Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.
package io.flutter.inspector;

import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfo;
import com.intellij.xdebugger.XSourcePosition;
import io.flutter.server.vmService.VmServiceConsumers;
import io.flutter.server.vmService.frame.DartVmServiceValue;
import io.flutter.utils.StreamSubscription;
import io.flutter.utils.VmServiceListenerAdapter;
import org.dartlang.vm.service.VmService;
import org.dartlang.vm.service.element.*;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

 * Manages all communication between inspector code running on the DartVM and
 * inspector code running in the IDE.
public class InspectorService implements Disposable {
    private static int nextGroupId = 0;

    private final FlutterApp app;
    private final FlutterDebugProcess debugProcess;
    private final VmService vmService;
    private final Set<InspectorServiceClient> clients;
    private final EvalOnDartLibrary inspectorLibrary;
    private final Set<String> supportedServiceMethods;

    // TODO(jacobr): remove this field as soon as
    // `ext.flutter.inspector.*` has been in two revs of the Flutter Beta
    // channel. The feature landed in the Flutter dev chanel on
    // April 16, 2018.
    private final boolean isDaemonApiSupported;
    private final StreamSubscription<Boolean> setPubRootDirectoriesSubscription;

    public static CompletableFuture<InspectorService> create(@NotNull FlutterApp app,
            @NotNull FlutterDebugProcess debugProcess, @NotNull VmService vmService) {
        assert app.getPerfService() != null;
        final EvalOnDartLibrary inspectorLibrary = new EvalOnDartLibrary(
                "package:flutter/src/widgets/widget_inspector.dart", vmService, app.getPerfService());
        final CompletableFuture<Library> libraryFuture = inspectorLibrary.libraryRef
                .thenComposeAsync((library) -> inspectorLibrary.getLibrary(library, null));
        return libraryFuture.thenComposeAsync((Library library) -> {
            for (ClassRef classRef : library.getClasses()) {
                if ("WidgetInspectorService".equals(classRef.getName())) {
                    return inspectorLibrary.getClass(classRef, null).thenApplyAsync((ClassObj classObj) -> {
                        final Set<String> functionNames = new HashSet<>();
                        for (FuncRef funcRef : classObj.getFunctions()) {
                        return functionNames;
            throw new RuntimeException("WidgetInspectorService class not found");
        }).thenApplyAsync((supportedServiceMethods) -> new InspectorService(app, debugProcess, vmService,
                inspectorLibrary, supportedServiceMethods));

    private InspectorService(@NotNull FlutterApp app, @NotNull FlutterDebugProcess debugProcess,
            @NotNull VmService vmService, EvalOnDartLibrary inspectorLibrary,
            @NotNull Set<String> supportedServiceMethods) {
        this.vmService = vmService; = app;
        this.debugProcess = debugProcess;
        this.inspectorLibrary = inspectorLibrary;
        this.supportedServiceMethods = supportedServiceMethods;

        // TODO(jacobr): remove this field as soon as
        // `ext.flutter.inspector.*` has been in two revs of the Flutter Beta
        // channel. The feature landed in the Flutter dev chanel on
        // April 16, 2018.
        this.isDaemonApiSupported = hasServiceMethod("initServiceExtensions");

        clients = new HashSet<>();

        vmService.addVmServiceListener(new VmServiceListenerAdapter() {
            public void received(String streamId, Event event) {
                onVmServiceReceived(streamId, event);

            public void connectionClosed() {
                // TODO(jacobr): dispose?

        vmService.streamListen(VmService.EXTENSION_STREAM_ID, VmServiceConsumers.EMPTY_SUCCESS_CONSUMER);

        assert (app.getPerfService() != null);
        setPubRootDirectoriesSubscription = app.getPerfService()
                .hasServiceExtension("ext.flutter.inspector.setPubRootDirectories", (Boolean available) -> {
                    if (!available) {
                    final ArrayList<String> rootDirectories = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (PubRoot root : app.getPubRoots()) {
                        String path = root.getRoot().getCanonicalPath();
                        if (SystemInfo.isWindows) {
                            // TODO(jacobr): remove after
                            // The problem is setPubRootDirectories is currently expecting
                            // valid URIs as opposed to windows paths.
                            path = "file:///" + path;

    public boolean isDetailsSummaryViewSupported() {
        return hasServiceMethod("getSelectedSummaryWidget");

