Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Koushik R <>. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.github.fsm; import; import io.github.fsm.exceptions.InvalidStateException; import io.github.fsm.exceptions.RunningtimeException; import io.github.fsm.exceptions.StateNotFoundException; import io.github.fsm.models.entities.*; import io.github.fsm.models.executors.ErrorAction; import io.github.fsm.models.executors.EventAction; import; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; /** * Entity by : koushikr. * on 23/10/15. * * <p> * This statemachine is inspired from EasyFlow {@rel} * While the models idea is the same (Duh! there is only one way to implement a state machine), * good load of changes have been made to the abstractions and event transitions. * * Couldn't use it as it is, because of the volume of changes(constructs and abstractions) * required for my usage * </p> */ @Slf4j public class StateMachine<C extends Context> { public class DefaultErrorAction implements ErrorAction<Context> { @Override public void call(RunningtimeException error, Context context) { String errorMessage = "Runtime Error in state [" + error.getState() + "]"; if (!Objects.isNull(error.getEvent())) errorMessage += "on Event [" + error.getEvent() + "]"; errorMessage += "with context [" + error.getContext() + "]"; log.error("ERROR", new Exception(errorMessage, error)); } } private TransitionService transitionService; private StateManagementService stateManagementService; private ActionService actionService; public StateMachine(State startState, TransitionService transitionService, StateManagementService stateManagementService, ActionService actionService) { this.transitionService = transitionService; this.stateManagementService = stateManagementService; this.actionService = actionService; this.stateManagementService.setFrom(startState); this.actionService.setHandler(EventType.ERROR, null, null, new DefaultErrorAction()); } public void addTransition(State key, Transition transition) { transitionService.addTransition(key, transition); } public void addEndStates(Collection<State> endStates) { stateManagementService.addEndStates(endStates); } public <C extends Context> StateMachine<C> addError(ErrorAction<C> errorHandler) throws Exception { this.actionService.setHandler(EventType.ERROR, null, null, errorHandler); return (StateMachine<C>) this; } public <C extends Context> StateMachine<C> beforeTransition(EventAction<C> before) throws Exception { actionService.beforeTransition(null, before); return (StateMachine<C>) this; } public <C extends Context> StateMachine<C> afterTransition(EventAction<C> after) throws Exception { actionService.afterTransition(null, after); return (StateMachine<C>) this; } public <C extends Context> StateMachine<C> beforeTransitionTo(State state, EventAction<C> before) throws Exception { actionService.beforeTransition(state, before); return (StateMachine<C>) this; } public <C extends Context> StateMachine<C> afterTransitionFrom(State state, EventAction<C> after) throws Exception { actionService.afterTransition(state, after); return (StateMachine<C>) this; } public <C extends Context> StateMachine<C> anyTransition(EventAction<C> transition) throws Exception { actionService.anyTransition(transition); return (StateMachine<C>) this; } public <C extends Context> StateMachine<C> forTransition(State state, EventAction<C> context) throws Exception { actionService.forTransition(null, state, context); return (StateMachine<C>) this; } public <C extends Context> StateMachine<C> forTransition(Event event, State state, EventAction<C> context) throws Exception { actionService.forTransition(event, state, context); return (StateMachine<C>) this; } public <C extends Context> StateMachine<C> onFinalState(State state, EventAction<C> context) throws Exception { actionService.onFinalState(state, context); return (StateMachine<C>) this; } private void handleStateTransition(Event event, State from, State to, C context) throws Exception { actionService.handleTransition(event, from, to, context); } private void handleLanding(Event event, State from, State to, C context) throws Exception { actionService.handleLanding(event, from, to, context); } private void handleTakeOff(Event event, State from, State to, C context) throws Exception { actionService.handleTakeOff(event, from, to, context, stateManagementService.getFrom()); } public Optional<Transition> getTransition(State from, Event event) throws Exception { return transitionService.getTransition(from, event); } public void handleError(RunningtimeException error) { actionService.handleError(error); } public void fire(final Event event, final C context) throws Exception { final State from = context.getFrom(); final Optional<Transition> transition = getTransition(from, event); if (!transition.isPresent()) throw new StateNotFoundException("Invalid Event: " + event + " triggered while in State: " + context.getFrom() + " for " + context); try { State to = transition.get().getTo(); handleTakeOff(event, from, to, context); handleStateTransition(event, from, to, context); handleLanding(event, from, to, context); } catch (Exception e) { handleError(new RunningtimeException(from, event, e, e.getMessage(), context)); } } /** * A stateMachine is said to be valid iff it meets the following conditions * <ul> * <li>It should have a valid start state and a nonempty set of end states. It has to be halting</li> * <li>For all the states defined, make sure there are transitions from each one of 'em except for the end state</li> * <li>Make sure there are no transitions defined from the endstate</li> * </ul> * @throws InvalidStateException */ public void validate() throws InvalidStateException { if (Objects.isNull(stateManagementService.getFrom())) throw new InvalidStateException("No start state found"); if (stateManagementService.getEndStates().isEmpty()) throw new InvalidStateException("No end states found"); Set<State> allStates = stateManagementService.getReferenceStates(); Multimap<State, Transition> map = transitionService.getTransitionDetails(); map.keySet().stream().forEach(state -> { allStates.add(state); map.get(state).stream().forEach(transition -> { allStates.add(transition.getFrom()); allStates.add(transition.getTo()); }); }); for (State state : allStates) { Set<Transition> transitions = (Set<Transition>) map.get(state); if (isNullOrEmpty(transitions)) { if (!stateManagementService.getEndStates().contains(state)) { throw new InvalidStateException( "state :" + state + " is not an end state but" + " has no outgoing transitions"); } if (stateManagementService.getEndStates().contains(state)) { if (!transitions.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidStateException("state :" + state + " is an end state" + " and cannot have any out going transition"); } } } } } private boolean isNullOrEmpty(Collection<?> clx) { return Objects.isNull(clx) || clx.isEmpty(); } }