Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013-2018 the original author or authors from the Jeddict project ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package io.github.jeddict.jpa.spec.extend; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.github.jeddict.jaxb.spec.JaxbMetadata; import io.github.jeddict.jaxb.spec.JaxbVariableType; import io.github.jeddict.jaxb.spec.JaxbVariableTypeHandler; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.JSONBConstants.JSONB_PROPERTY_FQN; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.JSONBConstants.JSONB_TYPE_ADAPTER_FQN; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.JSONBConstants.JSONB_TYPE_DESERIALIZER_FQN; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.JSONBConstants.JSONB_TYPE_SERIALIZER_FQN; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.BIGDECIMAL; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.BIGINTEGER; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.BOOLEAN; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.BOOLEAN_WRAPPER; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.BYTE; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.BYTE_BUFFER; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.BYTE_WRAPPER; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.CALENDAR; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.DATE; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.DOUBLE; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.DOUBLE_WRAPPER; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.FLOAT; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.FLOAT_WRAPPER; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.HIJRAH_DATE; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.INSTANT; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.INT; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.INT_WRAPPER; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.JAPANESE_DATE; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.LOCAL_DATE; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.LOCAL_DATE_TIME; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.LOCAL_TIME; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.LONG; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.LONG_WRAPPER; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.MINGUO_DATE; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.MONTH_DAY; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.OFFSET_DATE_TIME; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.OFFSET_TIME; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.SHORT; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.SHORT_WRAPPER; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.STRING; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.STRING_FQN; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.THAI_BUDDHIST_DATE; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.YEAR; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.YEAR_MONTH; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.ZONED_DATE_TIME; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.getArrayType; import static io.github.jeddict.jcode.util.AttributeType.isArray; import io.github.jeddict.jsonb.spec.JsonbDateFormat; import io.github.jeddict.jsonb.spec.JsonbNumberFormat; import io.github.jeddict.jsonb.spec.JsonbTypeHandler; import io.github.jeddict.settings.diagram.ClassDiagramSettings; import io.github.jeddict.snippet.AttributeSnippet; import io.github.jeddict.source.AnnotationExplorer; import io.github.jeddict.source.JavaSourceParserUtil; import io.github.jeddict.source.MemberExplorer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import static; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementWrapper; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElements; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.netbeans.modeler.core.NBModelerUtil; import; import org.openide.util.Exceptions; /** * * @author Gaurav Gupta */ public abstract class Attribute extends FlowPin implements JaxbVariableTypeHandler, JsonbTypeHandler, Embedded { @XmlAttribute(name = "v") private boolean visibile = true; @XmlElement(name = "des") private String description; @XmlAttribute(name = "xvt", required = true) //(name = "jaxb-variable-type", required = true) private JaxbVariableType jaxbVariableType; @XmlElement(name = "xwm") private JaxbMetadata jaxbWrapperMetadata; @XmlElement(name = "xm") private JaxbMetadata