Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to Metamarkets Group Inc. (Metamarkets) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. Metamarkets licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package io.druid.segment; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.metamx.collections.bitmap.BitmapFactory; import com.metamx.collections.bitmap.ImmutableBitmap; import com.metamx.collections.bitmap.MutableBitmap; import com.metamx.collections.spatial.ImmutableRTree; import com.metamx.collections.spatial.RTree; import com.metamx.collections.spatial.split.LinearGutmanSplitStrategy; import com.metamx.common.IAE; import com.metamx.common.ISE; import com.metamx.common.guava.FunctionalIterable; import com.metamx.common.guava.MergeIterable; import com.metamx.common.guava.nary.BinaryFn; import; import; import com.metamx.common.logger.Logger; import io.druid.collections.CombiningIterable; import io.druid.common.utils.JodaUtils; import io.druid.common.utils.SerializerUtils; import io.druid.guice.GuiceInjectors; import io.druid.query.aggregation.AggregatorFactory; import io.druid.segment.column.ColumnCapabilities; import io.druid.segment.column.ColumnCapabilitiesImpl; import io.druid.segment.column.ColumnDescriptor; import io.druid.segment.column.ValueType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.druid.segment.incremental.IncrementalIndex; import io.druid.segment.incremental.IncrementalIndexAdapter; import io.druid.segment.serde.ColumnPartSerde; import io.druid.segment.serde.ComplexColumnPartSerde; import io.druid.segment.serde.ComplexMetricSerde; import io.druid.segment.serde.ComplexMetrics; import io.druid.segment.serde.DictionaryEncodedColumnPartSerde; import io.druid.segment.serde.FloatGenericColumnPartSerde; import io.druid.segment.serde.LongGenericColumnPartSerde; import; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Interval; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.LongBuffer; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; /** */ public class IndexMaker { private static final Logger log = new Logger(IndexMaker.class); private static final SerializerUtils serializerUtils = new SerializerUtils(); private static final int INVALID_ROW = -1; private static final Splitter SPLITTER = Splitter.on(","); private static final ObjectMapper mapper; static { final Injector injector = GuiceInjectors.makeStartupInjectorWithModules(ImmutableList.<Module>of()); mapper = injector.getInstance(ObjectMapper.class); } public static File persist(final IncrementalIndex index, File outDir, final Map<String, Object> segmentMetadata, final IndexSpec indexSpec) throws IOException { return persist(index, index.getInterval(), outDir, segmentMetadata, indexSpec); } /** * This is *not* thread-safe and havok will ensue if this is called and writes are still occurring * on the IncrementalIndex object. * * @param index the IncrementalIndex to persist * @param dataInterval the Interval that the data represents * @param outDir the directory to persist the data to * * @throws */ public static File persist(final IncrementalIndex index, final Interval dataInterval, File outDir, final Map<String, Object> segmentMetadata, final IndexSpec indexSpec) throws IOException { return persist(index, dataInterval, outDir, segmentMetadata, indexSpec, new LoggingProgressIndicator(outDir.toString())); } public static File persist(final IncrementalIndex index, final Interval dataInterval, File outDir, final Map<String, Object> segmentMetadata, final IndexSpec indexSpec, ProgressIndicator progress) throws IOException { if (index.isEmpty()) { throw new IAE("Trying to persist an empty index!"); } final long firstTimestamp = index.getMinTime().getMillis(); final long lastTimestamp = index.getMaxTime().getMillis(); if (!(dataInterval.contains(firstTimestamp) && dataInterval.contains(lastTimestamp))) { throw new IAE("interval[%s] does not encapsulate the full range of timestamps[%s, %s]", dataInterval, new DateTime(firstTimestamp), new DateTime(lastTimestamp)); } if (!outDir.exists()) { outDir.mkdirs(); } if (!outDir.isDirectory()) { throw new ISE("Can only persist to directories, [%s] wasn't a directory", outDir); }"Starting persist for interval[%s], rows[%,d]", dataInterval, index.size()); return merge( Arrays.<IndexableAdapter>asList(new IncrementalIndexAdapter(dataInterval, index, indexSpec.getBitmapSerdeFactory().getBitmapFactory())), index.getMetricAggs(), outDir, segmentMetadata, indexSpec, progress); } public static File mergeQueryableIndex(List<QueryableIndex> indexes, final AggregatorFactory[] metricAggs, File outDir, final IndexSpec indexSpec) throws IOException { return mergeQueryableIndex(indexes, metricAggs, outDir, indexSpec, new LoggingProgressIndicator(outDir.toString())); } public static File mergeQueryableIndex(List<QueryableIndex> indexes, final AggregatorFactory[] metricAggs, File outDir, final IndexSpec indexSpec, ProgressIndicator progress) throws IOException { return merge(Lists.transform(indexes, new Function<QueryableIndex, IndexableAdapter>() { @Override public IndexableAdapter apply(final QueryableIndex input) { return new QueryableIndexIndexableAdapter(input); } }), metricAggs, outDir, null, indexSpec, progress); } public static File merge(List<IndexableAdapter> adapters, final