Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2005-2014 Red Hat, Inc. * * Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version * 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package io.fabric8.jube.apimaster; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.fabric8.jube.ServiceIDs; import io.fabric8.jube.Statuses; import io.fabric8.jube.local.NodeHelper; import io.fabric8.jube.local.ProcessMonitor; import io.fabric8.jube.model.HostNode; import io.fabric8.jube.model.HostNodeModel; import io.fabric8.jube.process.Installation; import io.fabric8.jube.process.ProcessManager; import io.fabric8.jube.proxy.KubeProxy; import io.fabric8.jube.replicator.Replicator; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.KubernetesHelper; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Endpoints; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.EndpointsList; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Minion; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.MinionList; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.PodState; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Container; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.PodList; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Pod; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ReplicationControllerList; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ReplicationController; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ServiceList; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Service; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.util.IntOrString; import io.fabric8.utils.Objects; import io.hawt.util.Strings; import org.apache.deltaspike.core.api.config.ConfigProperty; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static io.fabric8.jube.local.NodeHelper.getOrCreateCurrentState; import static io.fabric8.utils.Lists.notNullList; /** * Implements the local node controller */ @Singleton @Path("v1beta2") @Produces("application/json") @Consumes("application/json") public class ApiMasterService implements KubernetesExtensions { public static final String DEFAULT_HOSTNAME = "localhost"; public static final String DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = "8585"; public static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "default"; public static String hostName = DEFAULT_HOSTNAME; public static String port = DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; private static final transient Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApiMasterService.class); private final ProcessManager processManager; private final ApiMasterKubernetesModel model; private final Replicator replicator; private final ProcessMonitor processMonitor; private final KubeProxy kubeProxy; private final HostNodeModel hostNodeModel; private final ExecutorService localCreateThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10); private String namespace = "default"; @Inject public ApiMasterService(ProcessManager processManager, ApiMasterKubernetesModel model, Replicator replicator, ProcessMonitor processMonitor, KubeProxy kubeProxy, HostNodeModel hostNodeModel, @ConfigProperty(name = "JUBE_HOSTNAME", defaultValue = DEFAULT_HOSTNAME) String hostName, @ConfigProperty(name = "HTTP_PORT", defaultValue = DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT) String port) { this.processManager = processManager; this.model = model; this.replicator = replicator; this.processMonitor = processMonitor; this.kubeProxy = kubeProxy; this.hostNodeModel = hostNodeModel; ApiMasterService.hostName = hostName; ApiMasterService.port = port; HostNode node = new HostNode(); node.setHostName(hostName); node.setWebUrl("http://" + hostName + ":" + port + "/"); node.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); hostNodeModel.write(node); ensureModelHasKubernetesServices(hostName, port); } public static String getHostName() { return hostName; } public static String getPort() { return port; } public String getNamespace() { return namespace; } public void setNamespace(String namespace) { this.namespace = namespace; } // Pods //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public PodList getPods() { return model.getPods(); } public Pod getPod(@NotNull String podId) { Map<String, Pod> map = model.getPodMap(); return map.get(podId); } @Override public Pod getPod(@NotNull String podId, String namespace) { return model.getPod(podId, namespace); } @Override public PodList getPods(String namespace) { return model.getPods(namespace); } public String createPod(Pod entity) throws Exception { return model.remoteCreatePod(entity); } @Override public String createPod(Pod pod, String namespace) throws Exception { pod.setNamespace(namespace); return createPod(pod); } public String updatePod(final @NotNull String podId, final Pod pod) throws Exception { // TODO needs implementing remotely! return NodeHelper.excludeFromProcessMonitor(processMonitor, pod, new Callable<String>() { @Override public String call() throws Exception { System.out.println("Updating pod " + pod); PodState desiredState = pod.getDesiredState(); Objects.notNull(desiredState, "desiredState"); PodState currentState = getOrCreateCurrentState(pod); List<Container> containers = KubernetesHelper.getContainers(pod); model.updatePod(podId, pod); return NodeHelper.createMissingContainers(processManager, model, pod, currentState, containers); } }); } public String deletePod(@NotNull String podId) throws Exception { model.deletePod(podId, namespace); return null; } @Override public String deletePod(@NotNull String podId, String namespace) throws Exception { model.deletePod(podId, namespace); return null; } @Override public String updatePod(@NotNull String podId, Pod pod, String namespace) throws Exception { pod.setNamespace(namespace); return updatePod(podId, pod); } @Override public ServiceList getServices(String namespace) { return model.getServices(namespace); } @Override public Service getService(@NotNull String serviceId, String namespace) { return model.getService(serviceId, namespace); } @Override public String updateService(@NotNull String serviceId, Service service, String namespace) throws Exception { service.setNamespace(namespace); return updateService(serviceId, service); } // Replication Controllers //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public ReplicationControllerList getReplicationControllers() { return model.getReplicationControllers(); } public ReplicationController getReplicationController(@NotNull String controllerId) { Map<String, ReplicationController> map = KubernetesHelper.getReplicationControllerMap(this); return map.get(controllerId); } @Override public ReplicationControllerList getReplicationControllers(String namespace) { return model.getReplicationControllers(namespace); } @Override public ReplicationController getReplicationController(@NotNull String replicationControllerId, String namespace) { return model.getReplicationController(replicationControllerId, namespace); } public String createReplicationController(ReplicationController entity) throws Exception { String id = model.getOrCreateId(entity.getId(), NodeHelper.KIND_REPLICATION_CONTROLLER); entity.setId(id); return updateReplicationController(id, entity); } @Override public String createReplicationController(ReplicationController replicationController, String namespace) throws Exception { replicationController.setNamespace(namespace); return createReplicationController(replicationController); } @Override public String updateReplicationController(@PathParam("controllerId") @NotNull String s, ReplicationController replicationController, @QueryParam("namespace") String s1) throws Exception { replicationController.setNamespace(namespace); return updateReplicationController(s, replicationController); } public String updateReplicationController(@NotNull String controllerId, ReplicationController replicationController) throws Exception { // lets ensure there's a default namespace set String namespace = replicationController.getNamespace(); if (Strings.isBlank(namespace)) { replicationController.setNamespace(DEFAULT_NAMESPACE); } model.updateReplicationController(controllerId, replicationController); return null; } public String deleteReplicationController(@NotNull String controllerId) throws Exception { model.deleteReplicationController(controllerId, namespace); return null; } @Override public String deleteReplicationController(@NotNull String controllerId, String namespace) throws Exception { model.deleteReplicationController(controllerId, namespace); return null; } @Override public EndpointsList getEndpoints(@QueryParam("namespace") String namespace) { EndpointsList answer = new EndpointsList(); List<Endpoints> list = new ArrayList<>(); answer.setItems(list); ServiceList services = getServices(namespace); if (services != null) { List<Pod> pods = getPods(namespace).getItems(); List<Service> items = notNullList(services.getItems()); for (Service service : items) { Endpoints endpoints = createEndpointsForService(service, pods); if (endpoints != null) { list.add(endpoints); } } } return answer; } // Services //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public ServiceList getServices() { return model.getServices(); } public Service getService(@NotNull String serviceId) { Map<String, Service> map = model.getServiceMap(); return map.get(serviceId); } public String createService(Service entity) throws Exception { String id = model.getOrCreateId(entity.getId(), NodeHelper.KIND_SERVICE); entity.setId(id); return updateService(id, entity); } @Override public String createService(Service service, String namespace) throws Exception { service.setNamespace(namespace); return createService(service); } public String updateService(@NotNull String id, Service entity) throws Exception { // lets set the IP entity.setPortalIP(getHostName()); // lets ensure there's a default namespace set String namespace = entity.getNamespace(); if (Strings.isBlank(namespace)) { entity.setNamespace(DEFAULT_NAMESPACE); } model.updateService(id, entity); return null; } public String deleteService(@NotNull String serviceId) throws Exception { model.deleteService(serviceId, namespace); return null; } @Override public String deleteService(@NotNull String serviceId, String namespace) throws Exception { model.deleteService(serviceId, namespace); return null; } @Override public Endpoints endpointsForService(@NotNull String serviceId, String namespace) { List<Pod> pods = podList(); Service service = getService(serviceId); return createEndpointsForService(service, pods); } protected List<Pod> podList() { PodList podList = getPods(); return notNullList(podList.getItems()); } protected static Endpoints createEndpointsForService(Service service, List<Pod> pods) { if (service == null) { return null; } Endpoints answer = new Endpoints(); answer.setId(service.getId()); List<String> urls = new ArrayList<>(); answer.setEndpoints(urls); IntOrString containerPort = service.getContainerPort(); if (containerPort != null) { String strVal = containerPort.getStrVal(); if (strVal == null) { Integer intVal = containerPort.getIntVal(); if (intVal != null) { strVal = intVal.toString(); } } if (strVal != null) { String containerPortText = ":" + strVal; List<Pod> podsForService = KubernetesHelper.getPodsForService(service, pods); for (Pod pod : podsForService) { PodState currentState = pod.getCurrentState(); if (currentState != null) { String podIP = currentState.getPodIP(); if (podIP != null) { String url = podIP + containerPortText; } } } } } return answer; } public