     * Use this method to write code that is backwards compatible with versions
     * of Flutter that are too old to contain specific service methods.
    private boolean hasServiceMethod(String methodName) {
        return supportedServiceMethods.contains(methodName);

    public FlutterDebugProcess getDebugProcess() {
        return debugProcess;

    public FlutterApp getApp() {
        return debugProcess.getApp();

    public ObjectGroup createObjectGroup(String debugName) {
        return new ObjectGroup(debugName);

    private EvalOnDartLibrary getInspectorLibrary() {
        return inspectorLibrary;

    public void dispose() {

    public CompletableFuture<?> forceRefresh() {
        final List<CompletableFuture<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>();

        for (InspectorServiceClient client : clients) {
            final CompletableFuture<?> future = client.onForceRefresh();

        return CompletableFuture.allOf(futures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0]));

    private void notifySelectionChanged() {
        ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(() -> {
            for (InspectorServiceClient client : clients) {

    public void addClient(InspectorServiceClient client) {

    private void onVmServiceReceived(String streamId, Event event) {
        switch (streamId) {
        case VmService.DEBUG_STREAM_ID: {
            if (event.getKind() == EventKind.Inspect) {
                // Make sure the WidgetInspector on the device switches to show the inspected object
                // if the inspected object is a Widget or RenderObject.

                // We create a dummy object group as this particular operation
                // doesn't actually require an object group.
                createObjectGroup("dummy").setSelection(event.getInspectee(), true);
                // Update the UI in IntelliJ.
        case VmService.EXTENSION_STREAM_ID: {
            if ("Flutter.Frame".equals(event.getExtensionKind())) {
                ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(() -> {
                    for (InspectorServiceClient client : clients) {

     * If the widget tree is not ready, the application should wait for the next
     * Flutter.Frame event before attempting to display the widget tree. If the
     * application is ready, the next Flutter.Frame event may never come as no
     * new frames will be triggered to draw unless something changes in the UI.
    public CompletableFuture<Boolean> isWidgetTreeReady() {
        if (isDaemonApiSupported) {
            return invokeServiceMethodDaemonNoGroup("isWidgetTreeReady", new HashMap<>())
                    .thenApplyAsync((JsonElement element) -> element.getAsBoolean() == true);
        } else {
            return invokeServiceMethodObservatoryNoGroup("isWidgetTreeReady")
                    .thenApplyAsync((InstanceRef ref) -> "true".equals(ref.getValueAsString()));

    CompletableFuture<JsonElement> invokeServiceMethodDaemonNoGroup(String methodName, List<String> args) {
        final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
            params.put("arg" + i, args.get(i));
        return invokeServiceMethodDaemonNoGroup(methodName, params);

    private CompletableFuture<Void> setPubRootDirectories(List<String> rootDirectories) {
        // TODO(jacobr): remove call to hasServiceMethod("setPubRootDirectories") after
        // the `setPubRootDirectories` method has been in two revs of the Flutter Alpha
        // channel. The feature is expected to have landed in the Flutter dev
        // chanel on March 2, 2018.
        if (!hasServiceMethod("setPubRootDirectories")) {
            return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);

        if (isDaemonApiSupported) {
            return invokeServiceMethodDaemonNoGroup("setPubRootDirectories", rootDirectories)
                    .thenApplyAsync((ignored) -> null);
        } else {
            // TODO(jacobr): remove this call as soon as
            // `ext.flutter.inspector.*` has been in two revs of the Flutter Beta
            // channel. The feature landed in the Flutter dev chanel on
            // April 16, 2018.
            final JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray();
            for (String rootDirectory : rootDirectories) {
            return getInspectorLibrary().eval(
                    "WidgetInspectorService.instance.setPubRootDirectories(" + new Gson().toJson(jsonArray) + ")",
                    null, null).thenApplyAsync((instance) -> null);