AggregatorFactory[] metricAggs, File outDir, final IndexSpec indexSpec) throws IOException { return merge(adapters, metricAggs, outDir, null, indexSpec, new LoggingProgressIndicator(outDir.toString())); } public static File merge(List<IndexableAdapter> adapters, final AggregatorFactory[] metricAggs, File outDir, final Map<String, Object> segmentMetaData, final IndexSpec indexSpec, ProgressIndicator progress) throws IOException { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(outDir); if (!outDir.mkdirs()) { throw new ISE("Couldn't make outdir[%s].", outDir); } final List<String> mergedDimensions = mergeIndexed( Lists.transform(adapters, new Function<IndexableAdapter, Iterable<String>>() { @Override public Iterable<String> apply(IndexableAdapter input) { return input.getDimensionNames(); } })); final List<String> mergedMetrics = Lists.transform(mergeIndexed(Lists.newArrayList( FunctionalIterable.create(adapters).transform(new Function<IndexableAdapter, Iterable<String>>() { @Override public Iterable<String> apply(IndexableAdapter input) { return input.getMetricNames(); } }).concat(Arrays.<Iterable<String>>asList(new AggFactoryStringIndexed(metricAggs))))), new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String input) { return input; } }); if (mergedMetrics.size() != metricAggs.length) { throw new IAE("Bad number of metrics[%d], expected [%d]", mergedMetrics.size(), metricAggs.length); } final AggregatorFactory[] sortedMetricAggs = new AggregatorFactory[mergedMetrics.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < metricAggs.length; i++) { AggregatorFactory metricAgg = metricAggs[i]; sortedMetricAggs[mergedMetrics.indexOf(metricAgg.getName())] = metricAgg; } for (int i = 0; i < mergedMetrics.size(); i++) { if (!sortedMetricAggs[i].getName().equals(mergedMetrics.get(i))) { throw new IAE("Metric mismatch, index[%d] [%s] != [%s]", i, metricAggs[i].getName(), mergedMetrics.get(i)); } } Function<ArrayList<Iterable<Rowboat>>, Iterable<Rowboat>> rowMergerFn = new Function<ArrayList<Iterable<Rowboat>>, Iterable<Rowboat>>() { @Override public Iterable<Rowboat> apply(ArrayList<Iterable<Rowboat>> boats) { return CombiningIterable.create( new MergeIterable<>(Ordering.<Rowboat>natural().nullsFirst(), boats), Ordering.<Rowboat>natural().nullsFirst(), new RowboatMergeFunction(sortedMetricAggs)); } }; return makeIndexFiles(adapters, outDir, progress, mergedDimensions, mergedMetrics, segmentMetaData, rowMergerFn, indexSpec); } public static File convert(final File inDir, final File outDir, final IndexSpec indexSpec) throws IOException { return convert(inDir, outDir, indexSpec, new BaseProgressIndicator()); } public static File convert(final File inDir, final File outDir, final IndexSpec indexSpec, final ProgressIndicator progress) throws IOException { try (QueryableIndex index = IndexIO.loadIndex(inDir)) { final IndexableAdapter adapter = new QueryableIndexIndexableAdapter(index); return makeIndexFiles(ImmutableList.of(adapter), outDir, progress, Lists.newArrayList(adapter.getDimensionNames()), Lists.newArrayList(adapter.getMetricNames()), null, new Function<ArrayList<Iterable<Rowboat>>, Iterable<Rowboat>>() { @Nullable @Override public Iterable<Rowboat> apply(ArrayList<Iterable<Rowboat>> input) { return input.get(0); } }, indexSpec); } } public static File append(final List<IndexableAdapter> adapters, final File outDir, final IndexSpec indexSpec) throws IOException { return append(adapters, outDir, new LoggingProgressIndicator(outDir.toString()), indexSpec); } public static File append(final List<IndexableAdapter> adapters, final File outDir, final ProgressIndicator progress, final IndexSpec indexSpec) throws IOException { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(outDir); if (!outDir.mkdirs()) { throw new ISE("Couldn't make outdir[%s].", outDir); } final List<String> mergedDimensions = mergeIndexed( Lists.transform(adapters, new Function<IndexableAdapter, Iterable<String>>() { @Override public Iterable<String> apply(IndexableAdapter input) { return Iterables.transform(input.getDimensionNames(), new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String input) { return input; } }); } })); final List<String> mergedMetrics = mergeIndexed( Lists.transform(adapters, new Function<IndexableAdapter, Iterable<String>>() { @Override public Iterable<String> apply(IndexableAdapter input) { return Iterables.transform(input.getMetricNames(), new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String input) { return input; } }); } })); Function<ArrayList<Iterable<Rowboat>>, Iterable<Rowboat>> rowMergerFn = new Function<ArrayList<Iterable<Rowboat>>, Iterable<Rowboat>>() { @Override public Iterable<Rowboat> apply(final ArrayList<Iterable<Rowboat>> boats) { return new MergeIterable<>(Ordering.<Rowboat>natural().nullsFirst(), boats); } }; return makeIndexFiles(adapters, outDir, progress, mergedDimensions, mergedMetrics, null, rowMergerFn, indexSpec); } private static File makeIndexFiles(final List<IndexableAdapter> adapters, final File outDir, final ProgressIndicator progress, final List<String> mergedDimensions, final List<String> mergedMetrics, final Map<String, Object> segmentMetadata, final Function<ArrayList<Iterable<Rowboat>>, Iterable<Rowboat>> rowMergerFn, final IndexSpec indexSpec) throws IOException { progress.start(); progress.progress(); final Map<String, ValueType> valueTypes = Maps.newTreeMap(Ordering.