Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Fluo authors (see AUTHORS) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.fluo.api.config; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.configuration.CompositeConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Configuration helper class for Fluo. FluoConfiguration extends {@link CompositeConfiguration}. */ public class FluoConfiguration extends CompositeConfiguration { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FluoConfiguration.class); public static final String FLUO_PREFIX = "io.fluo"; // Client properties private static final String CLIENT_PREFIX = FLUO_PREFIX + ".client"; public static final String CLIENT_ACCUMULO_PASSWORD_PROP = CLIENT_PREFIX + ".accumulo.password"; public static final String CLIENT_ACCUMULO_USER_PROP = CLIENT_PREFIX + ".accumulo.user"; public static final String CLIENT_ACCUMULO_INSTANCE_PROP = CLIENT_PREFIX + ".accumulo.instance"; public static final String CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_PROP = CLIENT_PREFIX + ".zookeeper.root"; public static final String CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_TIMEOUT_PROP = CLIENT_PREFIX + ".zookeeper.timeout"; public static final String CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_PROP = CLIENT_PREFIX + ".zookeeper.connect"; public static final String CLIENT_CLASS_PROP = CLIENT_PREFIX + ".class"; public static final String CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_DEFAULT = "/fluo"; public static final int CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 30000; public static final String CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_DEFAULT = "localhost"; public static final String CLIENT_CLASS_DEFAULT = FLUO_PREFIX + ".core.client.FluoClientImpl"; // Administration private static final String ADMIN_PREFIX = FLUO_PREFIX + ".admin"; public static final String ADMIN_ALLOW_REINITIALIZE_PROP = ADMIN_PREFIX + ".allow.reinitialize"; public static final String ADMIN_ACCUMULO_TABLE_PROP = ADMIN_PREFIX + ".accumulo.table"; public static final String ADMIN_ACCUMULO_CLASSPATH_PROP = ADMIN_PREFIX + ".accumulo.classpath"; public static final String ADMIN_ACCUMULO_CLASSPATH_DEFAULT = ""; public static final String ADMIN_CLASS_PROP = ADMIN_PREFIX + ".class"; public static final boolean ADMIN_ALLOW_REINITIALIZE_DEFAULT = false; public static final String ADMIN_CLASS_DEFAULT = FLUO_PREFIX + ".core.client.FluoAdminImpl"; // Worker private static final String WORKER_PREFIX = FLUO_PREFIX + ".worker"; public static final String WORKER_NUM_THREADS_PROP = WORKER_PREFIX + ".num.threads"; public static final String WORKER_INSTANCES_PROP = WORKER_PREFIX + ".instances"; public static final String WORKER_MAX_MEMORY_MB_PROP = WORKER_PREFIX + ".max.memory.mb"; public static final int WORKER_NUM_THREADS_DEFAULT = 10; public static final int WORKER_INSTANCES_DEFAULT = 1; public static final int WORKER_MAX_MEMORY_MB_DEFAULT = 256; // Loader private static final String LOADER_PREFIX = FLUO_PREFIX + ".loader"; public static final String LOADER_NUM_THREADS_PROP = LOADER_PREFIX + ".num.threads"; public static final String LOADER_QUEUE_SIZE_PROP = LOADER_PREFIX + ".queue.size"; public static final int LOADER_NUM_THREADS_DEFAULT = 10; public static final int LOADER_QUEUE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 10; // Oracle private static final String ORACLE_PREFIX = FLUO_PREFIX + ".oracle"; public static final String ORACLE_PORT_PROP = ORACLE_PREFIX + ".port"; public static final String ORACLE_MAX_MEMORY_MB_PROP = ORACLE_PREFIX + ".max.memory.mb"; public static final int ORACLE_PORT_DEFAULT = 9913; public static final int ORACLE_MAX_MEMORY_MB_DEFAULT = 256; // MiniFluo private static final String MINI_PREFIX = FLUO_PREFIX + ".mini"; public static final String MINI_CLASS_PROP = MINI_PREFIX + ".class"; public static final String MINI_CLASS_DEFAULT = FLUO_PREFIX + ".core.client.MiniFluoImpl"; /** The properties below get loaded into/from Zookeeper */ // Observer public static final String OBSERVER_PREFIX = FLUO_PREFIX + ".observer."; // Transaction private static final String TRANSACTION_PREFIX = FLUO_PREFIX + ".tx"; public static final String TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_TIME_PROP = TRANSACTION_PREFIX + ".rollback.time"; public static final long TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_TIME_DEFAULT = 300000; public FluoConfiguration() { super(); setThrowExceptionOnMissing(true); setDelimiterParsingDisabled(true); } public FluoConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { this(); addConfiguration(configuration); } public FluoConfiguration(File propertiesFile) { this(); try { PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration(); // disabled to prevent accumulo classpath value from being shortened