jaxbMetadata; // @XmlElement(name = "xe")//(name = "jaxb-xml-element") // private JaxbXmlElement jaxbXmlElement; // @XmlElement(name = "xe")//(name = "jaxb-xml-element") // @XmlElementWrapper(name = "xel")//(name = "jaxb-xml-element-list") // private List<JaxbXmlElement> jaxbXmlElementList; // @XmlAttribute(name = "jaxb-xml-list") // private Boolean jaxbXmlList; @XmlAttribute(name = "am") private AccessModifierType accessModifier; @XmlAttribute(name = "name", required = true) protected String name; @XmlAttribute(name = "pname") private String previousName; @XmlAttribute(name = "dv") protected String defaultValue; //ui properties start @XmlAttribute(name = "ui") private Boolean includeInUI; @XmlAttribute(name = "uil") private String label; @XmlAttribute(name = "bt") private BlobContentType blobContentType; //ui properties end @XmlAttribute(name = "ft") private Boolean functionalType; @XmlElement(name = "an") private List<AttributeAnnotation> annotation; @XmlElement(name = "snp") private List<AttributeSnippet> snippets; @XmlTransient private List<AttributeAnnotation> runtimeAnnotation; @XmlTransient private List<AttributeSnippet> runtimeSnippets; @XmlAttribute(name = "pc") private Boolean propertyChangeSupport; @XmlAttribute(name = "vc") private Boolean vetoableChangeSupport; //Jsonb support start @XmlAttribute(name = "jbn") private Boolean jsonbNillable; @XmlAttribute(name = "jbt") private Boolean jsonbTransient; @XmlAttribute(name = "jbp") private String jsonbProperty; @XmlElement(name = "jbta") private ReferenceClass jsonbTypeAdapter; @XmlElement(name = "jbdf") private JsonbDateFormat jsonbDateFormat; @XmlElement(name = "jbnf") private JsonbNumberFormat jsonbNumberFormat; @XmlElement(name = "jbtd") private ReferenceClass jsonbTypeDeserializer; @XmlElement(name = "jbts") private ReferenceClass jsonbTypeSerializer; //Jsonb support end @XmlElementWrapper(name = "bv") @XmlElements({ @XmlElement(name = "va", type = Valid.class), @XmlElement(name = "nu", type = Null.class), @XmlElement(name = "nn", type = NotNull.class), @XmlElement(name = "nb", type = NotBlank.class), @XmlElement(name = "ne", type = NotEmpty.class), @XmlElement(name = "af", type = AssertFalse.class), @XmlElement(name = "at", type = AssertTrue.class), @XmlElement(name = "pa", type = Past.class), @XmlElement(name = "pp", type = PastOrPresent.class), @XmlElement(name = "fu", type = Future.class), @XmlElement(name = "fp", type = FutureOrPresent.class), @XmlElement(name = "si", type = Size.class), @XmlElement(name = "pt", type = Pattern.class), @XmlElement(name = "em", type = Email.class), @XmlElement(name = "mi", type = Min.class), @XmlElement(name = "ma", type = Max.class), @XmlElement(name = "dmi", type = DecimalMin.class), @XmlElement(name = "dma", type = DecimalMax.class), @XmlElement(name = "di", type = Digits.class), @XmlElement(name = "ng", type = Negative.class), @XmlElement(name = "nz", type = NegativeOrZero.class), @XmlElement(name = "po", type = Positive.class), @XmlElement(name = "pz", type = PositiveOrZero.class) }) private Set<Constraint> attributeConstraints; @XmlTransient private Map<String, Constraint> attributeConstraintsMap; @XmlTransient private String attributeConstraintsDataTypeBinding; @XmlElementWrapper(name = "kbv") @XmlElements({ @XmlElement(name = "va", type = Valid.class), @XmlElement(name = "nu", type = Null.class), @XmlElement(name = "nn", type = NotNull.class), @XmlElement(name = "nb", type = NotBlank.class), @XmlElement(name = "ne", type = NotEmpty.class), @XmlElement(name = "af", type = AssertFalse.class), @XmlElement(name = "at", type = AssertTrue.class), @XmlElement(name = "pa", type = Past.class), @XmlElement(name = "pp", type = PastOrPresent.class), @XmlElement(name = "fu", type = Future.class), @XmlElement(name = "fp", type = FutureOrPresent.class), @XmlElement(name = "si", type = Size.class), @XmlElement(name = "pt", type = Pattern.class), @XmlElement(name = "em", type = Email.class), @XmlElement(name = "mi", type = Min.class), @XmlElement(name = "ma", type = Max.class), @XmlElement(name = "dmi", type = DecimalMin.class), @XmlElement(name = "dma", type = DecimalMax.class), @XmlElement(name = "di", type = Digits.class), @XmlElement(name = "ng", type = Negative.class), @XmlElement(name = "nz", type = NegativeOrZero.class), @XmlElement(name = "po", type = Positive.class), @XmlElement(name = "pz", type = PositiveOrZero.class) }) private Set<Constraint> keyConstraints; @XmlTransient private