    CompletableFuture<InstanceRef> invokeServiceMethodObservatoryNoGroup(String methodName) {
        return getInspectorLibrary().eval("WidgetInspectorService.instance." + methodName + "()", null, null);

    CompletableFuture<JsonElement> invokeServiceMethodDaemonNoGroup(String methodName, Map<String, Object> params) {
        return getApp().callServiceExtension("ext.flutter.inspector." + methodName, params)
                .thenApply((JsonObject json) -> {
                    if (json.has("errorMessage")) {
                        String message = json.get("errorMessage").getAsString();
                        throw new RuntimeException(methodName + " -- " + message);
                    return json.get("result");

     * Class managing a group of inspector objects that can be freed by
     * a single call to dispose().
     * After dispose is called, all pending requests made with the ObjectGroup
     * will be skipped. This means that clients should not have to write any
     * special logic to handle orphaned requests.
     * <p>
     * safeWhenComplete is the recommended way to await futures returned by the
     * ObjectGroup as with that method the callback will be skipped if the
     * ObjectGroup is disposed making it easy to get the correct behavior of
     * skipping orphaned requests. Otherwise, code needs to handle getting back
     * futures that return null values for requests from disposed ObjectGroup
     * objects.
    public class ObjectGroup implements Disposable {
         * Object group all objects in this arena are allocated with.
        final String groupName;

        volatile boolean disposed;
        final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

        private ObjectGroup(String debugName) {
            this.groupName = debugName + "_" + nextGroupId;

         * Once an ObjectGroup has been disposed, all methods returning
         * DiagnosticsNode objects will return a placeholder dummy node and all methods
         * returning lists or maps will return empty lists and all other methods will
         * return null. Generally code should never call methods on a disposed object
         * group but sometimes due to chained futures that can be difficult to avoid
         * and it is simpler return an empty result that will be ignored anyway than to
         * attempt carefully cancel futures.
        public void dispose() {
            invokeVoidServiceMethod("disposeGroup", groupName);
            disposed = true;

        private <T> CompletableFuture<T> nullIfDisposed(Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>> supplier) {
            if (disposed) {
                return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);

            try {
                return supplier.get();
            } finally {

        private <T> T nullValueIfDisposed(Supplier<T> supplier) {
            if (disposed) {
                return null;

            try {
                return supplier.get();
            } finally {

        private void skipIfDisposed(Runnable runnable) {
            if (disposed) {

            try {
            } finally {

        public CompletableFuture<XSourcePosition> getPropertyLocation(InstanceRef instanceRef, String name) {
            return nullIfDisposed(
                    () -> getInstance(instanceRef).thenComposeAsync((Instance instance) -> nullValueIfDisposed(
                            () -> getPropertyLocationHelper(instance.getClassRef(), name))));

        public CompletableFuture<XSourcePosition> getPropertyLocationHelper(ClassRef classRef, String name) {
            return nullIfDisposed(
                    () -> inspectorLibrary.getClass(classRef, this).thenComposeAsync((ClassObj clazz) -> {
                        return nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                            for (FuncRef f : clazz.getFunctions()) {
                                // TODO(pq): check for private properties that match name.
                                if (f.getName().equals(name)) {
                                    return inspectorLibrary.getFunc(f, this)
                                            .thenComposeAsync((Func func) -> nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                                                final SourceLocation location = func.getLocation();
                                                return inspectorLibrary.getSourcePosition(debugProcess,
                                                        location.getScript(), location.getTokenPos(), this);
                            final ClassRef superClass = clazz.getSuperClass();
                            return superClass == null ? CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null)
                                    : getPropertyLocationHelper(superClass, name);

        public CompletableFuture<DiagnosticsNode> getRoot(FlutterTreeType type) {
            // There is no excuse to call this method on a disposed group.
            assert (!disposed);
            switch (type) {
            case widget:
                return getRootWidget();
            case renderObject:
                return getRootRenderObject();
            throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected FlutterTreeType");