config.setDelimiterParsingDisabled(true); config.load(propertiesFile); addConfiguration(config); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } public FluoConfiguration setZookeepers(String zookeepers) { setProperty(CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_PROP, zookeepers); return this; } public String getZookeepers() { return getString(CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_PROP, CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setZookeeperTimeout(int timeout) { setProperty(CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_TIMEOUT_PROP, timeout); return this; } public int getZookeeperTimeout() { return getInt(CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_TIMEOUT_PROP, CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setZookeeperRoot(String zookeeperRoot) { setProperty(CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_PROP, zookeeperRoot); return this; } public String getZookeeperRoot() { return getString(CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_PROP, CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setAccumuloInstance(String accumuloInstance) { setProperty(CLIENT_ACCUMULO_INSTANCE_PROP, accumuloInstance); return this; } public String getAccumuloInstance() { return getString(CLIENT_ACCUMULO_INSTANCE_PROP); } public FluoConfiguration setAccumuloUser(String accumuloUser) { setProperty(CLIENT_ACCUMULO_USER_PROP, accumuloUser); return this; } public String getAccumuloUser() { return getString(CLIENT_ACCUMULO_USER_PROP); } public FluoConfiguration setAccumuloPassword(String accumuloPassword) { setProperty(CLIENT_ACCUMULO_PASSWORD_PROP, accumuloPassword); return this; } public String getAccumuloPassword() { return getString(CLIENT_ACCUMULO_PASSWORD_PROP); } public FluoConfiguration setClientClass(String clientClass) { setProperty(CLIENT_CLASS_PROP, clientClass); return this; } public String getClientClass() { return getString(CLIENT_CLASS_PROP, CLIENT_CLASS_DEFAULT); } /** * Sets Accumulo table. This property only needs to * be set for FluoAdmin as it will be stored in retrieved * from Zookeeper for clients. */ public FluoConfiguration setAccumuloTable(String table) { setProperty(ADMIN_ACCUMULO_TABLE_PROP, table); return this; } public String getAccumuloTable() { return getString(ADMIN_ACCUMULO_TABLE_PROP); } public FluoConfiguration setAccumuloClasspath(String path) { setProperty(ADMIN_ACCUMULO_CLASSPATH_PROP, path); return this; } public String getAccumuloClasspath() { return getString(ADMIN_ACCUMULO_CLASSPATH_PROP, ADMIN_ACCUMULO_CLASSPATH_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setAllowReinitialize(boolean allowReinitialize) { setProperty(ADMIN_ALLOW_REINITIALIZE_PROP, allowReinitialize); return this; } public boolean getAllowReinitialize() { return getBoolean(ADMIN_ALLOW_REINITIALIZE_PROP, ADMIN_ALLOW_REINITIALIZE_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setAdminClass(String adminClass) { setProperty(ADMIN_CLASS_PROP, adminClass); return this; } public String getAdminClass() { return getString(ADMIN_CLASS_PROP, ADMIN_CLASS_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setWorkerThreads(int numThreads) { if (numThreads <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be positive " + numThreads); setProperty(WORKER_NUM_THREADS_PROP, numThreads); return this; } public int getWorkerThreads() { return getInt(WORKER_NUM_THREADS_PROP, WORKER_NUM_THREADS_DEFAULT); } /** * Sets the {@link ObserverConfiguration} for observers */ public FluoConfiguration setObservers(List<ObserverConfiguration> observers) { Iterator<String> iter1 = getKeys(OBSERVER_PREFIX); while (iter1.hasNext()) { String key =; if (key.substring(OBSERVER_PREFIX.length()).matches("\\d+")) { clearProperty(key); } } int count = 0; for (ObserverConfiguration oconf : observers) { Map<String, String> params = oconf.getParameters(); StringBuilder paramString = new StringBuilder(); for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, String> pentry : params.entrySet()) { paramString.append(','); paramString.append(pentry.getKey()); paramString.append('='); paramString.append(pentry.getValue()); } setProperty(OBSERVER_PREFIX + "" + count, oconf.getClassName() + paramString); count++; } return this; } public void setTransactionRollbackTime(long time, TimeUnit tu) { setProperty(TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_TIME_PROP, tu.toMillis(time)); } public long getTransactionRollbackTime() { return getLong(TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_TIME_PROP, TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_TIME_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setWorkerInstances(int workerInstances) { setProperty(WORKER_INSTANCES_PROP, workerInstances); return this; } public int getWorkerInstances() { return getInt(WORKER_INSTANCES_PROP, WORKER_INSTANCES_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setWorkerMaxMemory(int