Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2006-2015 The MZmine 3 Development Team
 * This file is part of MZmine 3.
 * MZmine 3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
 * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * MZmine 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
 * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MZmine 3; if not,
 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
 * USA

package io.github.mzmine.util.jfreechart;

import org.jfree.chart.fx.ChartViewer;
import org.jfree.chart.labels.XYItemLabelGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;


 * This implementation of XYItemLabelGenerator assumes that the data points in each series are
 * sorted in the X-axis order. It places the item labels only on local maxima, or on left-most data
 * points in case multiple data points have the same maximal Y value.
public class IntelligentItemLabelGenerator implements XYItemLabelGenerator {

    private final ChartViewer chartNode;

    private final XYItemLabelGenerator underlyingGenerator;
    private final int reservedPixels;

     * @param chartNode
     * @param plot
     * @param reservedPoints Number of screen pixels to reserve for each label, so that the labels do
     *        not overlap
     * @param underlyingGenerator
    public IntelligentItemLabelGenerator(ChartViewer chartNode, int reservedPixels,
            XYItemLabelGenerator underlyingGenerator) {
        this.chartNode = chartNode;

        this.reservedPixels = reservedPixels;
        this.underlyingGenerator = underlyingGenerator;

     * @see org.jfree.chart.labels.XYItemLabelGenerator#generateLabel(,
     *      int, int)
    public String generateLabel(XYDataset currentDataset, int currentSeries, int currentItem) {

        XYPlot plot = chartNode.getChart().getXYPlot();

        // X and Y values of the current data point
        final double currentXValue = currentDataset.getXValue(currentSeries, currentItem);
        final double currentYValue = currentDataset.getYValue(currentSeries, currentItem);

        // Calculate X axis span of 1 screen pixel
        final double xLength = plot.getDomainAxis().getRange().getLength();
        final double pixelX = xLength / chartNode.getWidth();

        // Calculate the distance from the current point where labels might
        // overlap
        final double dangerZoneX = (reservedPixels / 2) * pixelX;

        // Range on X axis that we're going to check for higher data points. If
        // a higher data point is found, we don't place a label on this one.
        final Range<Double> dangerZoneRange = Range.closed(currentXValue - dangerZoneX,
                currentXValue + dangerZoneX);

        // Iterate through data sets
        for (int datasetIndex = 0; datasetIndex < plot.getDatasetCount(); datasetIndex++) {

            XYDataset dataset = plot.getDataset(datasetIndex);

            // Some data sets could have been removed
            if (dataset == null)

            final int seriesCount = dataset.getSeriesCount();

            // Iterate through series
            for (int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < seriesCount; seriesIndex++) {

                final int itemCount = dataset.getItemCount(seriesIndex);

                // Find the index of a data point that is closest to
                // currentXValue
                int closestValueIndex;
                if (dataset == currentDataset && seriesIndex == currentSeries) {
                    closestValueIndex = currentItem;
                } else {
                    closestValueIndex = findClosestXIndex(dataset, seriesIndex, currentXValue, 0, itemCount - 1);

                // Search to the left of the closest data point
                for (int i = closestValueIndex; (i >= 0)
                        && (dangerZoneRange.contains(dataset.getX(seriesIndex, i).doubleValue())); i--) {
                    if (dataset.getYValue(seriesIndex, i) > currentYValue)
                        return null;

                    // In the case there are equal values, only place the label
                    // on the leftmost value
                    if (dataset.getYValue(seriesIndex, i) == currentYValue
                            && (dataset.getXValue(seriesIndex, i) < currentXValue))
                        return null;


                // Search to the right of the closest data point
                for (int i = closestValueIndex + 1; (i < itemCount)
                        && (dangerZoneRange.contains(dataset.getX(seriesIndex, i).doubleValue())); i++) {
                    if (dataset.getYValue(seriesIndex, i) > currentYValue)
                        return null;



        // If no higher data point was found, create the label
        String label = underlyingGenerator.generateLabel(currentDataset, currentSeries, currentItem);

        return label;


     * Finds the data point in given dataset/series that is closest to the given xValue. Uses
     * recursion and binary search , minIndex and maxIndex provide the boundaries of the currently
     * examined region.
    private int findClosestXIndex(XYDataset dataset, int series, double xValue, int minIndex, int maxIndex) {

        if (minIndex == maxIndex)
            return minIndex;

        if (minIndex == maxIndex - 1) {
            double minIndexValue = dataset.getXValue(series, minIndex);
            double maxIndexValue = dataset.getXValue(series, maxIndex);

            if (Math.abs(minIndexValue - xValue) < Math.abs(maxIndexValue - xValue))
                return minIndex;
                return maxIndex;

        int middleIndex = (maxIndex + minIndex) / 2;
        double middleValue = dataset.getXValue(series, middleIndex);
        if (middleValue == xValue)
            return middleIndex;
        else if (middleValue > xValue)
            return findClosestXIndex(dataset, series, xValue, minIndex, middleIndex);
            return findClosestXIndex(dataset, series, xValue, middleIndex, maxIndex);