<String>natural().nullsFirst()); final Map<String, String> metricTypeNames = Maps.newTreeMap(Ordering.<String>natural().nullsFirst()); final Map<String, ColumnCapabilitiesImpl> columnCapabilities = Maps.newHashMap(); for (IndexableAdapter adapter : adapters) { for (String dimension : adapter.getDimensionNames()) { ColumnCapabilitiesImpl mergedCapabilities = columnCapabilities.get(dimension); ColumnCapabilities capabilities = adapter.getCapabilities(dimension); if (mergedCapabilities == null) { mergedCapabilities = new ColumnCapabilitiesImpl(); mergedCapabilities.setType(ValueType.STRING); } columnCapabilities.put(dimension, mergedCapabilities.merge(capabilities)); } for (String metric : adapter.getMetricNames()) { ColumnCapabilitiesImpl mergedCapabilities = columnCapabilities.get(metric); ColumnCapabilities capabilities = adapter.getCapabilities(metric); if (mergedCapabilities == null) { mergedCapabilities = new ColumnCapabilitiesImpl(); } columnCapabilities.put(metric, mergedCapabilities.merge(capabilities)); valueTypes.put(metric, capabilities.getType()); metricTypeNames.put(metric, adapter.getMetricType(metric)); } } outDir.mkdirs(); final FileSmoosher v9Smoosher = new FileSmoosher(outDir); ByteStreams.write(Ints.toByteArray(IndexIO.V9_VERSION), Files.newOutputStreamSupplier(new File(outDir, "version.bin"))); final Map<String, Integer> dimIndexes = Maps.newHashMap(); final Map<String, Iterable<String>> dimensionValuesLookup = Maps.newHashMap(); final ArrayList<Map<String, IntBuffer>> dimConversions = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(adapters.size()); final Set<String> skippedDimensions = Sets.newHashSet(); final List<IntBuffer> rowNumConversions = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(adapters.size()); progress.progress(); setupDimConversion(adapters, progress, mergedDimensions, dimConversions, dimIndexes, skippedDimensions, dimensionValuesLookup); progress.progress(); final Iterable<Rowboat> theRows = makeRowIterable(adapters, mergedDimensions, mergedMetrics, dimConversions, rowMergerFn); progress.progress(); final int rowCount = convertDims(adapters, progress, theRows, rowNumConversions); progress.progress(); makeTimeColumn(v9Smoosher, progress, theRows, rowCount); progress.progress(); makeDimColumns(v9Smoosher, adapters, progress, mergedDimensions, skippedDimensions, theRows, columnCapabilities, dimensionValuesLookup, rowNumConversions, indexSpec); progress.progress(); makeMetricColumns(v9Smoosher, progress, theRows, mergedMetrics, valueTypes, metricTypeNames, rowCount, indexSpec); progress.progress(); makeIndexBinary(v9Smoosher, adapters, outDir, mergedDimensions, mergedMetrics, skippedDimensions, progress, indexSpec); makeMetadataBinary(v9Smoosher, progress, segmentMetadata); v9Smoosher.close(); progress.stop(); return outDir; } private static void setupDimConversion(final List<IndexableAdapter> adapters, final ProgressIndicator progress, final List<String> mergedDimensions, final List<Map<String, IntBuffer>> dimConversions, final Map<String, Integer> dimIndexes, final Set<String> skippedDimensions, final Map<String, Iterable<String>> dimensionValuesLookup) { final String section = "setup dimension conversions"; progress.startSection(section); for (IndexableAdapter adapter : adapters) { dimConversions.add(Maps.<String, IntBuffer>newHashMap()); } int dimIndex = 0; for (String dimension : mergedDimensions) { dimIndexes.put(dimension, dimIndex++); // lookups for all dimension values of this dimension final List<Indexed<String>> dimValueLookups = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(adapters.size()); // each converter converts dim values of this dimension to global dictionary final DimValueConverter[] converters = new DimValueConverter[adapters.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < adapters.size(); i++) { Indexed<String> dimValues = adapters.get(i).getDimValueLookup(dimension); if (!IndexMerger.isNullColumn(dimValues)) { dimValueLookups.add(dimValues); converters[i] = new DimValueConverter(dimValues); } } // sort all dimension values and treat all null values as empty strings final Iterable<String> dimensionValues = CombiningIterable.createSplatted( Iterables.transform(dimValueLookups, new Function<Indexed<String>, Iterable<String>>() { @Override public Iterable<String> apply(Indexed<String> indexed) { return Iterables.transform(indexed, new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(@Nullable String input) { return (input == null) ? "" : input; } }); } }), Ordering.<String>natural()); int cardinality = 0; for (String value : dimensionValues) { for (int i = 0; i < adapters.size(); i++) { DimValueConverter converter = converters[i]; if (converter != null) { converter.convert(value, cardinality); } } ++cardinality; } if (cardinality == 0) {"Skipping [%s], it is empty!", dimension); skippedDimensions.add(dimension); continue; } dimensionValuesLookup.put(dimension, dimensionValues); // make the dictionary for (int i = 0; i < adapters.size(); ++i) { DimValueConverter converter = converters[i]; if (converter != null) { dimConversions.get(i).put(dimension, converters[i].getConversionBuffer()); } } } progress.stopSection(section); } private static Iterable<Rowboat> makeRowIterable(final List<IndexableAdapter> adapters, final List<String> mergedDimensions, final List<String> mergedMetrics, final ArrayList<Map<String, IntBuffer>> dimConversions, final Function<ArrayList<Iterable<Rowboat>>, Iterable<Rowboat>> rowMergerFn) { ArrayList<Iterable<Rowboat>> boats = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(adapters.size()); for (int i = 0; i < adapters.size(); ++i) { final IndexableAdapter adapter = adapters.get(i); final int[] dimLookup = new int[mergedDimensions.size()]; int count = 0; for (String dim : adapter.getDimensionNames()) { dimLookup[count] = mergedDimensions.indexOf(dim); count++; } final int[] metricLookup = new int[mergedMetrics.size()]; count = 0; for (String metric : adapter.getMetricNames()) { metricLookup[count] = mergedMetrics.indexOf(metric); count++; } boats.add(new MMappedIndexRowIterable( Iterables.transform(adapters.get(i).getRows(), new Function<Rowboat, Rowboat>() { @Override public Rowboat apply(Rowboat input) { int[][] newDims = new int[mergedDimensions.size()][]; int j = 0; for (int[] dim : input.getDims()) { newDims[dimLookup[j]] = dim; j++; } Object[] newMetrics = new Object[mergedMetrics.size()]; j = 0; for (Object met : input.getMetrics()) { newMetrics[metricLookup[j]] = met; j++; } return new Rowboat(input.getTimestamp(), newDims, newMetrics, input.getRowNum()); } }), mergedDimensions, dimConversions.get(i), i)); } return rowMergerFn.apply(boats); } private static int convertDims(final List<IndexableAdapter> adapters, final ProgressIndicator progress, final Iterable<Rowboat> theRows, final List<IntBuffer> rowNumConversions) throws IOException { final String section = "convert dims"; progress.startSection(section); for (IndexableAdapter index : adapters) { int[] arr = new int[index.getNumRows()]; Arrays.fill(arr, INVALID_ROW); rowNumConversions.add(IntBuffer.wrap(arr)); } int rowCount = 0; for (Rowboat theRow : theRows) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, TreeSet<Integer>> comprisedRow : theRow.getComprisedRows().entrySet()) { final IntBuffer conversionBuffer = rowNumConversions.get(comprisedRow.getKey()); for (Integer rowNum : comprisedRow.getValue()) { while (conversionBuffer.position() < rowNum) { conversionBuffer.put(INVALID_ROW); } conversionBuffer.put(rowCount); } } if ((++rowCount % 500000) == 0) { progress.progressSection(section, String.format("Walked 500,000/%,d rows", rowCount)); } } for (IntBuffer rowNumConversion : rowNumConversions) { rowNumConversion.rewind(); } progress.stopSection(section); return rowCount; } private static void makeTimeColumn(final FileSmoosher v9Smoosher, final ProgressIndicator progress, final Iterable<Rowboat> theRows, final int rowCount) throws IOException { final String section = "make time column"; progress.startSection(section); long[] longs = new long[rowCount]; int rowNum = 0; for (Rowboat theRow : theRows) { longs[rowNum++] = theRow.getTimestamp(); } CompressedLongsIndexedSupplier timestamps = CompressedLongsIndexedSupplier.fromLongBuffer( LongBuffer.wrap(longs), IndexIO.BYTE_ORDER, CompressedObjectStrategy.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_STRATEGY ); final ColumnDescriptor.Builder timeBuilder = ColumnDescriptor.builder(); timeBuilder.setValueType(ValueType.LONG); writeColumn(v9Smoosher, new LongGenericColumnPartSerde(timestamps, IndexIO.BYTE_ORDER), timeBuilder, "__time"); progress.stopSection(section); } private static void makeDimColumns(final FileSmoosher v9Smoosher, final List<IndexableAdapter> adapters, final ProgressIndicator progress, final List<String> mergedDimensions, final Set<String> skippedDimensions, final Iterable<Rowboat> theRows, final Map<String, ColumnCapabilitiesImpl> columnCapabilities, final Map<String, Iterable<String>> dimensionValuesLookup, final List<IntBuffer> rowNumConversions, final IndexSpec indexSpec) throws IOException { final String dimSection = "make dimension columns"; progress.startSection(dimSection); int dimIndex = 0; for (String dimension : mergedDimensions) { if (skippedDimensions.contains(dimension)) { dimIndex++; continue; } makeDimColumn(v9Smoosher, adapters, progress, theRows, dimIndex, dimension, columnCapabilities, dimensionValuesLookup, rowNumConversions, indexSpec.getBitmapSerdeFactory(), indexSpec.getDimensionCompressionStrategy()); dimIndex++; } progress.stopSection(dimSection); } private static class NullsAtZeroConvertingIntList extends AbstractList<Integer> { private final List<Integer> delegate; private final boolean delegateHasNullAtZero; NullsAtZeroConvertingIntList(List<Integer> delegate, final boolean delegateHasNullAtZero) { this.delegate = delegate; this.delegateHasNullAtZero = delegateHasNullAtZero; } @Override public Integer get(int index) { Integer val = delegate.get(index); if (val == null) { return 0; } return delegateHasNullAtZero ? val : val + 1; } @Override public int size() { return delegate.size(); } } private static void makeDimColumn(final FileSmoosher v9Smoosher, final List<IndexableAdapter> adapters, final ProgressIndicator progress, final Iterable<Rowboat> theRows, final int dimIndex, final String dimension, final Map<String, ColumnCapabilitiesImpl> columnCapabilities, final Map<String, Iterable<String>> dimensionValuesLookup, final List<IntBuffer> rowNumConversions, final BitmapSerdeFactory bitmapSerdeFactory, final CompressedObjectStrategy.CompressionStrategy compressionStrategy) throws IOException { final String section = String.format("make %s", dimension); progress.startSection(section); final ColumnDescriptor.Builder dimBuilder = ColumnDescriptor.builder(); dimBuilder.setValueType(ValueType.STRING); final List<ByteBuffer> outParts = Lists.newArrayList(); ByteArrayOutputStream nameBAOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); serializerUtils.writeString(nameBAOS, dimension); outParts.