maxMemoryMB) { setProperty(WORKER_MAX_MEMORY_MB_PROP, maxMemoryMB); return this; } public int getWorkerMaxMemory() { return getInt(WORKER_MAX_MEMORY_MB_PROP, WORKER_MAX_MEMORY_MB_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setLoaderThreads(int numThreads) { setProperty(LOADER_NUM_THREADS_PROP, numThreads); return this; } public int getLoaderThreads() { return getInt(LOADER_NUM_THREADS_PROP, LOADER_NUM_THREADS_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setLoaderQueueSize(int queueSize) { setProperty(LOADER_QUEUE_SIZE_PROP, queueSize); return this; } public int getLoaderQueueSize() { return getInt(LOADER_QUEUE_SIZE_PROP, LOADER_QUEUE_SIZE_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setOracleMaxMemory(int oracleMaxMemory) { setProperty(ORACLE_MAX_MEMORY_MB_PROP, oracleMaxMemory); return this; } public int getOracleMaxMemory() { return getInt(ORACLE_MAX_MEMORY_MB_PROP, ORACLE_MAX_MEMORY_MB_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setOraclePort(int oraclePort) { setProperty(ORACLE_PORT_PROP, oraclePort); return this; } public int getOraclePort() { return getInt(ORACLE_PORT_PROP, ORACLE_PORT_DEFAULT); } public FluoConfiguration setMiniClass(String miniClass) { setProperty(MINI_CLASS_PROP, miniClass); return this; } public String getMiniClass() { return getString(MINI_CLASS_PROP, MINI_CLASS_DEFAULT); } protected void setDefault(String key, String val) { if (getProperty(key) == null) setProperty(key, val); } /** * Logs all properties */ public void print() { Iterator<String> iter = getKeys(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String key =; + " = " + getProperty(key)); } } private boolean contains(String key) { if (containsKey(key) == false) { + " is not set"); return false; } return true; } /** * Returns true if required properties for FluoClient are set */ public boolean hasRequiredClientProps() { boolean valid = true; valid &= contains(CLIENT_ACCUMULO_USER_PROP); valid &= contains(CLIENT_ACCUMULO_PASSWORD_PROP); valid &= contains(CLIENT_ACCUMULO_INSTANCE_PROP); return valid; } /** * Returns true if required properties for FluoAdmin are set */ public boolean hasRequiredAdminProps() { boolean valid = true; valid &= hasRequiredClientProps(); valid &= contains(ADMIN_ACCUMULO_TABLE_PROP); return valid; } /** * Returns true if required properties for Oracle are set */ public boolean hasRequiredOracleProps() { boolean valid = true; valid &= hasRequiredClientProps(); return valid; } /** * Returns true if required properties for Worker are set */ public boolean hasRequiredWorkerProps() { boolean valid = true; valid &= hasRequiredClientProps(); return valid; } /** * Returns true if required properties for MiniFluo are set */ public boolean hasRequiredMiniFluoProps() { boolean valid = true; valid &= hasRequiredClientProps(); valid &= hasRequiredAdminProps(); valid &= hasRequiredOracleProps(); valid &= hasRequiredWorkerProps(); return valid; } /** * Returns configuration with all Fluo properties set to their * default. NOTE - some properties do not have defaults and * will not be set. */ public static Configuration getDefaultConfiguration() { Configuration config = new CompositeConfiguration(); setDefaultConfiguration(config); return config; } /** * Sets all Fluo properties to their default in the given * configuration. NOTE - some properties do not have defaults * and will not be set. */ public static void setDefaultConfiguration(Configuration config) { config.setProperty(CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_PROP, CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_PROP, CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_TIMEOUT_PROP, CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(CLIENT_CLASS_PROP, CLIENT_CLASS_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(ADMIN_ALLOW_REINITIALIZE_PROP, ADMIN_ALLOW_REINITIALIZE_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(ADMIN_CLASS_PROP, ADMIN_CLASS_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(WORKER_NUM_THREADS_PROP, WORKER_NUM_THREADS_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(WORKER_INSTANCES_PROP, WORKER_INSTANCES_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(WORKER_MAX_MEMORY_MB_PROP, WORKER_MAX_MEMORY_MB_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_TIME_PROP, TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_TIME_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(LOADER_NUM_THREADS_PROP, LOADER_NUM_THREADS_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(LOADER_QUEUE_SIZE_PROP, LOADER_QUEUE_SIZE_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(ORACLE_PORT_PROP, ORACLE_PORT_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(ORACLE_MAX_MEMORY_MB_PROP, ORACLE_MAX_MEMORY_MB_DEFAULT); config.setProperty(MINI_CLASS_PROP, MINI_CLASS_DEFAULT); } }