Java tutorial
package io.github.apfelcreme.MbPets.Commands; import io.github.apfelcreme.MbPets.ChatInput; import io.github.apfelcreme.MbPets.Interfaces.Ageable; import io.github.apfelcreme.MbPets.Interfaces.DroppedItem; import io.github.apfelcreme.MbPets.Interfaces.FallingBlock; import io.github.apfelcreme.MbPets.Interfaces.Sizeable; import io.github.apfelcreme.MbPets.MbPets; import io.github.apfelcreme.MbPets.MbPetsConfig; import io.github.apfelcreme.MbPets.Pets.*; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.AnimalColor; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.Disguise; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.DisguiseType; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.disguisetypes.RabbitType; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Horse; import org.bukkit.entity.Ocelot; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.entity.Rabbit; /** * Alliances * Copyright (C) 2015 Lord36 aka Apfelcreme * <p> * This program is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * <p> * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * <p> * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, see <>. * * @author Lord36 aka Apfelcreme on 01.07.2015. */ public class CreatePetCommand implements SubCommand { /** * executes the command * * @param chatInput the input */ public void execute(ChatInput chatInput) { if (!chatInput.getSender().getPlayer().hasPermission("")) { chatInput.getSender().getPlayer().sendMessage(MbPetsConfig.getTextNode("error.noPermission")); return; } Pet pet = null; Pet oldPet = null; Player owner = chatInput.getSender(); DisguiseType type = MbPetsConfig.parseType(chatInput.getType()); String name = ""; String color = ""; String style = ""; Integer size = MbPetsConfig.parseSlimeSize(chatInput.getSize()); Material material = MbPetsConfig.parseMaterial(chatInput.getType()); Material block = MbPetsConfig.parseBlock(chatInput.getType()); Boolean isBaby = false; Integer number = MbPets.getLatestPetNumber(owner) + 1; if (MbPets.getInstance().getConfigurations().get(chatInput.getSender()) != null) { // get the attributes the current pet object has stored oldPet = MbPets.getInstance().getConfigurations().get(chatInput.getSender()); type = oldPet.getType(); number = oldPet.getNumber(); if (oldPet instanceof HorsePet) { color = ((HorsePet) oldPet).getColor() != null ? ((HorsePet) oldPet).getColor().name() : null; style = ((HorsePet) oldPet).getStyle() != null ? ((HorsePet) oldPet).getStyle().name() : null; } else if (oldPet instanceof SheepPet && ((SheepPet) oldPet).getColor() != null) { color = ((SheepPet) oldPet).getColor().name(); } else if (oldPet instanceof WolfPet && ((WolfPet) oldPet).getColor() != null) { color = ((WolfPet) oldPet).getColor().name(); } else if (oldPet instanceof OcelotPet && ((OcelotPet) oldPet).getStyle() != null) { style = ((OcelotPet) oldPet).getStyle().name(); } else if (oldPet instanceof RabbitPet && ((RabbitPet) oldPet).getStyle() != null) { style = ((RabbitPet) oldPet).getStyle().name(); } else if (oldPet instanceof Sizeable && ((Sizeable) oldPet).getSize() != null) { size = ((Sizeable) oldPet).getSize(); } if (oldPet instanceof Ageable && ((Ageable) oldPet).isBaby() != null) { isBaby = ((Ageable) oldPet).isBaby(); } if (oldPet instanceof DroppedItem) { material = ((DroppedItem) oldPet).getMaterial(); type = DisguiseType.DROPPED_ITEM; } if (oldPet instanceof FallingBlock) { block = ((FallingBlock) oldPet).getBlock(); type = DisguiseType.FALLING_BLOCK; } name = oldPet.getName(); } name = chatInput.getName() != null ? chatInput.getName() : name; color = chatInput.getColor() != null ? chatInput.getColor() : color; style = chatInput.getStyle() != null ? chatInput.getStyle() : style; isBaby = Boolean.parseBoolean(chatInput.getBaby() != null ? chatInput.getBaby() : isBaby.toString()); number = chatInput.getNumber() != null ? chatInput.getNumber() : number; size = chatInput.getSize() != null ? MbPetsConfig.parseSlimeSize(chatInput.getSize()) : size; // a type must be entered first to ensure, that the correct color and // style attributes are set! if (type == null) { if (MbPetsConfig.parseMaterial(chatInput.getType()) != null) { type = DisguiseType.DROPPED_ITEM; } else if (MbPetsConfig.parseBlock(chatInput.getType()) != null) { type = DisguiseType.FALLING_BLOCK; } else { chatInput.getSender().sendMessage(MbPetsConfig.getTextNode("error.missingType")); chatInput.getSender() .sendMessage(MbPetsConfig.getTextNode("info.types") + ChatColor.GREEN + StringUtils.join(MbPetsConfig.getAvailableTypes(), ", ") + ChatColor.GREEN + ", " + StringUtils.join(MbPetsConfig.getAvailableDroppedItems(), ", ") + ChatColor.GREEN + ", " + StringUtils.join(MbPetsConfig.getAvailableFallingBlocks(), ", ")); return; } } switch (type) { case CHICKEN: pet = new ChickenPet(owner, name, number, isBaby); break; case COW: pet = new CowPet(owner, name, number, isBaby); break; case DROPPED_ITEM: if (material != null) { switch (material) { case OBSIDIAN: pet = new DevilPet(owner, name, number); break; case SNOW_BLOCK: pet = new AngelPet(owner, name, number); break; default: pet = new DroppedItemPet(owner, name, number, material); break; } } else { chatInput.getSender().sendMessage(MbPetsConfig.getTextNode("info.types") + ChatColor.GREEN + MbPetsConfig.getAvailableDroppedItems()); } break; case ENDERMAN: //endermen sind buggy <.< pet = new EndermanPet(owner, name, number); // chatInput.getSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+"Endermen sind derzeit noch nicht verfgbar! Warte ab ;)"); // return; break; case FALLING_BLOCK: if (block != null) { pet = new FallingBlockPet(owner, name, number, block); } else { chatInput.getSender().sendMessage(MbPetsConfig.getTextNode("info.types") + ChatColor.GREEN + MbPetsConfig.getAvailableFallingBlocks()); } break; case HORSE: pet = new HorsePet(owner, name, number, isBaby, MbPetsConfig.parseHorseColor(color), MbPetsConfig.parseHorseStyle(style)); break; case IRON_GOLEM: pet = new IronGolemPet(owner, name, number); break; case MAGMA_CUBE: pet = new MagmaCubePet(owner, name, number, size); break; case MUSHROOM_COW: pet = new MooshroomPet(owner, name, number, isBaby); break; case OCELOT: pet = new OcelotPet(owner, name, number, isBaby, MbPetsConfig.parseOcelotType(style)); break; case PIG: pet = new PigPet(owner, name, number, isBaby); break; case PRIMED_TNT: //pet = new PrimedTnTPet(owner, name, number); owner.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Diese Pets sind derzeit noch nicht verfgbar!"); return; case RABBIT: pet = new RabbitPet(owner, name, number, isBaby, MbPetsConfig.parseRabbitType(style)); break; case SHEEP: pet = new SheepPet(owner, name, number, isBaby, MbPetsConfig.parseColor(color)); break; case SLIME: pet = new SlimePet(owner, name, number, size); break; case SKELETON_HORSE: pet = new SkeletonHorsePet(owner, name, number, isBaby); break; case UNDEAD_HORSE: pet = new UndeadHorsePet(owner, name, number, isBaby); break; case WOLF: pet = new WolfPet(owner, name, number, isBaby, MbPetsConfig.parseColor(color)); break; default: break; } if (oldPet != null) { // for uncommon prices e.g. modification price is 1000 benches pet.setPrice(oldPet.getPrice()); if (oldPet.getEntity() != null) { //for converted pets as they store the old entity in this field pet.setEntity(oldPet.getEntity()); } } MbPets.getInstance().getConfigurations().put(chatInput.getSender(), pet); owner.sendMessage(pet.toString()); } }