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(nameBAOS.toByteArray())); boolean hasMultipleValues = columnCapabilities.get(dimension).hasMultipleValues(); dimBuilder.setHasMultipleValues(hasMultipleValues); // make dimension columns List<Integer> singleValCol; final VSizeIndexed multiValCol; ColumnDictionaryEntryStore adder = hasMultipleValues ? new MultiValColumnDictionaryEntryStore() : new SingleValColumnDictionaryEntryStore(); final BitmapFactory bitmapFactory = bitmapSerdeFactory.getBitmapFactory(); MutableBitmap nullSet = null; int rowCount = 0; for (Rowboat theRow : theRows) { if (dimIndex > theRow.getDims().length) { if (nullSet == null) { nullSet = bitmapFactory.makeEmptyMutableBitmap(); } nullSet.add(rowCount); adder.add(null); } else { int[] dimVals = theRow.getDims()[dimIndex]; if (dimVals == null || dimVals.length == 0) { if (nullSet == null) { nullSet = bitmapFactory.makeEmptyMutableBitmap(); } nullSet.add(rowCount); } adder.add(dimVals); } rowCount++; } final Iterable<String> dimensionValues = dimensionValuesLookup.get(dimension); GenericIndexed<String> dictionary = GenericIndexed.fromIterable(dimensionValues, GenericIndexed.STRING_STRATEGY); boolean bumpDictionary = false; if (hasMultipleValues) { final List<List<Integer>> vals = ((MultiValColumnDictionaryEntryStore) adder).get(); if (nullSet != null) {"Dimension[%s] has null rows.", dimension); if (Iterables.getFirst(dimensionValues, "") != null) { bumpDictionary = true;"Dimension[%s] has no null value in the dictionary, expanding...", dimension); dictionary = GenericIndexed.fromIterable( Iterables.concat(Collections.<String>singleton(null), dimensionValues), GenericIndexed.STRING_STRATEGY); final int dictionarySize = dictionary.size(); singleValCol = null; multiValCol = VSizeIndexed.fromIterable( Iterables.transform(vals, new Function<List<Integer>, VSizeIndexedInts>() { @Override public VSizeIndexedInts apply(final List<Integer> input) { if (input == null) { return VSizeIndexedInts.fromList(ImmutableList.<Integer>of(0), dictionarySize); } else { return VSizeIndexedInts.fromList( new NullsAtZeroConvertingIntList(input, false), dictionarySize); } } })); } else { final int dictionarySize = dictionary.size(); singleValCol = null; multiValCol = VSizeIndexed.fromIterable( Iterables.transform(vals, new Function<List<Integer>, VSizeIndexedInts>() { @Override public VSizeIndexedInts apply(List<Integer> input) { if (input == null) { return VSizeIndexedInts.fromList(ImmutableList.<Integer>of(0), dictionarySize); } else { return VSizeIndexedInts.fromList(input, dictionarySize); } } })); } } else { final int dictionarySize = dictionary.size(); singleValCol = null; multiValCol = VSizeIndexed .fromIterable(Iterables.transform(vals, new Function<List<Integer>, VSizeIndexedInts>() { @Override public VSizeIndexedInts apply(List<Integer> input) { return VSizeIndexedInts.fromList(input, dictionarySize); } })); } } else { final List<Integer> vals = ((SingleValColumnDictionaryEntryStore) adder).get(); if (nullSet != null) {"Dimension[%s] has null rows.", dimension); if (Iterables.getFirst(dimensionValues, "") != null) { bumpDictionary = true;"Dimension[%s] has no null value in the dictionary, expanding...", dimension); final List<String> nullList = Lists.newArrayList(); nullList.add(null); dictionary = GenericIndexed.fromIterable(Iterables.concat(nullList, dimensionValues), GenericIndexed.STRING_STRATEGY); multiValCol = null; singleValCol = new NullsAtZeroConvertingIntList(vals, false); } else { multiValCol = null; singleValCol = new NullsAtZeroConvertingIntList(vals, true); } } else { multiValCol = null; singleValCol = new AbstractList<Integer>() { @Override public Integer get(int index) { return vals.get(index); } @Override public int size() { return vals.size(); } }; } } // Make bitmap indexes List<MutableBitmap> mutableBitmaps = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String dimVal : dimensionValues) { List<Iterable<Integer>> convertedInverteds = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(adapters.size()); for (int j = 0; j < adapters.size(); ++j) { convertedInverteds.add(new ConvertingIndexedInts(adapters.get(j).getBitmapIndex(dimension, dimVal), rowNumConversions.get(j))); } MutableBitmap bitset = bitmapSerdeFactory.getBitmapFactory().makeEmptyMutableBitmap(); for (Integer row : CombiningIterable.createSplatted(convertedInverteds, Ordering.<Integer>natural().nullsFirst())) { if (row != INVALID_ROW) { bitset.add(row); } } mutableBitmaps.add(bitset); } GenericIndexed<ImmutableBitmap> bitmaps; if (nullSet != null) { final ImmutableBitmap theNullSet = bitmapFactory.makeImmutableBitmap(nullSet); if (bumpDictionary) { bitmaps = GenericIndexed.fromIterable(Iterables.concat(Arrays.asList(theNullSet), Iterables.transform(mutableBitmaps, new Function<MutableBitmap, ImmutableBitmap>() { @Override public ImmutableBitmap apply(MutableBitmap input) { return bitmapFactory.makeImmutableBitmap(input); } })), bitmapSerdeFactory.getObjectStrategy()); } else { Iterable<ImmutableBitmap> immutableBitmaps = Iterables.transform(mutableBitmaps, new Function<MutableBitmap, ImmutableBitmap>() { @Override public ImmutableBitmap apply(MutableBitmap input) { return bitmapFactory.makeImmutableBitmap(input); } }); bitmaps = GenericIndexed.fromIterable(Iterables.concat( Arrays.asList(theNullSet.union(Iterables.getFirst(immutableBitmaps, null))), Iterables.skip(immutableBitmaps, 1)), bitmapSerdeFactory.getObjectStrategy()); } } else { bitmaps = GenericIndexed.fromIterable( Iterables.transform(mutableBitmaps, new Function<MutableBitmap, ImmutableBitmap>() { @Override public ImmutableBitmap apply(MutableBitmap input) { return bitmapFactory.makeImmutableBitmap(input); } }), bitmapSerdeFactory.getObjectStrategy()); } // Make spatial indexes ImmutableRTree spatialIndex = null; boolean hasSpatialIndexes = columnCapabilities.get(dimension).hasSpatialIndexes(); RTree tree = null; if (hasSpatialIndexes) { tree = new RTree(2, new LinearGutmanSplitStrategy(0, 50, bitmapSerdeFactory.getBitmapFactory()), bitmapSerdeFactory.getBitmapFactory()); } int dimValIndex = 0; for (String dimVal : dimensionValuesLookup.get(dimension)) { if (hasSpatialIndexes) { if (dimVal != null && !dimVal.isEmpty()) { List<String> stringCoords = Lists.newArrayList(SPLITTER.split(dimVal)); float[] coords = new float[stringCoords.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < coords.length; j++) { coords[j] = Float.valueOf(stringCoords.get(j)); } tree.insert(coords, mutableBitmaps.get(dimValIndex)); } dimValIndex++; } } if (hasSpatialIndexes) { spatialIndex = ImmutableRTree.newImmutableFromMutable(tree); }"Completed dimension[%s] with cardinality[%,d]. Starting write.", dimension, dictionary.size()); final DictionaryEncodedColumnPartSerde.Builder dimPartBuilder = DictionaryEncodedColumnPartSerde.builder() .withDictionary(dictionary).withBitmapSerdeFactory(bitmapSerdeFactory).withBitmaps(bitmaps) .withSpatialIndex(spatialIndex).withByteOrder(IndexIO.BYTE_ORDER); if (singleValCol != null) { if (compressionStrategy != null) { dimPartBuilder.withSingleValuedColumn( CompressedVSizeIntsIndexedSupplier.fromList(singleValCol, dictionary.size(), CompressedVSizeIntsIndexedSupplier.maxIntsInBufferForValue(dictionary.size()), IndexIO.BYTE_ORDER, compressionStrategy)); } else { dimPartBuilder.withSingleValuedColumn(VSizeIndexedInts.fromList(singleValCol, dictionary.size())); } } else if (compressionStrategy != null) { dimPartBuilder.withMultiValuedColumn(CompressedVSizeIndexedSupplier.fromIterable(multiValCol, dictionary.size(), IndexIO.BYTE_ORDER, compressionStrategy)); } else { dimPartBuilder.withMultiValuedColumn(multiValCol); } writeColumn(v9Smoosher,, dimBuilder, dimension); progress.stopSection(section); } private static void makeMetricColumns(final FileSmoosher v9Smoosher, final ProgressIndicator progress, final Iterable<Rowboat> theRows, final List<String> mergedMetrics, final Map<String, ValueType> valueTypes, final Map<String, String> metricTypeNames, final int rowCount, final IndexSpec indexSpec) throws IOException { final String metSection = "make metric columns"; progress.startSection(metSection); int metIndex = 0; for (String metric : mergedMetrics) { makeMetricColumn(v9Smoosher, progress, theRows, metIndex, metric, valueTypes, metricTypeNames, rowCount, indexSpec.getMetricCompressionStrategy()); metIndex++; } progress.stopSection(metSection); } private static void makeMetricColumn(final FileSmoosher v9Smoosher, final ProgressIndicator progress, final Iterable<Rowboat> theRows, final int metricIndex, final String metric, final Map<String, ValueType> valueTypes, final Map<String, String> metricTypeNames, final int rowCount, final CompressedObjectStrategy.CompressionStrategy compressionStrategy) throws IOException { final String section = String.format("make column[%s]", metric); progress.startSection(section); final ColumnDescriptor.Builder metBuilder = ColumnDescriptor.builder(); ValueType type = valueTypes.get(metric); switch (type) { case FLOAT: { metBuilder.setValueType(ValueType.FLOAT); float[] arr = new float[rowCount]; int rowNum = 0; for (Rowboat theRow : theRows) { Object obj = theRow.getMetrics()[metricIndex]; arr[rowNum++] = (obj == null) ? 0 : ((Number) obj).floatValue(); } CompressedFloatsIndexedSupplier compressedFloats = CompressedFloatsIndexedSupplier .fromFloatBuffer(FloatBuffer.wrap(arr), IndexIO.BYTE_ORDER, compressionStrategy); writeColumn(v9Smoosher, new FloatGenericColumnPartSerde(compressedFloats, IndexIO.BYTE_ORDER), metBuilder, metric); break; } case LONG: { metBuilder.setValueType(ValueType.LONG); long[] arr = new long[rowCount]; int rowNum = 0; for (Rowboat theRow : theRows) { Object obj = theRow.getMetrics()[metricIndex]; arr[rowNum++] = (obj == null) ? 