ "ROLE_MANAGER", "ROLE_EMPLOYEE" }) @RequestMapping(value = "/printshops/requests/{id}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String changeStatusPrintShopRequests(@PathVariable(value = "id") long id, Principal principal) throws PayPalRESTException { JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); Employee e = employees.findByUsername(principal.getName()); PrintShop printshop = e.getPrintShop(); if (printshop == null) { response.addProperty("success", false); return GSON.toJson(response); } String not; PrintRequest printRequest = printrequests.findByIdInAndPrintshop(id, printshop); if (printRequest == null) { response.addProperty("success", false); return GSON.toJson(response); } Consumer consumer = printRequest.getConsumer(); String user = consumer.getUsername(); if (printRequest.getStatus() == Status.PENDING) { printRequest.setStatus(Status.IN_PROGRESS); printRequest.setEmpAttended(principal.getName()); response.addProperty("newStatus", Status.IN_PROGRESS.toString()); not = "O pedido nmero " + printRequest.getId() + " est a ser processado!"; notificationManager.sendNotification(user, new Notification(not)); } else if (printRequest.getStatus() == Status.IN_PROGRESS) { printRequest.setFinishedTimestamp(new Date()); response.addProperty("newStatus", Status.FINISHED.toString()); not = "O pedido nmero " + printRequest.getId() + " est completo! Pode deslocar-se reprografia para proceder ao levantamento."; // Send email to user /*MailBox m = new MailBox(); m.sendEmailFinishedPrintRequest(consumer, printRequest.getId(), printshop.getName());*/ notificationManager.sendNotification(user, new Notification(not)); printRequest.setStatus(Status.FINISHED); } else if (printRequest.getStatus() == Status.FINISHED) { if (printRequest.getPaymentType().equals(PrintRequest.PAYPAL_PAYMENT)) { PayPalWrapper pp = new PayPalWrapper(); Manager manager = managers.findByPrintShop(printshop); boolean payPalRes = pp.payShareToPrintShop(printRequest, manager, printshop); if (payPalRes) { printRequest.setStatus(Status.LIFTED); printRequest.setDeliveredTimestamp(new Date()); printRequest.setEmpDelivered(principal.getName()); response.addProperty("newStatus", Status.LIFTED.toString()); } else { response.addProperty("success", false); return GSON.toJson(response); } } else { Admin master = admin.findAll().iterator().next(); double pshopShare = (printRequest.getCost() * 0.9); master.getBalance().subtractDoubleQuantity(pshopShare); printshop.getBalance().addDoubleQuantity(pshopShare); // Save;; printRequest.setStatus(Status.LIFTED); printRequest.setDeliveredTimestamp(new Date()); printRequest.setEmpDelivered(principal.getName()); response.addProperty("newStatus", Status.LIFTED.toString()); } } else { response.addProperty("success", false); return GSON.toJson(response); }; response.addProperty("success", true); return GSON.toJson(response); } @ApiOperation(value = "Returns a request.", notes = "Returns the corresponding request from a printshop.") @Secured({ "ROLE_MANAGER", "ROLE_EMPLOYEE" }) @RequestMapping(value = "/printshops/requests/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getPrintShopRequest(@PathVariable(value = "id") long id, Principal principal) { JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); Employee e = employees.findByUsername(principal.getName()); PrintShop printshop = e.getPrintShop(); if (printshop == null) { response.addProperty("success", false); return GSON.toJson(response); } PrintRequest printRequest = printrequests.findByIdInAndPrintshop(id, printshop); if (printRequest == null) { response.addProperty("success", false); return GSON.toJson(response); } for (Document d : printRequest.getDocuments()) { for (DocumentSpec s : d.getSpecs()) { s.setSpecsToString(); } } response.add("printrequest", GSON.toJsonTree(printRequest)); response.addProperty("success", true); return GSON.toJson(response); } @ApiOperation(value = "Returns pending requests.", notes = "Returns the pending and in progress requests from a printshop.") @Secured({ "ROLE_MANAGER", "ROLE_EMPLOYEE" }) @RequestMapping(value = "/printshops/requests", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getPrintShopRequests(Principal principal) { JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); Employee e = employees.findByUsername(principal.getName()); PrintShop printshop = e.getPrintShop(); if (printshop == null) { response.addProperty("success", false); return GSON.toJson(response); } List<Status> status = new ArrayList<>(); status.add(Status.PENDING); status.add(Status.IN_PROGRESS); List<PrintRequest> printRequestsList = printrequests.findByStatusInAndPrintshop(status, printshop); Type listOfPRequests = new TypeToken<List<PrintShop>>() { }.getType(); response.add("printrequest", GSON.toJsonTree(printRequestsList, listOfPRequests)); response.addProperty("success", true); return GSON.toJson(response); } @ApiOperation(value = "Returns the history of requests.", notes = "Returns the history of requests from a printshop.") @Secured({ "ROLE_MANAGER", "ROLE_EMPLOYEE" }) @RequestMapping(value = "/printshops/history", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getPrintShopHistoryRequests(Principal principal) { JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); Employee e = employees.findByUsername(principal.getName()); PrintShop printshop = e.getPrintShop(); if (printshop == null) { response.addProperty("success", false); return GSON.toJson(response); } List<Status> status = new ArrayList<>(); status.add(Status.LIFTED); List<PrintRequest> printRequestsList = printrequests.findByStatusInAndPrintshop(status, printshop); Type listOfPRequests = new TypeToken<List<PrintShop>>() { }.getType(); response.add("historyrequests", GSON.toJsonTree(printRequestsList, listOfPRequests)); response.addProperty("success", true); return GSON.toJson(response); } @ApiOperation(value = "Returns satisfied requests.", notes = "Returns the satisfied requests from a printshop.") @Secured({ "ROLE_MANAGER", "ROLE_EMPLOYEE" }) @RequestMapping(value = "/printshops/satisfied", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getPrintShopSatisfiedRequests(Principal principal) { JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); Employee e = employees.findByUsername(principal.getName()); PrintShop printshop = e.getPrintShop(); if (printshop == null) { response.addProperty("success", false); return GSON.toJson(response); } List<Status> status = new ArrayList<>(); status.add(Status.FINISHED); List<PrintRequest> printRequestsList = printrequests.findByStatusInAndPrintshop(status, printshop); Type listOfPRequests = new TypeToken<List<PrintShop>>() { }.getType(); response.add("satisfiedrequests", GSON.toJsonTree(printRequestsList, listOfPRequests)); response.addProperty("success", true); return GSON.toJson(response); } @ApiOperation(value = "Returns success/insuccess.", notes = "This method allows a employee to cancel a print resquest.") @Secured({ "ROLE_MANAGER", "ROLE_EMPLOYEE" }) @RequestMapping(value = "/printshops/requests/cancel/{id}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String cancelPrintShopRequests(@PathVariable(value = "id") long id, Principal principal, @RequestBody String motive) throws IOException { JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); Employee e = employees.findByUsername(principal.getName()); PrintShop printshop = e.getPrintShop(); if (printshop == null) { response.addProperty("success", false); return GSON.toJson(response); } String not; PrintRequest printRequest = printrequests.findByIdInAndPrintshop(id, printshop); if (printRequest == null) { response.addProperty("success", false); return GSON.toJson(response); } Consumer user = printRequest.getConsumer(); if (printRequest.getStatus() == Status.PENDING) { long requestid = printRequest.getId(); printshop.getPrintRequests().remove(printRequest);; user.getPrintRequests().remove(printRequest);; // Send email /*MailBox mb = new MailBox(); mb.sendEmailCancelledPrintRequest(printRequest, user, motive);*/ // Notification not = "O pedido nmero " + requestid + " foi cancelado! Motivo: " + motive; notificationManager.sendNotification(user.getUsername(), new Notification(not)); response.addProperty("success", true); } else { response.addProperty("success", false); } return GSON.toJson(response); } @ApiOperation(value = "Returns a printshop", notes = "This method returns the printshop info") @RequestMapping(value = "/printshops/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ResponseEntity<String> getPrintShop(@PathVariable("id") long id) { PrintShop pShop = this.printshops.findOne(id); if (pShop == null) { return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); } return new ResponseEntity(GSON.toJson(pShop), HttpStatus.OK); } @ApiOperation(value = "Returns a printshop", notes = "This method returns a list of printshop with info from each one.") @RequestMapping(value = "/printshops", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ResponseEntity<String> getPrintShops() { Iterable<PrintShop> printShops = this.printshops.findAll(); return new ResponseEntity(this.GSON.toJson(printShops), HttpStatus.OK); } }