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 * Licensed to Metamarkets Group Inc. (Metamarkets) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership. Metamarkets licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue;
import com.ning.compress.BufferRecycler;
import com.ning.compress.lzf.LZFDecoder;
import com.ning.compress.lzf.LZFEncoder;
import io.druid.collections.ResourceHolder;
import io.druid.segment.CompressedPools;
import net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Factory;
import net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4FastDecompressor;
import net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4SafeDecompressor;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;

import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Map;

public class CompressedObjectStrategy<T extends Buffer> implements ObjectStrategy<ResourceHolder<T>> {
    private static final Logger log = new Logger(CompressedObjectStrategy.class);
    public static final CompressionStrategy DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_STRATEGY = CompressionStrategy.LZ4;

     * Compression strategy is used to compress block of bytes without knowledge of what data the bytes represents.
     * When adding compression strategy, do not use id in the range [0x7C, 0xFD] (greater than 123 or less than -2), since
     * a flag mechanism is used in CompressionFactory that involves subtracting the value 126 from the compression id
     * (see {@link CompressionFactory#FLAG_BOUND})
    public static enum CompressionStrategy {
        LZF((byte) 0x0) {
            public Decompressor getDecompressor() {
                return LZFDecompressor.defaultDecompressor;

            public Compressor getCompressor() {
                return LZFCompressor.defaultCompressor;

        LZ4((byte) 0x1) {
            public Decompressor getDecompressor() {
                return LZ4Decompressor.defaultDecompressor;

            public Compressor getCompressor() {
                return LZ4Compressor.defaultCompressor;
        UNCOMPRESSED((byte) 0xFF) {
            public Decompressor getDecompressor() {
                return UncompressedDecompressor.defaultDecompressor;

            public Compressor getCompressor() {
                return UncompressedCompressor.defaultCompressor;
        This value indicate no compression strategy should be used, and compression should not be block based
        Currently only IndexedLong support non block based compression, and other types treat this as UNCOMPRESSED
        NONE((byte) 0xFE) {
            public Decompressor getDecompressor() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NONE compression strategy shouldn't use any decompressor");

            public Compressor getCompressor() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NONE compression strategy shouldn't use any compressor");

        final byte id;

        CompressionStrategy(byte id) {
   = id;

        public byte getId() {
            return id;

        public abstract Compressor getCompressor();

        public abstract Decompressor getDecompressor();

        public String toString() {

        public static CompressionStrategy fromString(String name) {
            return valueOf(name.toUpperCase());

        static final Map<Byte, CompressionStrategy> idMap = Maps.newHashMap();

        static {
            for (CompressionStrategy strategy : CompressionStrategy.values()) {
                idMap.put(strategy.getId(), strategy);

        public static CompressionStrategy forId(byte id) {
            return idMap.get(id);

        // TODO remove this method and change all its callers to use all CompressionStrategy values when NONE type is supported by all types
        public static CompressionStrategy[] noNoneValues() {
            return (CompressionStrategy[]) ArrayUtils.removeElement(CompressionStrategy.values(), NONE);

    public static interface Decompressor {
         * Implementations of this method are expected to call out.flip() after writing to the output buffer
         * @param in
         * @param numBytes
         * @param out
        public void decompress(ByteBuffer in, int numBytes, ByteBuffer out);

        public void decompress(ByteBuffer in, int numBytes, ByteBuffer out, int decompressedSize);

    public static interface Compressor {
         * Currently assumes buf is an array backed ByteBuffer
         * @param bytes
         * @return
        public byte[] compress(byte[] bytes);

    public static class UncompressedCompressor implements Compressor {
        private static final UncompressedCompressor defaultCompressor = new UncompressedCompressor();

        public byte[] compress(byte[] bytes) {
            return bytes;

    public static class UncompressedDecompressor implements Decompressor {
        private static final UncompressedDecompressor defaultDecompressor = new UncompressedDecompressor();

        public void decompress(ByteBuffer in, int numBytes, ByteBuffer out) {
            final ByteBuffer copyBuffer = in.duplicate();
            copyBuffer.limit(copyBuffer.position() + numBytes);
            in.position(in.position() + numBytes);

        public void decompress(ByteBuffer in, int numBytes, ByteBuffer out, int decompressedSize) {
            decompress(in, numBytes, out);

