Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 OICR * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.dockstore.webservice.resources; import com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import io.dockstore.webservice.CustomWebApplicationException; import io.dockstore.webservice.api.PublishRequest; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.Label; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.Registry; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.SourceFile; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.SourceFile.FileType; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.Tag; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.Token; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.TokenType; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.Tool; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.ToolMode; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.User; import io.dockstore.webservice.helpers.EntryLabelHelper; import io.dockstore.webservice.helpers.EntryVersionHelper; import io.dockstore.webservice.helpers.Helper; import io.dockstore.webservice.jdbi.FileDAO; import io.dockstore.webservice.jdbi.LabelDAO; import io.dockstore.webservice.jdbi.TagDAO; import io.dockstore.webservice.jdbi.TokenDAO; import io.dockstore.webservice.jdbi.ToolDAO; import io.dockstore.webservice.jdbi.UserDAO; import io.dropwizard.auth.Auth; import io.dropwizard.hibernate.UnitOfWork; import io.swagger.annotations.Api; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * * @author dyuen */ @Path("/containers") @Api("containers") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public class DockerRepoResource { private final UserDAO userDAO; private final TokenDAO tokenDAO; private final ToolDAO toolDAO; private final TagDAO tagDAO; private final LabelDAO labelDAO; private final FileDAO fileDAO; private final HttpClient client; private final String bitbucketClientID; private final String bitbucketClientSecret; private final EntryVersionHelper<Tool> entryVersionHelper; private static final String TARGET_URL = ""; private final ObjectMapper objectMapper; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DockerRepoResource.class); @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:parameternumber") public DockerRepoResource(ObjectMapper mapper, HttpClient client, UserDAO userDAO, TokenDAO tokenDAO, ToolDAO toolDAO, TagDAO tagDAO, LabelDAO labelDAO, FileDAO fileDAO, String bitbucketClientID, String bitbucketClientSecret) { objectMapper = mapper; this.userDAO = userDAO; this.tokenDAO = tokenDAO; this.tagDAO = tagDAO; this.labelDAO = labelDAO; this.fileDAO = fileDAO; this.client = client; this.bitbucketClientID = bitbucketClientID; this.bitbucketClientSecret = bitbucketClientSecret; this.toolDAO = toolDAO; entryVersionHelper = new EntryVersionHelper<>(toolDAO); } @GET @Path("/refresh") @Timed @UnitOfWork @RolesAllowed("admin") @ApiOperation(value = "Refresh all repos", notes = "Updates some metadata. ADMIN ONLY", response = Tool.class, responseContainer = "List") public List<Tool> refreshAll(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User authUser) { List<Tool> tools; List<User> users = userDAO.findAll(); for (User user : users) { refreshToolsForUser(user.getId()); } tools = toolDAO.findAll(); return tools; } List<Tool> refreshToolsForUser(Long userId) { List<Token> tokens = tokenDAO.findBitbucketByUserId(userId); if (!tokens.isEmpty()) { Token bitbucketToken = tokens.get(0); Helper.refreshBitbucketToken(bitbucketToken, client, tokenDAO, bitbucketClientID, bitbucketClientSecret); } return Helper.refresh(userId, client, objectMapper, userDAO, toolDAO, tokenDAO, tagDAO, fileDAO); } @GET @Path("/{containerId}/refresh") @Timed @UnitOfWork @ApiOperation(value = "Refresh one particular repo", response = Tool.class) public Tool refresh(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @ApiParam(value = "Tool ID", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId) { Tool c = toolDAO.findById(containerId); Helper.checkEntry(c); Helper.checkUser(user, c); List<Token> tokens = tokenDAO.findBitbucketByUserId(user.getId()); if (!tokens.isEmpty()) { Token bitbucketToken = tokens.get(0); Helper.refreshBitbucketToken(bitbucketToken, client, tokenDAO, bitbucketClientID, bitbucketClientSecret); } return Helper.refreshContainer(containerId, user.getId(), client, objectMapper, userDAO, toolDAO, tokenDAO, tagDAO, fileDAO); } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @RolesAllowed("admin") @ApiOperation(value = "List all docker containers cached in database", notes = "List docker container repos currently known. Admin Only", response = Tool.class, responseContainer = "List") public List<Tool> allContainers(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user) { return toolDAO.findAll(); } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}") @ApiOperation(value = "Get a registered repo", response = Tool.class) public Tool getContainer(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @ApiParam(value = "Tool ID", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId) { Tool c = toolDAO.findById(containerId); Helper.checkEntry(c); Helper.checkUser(user, c); return c; } @PUT @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}/labels") @ApiOperation(value = "Update the labels linked to a container.", notes = "Labels are alphanumerical (case-insensitive and may contain internal hyphens), given in a comma-delimited list.", response = Tool.class) public Tool updateLabels(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @ApiParam(value = "Tool to