Map<String, Constraint> keyConstraintsMap; @XmlTransient private String keyConstraintsDataTypeBinding; @XmlElementWrapper(name = "vbv") @XmlElements({ @XmlElement(name = "va", type = Valid.class), @XmlElement(name = "nu", type = Null.class), @XmlElement(name = "nn", type = NotNull.class), @XmlElement(name = "nb", type = NotBlank.class), @XmlElement(name = "ne", type = NotEmpty.class), @XmlElement(name = "af", type = AssertFalse.class), @XmlElement(name = "at", type = AssertTrue.class), @XmlElement(name = "pa", type = Past.class), @XmlElement(name = "pp", type = PastOrPresent.class), @XmlElement(name = "fu", type = Future.class), @XmlElement(name = "fp", type = FutureOrPresent.class), @XmlElement(name = "si", type = Size.class), @XmlElement(name = "pt", type = Pattern.class), @XmlElement(name = "em", type = Email.class), @XmlElement(name = "mi", type = Min.class), @XmlElement(name = "ma", type = Max.class), @XmlElement(name = "dmi", type = DecimalMin.class), @XmlElement(name = "dma", type = DecimalMax.class), @XmlElement(name = "di", type = Digits.class), @XmlElement(name = "ng", type = Negative.class), @XmlElement(name = "nz", type = NegativeOrZero.class), @XmlElement(name = "po", type = Positive.class), @XmlElement(name = "pz", type = PositiveOrZero.class) }) private Set<Constraint> valueConstraints; @XmlTransient private Map<String, Constraint> valueConstraintsMap; @XmlTransient private String valueConstraintsDataTypeBinding; public final static Map<Class<? extends Constraint>, Integer> ALL_CONSTRAINTS = getAllConstraintsClass(); //Applicable Constraint template for datatype public final static Supplier<Set<Constraint>> CONSTRAINTS_SUPPLIER = () -> new TreeSet<>( (a, b) -> ALL_CONSTRAINTS.getOrDefault(a.getClass(), 0) .compareTo(ALL_CONSTRAINTS.getOrDefault(b.getClass(), 0))); protected void loadAttribute(Element element, VariableElement variableElement, ExecutableElement getterElement) { this.setId(NBModelerUtil.getAutoGeneratedStringId()); = variableElement.getSimpleName().toString(); this.setAnnotation(JavaSourceParserUtil.getNonEEAnnotation(element, AttributeAnnotation.class)); this.setAttributeConstraints(JavaSourceParserUtil.getBeanValidation(element)); if (getterElement != null) { this.setFunctionalType( getterElement.getReturnType().toString().startsWith(Optional.class.getCanonicalName())); } AnnotationMirror prpertyAnnotationMirror = JavaSourceParserUtil.findAnnotation(element, JSONB_PROPERTY_FQN); if (prpertyAnnotationMirror != null) { this.jsonbNillable = (Boolean) JavaSourceParserUtil.findAnnotationValue(prpertyAnnotationMirror, "nillable"); this.jsonbProperty = (String) JavaSourceParserUtil.findAnnotationValue(prpertyAnnotationMirror, "value"); } this.jsonbDateFormat = JsonbDateFormat.load(element); this.jsonbNumberFormat = JsonbNumberFormat.load(element); AnnotationMirror typeAdapterAnnotationMirror = JavaSourceParserUtil.findAnnotation(element, JSONB_TYPE_ADAPTER_FQN); if (typeAdapterAnnotationMirror != null) { DeclaredType classType = (DeclaredType) JavaSourceParserUtil .findAnnotationValue(typeAdapterAnnotationMirror, "value"); if (classType != null) { this.jsonbTypeAdapter = new ReferenceClass(classType.toString()); } } AnnotationMirror typeDeserializerAnnotationMirror = JavaSourceParserUtil.findAnnotation(element, JSONB_TYPE_DESERIALIZER_FQN); if (typeDeserializerAnnotationMirror != null) { DeclaredType classType = (DeclaredType) JavaSourceParserUtil .findAnnotationValue(typeDeserializerAnnotationMirror, "value"); if (classType != null) { this.jsonbTypeDeserializer = new ReferenceClass(classType.toString()); } } AnnotationMirror typeSerializerAnnotationMirror = JavaSourceParserUtil.findAnnotation(element, JSONB_TYPE_SERIALIZER_FQN); if (typeSerializerAnnotationMirror != null) { DeclaredType classType = (DeclaredType) JavaSourceParserUtil .findAnnotationValue(typeSerializerAnnotationMirror, "value"); if (classType != null) { this.jsonbTypeSerializer = new ReferenceClass(classType.toString()); } } } protected void loadAttribute(MemberExplorer member) { this.setId(NBModelerUtil.getAutoGeneratedStringId()); = member.getFieldName(); this.defaultValue = member.getDefaultValue(); if (member.getField().isPrivate()) { this.accessModifier = AccessModifierType.PRIVATE; } else if (member.getField().isProtected()) { this.accessModifier = AccessModifierType.PROTECTED; } else if (member.getField().isPublic()) { this.accessModifier = AccessModifierType.PUBLIC; } else { this.accessModifier = AccessModifierType.DEFAULT; } this.setAttributeConstraints(member.getBeanValidationConstraints()); // this.setAnnotation(JavaSourceParserUtil.getNonEEAnnotation(element, AttributeAnnotation.class)); // if (getterElement != null) { // this.setFunctionalType(getterElement.getReturnType().toString().startsWith(Optional.class.getCanonicalName())); // } Optional<AnnotationExplorer> jsonbPropertyOptional = member .getAnnotation(javax.json.bind.annotation.JsonbProperty.class); if (jsonbPropertyOptional.isPresent()) { AnnotationExplorer jsonbPropertyAnnotation = jsonbPropertyOptional.get(); jsonbPropertyAnnotation.getBoolean("nillable").ifPresent(this::setJsonbNillable); jsonbPropertyAnnotation.getString("value").ifPresent(this::setJsonbProperty); } this.jsonbTransient = member.isAnnotationPresent(javax.json.bind.annotation.JsonbTransient.class); this.jsonbDateFormat = JsonbDateFormat.load(member); this.jsonbNumberFormat = JsonbNumberFormat.load(member); member.getReferenceClassAttribute(javax.json.bind.annotation.JsonbTypeAdapter.class, "value") .ifPresent(this::setJsonbTypeAdapter); member.getReferenceClassAttribute(javax.json.bind.annotation.JsonbTypeSerializer.class, "value") .ifPresent(this::setJsonbTypeSerializer); member.getReferenceClassAttribute(javax.json.bind.annotation.JsonbTypeDeserializer.class, "value") .ifPresent(this::setJsonbTypeDeserializer); } public void beforeMarshal(Marshaller marshaller) { if (attributeConstraints != null && (attributeConstraints.isEmpty() || { attributeConstraints = null; } if (keyConstraints != null && (keyConstraints.isEmpty() || { keyConstraints = null; } if (valueConstraints != null && (valueConstraints.isEmpty() || { valueConstraints = null; } } public String getPreviousName() { return previousName; } private void setPreviousName(String previousName) { this.previousName = previousName; } public void resetPreviousName() { this.previousName = null; } /** * Gets the value of the name property. * * @return possible object is {@link String } * */ @Override public String getName() { return name; } /** * Sets the value of the name property. * * @param value allowed object is {@link String } * */ @Override public void setName(String value) { if (getPreviousName() == null && getName() != null) { setPreviousName(getName()); } notifyListeners("name",, = value); } /** * @return the accessModifier */ public AccessModifierType getAccessModifier() { return accessModifier; } /** * @param accessModifier the accessModifier to set */ public void setAccessModifier(AccessModifierType accessModifier) { this.accessModifier = accessModifier; } /** * @return the annotation */ public List<AttributeAnnotation> getAnnotation() { if (annotation == null) { annotation = new ArrayList<>(); } return annotation; } /** * @param annotation the annotation to set */ public void setAnnotation(List<AttributeAnnotation> annotation) { this.annotation = annotation; } public void addAnnotation(AttributeAnnotation annotation) { getAnnotation().add(annotation); } public void removeAnnotation(AttributeAnnotation annotation) { getAnnotation().remove(annotation); } /** * @return the runtimeAnnotation */ public List<AttributeAnnotation> getRuntimeAnnotation() { if (runtimeAnnotation == null) { runtimeAnnotation = new ArrayList<>(); } return runtimeAnnotation; } /** * @param runtimeAnnotation the runtimeAnnotation to set */ public void setRuntimeAnnotation(List<AttributeAnnotation> runtimeAnnotation) { this.runtimeAnnotation = runtimeAnnotation; } public void addRuntimeAnnotation(AttributeAnnotation runtimeAnnotation) { getRuntimeAnnotation().add(runtimeAnnotation); } public void removeRuntimeAnnotation(AttributeAnnotation runtimeAnnotation) { getRuntimeAnnotation().remove(runtimeAnnotation); } /** * @return the visibile */ public boolean isVisibile() { return visibile; } /** * @param visibile the visibile to set */ public void setVisibile(boolean visibile) { this.visibile = visibile; } /** * @return the jaxbVariableType */ @Override public JaxbVariableType getJaxbVariableType() { if (jaxbVariableType == null) { jaxbVariableType = JaxbVariableType.XML_DEFAULT; } return jaxbVariableType; } /** * @param jaxbVariableType the jaxbVariableType to set */ @Override public void setJaxbVariableType(JaxbVariableType jaxbVariableType) { this.jaxbVariableType = jaxbVariableType; } /** * @return the jaxbWrapperMetadata */ public JaxbMetadata getJaxbWrapperMetadata() { if (jaxbWrapperMetadata == null) { jaxbWrapperMetadata = new JaxbMetadata(); } return jaxbWrapperMetadata; } /** * @param jaxbWrapperMetadata the jaxbWrapperMetadata to set */ public void setJaxbWrapperMetadata(JaxbMetadata jaxbWrapperMetadata) { this.jaxbWrapperMetadata = jaxbWrapperMetadata; } /** * @return the jaxbMetadata */ @Override public JaxbMetadata getJaxbMetadata() { if (jaxbMetadata == null) { jaxbMetadata = new JaxbMetadata(); } return jaxbMetadata; } /** * @param jaxbMetadata the jaxbMetadata to set */ @Override public void setJaxbMetadata(JaxbMetadata jaxbMetadata) { this.jaxbMetadata = jaxbMetadata; } @Override public List<JaxbVariableType> getJaxbVariableList() { return Arrays.asList(JaxbVariableType.values()); } @XmlTransient private IAttributes attributes; public JavaClass getJavaClass() { return attributes.getJavaClass(); } public void setAttributes(IAttributes attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; } void afterUnmarshal(Unmarshaller u, Object parent) { if (parent instanceof IAttributes) { setAttributes((IAttributes) parent);//this } } /** * @return the description */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * @param description the description to set */ public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } /** * Used to get data type title to display in ui component e.g Set<String>, * Integer, List<Entity> etc. * */ public abstract String getDataTypeLabel(); @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 3; hash = 79 * hash + Objects.hashCode(; return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final Attribute other = (Attribute) obj; return Objects.equals(,; } /** * @return the includeInUI */ public Boolean getIncludeInUI() { if (includeInUI == null) { return true; } return includeInUI; } /** * @param includeInUI the includeInUI to set */ public void setIncludeInUI(Boolean includeInUI) { this.includeInUI = includeInUI; } /** * @return the label */ public String getLabel() { return label; } /** * @param label the label to set */ public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } /** * @return the blobContentType */ public BlobContentType getBlobContentType() { return blobContentType; } /** * @param blobContentType the blobContentType to set */ public void setBlobContentType(BlobContentType blobContentType) { this.blobContentType = blobContentType; } public boolean isTextAttributeType(String attributeType) { return STRING.equals(attributeType) || STRING_FQN.equals(attributeType); } public boolean isBlobAttributeType(String attributeType) { if (isArray(attributeType)) { String dataType = getArrayType(attributeType); return BYTE.equals(dataType) || BYTE_WRAPPER.equals(dataType); } else { return BYTE_BUFFER.equals(attributeType); } } public boolean isPrecisionAttributeType(String attributeType) { if (null != attributeType) { switch (attributeType) { case BYTE: case BYTE_WRAPPER: return true; case SHORT: case SHORT_WRAPPER: return true; case INT: case INT_WRAPPER: return true; case LONG: case LONG_WRAPPER: return true; case FLOAT: case FLOAT_WRAPPER: return true; case DOUBLE: case DOUBLE_WRAPPER: return true; case BIGINTEGER: case BIGDECIMAL: return true; default: break; } } return false; } public boolean isScaleAttributeType(String attributeType) { if (FLOAT.equals(attributeType) || FLOAT_WRAPPER.equals(attributeType)) { return true; } else if (DOUBLE.equals(attributeType) || DOUBLE_WRAPPER.equals(attributeType)) { return true; } else if (BIGDECIMAL.equals(attributeType)) { return true; } return false; } /** * @return the functionalType */ public Boolean getFunctionalType() { if (functionalType == null) { return ClassDiagramSettings.isOptionalReturnType(); } return functionalType; } public boolean isOptionalReturnType() { return getFunctionalType(); } /** * @param functionalType the functionalType to set */ public void setFunctionalType(Boolean functionalType) { this.functionalType = functionalType; } public String getDefaultValue() { return defaultValue; } public void setDefaultValue(String defaultValue) { this.defaultValue = defaultValue; } public Map<String, Constraint> getAttributeConstraintsMap() { if (attributeConstraintsMap == null || !Objects.equals(getDataTypeLabel(), attributeConstraintsDataTypeBinding)) {//Objects.equals used -> getDataTypeLabel() could be null incase of EmbeddedId Map<String, Constraint> completeConstraintsMap = getAttributeConstraints().