    public static class LZFDecompressor implements Decompressor {
        private static final LZFDecompressor defaultDecompressor = new LZFDecompressor();

        public void decompress(ByteBuffer in, int numBytes, ByteBuffer out) {
            final byte[] bytes = new byte[numBytes];

            try (final ResourceHolder<byte[]> outputBytesHolder = CompressedPools.getOutputBytes()) {
                final byte[] outputBytes = outputBytesHolder.get();
                final int numDecompressedBytes = LZFDecoder.decode(bytes, outputBytes);
                out.put(outputBytes, 0, numDecompressedBytes);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.error(e, "Error decompressing data");

        public void decompress(ByteBuffer in, int numBytes, ByteBuffer out, int decompressedSize) {
            decompress(in, numBytes, out);

    public static class LZFCompressor implements Compressor {
        private static final LZFCompressor defaultCompressor = new LZFCompressor();

        public byte[] compress(byte[] bytes) {
            try (final ResourceHolder<BufferRecycler> bufferRecycler = CompressedPools.getBufferRecycler()) {
                return LZFEncoder.encode(bytes, 0, bytes.length, bufferRecycler.get());

    public static class LZ4Decompressor implements Decompressor {
        private static final LZ4SafeDecompressor lz4Safe = LZ4Factory.fastestInstance().safeDecompressor();
        private static final LZ4FastDecompressor lz4Fast = LZ4Factory.fastestInstance().fastDecompressor();
        private static final LZ4Decompressor defaultDecompressor = new LZ4Decompressor();

        public void decompress(ByteBuffer in, int numBytes, ByteBuffer out) {
            // Since decompressed size is NOT known, must use lz4Safe
            // lz4Safe.decompress does not modify buffer positions
            final int numDecompressedBytes = lz4Safe.decompress(in, in.position(), numBytes, out, out.position(),
            out.limit(out.position() + numDecompressedBytes);

        public void decompress(ByteBuffer in, int numBytes, ByteBuffer out, int decompressedSize) {
            // lz4Fast.decompress does not modify buffer positions
            lz4Fast.decompress(in, in.position(), out, out.position(), decompressedSize);
            out.limit(out.position() + decompressedSize);

    public static class LZ4Compressor implements Compressor {
        private static final LZ4Compressor defaultCompressor = new LZ4Compressor();
        private static final net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Compressor lz4High = LZ4Factory.fastestInstance().highCompressor();

        public byte[] compress(byte[] bytes) {
            return lz4High.compress(bytes);

    protected final ByteOrder order;
    protected final BufferConverter<T> converter;
    protected final Decompressor decompressor;
    private final Compressor compressor;

    protected CompressedObjectStrategy(final ByteOrder order, final BufferConverter<T> converter,
            final CompressionStrategy compression) {
        this.order = order;
        this.converter = converter;
        this.decompressor = compression.getDecompressor();
        this.compressor = compression.getCompressor();

    public Class<? extends ResourceHolder<T>> getClazz() {
        return (Class) ResourceHolder.class;

    public ResourceHolder<T> fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int numBytes) {
        final ResourceHolder<ByteBuffer> bufHolder = CompressedPools.getByteBuf(order);
        final ByteBuffer buf = bufHolder.get();

        decompress(buffer, numBytes, buf);
        return new ResourceHolder<T>() {
            public T get() {
                return converter.convert(buf);

            public void close() {

    protected void decompress(ByteBuffer buffer, int numBytes, ByteBuffer buf) {
        decompressor.decompress(buffer, numBytes, buf);

    public byte[] toBytes(ResourceHolder<T> holder) {
        T val = holder.get();
        ByteBuffer buf = bufferFor(val);
        converter.combine(buf, val);
        return compressor.compress(buf.array());

    protected ByteBuffer bufferFor(T val) {
        return ByteBuffer.allocate(converter.sizeOf(val.remaining())).order(order);

    public int compare(ResourceHolder<T> o1, ResourceHolder<T> o2) {
        return, o2.get());

    public static interface BufferConverter<T> {
        public T convert(ByteBuffer buf);

        public int compare(T lhs, T rhs);

        public int sizeOf(int count);

        public T combine(ByteBuffer into, T from);