modify.", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId, @ApiParam(value = "Comma-delimited list of labels.", required = true) @QueryParam("labels") String labelStrings, @ApiParam(value = "This is here to appease Swagger. It requires PUT methods to have a body, even if it is empty. Please leave it empty.", defaultValue = "") String emptyBody) { Tool c = toolDAO.findById(containerId); Helper.checkEntry(c); EntryLabelHelper<Tool> labeller = new EntryLabelHelper<>(labelDAO); return labeller.updateLabels(c, labelStrings); } @PUT @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}") @ApiOperation(value = "Update the tool with the given tool.", response = Tool.class) public Tool updateContainer(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @ApiParam(value = "Tool to modify.", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId, @ApiParam(value = "Tool with updated information", required = true) Tool tool) { Tool c = toolDAO.findById(containerId); Helper.checkEntry(c); Helper.checkUser(user, c); Tool duplicate = toolDAO.findByToolPath(tool.getPath(), tool.getToolname()); if (duplicate != null && duplicate.getId() != containerId) { + ": duplicate tool found: {}" + tool.getToolPath()); throw new CustomWebApplicationException("Tool " + tool.getToolPath() + " already exists.", HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } c.updateInfo(tool); Tool result = toolDAO.findById(containerId); Helper.checkEntry(result); return result; } @PUT @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}/updateTagPaths") @ApiOperation(value = "Change the workflow paths", notes = "Tag correspond to each row of the versions table listing all information for a docker repo tag", response = Tool.class) public Tool updateTagContainerPath(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @ApiParam(value = "Tool to modify.", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId, @ApiParam(value = "Tool with updated information", required = true) Tool tool) { Tool c = toolDAO.findById(containerId); //use helper to check the user and the entry Helper.checkEntry(c); Helper.checkUser(user, c); //update the workflow path in all workflowVersions Set<Tag> tags = c.getTags(); for (Tag tag : tags) { tag.setCwlPath(tool.getDefaultCwlPath()); tag.setWdlPath(tool.getDefaultWdlPath()); tag.setDockerfilePath(tool.getDefaultDockerfilePath()); } return c; } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}/users") @ApiOperation(value = "Get users of a container", response = User.class, responseContainer = "List") public List<User> getUsers(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @ApiParam(value = "Tool ID", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId) { Tool c = toolDAO.findById(containerId); Helper.checkEntry(c); Helper.checkUser(user, c); return new ArrayList(c.getUsers()); } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/published/{containerId}") @ApiOperation(value = "Get a published container", notes = "NO authentication", response = Tool.class) public Tool getPublishedContainer( @ApiParam(value = "Tool ID", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId) { Tool c = toolDAO.findPublishedById(containerId); Helper.checkEntry(c); return entryVersionHelper.filterContainersForHiddenTags(c); } @POST @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/registerManual") @ApiOperation(value = "Register an image manually, along with tags", notes = "Register an image manually.", response = Tool.class) public Tool registerManual(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @ApiParam(value = "Tool to be registered", required = true) Tool tool) { // populate user in tool tool.addUser(user); // create dependent Tags before creating tool Set<Tag> createdTags = new HashSet<>(); for (Tag tag : tool.getTags()) { final long l = tagDAO.create(tag); createdTags.add(tagDAO.findById(l)); } tool.getTags().clear(); tool.getTags().addAll(createdTags); // create dependent Labels before creating tool Set<Label> createdLabels = new HashSet<>(); for (Label label : tool.getLabels()) { final long l = labelDAO.create(label); createdLabels.add(labelDAO.findById(l)); } tool.getLabels().clear(); tool.getLabels().addAll(createdLabels); if (!Helper.isGit(tool.getGitUrl())) { tool.setGitUrl(Helper.convertHttpsToSsh(tool.getGitUrl())); } tool.setPath(tool.getPath()); Tool duplicate = toolDAO.findByToolPath(tool.getPath(), tool.getToolname()); if (duplicate != null) { + ": duplicate tool found: {}" + tool.getToolPath()); throw new CustomWebApplicationException("Tool " + tool.getToolPath() + " already exists.", HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } // Check if tool has tags if (tool.getRegistry() == Registry.QUAY_IO && !Helper.checkQuayContainerForTags(tool, client, objectMapper, tokenDAO, user.getId())) { + ": tool has no tags."); throw new CustomWebApplicationException( "Tool " + tool.getToolPath() + " has no tags. Quay containers must have at least one tag.", HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } // Check if user owns repo, or if user is in the organization which owns the tool if (tool.getRegistry() == Registry.QUAY_IO && !Helper.checkIfUserOwns(tool, client, objectMapper, tokenDAO, user.getId())) { + ": User does not own the given Quay Repo."); throw new CustomWebApplicationException( "User does not own the tool " + tool.getPath() + ". You can only add Quay repositories that you own or are part of the organization", HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } long id = toolDAO.create(tool); // Helper.refreshContainer(id, authToken.getUserId(), client, objectMapper, userDAO, toolDAO, tokenDAO, tagDAO, fileDAO); return