Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to Metamarkets Group Inc. (Metamarkets) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. Metamarkets licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import; import; import io.druid.collections.ResourceHolder; import io.druid.collections.StupidResourceHolder; import io.druid.segment.IndexIO; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel; /** * Streams array of integers out in the binary format described by CompressedVSizeIntsIndexedSupplier */ public class CompressedVSizeIntsIndexedWriter extends SingleValueIndexedIntsWriter { private static final byte VERSION = CompressedVSizeIntsIndexedSupplier.VERSION; public static CompressedVSizeIntsIndexedWriter create(final IOPeon ioPeon, final String filenameBase, final int maxValue, final CompressedObjectStrategy.CompressionStrategy compression) { return new CompressedVSizeIntsIndexedWriter(ioPeon, filenameBase, maxValue, CompressedVSizeIntsIndexedSupplier.maxIntsInBufferForValue(maxValue), IndexIO.BYTE_ORDER, compression); } private final int numBytes; private final int chunkFactor; private final int chunkBytes; private final ByteOrder byteOrder; private final CompressedObjectStrategy.CompressionStrategy compression; private final GenericIndexedWriter<ResourceHolder<ByteBuffer>> flattener; private final ByteBuffer intBuffer; private ByteBuffer endBuffer; private int numInserted; public CompressedVSizeIntsIndexedWriter(final IOPeon ioPeon, final String filenameBase, final int maxValue, final int chunkFactor, final ByteOrder byteOrder, final CompressedObjectStrategy.CompressionStrategy compression) { this.numBytes = VSizeIndexedInts.getNumBytesForMax(maxValue); this.chunkFactor = chunkFactor; this.chunkBytes = chunkFactor * numBytes + CompressedVSizeIntsIndexedSupplier.bufferPadding(numBytes); this.byteOrder = byteOrder; this.compression = compression; this.flattener = new GenericIndexedWriter<>(ioPeon, filenameBase, CompressedByteBufferObjectStrategy.getBufferForOrder(byteOrder, compression, chunkBytes)); this.intBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Ints.BYTES).order(byteOrder); this.endBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(chunkBytes).order(byteOrder); this.endBuffer.limit(numBytes * chunkFactor); this.numInserted = 0; } @Override public void open() throws IOException {; } @Override protected void addValue(int val) throws IOException { if (!endBuffer.hasRemaining()) { endBuffer.rewind(); flattener.write(StupidResourceHolder.create(endBuffer)); endBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(chunkBytes).order(byteOrder); endBuffer.limit(numBytes * chunkFactor); } intBuffer.putInt(0, val); if (byteOrder.equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) { endBuffer.put(intBuffer.array(), Ints.BYTES - numBytes, numBytes); } else { endBuffer.put(intBuffer.array(), 0, numBytes); } numInserted++; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { if (numInserted > 0) { endBuffer.limit(endBuffer.position()); endBuffer.rewind(); flattener.write(StupidResourceHolder.create(endBuffer)); } endBuffer = null; } finally { flattener.close(); } } @Override public long getSerializedSize() { return 1 + // version 1 + // numBytes Ints.BYTES + // numInserted Ints.BYTES + // chunkFactor 1 + // compression id flattener.getSerializedSize(); } @Override public void writeToChannel(WritableByteChannel channel) throws IOException { channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { VERSION, (byte) numBytes })); channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(Ints.toByteArray(numInserted))); channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(Ints.toByteArray(chunkFactor))); channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { compression.getId() })); final ReadableByteChannel from = Channels.newChannel(flattener.combineStreams().getInput()); ByteStreams.copy(from, channel); } }