         * Invokes a static method on the WidgetInspectorService class passing in the specified
         * arguments.
         * <p>
         * Intent is we could refactor how the API is invoked by only changing this call.
        CompletableFuture<InstanceRef> invokeServiceMethodObservatory(String methodName) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> invokeServiceMethodObservatory(methodName, groupName));

        CompletableFuture<InstanceRef> invokeServiceMethodObservatory(String methodName, String arg1) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> getInspectorLibrary()
                    .eval("WidgetInspectorService.instance." + methodName + "(\"" + arg1 + "\")", null, this));

        CompletableFuture<JsonElement> invokeServiceMethodDaemon(String methodName) {
            return invokeServiceMethodDaemon(methodName, groupName);

        CompletableFuture<JsonElement> invokeServiceMethodDaemon(String methodName, String objectGroup) {
            final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
            params.put("objectGroup", objectGroup);
            return invokeServiceMethodDaemon(methodName, params);

        CompletableFuture<JsonElement> invokeServiceMethodDaemon(String methodName, String arg,
                String objectGroup) {
            final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
            params.put("arg", arg);
            params.put("objectGroup", objectGroup);
            return invokeServiceMethodDaemon(methodName, params);

        // All calls to invokeServiceMethodDaemon bottom out to this call.
        CompletableFuture<JsonElement> invokeServiceMethodDaemon(String methodName, Map<String, Object> params) {
            return getInspectorLibrary().addRequest(this,
                    () -> getApp().callServiceExtension("ext.flutter.inspector." + methodName, params)
                            .thenApply((JsonObject json) -> nullValueIfDisposed(() -> {
                                if (json.has("errorMessage")) {
                                    String message = json.get("errorMessage").getAsString();
                                    throw new RuntimeException(methodName + " -- " + message);
                                return json.get("result");

        CompletableFuture<JsonElement> invokeServiceMethodDaemon(String methodName, InspectorInstanceRef arg) {
            if (arg == null || arg.getId() == null) {
                return invokeServiceMethodDaemon(methodName, null, groupName);
            return invokeServiceMethodDaemon(methodName, arg.getId(), groupName);

        CompletableFuture<InstanceRef> invokeServiceMethodObservatory(String methodName, InspectorInstanceRef arg) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                if (arg == null || arg.getId() == null) {
                    return getInspectorLibrary().eval(
                            "WidgetInspectorService.instance." + methodName + "(null, \"" + groupName + "\")", null,
                return getInspectorLibrary().eval("WidgetInspectorService.instance." + methodName + "(\""
                        + arg.getId() + "\", \"" + groupName + "\")", null, this);

         * Call a service method passing in an observatory instance reference.
         * <p>
         * This call is useful when receiving an "inspect" event from the
         * observatory and future use cases such as inspecting a Widget from the
         * IntelliJ watch window.
         * <p>
         * This method will always need to use the observatory service as the input
         * parameter is an Observatory InstanceRef..
        CompletableFuture<InstanceRef> invokeServiceMethodOnRefObservatory(String methodName, InstanceRef arg) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                final HashMap<String, String> scope = new HashMap<>();
                if (arg == null) {
                    return getInspectorLibrary().eval(
                            "WidgetInspectorService.instance." + methodName + "(null, \"" + groupName + "\")",
                            scope, this);
                scope.put("arg1", arg.getId());
                return getInspectorLibrary().eval(
                        "WidgetInspectorService.instance." + methodName + "(arg1, \"" + groupName + "\")", scope,

        CompletableFuture<DiagnosticsNode> parseDiagnosticsNodeObservatory(
                CompletableFuture<InstanceRef> instanceRefFuture) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> instanceRefFuture.thenComposeAsync(this::parseDiagnosticsNodeObservatory));

         * Returns a CompletableFuture with a Map of property names to Observatory
         * InstanceRef objects. This method is shorthand for individually evaluating
         * each of the getters specified by property names.
         * <p>
         * It would be nice if the Observatory protocol provided a built in method
         * to get InstanceRef objects for a list of properties but this is
         * sufficient although slightly less efficient. The Observatory protocol
         * does provide fast access to all fields as part of an Instance object
         * but that is inadequate as for many Flutter data objects that we want
         * to display visually we care about properties that are not necessarily
         * fields.
         * <p>
         * The future will immediately complete to null if the inspectorInstanceRef is null.
        public CompletableFuture<Map<String, InstanceRef>> getDartObjectProperties(
                InspectorInstanceRef inspectorInstanceRef, final String[] propertyNames) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> toObservatoryInstanceRef(inspectorInstanceRef)
                    .thenComposeAsync((InstanceRef instanceRef) -> nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        final List<String> propertyAccessors = new ArrayList<>();
                        final String objectName = "that";
                        for (String propertyName : propertyNames) {
                            propertyAccessors.add(objectName + "." + propertyName);
                        final Map<String, String> scope = new HashMap<>();
                        scope.put(objectName, instanceRef.getId());
                        return getInstance(inspectorLibrary.eval(sb.toString(), scope, this))
                                .thenApplyAsync((Instance instance) -> nullValueIfDisposed(() -> {
                                    // We now have an instance object that is a Dart array of all the
                                    // property values. Convert it back to a map from property name to
                                    // property values.

                                    final Map<String, InstanceRef> properties = new HashMap<>();
                                    final ElementList<InstanceRef> values = instance.getElements();
                                    assert (values.size() == propertyNames.length);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; ++i) {
                                        properties.put(propertyNames[i], values.get(i));
                                    return properties;

        public CompletableFuture<InstanceRef> toObservatoryInstanceRef(InspectorInstanceRef inspectorInstanceRef) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> invokeServiceMethodObservatory("toObject", inspectorInstanceRef));

        private CompletableFuture<Instance> getInstance(InstanceRef instanceRef) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> getInspectorLibrary().getInstance(instanceRef, this));

        CompletableFuture<Instance> getInstance(CompletableFuture<InstanceRef> instanceRefFuture) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> instanceRefFuture.thenComposeAsync(this::getInstance));

        CompletableFuture<DiagnosticsNode> parseDiagnosticsNodeObservatory(InstanceRef instanceRef) {
            return nullIfDisposed(
                    () -> instanceRefToJson(instanceRef).thenApplyAsync(this::parseDiagnosticsNodeHelper));

        CompletableFuture<DiagnosticsNode> parseDiagnosticsNodeDaemon(CompletableFuture<JsonElement> json) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> json.thenApplyAsync(this::parseDiagnosticsNodeHelper));

        DiagnosticsNode parseDiagnosticsNodeHelper(JsonElement jsonElement) {
            return nullValueIfDisposed(() -> {
                if (jsonElement == null || jsonElement.isJsonNull()) {
                    return null;
                return new DiagnosticsNode(jsonElement.getAsJsonObject(), this, false);

         * Requires that the InstanceRef is really referring to a String that is valid JSON.
        CompletableFuture<JsonElement> instanceRefToJson(InstanceRef instanceRef) {

            return nullIfDisposed(() -> getInspectorLibrary().getInstance(instanceRef, this)
                    .thenApplyAsync((Instance instance) -> {
                        return nullValueIfDisposed(() -> {
                            final String json = instance.getValueAsString();
                            return new JsonParser().parse(json);

        CompletableFuture<ArrayList<DiagnosticsNode>> parseDiagnosticsNodesObservatory(InstanceRef instanceRef) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> instanceRefToJson(instanceRef).thenApplyAsync((JsonElement jsonElement) -> {
                return nullValueIfDisposed(() -> {
                    final JsonArray jsonArray = jsonElement != null ? jsonElement.getAsJsonArray() : null;
                    return parseDiagnosticsNodesHelper(jsonArray);