0 : ((Number) obj).longValue(); } CompressedLongsIndexedSupplier compressedLongs = CompressedLongsIndexedSupplier .fromLongBuffer(LongBuffer.wrap(arr), IndexIO.BYTE_ORDER, compressionStrategy); writeColumn(v9Smoosher, new LongGenericColumnPartSerde(compressedLongs, IndexIO.BYTE_ORDER), metBuilder, metric); break; } case COMPLEX: String complexType = metricTypeNames.get(metric); ComplexMetricSerde serde = ComplexMetrics.getSerdeForType(complexType); if (serde == null) { throw new ISE("Unknown type[%s]", complexType); } final GenericIndexed metricColumn = GenericIndexed .fromIterable(Iterables.transform(theRows, new Function<Rowboat, Object>() { @Override public Object apply(Rowboat input) { return input.getMetrics()[metricIndex]; } }), serde.getObjectStrategy()); metBuilder.setValueType(ValueType.COMPLEX); writeColumn(v9Smoosher, new ComplexColumnPartSerde(metricColumn, complexType), metBuilder, metric); break; default: throw new ISE("Unknown type[%s]", type); } progress.stopSection(section); } private static void makeIndexBinary(final FileSmoosher v9Smoosher, final List<IndexableAdapter> adapters, final File outDir, final List<String> mergedDimensions, final List<String> mergedMetrics, final Set<String> skippedDimensions, final ProgressIndicator progress, final IndexSpec indexSpec) throws IOException { final String section = "building index.drd"; progress.startSection(section); final Set<String> finalColumns = Sets.newTreeSet(); finalColumns.addAll(mergedDimensions); finalColumns.addAll(mergedMetrics); finalColumns.removeAll(skippedDimensions); final Iterable<String> finalDimensions = Iterables.filter(mergedDimensions, new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean apply(String input) { return !skippedDimensions.contains(input); } }); GenericIndexed<String> cols = GenericIndexed.fromIterable(finalColumns, GenericIndexed.STRING_STRATEGY); GenericIndexed<String> dims = GenericIndexed.fromIterable(finalDimensions, GenericIndexed.STRING_STRATEGY); final String bitmapSerdeFactoryType = mapper.writeValueAsString(indexSpec.getBitmapSerdeFactory()); final long numBytes = cols.getSerializedSize() + dims.getSerializedSize() + 16 + serializerUtils.getSerializedStringByteSize(bitmapSerdeFactoryType); final SmooshedWriter writer = v9Smoosher.addWithSmooshedWriter("index.drd", numBytes); cols.writeToChannel(writer); dims.writeToChannel(writer); DateTime minTime = new DateTime(JodaUtils.MAX_INSTANT); DateTime maxTime = new DateTime(JodaUtils.MIN_INSTANT); for (IndexableAdapter index : adapters) { minTime = JodaUtils.minDateTime(minTime, index.getDataInterval().getStart()); maxTime = JodaUtils.maxDateTime(maxTime, index.getDataInterval().getEnd()); } final Interval dataInterval = new Interval(minTime, maxTime); serializerUtils.writeLong(writer, dataInterval.getStartMillis()); serializerUtils.writeLong(writer, dataInterval.getEndMillis()); serializerUtils.writeString(writer, bitmapSerdeFactoryType); writer.close(); IndexIO.checkFileSize(new File(outDir, "index.drd")); progress.stopSection(section); } private static void makeMetadataBinary(final FileSmoosher v9Smoosher, final ProgressIndicator progress, final Map<String, Object> segmentMetadata) throws IOException { if (segmentMetadata != null && !segmentMetadata.isEmpty()) { progress.startSection("metadata.drd"); v9Smoosher.add("metadata.drd", ByteBuffer.wrap(mapper.writeValueAsBytes(segmentMetadata))); progress.stopSection("metadata.drd"); } } private static void writeColumn(FileSmoosher v9Smoosher, ColumnPartSerde serde, ColumnDescriptor.Builder builder, String name) throws IOException { builder.addSerde(serde); final ColumnDescriptor descriptor =; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); serializerUtils.writeString(baos, mapper.writeValueAsString(descriptor)); byte[] specBytes = baos.toByteArray(); final SmooshedWriter channel = v9Smoosher.addWithSmooshedWriter(name, descriptor.numBytes() + specBytes.length); channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(specBytes)); descriptor.write(channel); channel.close(); } private static <T extends Comparable> ArrayList<T> mergeIndexed(final List<Iterable<T>> indexedLists) { Set<T> retVal = Sets.newTreeSet(Ordering.<T>natural().nullsFirst()); for (Iterable<T> indexedList : indexedLists) { for (T val : indexedList) { retVal.add(val); } } return Lists.newArrayList(retVal); } private static interface ColumnDictionaryEntryStore { public void add(int[] vals); } private static class DimValueConverter { private final Indexed<String> dimSet; private final IntBuffer conversionBuf; private int currIndex; private String lastVal = null; DimValueConverter(Indexed<String> dimSet) { this.dimSet = dimSet; final int bufferSize = dimSet.size() * Ints.BYTES;"Allocating new dimension conversion buffer of size[%,d]", bufferSize); this.conversionBuf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bufferSize).asIntBuffer(); this.currIndex = 0; } public void convert(String value, int index) { if (dimSet.size() == 0) { return; } if (lastVal != null) { if (value.compareTo(lastVal) <= 0) { throw new ISE("Value[%s] is less than the last value[%s] I have, cannot be.", value, lastVal); } return; } String currValue = dimSet.get(currIndex); while (currValue == null) { conversionBuf.position(conversionBuf.position() + 1); ++currIndex; if (currIndex == dimSet.size()) { lastVal = value; return; } currValue = dimSet.get(currIndex); } if (Objects.equal(currValue, value)) { conversionBuf.put(index); ++currIndex; if (currIndex == dimSet.size()) { lastVal = value; } } else if (currValue.compareTo(value) < 0) { throw new ISE("Skipped currValue[%s], currIndex[%,d]; incoming value[%s], index[%,d]", currValue, currIndex, value, index); } } public IntBuffer getConversionBuffer() { if (currIndex != conversionBuf.limit() || conversionBuf.hasRemaining()) { throw new ISE("Asked for incomplete buffer. currIndex[%,d] != buf.limit[%,d]", currIndex, conversionBuf.limit()); } return (IntBuffer) conversionBuf.asReadOnlyBuffer().rewind(); } } private static class ConvertingIndexedInts implements Iterable<Integer> { private final IndexedInts baseIndex; private final IntBuffer conversionBuffer; public ConvertingIndexedInts(IndexedInts baseIndex, IntBuffer conversionBuffer) { this.baseIndex = baseIndex; this.conversionBuffer = conversionBuffer; } public int size() { return baseIndex.size(); } public int get(int index) { return conversionBuffer.get(baseIndex.get(index)); } @Override public Iterator<Integer> iterator() { return Iterators.transform(baseIndex.iterator(), new Function<Integer, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(Integer input) { return conversionBuffer.get(input); } }); } } private static class MMappedIndexRowIterable implements Iterable<Rowboat> { private final Iterable<Rowboat> index; private final List<String> convertedDims; private final Map<String, IntBuffer> converters; private final int indexNumber; MMappedIndexRowIterable(Iterable<Rowboat> index, List<String> convertedDims, Map<String, IntBuffer> converters, int indexNumber) { this.index = index; this.convertedDims = convertedDims; this.converters = converters; this.indexNumber = indexNumber; } public Iterable<Rowboat> getIndex() { return index; } public List<String> getConvertedDims() { return convertedDims; } public Map<String, IntBuffer> getConverters() { return converters; } public int getIndexNumber() { return indexNumber; } @Override public Iterator<Rowboat> iterator() { final IntBuffer[] converterArray = FluentIterable.from(convertedDims) .transform(new Function<String, IntBuffer>() { @Override public IntBuffer apply(String input) { return converters.get(input); } }).toArray(IntBuffer.class); return Iterators.transform(index.iterator(), new Function<Rowboat, Rowboat>() { @Override public Rowboat apply(Rowboat input) { final int[][] dims = input.getDims(); final int[][] newDims = new int[convertedDims.size()][]; for (int i = 0; i < newDims.length; ++i) { final IntBuffer converter = converterArray[i]; if (converter == null) { continue; } if (i >= dims.length || dims[i] == null) { continue; } newDims[i] = new int[dims[i].length]; for (int j = 0; j < dims[i].length; ++j) { if (!converter.hasRemaining()) { throw new ISE("Converter mismatch! wtfbbq!"); } newDims[i][j] = converter.get(dims[i][j]); } } final Rowboat retVal = new Rowboat(input.getTimestamp(), newDims, input.getMetrics(), input.getRowNum()); retVal.addRow(indexNumber, input.getRowNum()); return retVal; } }); } } private static class AggFactoryStringIndexed implements Indexed<String> { private final AggregatorFactory[] metricAggs; public AggFactoryStringIndexed(AggregatorFactory[] metricAggs) { this.metricAggs = metricAggs; } @Override public Class<? extends String> getClazz() { return String.class; } @Override public int size() { return metricAggs.length; } @Override public String get(int index) { return metricAggs[index].getName(); } @Override public int indexOf(String value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Iterator<String> iterator() { return IndexedIterable.create(this).iterator(); } } private static class RowboatMergeFunction implements BinaryFn<Rowboat, Rowboat, Rowboat> { private final AggregatorFactory[] metricAggs; public RowboatMergeFunction(AggregatorFactory[] metricAggs) { this.metricAggs = metricAggs; } @Override public Rowboat apply(Rowboat lhs, Rowboat rhs) { if (lhs == null) { return rhs; } if (rhs == null) { return lhs; } Object[] metrics = new Object[metricAggs.length]; Object[] lhsMetrics = lhs.getMetrics(); Object[] rhsMetrics = rhs.getMetrics(); for (int i = 0; i < metrics.length; ++i) { metrics[i] = metricAggs[i].combine(lhsMetrics[i], rhsMetrics[i]); } final Rowboat retVal = new Rowboat(lhs.getTimestamp(), lhs.getDims(), metrics, lhs.getRowNum()); for (Rowboat rowboat : Arrays.asList(lhs, rhs)) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, TreeSet<Integer>> entry : rowboat.getComprisedRows().entrySet()) { for (Integer rowNum : entry.getValue()) { retVal.addRow(entry.getKey(), rowNum); } } } return retVal; } } private static class SingleValColumnDictionaryEntryStore implements ColumnDictionaryEntryStore { private final List<Integer> data = Lists.newArrayList(); @Override public void add(int[] vals) { if (vals == null || vals.length == 0) { data.add(null); } else { data.add(vals[0]); } } public List<Integer> get() { return data; } } private static class MultiValColumnDictionaryEntryStore implements ColumnDictionaryEntryStore { private final List<List<Integer>> data = Lists.newArrayList(); public void add(int[] vals) { if (vals == null || vals.length == 0) { data.add(null); } else { data.add(Ints.asList(vals)); } } public List<List<Integer>> get() { return data; } } }