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(c -> c.getClass().getSimpleName(), c -> c, (c1, c2) -> c1)); Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> allConstraintsClass = getAllConstraintsClass().keySet(); Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> allowedConstraintsClass = getAttributeConstraintsClass(); attributeConstraintsMap = c -> c.getSimpleName(), c -> completeConstraintsMap.get(c.getSimpleName()), (c1, c2) -> c1)); attributeConstraintsDataTypeBinding = cleanUnusedConstraint(attributeConstraintsDataTypeBinding, allConstraintsClass, completeConstraintsMap); } return attributeConstraintsMap; } public Map<String, Constraint> getKeyConstraintsMap() { if (keyConstraintsMap == null || !Objects.equals(getDataTypeLabel(), keyConstraintsDataTypeBinding)) {//Objects.equals used -> getDataTypeLabel() could be null incase of EmbeddedId Map<String, Constraint> completeConstraintsMap = getKeyConstraints().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(c -> c.getClass().getSimpleName(), c -> c, (c1, c2) -> c1)); Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> allConstraintsClass = getAllConstraintsClass().keySet(); Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> allowedConstraintsClass = getKeyConstraintsClass(); keyConstraintsMap = -> c.getSimpleName(), c -> completeConstraintsMap.get(c.getSimpleName()), (c1, c2) -> c1)); keyConstraintsDataTypeBinding = cleanUnusedConstraint(keyConstraintsDataTypeBinding, allConstraintsClass, completeConstraintsMap); } return keyConstraintsMap; } public Map<String, Constraint> getValueConstraintsMap() { if (valueConstraintsMap == null || !Objects.equals(getDataTypeLabel(), valueConstraintsDataTypeBinding)) {//Objects.equals used -> getDataTypeLabel() could be null incase of EmbeddedId Map<String, Constraint> completeConstraintsMap = getValueConstraints().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(c -> c.getClass().getSimpleName(), c -> c, (c1, c2) -> c1)); Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> allConstraintsClass = getAllConstraintsClass().keySet(); Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> allowedConstraintsClass = getValueConstraintsClass(); valueConstraintsMap = -> c.getSimpleName(), c -> completeConstraintsMap.get(c.getSimpleName()), (c1, c2) -> c1)); valueConstraintsDataTypeBinding = cleanUnusedConstraint(valueConstraintsDataTypeBinding, allConstraintsClass, completeConstraintsMap); } return valueConstraintsMap; } private String cleanUnusedConstraint(String constraintsDataTypeBinding, Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> allConstraintsClass, Map<String, Constraint> completeConstraintsMap) { //after datatype change , clearConstraint/disable the non-applicable constraints if (constraintsDataTypeBinding != null) { allConstraintsClass//todo only non-visible .stream().map(c -> completeConstraintsMap.get(c.getSimpleName())).forEach(Constraint::clear); } constraintsDataTypeBinding = getDataTypeLabel(); return constraintsDataTypeBinding; } /** * @return the complete list of Constraint (old datatype Constraint instance * and new created Constraint instance) */ private Set<Constraint> bootAllConstraints(Set<Constraint> constraints) { Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> existingConstraints = -> c.getClass()) .collect(toSet()); for (Class<? extends Constraint> constraintClass : ALL_CONSTRAINTS.keySet()) { if (!existingConstraints.contains(constraintClass)) { try { constraints.add(constraintClass.newInstance()); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } } Set<Constraint> constraintsWrapper = CONSTRAINTS_SUPPLIER.get(); constraintsWrapper.addAll(constraints); return constraintsWrapper; } /** * Complete list of constraint class based */ private static Map<Class<? extends Constraint>, Integer> getAllConstraintsClass() { Map<Class<? extends Constraint>, Integer> classes = new HashMap<>(); classes.put(Null.class, 1); classes.put(NotNull.class, 2); classes.put(NotEmpty.class, 3); classes.put(NotBlank.class, 4); classes.put(AssertFalse.class, 5); classes.put(AssertTrue.class, 6); classes.put(Past.class, 7); classes.put(PastOrPresent.class, 8); classes.put(Future.class, 9); classes.put(FutureOrPresent.class, 10); classes.put(Size.class, 11); classes.put(Pattern.class, 12); classes.put(Email.class, 13); classes.put(Min.class, 14); classes.put(Max.class, 15); classes.put(DecimalMin.class, 16); classes.put(DecimalMax.class, 17); classes.put(Digits.class, 18); classes.put(Negative.class, 