        ArrayList<DiagnosticsNode> parseDiagnosticsNodesHelper(JsonElement jsonObject) {
            return parseDiagnosticsNodesHelper(jsonObject != null ? jsonObject.getAsJsonArray() : null);

        ArrayList<DiagnosticsNode> parseDiagnosticsNodesHelper(JsonArray jsonArray) {
            return nullValueIfDisposed(() -> {
                if (jsonArray == null) {
                    return null;
                final ArrayList<DiagnosticsNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
                for (JsonElement element : jsonArray) {
                    nodes.add(new DiagnosticsNode(element.getAsJsonObject(), this, false));
                return nodes;

         * Converts an inspector ref to value suitable for use by generic intellij
         * debugging tools.
         * <p>
         * Warning: DartVmServiceValue references do not make any lifetime guarantees
         * so code keeping them around for a long period of time must be prepared to
         * handle reference expiration gracefully.
        public CompletableFuture<DartVmServiceValue> toDartVmServiceValueForSourceLocation(
                InspectorInstanceRef inspectorInstanceRef) {
            return invokeServiceMethodObservatory("toObjectForSourceLocation", inspectorInstanceRef)
                    .thenApplyAsync((InstanceRef instanceRef) -> nullValueIfDisposed(() -> {
                        //noinspection CodeBlock2Expr
                        return new DartVmServiceValue(debugProcess, inspectorLibrary.getIsolateId(),
                                "inspectedObject", instanceRef, null, null, false);

        CompletableFuture<ArrayList<DiagnosticsNode>> parseDiagnosticsNodesObservatory(
                CompletableFuture<InstanceRef> instanceRefFuture) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> instanceRefFuture.thenComposeAsync(this::parseDiagnosticsNodesObservatory));

        CompletableFuture<ArrayList<DiagnosticsNode>> parseDiagnosticsNodesDaemon(
                CompletableFuture<JsonElement> jsonFuture) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> jsonFuture.thenApplyAsync(this::parseDiagnosticsNodesHelper));

        CompletableFuture<ArrayList<DiagnosticsNode>> getChildren(InspectorInstanceRef instanceRef,
                boolean summaryTree) {
            if (isDetailsSummaryViewSupported()) {
                return getListHelper(instanceRef,
                        summaryTree ? "getChildrenSummaryTree" : "getChildrenDetailsSubtree");
            } else {
                return getListHelper(instanceRef, "getChildren");

        CompletableFuture<ArrayList<DiagnosticsNode>> getProperties(InspectorInstanceRef instanceRef) {
            return getListHelper(instanceRef, "getProperties");

        private CompletableFuture<ArrayList<DiagnosticsNode>> getListHelper(InspectorInstanceRef instanceRef,
                String methodName) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                if (isDaemonApiSupported) {
                    return parseDiagnosticsNodesDaemon(invokeServiceMethodDaemon(methodName, instanceRef));
                } else {
                    return parseDiagnosticsNodesObservatory(
                            invokeServiceMethodObservatory(methodName, instanceRef));

        public CompletableFuture<DiagnosticsNode> invokeServiceMethodReturningNode(String methodName) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                if (isDaemonApiSupported) {
                    return parseDiagnosticsNodeDaemon(invokeServiceMethodDaemon(methodName));
                } else {
                    return parseDiagnosticsNodeObservatory(invokeServiceMethodObservatory(methodName));

        public CompletableFuture<DiagnosticsNode> invokeServiceMethodReturningNode(String methodName,
                InspectorInstanceRef ref) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                if (isDaemonApiSupported) {
                    return parseDiagnosticsNodeDaemon(invokeServiceMethodDaemon(methodName, ref));
                } else {
                    return parseDiagnosticsNodeObservatory(invokeServiceMethodObservatory(methodName, ref));

        public CompletableFuture<Void> invokeVoidServiceMethod(String methodName, String arg1) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                if (isDaemonApiSupported) {
                    return invokeServiceMethodDaemon(methodName, arg1).thenApply((ignored) -> null);
                } else {
                    return invokeServiceMethodObservatory(methodName, arg1).thenApply((ignored) -> null);

