Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to Metamarkets Group Inc. (Metamarkets) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. Metamarkets licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import; import com.metamx.emitter.EmittingLogger; import io.druid.segment.loading.DataSegmentKiller; import io.druid.segment.loading.SegmentLoadingException; import io.druid.timeline.DataSegment; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; public class HdfsDataSegmentKiller implements DataSegmentKiller { private static final EmittingLogger log = new EmittingLogger(HdfsDataSegmentKiller.class); private static final String PATH_KEY = "path"; private final Configuration config; private final Path storageDirectory; @Inject public HdfsDataSegmentKiller(final Configuration config, final HdfsDataSegmentPusherConfig pusherConfig) { this.config = config; this.storageDirectory = new Path(pusherConfig.getStorageDirectory()); } private static Path getPath(DataSegment segment) { return new Path(String.valueOf(segment.getLoadSpec().get(PATH_KEY))); } @Override public void kill(DataSegment segment) throws SegmentLoadingException { final Path segmentPath = getPath(segment);"killing segment[%s] mapped to path[%s]", segment.getIdentifier(), segmentPath); try { String segmentLocation = segmentPath.getName(); final FileSystem fs = segmentPath.getFileSystem(config); if (!segmentLocation.endsWith(".zip")) { throw new SegmentLoadingException("Unknown file type[%s]", segmentPath); } else { if (!fs.exists(segmentPath)) { log.warn("Segment Path [%s] does not exist. It appears to have been deleted already.", segmentPath); return; } String[] zipParts = segmentLocation.split("_"); // for segments stored as hdfs://nn1/hdfs_base_directory/data_source_name/interval/version/ if (zipParts.length == 2 && zipParts[1].equals("") && StringUtils.isNumeric(zipParts[0])) { if (!fs.delete(segmentPath, false)) { throw new SegmentLoadingException("Unable to kill segment, failed to delete [%s]", segmentPath.toString()); } Path descriptorPath = new Path(segmentPath.getParent(),"%s_descriptor.json", zipParts[0])); //delete partitionNumber_descriptor.json if (!fs.delete(descriptorPath, false)) { throw new SegmentLoadingException("Unable to kill segment, failed to delete [%s]", descriptorPath.toString()); } //for segments stored as hdfs://nn1/hdfs_base_directory/data_source_name/interval/version/ // max depth to look is 2, i.e version directory and interval. mayBeDeleteParentsUpto(fs, segmentPath, 2); } else { //for segments stored as hdfs://nn1/hdfs_base_directory/data_source_name/interval/version/shardNum/ // if (!fs.delete(segmentPath, false)) { throw new SegmentLoadingException("Unable to kill segment, failed to delete [%s]", segmentPath.toString()); } Path descriptorPath = new Path(segmentPath.getParent(), "descriptor.json"); if (!fs.delete(descriptorPath, false)) { throw new SegmentLoadingException("Unable to kill segment, failed to delete [%s]", descriptorPath.toString()); } //for segments stored as hdfs://nn1/hdfs_base_directory/data_source_name/interval/version/shardNum/ //max depth to look is 3, i.e partition number directory,version directory and interval. mayBeDeleteParentsUpto(fs, segmentPath, 3); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new SegmentLoadingException(e, "Unable to kill segment"); } } @Override public void killAll() throws IOException {"Deleting all segment files from hdfs dir [%s].", storageDirectory.toUri().toString()); final FileSystem fs = storageDirectory.getFileSystem(config); fs.delete(storageDirectory, true); } private void mayBeDeleteParentsUpto(final FileSystem fs, final Path segmentPath, final int maxDepthTobeDeleted) { Path path = segmentPath; try { for (int i = 1; i <= maxDepthTobeDeleted; i++) { path = path.getParent(); if (fs.listStatus(path).length != 0 || !fs.delete(path, false)) { break; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.makeAlert(e, "uncaught exception during segment killer").emit(); } } }