19); classes.put(NegativeOrZero.class, 20); classes.put(Positive.class, 21); classes.put(PositiveOrZero.class, 22); return classes; } public Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> getAttributeConstraintsClass() { return Collections.emptySet(); } public Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> getKeyConstraintsClass() { return Collections.emptySet(); } public Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> getValueConstraintsClass() { return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * Filtered constraint class based on data type * * @param attribute * @return */ protected Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> getConstraintsClass(String attribute) { Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> classes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); classes.add(NotNull.class); classes.add(Null.class); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attribute)) { switch (attribute) { case STRING: case STRING_FQN: classes.add(Size.class);//array, collection, map pending classes.add(Pattern.class); classes.add(Email.class); classes.add(NotBlank.class); classes.add(NotEmpty.class); classes.add(DecimalMin.class); classes.add(DecimalMax.class); classes.add(Digits.class); break; case BIGDECIMAL: case BIGINTEGER: case BYTE: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case BYTE_WRAPPER: case SHORT_WRAPPER: case INT_WRAPPER: case LONG_WRAPPER: classes.add(Min.class); classes.add(Max.class); classes.add(DecimalMin.class); classes.add(DecimalMax.class); classes.add(Digits.class); classes.add(Negative.class); classes.add(NegativeOrZero.class); classes.add(Positive.class); classes.add(PositiveOrZero.class); break; case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: case FLOAT_WRAPPER: case DOUBLE_WRAPPER: classes.add(Negative.class); classes.add(NegativeOrZero.class); classes.add(Positive.class); classes.add(PositiveOrZero.class); break; case BOOLEAN: case BOOLEAN_WRAPPER: classes.add(AssertTrue.class); classes.add(AssertFalse.class); break; case CALENDAR: case DATE: case INSTANT: case LOCAL_DATE: case LOCAL_DATE_TIME: case LOCAL_TIME: case MONTH_DAY: case OFFSET_DATE_TIME: case OFFSET_TIME: case YEAR: case YEAR_MONTH: case ZONED_DATE_TIME: case HIJRAH_DATE: case JAPANESE_DATE: case MINGUO_DATE: case THAI_BUDDHIST_DATE: classes.add(Past.class); classes.add(PastOrPresent.class); classes.add(Future.class); classes.add(FutureOrPresent.class); break; default: if (isArray(attribute)) { classes.add(Size.class); } } } return classes; } protected Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> getCollectionTypeConstraintsClass() { Set<Class<? extends Constraint>> classes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); classes.add(NotNull.class); classes.add(Null.class); classes.add(Size.class); return classes; } /** * @return the constraints */ public Set<Constraint> getAttributeConstraints() { if (attributeConstraints == null) { attributeConstraints = CONSTRAINTS_SUPPLIER.get(); } if (ALL_CONSTRAINTS.size() != attributeConstraints.size()) { attributeConstraints = bootAllConstraints(attributeConstraints); } return attributeConstraints; } /** * @return the constraints */ public Set<Constraint> getKeyConstraints() { if (keyConstraints == null) { keyConstraints = CONSTRAINTS_SUPPLIER.get(); } if (ALL_CONSTRAINTS.size() != keyConstraints.size()) { keyConstraints = bootAllConstraints(keyConstraints); } return keyConstraints; } /** * @return the constraints */ public Set<Constraint> getValueConstraints() { if (valueConstraints == null) { valueConstraints = CONSTRAINTS_SUPPLIER.get(); } if (ALL_CONSTRAINTS.size() != valueConstraints.size()) { valueConstraints = bootAllConstraints(valueConstraints); } return valueConstraints; } /** * @param constraints the constraints to set */ public void setAttributeConstraints(Set<Constraint> constraints) { this.attributeConstraintsMap = null;//reset this.attributeConstraints = constraints; } /** * @param keyConstraints the keyConstraints to set */ public void setKeyConstraints(Set<Constraint> keyConstraints) { this.keyConstraintsMap = null;//reset this.keyConstraints = keyConstraints; } /** * @param valueConstraints the valueConstraints to set */ public void setValueConstraints(Set<Constraint> valueConstraints) { this.valueConstraintsMap = null;//reset this.valueConstraints = valueConstraints; } /** * @return the snippets */ public List<AttributeSnippet> getSnippets() { if (snippets == null) { snippets = new ArrayList<>(); } return snippets; } /** * @param snippets the snippets to set */ public void setSnippets(List<AttributeSnippet> snippets) { this.snippets = snippets; } public boolean addSnippet(AttributeSnippet snippet) { return getSnippets().add(snippet); } public boolean removeSnippet(AttributeSnippet snippet) { return getSnippets().remove(snippet); } /** * @return the runtimeSnippets */ public List<AttributeSnippet> getRuntimeSnippets() { if (runtimeSnippets == null) { runtimeSnippets = new ArrayList<>(); } return runtimeSnippets; } /** * @param runtimeSnippets the runtimeSnippets to set */ public void setRuntimeSnippets(List<AttributeSnippet> runtimeSnippets) { this.runtimeSnippets = runtimeSnippets; } public boolean addRuntimeSnippet(AttributeSnippet snippet) { return getRuntimeSnippets().add(snippet); } public boolean removeRuntimeSnippet(AttributeSnippet snippet) { return getRuntimeSnippets().remove(snippet); } /** * @return the propertyChangeSupport */ public Boolean getPropertyChangeSupport() { if (!ClassDiagramSettings.isJavaSESupportEnable() && (propertyChangeSupport == null || propertyChangeSupport == false)) { return null; } // if (propertyChangeSupport == null) { // return true; // } return propertyChangeSupport; } /** * @param propertyChangeSupport the propertyChangeSupport to set */ public void setPropertyChangeSupport(Boolean propertyChangeSupport) { this.propertyChangeSupport = propertyChangeSupport; } /** * @return the vetoableChangeSupport */ public Boolean getVetoableChangeSupport() { if (!ClassDiagramSettings.isJavaSESupportEnable() && (vetoableChangeSupport == null || vetoableChangeSupport == false)) { return null; } return vetoableChangeSupport; } /** * @param vetoableChangeSupport the vetoableChangeSupport to set */ public void setVetoableChangeSupport(Boolean vetoableChangeSupport) { this.vetoableChangeSupport = vetoableChangeSupport; } /** * @return the jsonbNillable */ public Boolean getJsonbNillable() { if (jsonbNillable == null) { return false; } return jsonbNillable; } /** * @param jsonbNillable the jsonbNillable to set */ public void setJsonbNillable(Boolean jsonbNillable) { this.jsonbNillable = jsonbNillable; } /** * @return the jsonbTransient */ public Boolean getJsonbTransient() { if (jsonbTransient == null) { return false; } return jsonbTransient; } /** * @param jsonbTransient the jsonbTransient to set */ public void setJsonbTransient(Boolean jsonbTransient) { this.jsonbTransient = jsonbTransient; } /** * @return the jsonbProperty */ public String getJsonbProperty() { return jsonbProperty; } /** * @param jsonbProperty the jsonbProperty to set */ public void setJsonbProperty(String jsonbProperty) { this.jsonbProperty = jsonbProperty; } /** * @return the jsonbTypeAdapter */ @Override public ReferenceClass getJsonbTypeAdapter() { return jsonbTypeAdapter; } /** * @param jsonbTypeAdapter the jsonbTypeAdapter to set */ @Override public void setJsonbTypeAdapter(ReferenceClass jsonbTypeAdapter) { this.jsonbTypeAdapter = jsonbTypeAdapter; } /** * @return the jsonbDateFormat */ public JsonbDateFormat getJsonbDateFormat() { if (jsonbDateFormat == null) { jsonbDateFormat = new JsonbDateFormat(); } return jsonbDateFormat; } /** * @param jsonbDateFormat the jsonbDateFormat to set */ public void setJsonbDateFormat(JsonbDateFormat jsonbDateFormat) { this.jsonbDateFormat = jsonbDateFormat; } /** * @return the jsonbNumberFormat */ public JsonbNumberFormat getJsonbNumberFormat() { if (jsonbNumberFormat == null) { jsonbNumberFormat = new JsonbNumberFormat(); } return jsonbNumberFormat; } /** * @param jsonbNumberFormat the jsonbNumberFormat to set */ public void setJsonbNumberFormat(JsonbNumberFormat jsonbNumberFormat) { this.jsonbNumberFormat = jsonbNumberFormat; } /** * @return the jsonbTypeDeserializer */ @Override public ReferenceClass getJsonbTypeDeserializer() { return jsonbTypeDeserializer; } /** * @param jsonbTypeDeserializer the jsonbTypeDeserializer to set */ @Override public void setJsonbTypeDeserializer(ReferenceClass jsonbTypeDeserializer) { this.jsonbTypeDeserializer = jsonbTypeDeserializer; } /** * @return the JsonbTypeSerializer */ @Override public ReferenceClass getJsonbTypeSerializer() { return jsonbTypeSerializer; } /** * @param ReferenceClass the JsonbTypeSerializer to set */ @Override public void setJsonbTypeSerializer(ReferenceClass jsonbTypeSerializer) { this.jsonbTypeSerializer = jsonbTypeSerializer; } }