        public CompletableFuture<Void> invokeVoidServiceMethod(String methodName, InspectorInstanceRef ref) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                if (isDaemonApiSupported) {
                    return invokeServiceMethodDaemon(methodName, ref).thenApply((ignored) -> null);
                } else {
                    return invokeServiceMethodObservatory(methodName, ref).thenApply((ignored) -> null);

        public CompletableFuture<DiagnosticsNode> getRootWidget() {
            return invokeServiceMethodReturningNode(
                    isDetailsSummaryViewSupported() ? "getRootWidgetSummaryTree" : "getRootWidget");

        public CompletableFuture<DiagnosticsNode> getRootRenderObject() {
            assert (!disposed);
            return invokeServiceMethodReturningNode("getRootRenderObject");

        public CompletableFuture<ArrayList<DiagnosticsPathNode>> getParentChain(DiagnosticsNode target) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                if (isDaemonApiSupported) {
                    return parseDiagnosticsPathDaemon(
                            invokeServiceMethodDaemon("getParentChain", target.getValueRef()));
                } else {
                    return parseDiagnosticsPathObservatory(
                            invokeServiceMethodObservatory("getParentChain", target.getValueRef()));

        CompletableFuture<ArrayList<DiagnosticsPathNode>> parseDiagnosticsPathObservatory(
                CompletableFuture<InstanceRef> instanceRefFuture) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> instanceRefFuture.thenComposeAsync(this::parseDiagnosticsPathObservatory));

        private CompletableFuture<ArrayList<DiagnosticsPathNode>> parseDiagnosticsPathObservatory(
                InstanceRef pathRef) {
            return nullIfDisposed(
                    () -> instanceRefToJson(pathRef).thenApplyAsync(this::parseDiagnosticsPathHelper));

        CompletableFuture<ArrayList<DiagnosticsPathNode>> parseDiagnosticsPathDaemon(
                CompletableFuture<JsonElement> jsonFuture) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> jsonFuture.thenApplyAsync(this::parseDiagnosticsPathHelper));

        private ArrayList<DiagnosticsPathNode> parseDiagnosticsPathHelper(JsonElement jsonElement) {
            return nullValueIfDisposed(() -> {
                final JsonArray jsonArray = jsonElement.getAsJsonArray();
                final ArrayList<DiagnosticsPathNode> pathNodes = new ArrayList<>();
                for (JsonElement element : jsonArray) {
                    pathNodes.add(new DiagnosticsPathNode(element.getAsJsonObject(), this));
                return pathNodes;

        public CompletableFuture<DiagnosticsNode> getSelection(DiagnosticsNode previousSelection,
                FlutterTreeType treeType, boolean localOnly) {
            // There is no reason to allow calling this method on a disposed group.
            assert (!disposed);
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                CompletableFuture<DiagnosticsNode> result = null;
                final InspectorInstanceRef previousSelectionRef = previousSelection != null
                        ? previousSelection.getDartDiagnosticRef()
                        : null;

                switch (treeType) {
                case widget:
                    result = invokeServiceMethodReturningNode(
                            localOnly ? "getSelectedSummaryWidget" : "getSelectedWidget", previousSelectionRef);
                case renderObject:
                    result = invokeServiceMethodReturningNode("getSelectedRenderObject", previousSelectionRef);
                return result.thenApplyAsync((DiagnosticsNode newSelection) -> nullValueIfDisposed(() -> {
                    if (newSelection != null && newSelection.getDartDiagnosticRef().equals(previousSelectionRef)) {
                        return previousSelection;
                    } else {
                        return newSelection;

        public void setSelection(InspectorInstanceRef selection, boolean uiAlreadyUpdated) {
            if (disposed) {
            if (isDaemonApiSupported) {
                handleSetSelectionDaemon(invokeServiceMethodDaemon("setSelectionById", selection),
            } else {
                handleSetSelectionObservatory(invokeServiceMethodObservatory("setSelectionById", selection),