EndpointsList getEndpoints() { EndpointsList answer = new EndpointsList(); List<Endpoints> list = new ArrayList<>(); answer.setItems(list); ServiceList services = getServices(); if (services != null) { List<Pod> pods = podList(); List<Service> items = notNullList(services.getItems()); for (Service service : items) { Endpoints endpoints = createEndpointsForService(service, pods); if (endpoints != null) { list.add(endpoints); } } } return answer; } @Override public MinionList getMinions() { // TODO we should replace HostNode with Minion... MinionList answer = new MinionList(); List<Minion> items = new ArrayList<>(); answer.setItems(items); Collection<HostNode> values = getHostNodes().values(); for (HostNode value : values) { Minion minion = new Minion(); minion.setId(value.getId()); minion.setHostIP(value.getHostName()); items.add(minion); } return answer; } @Override public Minion minion(@NotNull String name) { MinionList minionList = getMinions(); List<Minion> minions = notNullList(minionList.getItems()); for (Minion minion : minions) { if (Objects.equal(minion.getId(), name)) { return minion; } } return null; } // Host nodes //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @GET @Path("hostNodes") @Produces("application/json") public Map<String, HostNode> getHostNodes() { return hostNodeModel.getMap(); } @GET @Path("hostNodes/{id}") @Produces("application/json") public HostNode getHostNode(@PathParam("id") @NotNull String id) { return hostNodeModel.getEntity(id); } // Local operations //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @POST @Path("local/pods") @Consumes("application/json") @Override public String createLocalPod(Pod entity) throws Exception { String id = model.getOrCreateId(entity.getId(), NodeHelper.KIND_REPLICATION_CONTROLLER); entity.setId(id); return updateLocalPod(id, entity); } public String updateLocalPod(@NotNull final String podId, final Pod pod) throws Exception { System.out.println("Updating pod " + pod); PodState desiredState = pod.getDesiredState(); Objects.notNull(desiredState, "desiredState"); // lets ensure there's a default namespace set String namespace = pod.getNamespace(); if (Strings.isBlank(namespace)) { pod.setNamespace(DEFAULT_NAMESPACE); } final PodState currentState = getOrCreateCurrentState(pod); final List<Container> containers = KubernetesHelper.getContainers(pod); NodeHelper.setPodStatus(pod, Statuses.WAITING); NodeHelper.setContainerRunningState(pod, podId, false); model.updatePod(podId, pod); localCreateThreadPool.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Runnable task = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { NodeHelper.createMissingContainers(processManager, model, pod, currentState, containers); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to create container " + podId + ". " + e, e); } } }; NodeHelper.excludeFromProcessMonitor(processMonitor, pod, task); } }); return pod.getId(); } @DELETE @Path("local/pods/{id}") @Consumes("text/plain") @Override public String deleteLocalPod(@PathParam("id") @NotNull String id, @QueryParam("namespace") String namespace) throws Exception { NodeHelper.deletePod(processManager, model, id, namespace); return null; } @GET @Path("local/pods") @Consumes("application/json") @Override public PodList getLocalPods() { ImmutableMap<String, Installation> installMap = processManager.listInstallationMap(); ImmutableSet<String> keys = installMap.keySet(); List<Pod> pods = new ArrayList<>(); for (String key : keys) { Pod pod = model.getPod(key); if (pod != null) { pods.add(pod); } } PodList answer = new PodList(); answer.setItems(pods); return answer; } /** * Lets ensure that the "kubernetes" and "kubernetes-ro" services are defined so that folks can access the core * REST API via kubernetes services */ protected void ensureModelHasKubernetesServices(String hostName, String port) { ImmutableMap<String, Service> serviceMap = model.getServiceMap(); Service service = null; try { service = serviceMap.get(ServiceIDs.KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ID); if (service == null) { service = createService(hostName, port); service.setId(ServiceIDs.KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ID); service.setSelector(createKubernetesServiceLabels()); createService(service); } service = serviceMap.get(ServiceIDs.KUBERNETES_RO_SERVICE_ID); if (service == null) { service = createService(hostName, port); service.setId(ServiceIDs.KUBERNETES_RO_SERVICE_ID); service.setSelector(createKubernetesServiceLabels()); createService(service); } service = serviceMap.get(ServiceIDs.FABRIC8_CONSOLE_SERVICE_ID); if (service == null) { service = createService(hostName, port); service.setId(ServiceIDs.FABRIC8_CONSOLE_SERVICE_ID); service.setSelector(createFabric8ConsoleServiceLabels()); createService(service); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to create service " + service + ". " + e, e); } } protected Map<String, String> createFabric8ConsoleServiceLabels() { Map<String, String> answer = new HashMap<>(); answer.put("component", "fabric8Console"); return answer; } protected Map<String, String> createKubernetesServiceLabels() { Map<String, String> answer = new HashMap<>(); answer.put("component", "apiserver"); answer.put("provider", "kubernetes"); return answer; } protected Service createService(String hostName, String port) { Service service = new Service(); service.setKind("Service"); try { Integer portNumber = Integer.parseInt(port); if (portNumber != null) { service.setPort(portNumber); IntOrString containerPort = new IntOrString(); containerPort.setIntVal(portNumber); service.setContainerPort(containerPort); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to parse port text: " + port + ". " + e, e); } service.setPortalIP(hostName); return service; } }