Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2005-2015 Red Hat, Inc. * * Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version * 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package io.fabric8.selenium.forge; import io.fabric8.selenium.ConsoleTests; import io.fabric8.selenium.PageSupport; import io.fabric8.selenium.WebDriverFacade; import io.fabric8.utils.Millis; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import static; /** * A helper class for testing the Fabric8 Console's Projects page */ public class ProjectsPage extends PageSupport { private final By signInBy = By.linkText("Sign In"); private final By createProjectBy = By.partialLinkText("Create Project"); private final By projectsLinkBy = By.linkText("Projects"); private final String gogsPassword = "RedHat$1"; private final String gogsEmail = ""; private String startUrl; private String buildConfigsUrl; private String gogsUserName = "gogsadmin"; public ProjectsPage(WebDriverFacade facade) { super(facade); ConsoleTests.waitUntilLoggedIn(facade); startUrl = getDriver().getCurrentUrl(); buildConfigsUrl = relativeUrl(startUrl, "/kubernetes", "/kubernetes/buildConfigs"); } public void goToProjectsPage() { WebDriverFacade facade = getFacade(); facade.untilLinkClickedLoop(projectsLinkBy, buildConfigsUrl); facade.untilOneOf(signInBy, createProjectBy); WebElement signIn = facade.findOptionalElement(signInBy); if (signIn != null && signIn.isDisplayed()) { logInfo("Waiting for signin button to be clicked"); facade.untilLinkClicked(signInBy); signIntoGogs(); } else { logInfo("Sign in button not present"); } logWait("button: " + createProjectBy + ""); facade.untilIsEnabled(createProjectBy); } /** * Creates a new project using the create projects wizard and asserts it appears on the projects page */ public void createProject(NewProjectFormData form) { goToProjectsPage(); WebDriverFacade facade = getFacade(); facade.untilLinkClicked(createProjectBy); By nextButton = By.xpath("//button[@ng-click='execute()']"); // it can take a while to load pages in the wizard to lets increase the wait time lots! :) facade.setDefaultTimeoutInSeconds(60 * 9); String named = form.getNamed(); facade.form().clearAndSendKeys(By.xpath("//input[@ng-model='entity.named']"), named). // TODO enter Type //clearAndSendKeys(By.xpath("//label[text() = 'Type']/following::input[@type='text']"), form.getNamed()). submitButton(nextButton).submit(); facade.form().completeComboBox(By.xpath("//label[text() = 'Archetype']/following::input[@type='text']"), form.getArchetypeFilter()).submitButton(nextButton).submit(); untilNextWizardPage(facade, nextButton); facade.form().submitButton(nextButton).submit(); untilNextWizardPage(facade, nextButton); facade.form().completeComboBox(By.xpath("//label[text() = 'Flow']/following::input[@type='text']"), form.getJenkinsFileFilter()).submitButton(nextButton).submit(); facade.untilIsDisplayed(By.xpath("//a[@href='/forge/repos' and text()='Done']")); logInfo("Created project: " + named); goToProjectsPage(); // lets assert there's a link to the project page facade.untilIsDisplayed(By.partialLinkText(named)); } public By getCreateProjectBy() { return createProjectBy; } public By getSignInBy() { return signInBy; } public String getGogsEmail() { return gogsEmail; } public String getGogsUserName() { return gogsUserName; } public void setGogsUserName(String gogsUserName) { this.gogsUserName = gogsUserName; } public String getGogsPassword() { return gogsPassword; } /** * Returns a new URL from the given url trimming the `trimPath` and adding the `newPath` */ protected String relativeUrl(String url, String trimPath, String newPath) { int idx = url.indexOf(trimPath); if (idx < 0) { fail("The URL `" + url + "` does not include path `" + trimPath + "`"); } return url.substring(0, idx) + newPath; } /** * Once on the sign in page lets sign in */ protected void signIntoGogs() { getFacade().form().clearAndSendKeys("gitUsername"), gogsUserName) .clearAndSendKeys("gitPassword"), gogsPassword).clearAndSendKeys("gitEmail"), gogsEmail) .submitButton(By.xpath("//button[@ng-click='doLogin()']")).submit(); } protected void untilNextWizardPage(WebDriverFacade facade, By nextButton) { facade.sleep(Millis.seconds(5)); facade.untilIsEnabled(nextButton); } }