Java tutorial
/* HTTP stub server written in Java with embedded Jetty Copyright (C) 2012 Alexander Zagniotov, Isa Goksu and Eric Mrak This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package io.github.azagniotov.stubby4j; import io.github.azagniotov.stubby4j.cli.ANSITerminal; import io.github.azagniotov.stubby4j.cli.CommandLineInterpreter; import io.github.azagniotov.stubby4j.exception.Stubby4JException; import io.github.azagniotov.stubby4j.server.StubbyManager; import io.github.azagniotov.stubby4j.server.StubbyManagerFactory; import io.github.azagniotov.stubby4j.utils.ConsoleUtils; import io.github.azagniotov.stubby4j.yaml.YAMLParser; import io.github.azagniotov.stubby4j.yaml.stubs.StubHttpLifecycle; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import static io.github.azagniotov.stubby4j.utils.FileUtils.BR; public final class Main { private static final ExecutorService EXECUTOR_SERVICE = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); private static CommandLineInterpreter commandLineInterpreter; private Main() { } public static void main(String[] args) { commandLineInterpreter = new CommandLineInterpreter(); //String[] args2 = new String[]{"--data", "/Users/alexanderzagniotov/yaml/stubs.yaml"}; //parseCommandLineArgs(args2); parseCommandLineArgs(args); if (printHelpIfRequested() || printVersionIfRequested()) { return; } verifyYamlDataProvided(); startStubby4jUsingCommandLineArgs(); } private static void parseCommandLineArgs(final String[] args) { try { commandLineInterpreter.parseCommandLine(args); } catch (final ParseException ex) { final String msg = String.format("Could not parse provided command line arguments, error: %s", ex.toString()); throw new Stubby4JException(msg); } } private static boolean printHelpIfRequested() { if (!commandLineInterpreter.isHelp()) { return false; } commandLineInterpreter.printHelp(); return true; } private static boolean printVersionIfRequested() { if (!commandLineInterpreter.isVersion()) { return false; } commandLineInterpreter.printVersion(); return true; } private static void verifyYamlDataProvided() { if (commandLineInterpreter.isYamlProvided()) { return; } final String msg = String.format( "YAML data was not provided using command line option '--%s'. %s" + "To see all command line options run again with option '--%s'", CommandLineInterpreter.OPTION_CONFIG, BR, CommandLineInterpreter.OPTION_HELP); throw new Stubby4JException(msg); } private static void startStubby4jUsingCommandLineArgs() { try { final long initialStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); final Map<String, String> commandLineArgs = commandLineInterpreter.getCommandlineParams(); final String configFilename = commandLineArgs.get(CommandLineInterpreter.OPTION_CONFIG); ANSITerminal.muteConsole(commandLineInterpreter.isMute()); ConsoleUtils.enableDebug(commandLineInterpreter.isDebug()); final File configFile = new File(configFilename); final Future<List<StubHttpLifecycle>> stubLoadComputation = EXECUTOR_SERVICE .submit(() -> new YAMLParser().parse(configFile.getParent(), configFile)); final StubbyManager stubbyManager = new StubbyManagerFactory().construct(configFile, commandLineArgs, stubLoadComputation); stubbyManager.startJetty(); final long totalEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); ANSITerminal.status(String.format(BR + "stubby4j successfully started after %s milliseconds", (totalEnd - initialStart)) + BR); stubbyManager.statuses().forEach(ANSITerminal::status); + "Quit: ctrl-c" + BR); } catch (final Exception ex) { final String msg = String.format("Could not init stubby4j, error: %s", ex.toString()); throw new Stubby4JException(msg, ex); } } }