toolDAO.findById(id); } @DELETE @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}") @ApiOperation(value = "Delete manually registered image") @ApiResponses(@ApiResponse(code = HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST, message = "Invalid ")) public Response deleteContainer(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @ApiParam(value = "Tool id to delete", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId) { Tool tool = toolDAO.findById(containerId); Helper.checkUser(user, tool); // only allow users to delete manually added images if (tool.getMode() == ToolMode.MANUAL_IMAGE_PATH) { tool.getTags().clear(); toolDAO.delete(tool); tool = toolDAO.findById(containerId); if (tool == null) { return Response.ok().build(); } else { return Response.serverError().build(); } } else { return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).build(); } } @POST @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}/publish") @ApiOperation(value = "Publish or unpublish a container", notes = "publish a container (public or private). Assumes that user is using and github.", response = Tool.class) public Tool publish(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @ApiParam(value = "Tool id to publish", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId, @ApiParam(value = "PublishRequest to refresh the list of repos for a user", required = true) PublishRequest request) { Tool c = toolDAO.findById(containerId); Helper.checkEntry(c); Helper.checkUser(user, c); if (request.getPublish()) { boolean validTag = false; // Why are manual images always valid? if (c.getMode() == ToolMode.MANUAL_IMAGE_PATH) { validTag = true; } else { Set<Tag> tags = c.getTags(); for (Tag tag : tags) { if (tag.isValid()) { validTag = true; break; } } } // Can publish a tool IF it has at least one valid tag (or is manual) and a git url if (validTag && !c.getGitUrl().isEmpty()) { c.setIsPublished(true); } else { throw new CustomWebApplicationException("Repository does not meet requirements to publish.", HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } } else { c.setIsPublished(false); } long id = toolDAO.create(c); c = toolDAO.findById(id); return c; } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("published") @ApiOperation(value = "List all published containers.", tags = { "containers" }, notes = "NO authentication", response = Tool.class, responseContainer = "List") public List<Tool> allPublishedContainers() { List<Tool> tools = toolDAO.findAllPublished(); entryVersionHelper.filterContainersForHiddenTags(tools); return tools; } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/path/{repository}/published") @ApiOperation(value = "Get a published container by path", notes = "NO authentication", response = Tool.class, responseContainer = "List") public List<Tool> getPublishedContainerByPath( @ApiParam(value = "repository path", required = true) @PathParam("repository") String path) { List<Tool> containers = toolDAO.findPublishedByPath(path); entryVersionHelper.filterContainersForHiddenTags(containers); Helper.checkEntry(containers); return containers; } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/path/{repository}") @ApiOperation(value = "Get a list of containers by path", notes = "Lists info of container. Enter full path (include in path).", response = Tool.class, responseContainer = "List") public List<Tool> getContainerByPath(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @ApiParam(value = "repository path", required = true) @PathParam("repository") String path) { List<Tool> tool = toolDAO.findByPath(path); Helper.checkEntry(tool); Helper.checkUser(user, tool); return tool; } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/path/tool/{repository}") @ApiOperation(value = "Get a container by tool path", notes = "Lists info of container. Enter full path (include in path).", response = Tool.class) public Tool getContainerByToolPath(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @ApiParam(value = "repository path", required = true) @PathParam("repository") String path) { final String[] split = path.split("/"); // check that this is a tool path final int toolPathLength = 4; String toolname = ""; if (split.length == toolPathLength) { toolname = split[toolPathLength - 1]; } Tool tool = toolDAO.findByToolPath(Joiner.on("/").join(split[0], split[1], split[2]), toolname); Helper.checkEntry(tool); Helper.checkUser(user, tool); return tool; } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/path/tool/{repository}/published") @ApiOperation(value = "Get a published container by tool path", notes = "Lists info of container. Enter full path (include in path).", response = Tool.class) public Tool getPublishedContainerByToolPath( @ApiParam(value = "repository path", required = true) @PathParam("repository") String path) { final String[] split = path.split("/"); // check that this is a tool path final int toolPathLength = 4; String toolname = ""; if (split.length == toolPathLength) { toolname = split[toolPathLength - 1]; } try { Tool tool = toolDAO.findPublishedByToolPath(Joiner.on("/").join(split[0], split[1], split[2]), toolname); Helper.checkEntry(tool); return tool; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new CustomWebApplicationException(path + " not found", HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND); } } @PUT @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/shareWithUser") @ApiOperation(value = "User shares a container with a chosen user", notes = "Needs to be fleshed out.", hidden = true) public void shareWithUser(@QueryParam("container_id") Long containerId, @QueryParam("user_id") