Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to Metamarkets Group Inc. (Metamarkets) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership. Metamarkets licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.


import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.joda.time.Period;


public class HttpClientConfig {
    public enum CompressionCodec {
        IDENTITY {
            public String getEncodingString() {
                return "identity";
        GZIP {
            public String getEncodingString() {
                return "gzip";
        DEFLATE {
            public String getEncodingString() {
                return "deflate";

         * Get the header-ified name of this encoding, which should go in "Accept-Encoding" and
         * "Content-Encoding" headers. This is not just the lowercasing of the enum name, since
         * we may one day support x- encodings like LZ4, which would likely be an enum named
         * "LZ4" that has an encoding string like "x-lz4".
         * @return encoding name
        public abstract String getEncodingString();

    public static final CompressionCodec DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_CODEC = CompressionCodec.GZIP;

    // Default from NioClientSocketChannelFactory.DEFAULT_BOSS_COUNT, which is private:
    private static final int DEFAULT_BOSS_COUNT = 1;

    // Default from SelectorUtil.DEFAULT_IO_THREADS, which is private:
    private static final int DEFAULT_WORKER_COUNT = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2;

    private static final Duration DEFAULT_UNUSED_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_DURATION = new Period("PT4M")

    public static Builder builder() {
        return new Builder();

    private final int numConnections;
    private final SSLContext sslContext;
    private final Duration readTimeout;
    private final Duration sslHandshakeTimeout;
    private final int bossPoolSize;
    private final int workerPoolSize;
    private final CompressionCodec compressionCodec;
    private final Duration unusedConnectionTimeoutDuration;

    @Deprecated // Use the builder instead
    public HttpClientConfig(int numConnections, SSLContext sslContext) {
        this(numConnections, sslContext, Duration.ZERO, null, DEFAULT_BOSS_COUNT, DEFAULT_WORKER_COUNT,

    @Deprecated // Use the builder instead
    public HttpClientConfig(int numConnections, SSLContext sslContext, Duration readTimeout) {
        this(numConnections, sslContext, readTimeout, null, DEFAULT_BOSS_COUNT, DEFAULT_WORKER_COUNT,

    @Deprecated // Use the builder instead
    public HttpClientConfig(int numConnections, SSLContext sslContext, Duration readTimeout,
            Duration sslHandshakeTimeout) {
        this(numConnections, sslContext, readTimeout, sslHandshakeTimeout, DEFAULT_BOSS_COUNT, DEFAULT_WORKER_COUNT,

    private HttpClientConfig(int numConnections, SSLContext sslContext, Duration readTimeout,
            Duration sslHandshakeTimeout, int bossPoolSize, int workerPoolSize, CompressionCodec compressionCodec,
            Duration unusedConnectionTimeoutDuration) {
        this.numConnections = numConnections;
        this.sslContext = sslContext;
        this.readTimeout = readTimeout;
        this.sslHandshakeTimeout = sslHandshakeTimeout;
        this.bossPoolSize = bossPoolSize;
        this.workerPoolSize = workerPoolSize;
        this.compressionCodec = compressionCodec;
        this.unusedConnectionTimeoutDuration = unusedConnectionTimeoutDuration;

    public int getNumConnections() {
        return numConnections;

    public SSLContext getSslContext() {
        return sslContext;

    public Duration getReadTimeout() {
        return readTimeout;

    public Duration getSslHandshakeTimeout() {
        return sslHandshakeTimeout;

    public int getBossPoolSize() {
        return bossPoolSize;

    public int getWorkerPoolSize() {
        return workerPoolSize;

    public CompressionCodec getCompressionCodec() {
        return compressionCodec;

    public Duration getUnusedConnectionTimeoutDuration() {
        return unusedConnectionTimeoutDuration;

    public static class Builder {
        private int numConnections = 1;
        private SSLContext sslContext = null;
        private Duration readTimeout = null;
        private Duration sslHandshakeTimeout = null;
        private int bossCount = DEFAULT_BOSS_COUNT;
        private int workerCount = DEFAULT_WORKER_COUNT;
        private CompressionCodec compressionCodec = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_CODEC;
        private Duration unusedConnectionTimeoutDuration = DEFAULT_UNUSED_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_DURATION;

        private Builder() {

        public Builder withNumConnections(int numConnections) {
            this.numConnections = numConnections;
            return this;

        public Builder withSslContext(SSLContext sslContext) {
            this.sslContext = sslContext;
            return this;

        public Builder withSslContext(String keyStorePath, String keyStorePassword) {
            this.sslContext = HttpClientInit.sslContextWithTrustedKeyStore(keyStorePath, keyStorePassword);
            return this;

        public Builder withReadTimeout(Duration readTimeout) {
            this.readTimeout = readTimeout;
            return this;

        public Builder withSslHandshakeTimeout(Duration sslHandshakeTimeout) {
            this.sslHandshakeTimeout = sslHandshakeTimeout;
            return this;

        public Builder withBossCount(int bossCount) {
            this.bossCount = bossCount;
            return this;

        public Builder withWorkerCount(int workerCount) {
            this.workerCount = workerCount;
            return this;

        public Builder withCompressionCodec(CompressionCodec compressionCodec) {
            this.compressionCodec = compressionCodec;
            return this;

        public Builder withUnusedConnectionTimeoutDuration(Duration unusedConnectionTimeoutDuration) {
            this.unusedConnectionTimeoutDuration = unusedConnectionTimeoutDuration;
            return this;

        public HttpClientConfig build() {
            return new HttpClientConfig(numConnections, sslContext, readTimeout, sslHandshakeTimeout, bossCount,
                    workerCount, compressionCodec, unusedConnectionTimeoutDuration);