         * Helper when we need to set selection given an observatory InstanceRef
         * instead of an InspectorInstanceRef.
        public void setSelection(InstanceRef selection, boolean uiAlreadyUpdated) {
            // There is no excuse for calling setSelection using a disposed ObjectGroup.
            assert (!disposed);
            // This call requires the observatory protocol as an observatory InstanceRef is specified.
            handleSetSelectionObservatory(invokeServiceMethodOnRefObservatory("setSelection", selection),

        private void handleSetSelectionObservatory(CompletableFuture<InstanceRef> setSelectionResult,
                boolean uiAlreadyUpdated) {
            // TODO(jacobr): we need to cancel if another inspect request comes in while we are trying this one.
                    () -> setSelectionResult.thenAcceptAsync((InstanceRef instanceRef) -> skipIfDisposed(() -> {
                        handleSetSelectionHelper("true".equals(instanceRef.getValueAsString()), uiAlreadyUpdated);

        private void handleSetSelectionHelper(boolean selectionChanged, boolean uiAlreadyUpdated) {
            if (selectionChanged && !uiAlreadyUpdated) {

        private void handleSetSelectionDaemon(CompletableFuture<JsonElement> setSelectionResult,
                boolean uiAlreadyUpdated) {
            skipIfDisposed(() ->
            // TODO(jacobr): we need to cancel if another inspect request comes in while we are trying this one.
            setSelectionResult.thenAcceptAsync((JsonElement json) -> skipIfDisposed(
                    () -> handleSetSelectionHelper(json.getAsBoolean(), uiAlreadyUpdated))));

        public CompletableFuture<Map<String, InstanceRef>> getEnumPropertyValues(InspectorInstanceRef ref) {
            return nullIfDisposed(() -> {
                if (ref == null || ref.getId() == null) {
                    return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
                return getInstance(toObservatoryInstanceRef(ref))
                        .thenComposeAsync((Instance instance) -> nullIfDisposed(
                                () -> getInspectorLibrary().getClass(instance.getClassRef(), this)
                                        .thenApplyAsync((ClassObj clazz) -> nullValueIfDisposed(() -> {
                                            final Map<String, InstanceRef> properties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                                            for (FieldRef field : clazz.getFields()) {
                                                final String name = field.getName();
                                                if (name.startsWith("_")) {
                                                    // Needed to filter out _deleted_enum_sentinel synthetic property.
                                                    // If showing private enum values is useful we could special case
                                                    // just the _deleted_enum_sentinel property name.
                                                if (name.equals("values")) {
                                                    // Need to filter out the synthetic "values" member.
                                                    // TODO(jacobr): detect that this properties return type is
                                                    // different and filter that way.
                                                if (field.isConst() && field.isStatic()) {
                                                    properties.put(field.getName(), field.getDeclaredType());
                                            return properties;

        public CompletableFuture<DiagnosticsNode> getDetailsSubtree(DiagnosticsNode node) {
            if (node == null) {
                return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
            return nullIfDisposed(
                    () -> invokeServiceMethodReturningNode("getDetailsSubtree", node.getDartDiagnosticRef()));

        FlutterApp getApp() {
            return InspectorService.this.getApp();

         * Await a Future invoking the callback on completion on the UI thread only if the
         * rhis ObjectGroup is still alive when the Future completes.
        public <T> void safeWhenComplete(CompletableFuture<T> future,
                BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable> action) {
            if (future == null) {
            future.whenCompleteAsync((T value, Throwable throwable) -> skipIfDisposed(() -> {
                ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(() -> {
                    action.accept(value, throwable);

        public boolean isDisposed() {
            return disposed;

    public enum FlutterTreeType {
        widget("Widget"), renderObject("Render");
        // TODO(jacobr): add semantics, and layer trees.

        public final String displayName;

        FlutterTreeType(String displayName) {
            this.displayName = displayName;

    public interface InspectorServiceClient {
        void onInspectorSelectionChanged();

        void onFlutterFrame();

        CompletableFuture<?> onForceRefresh();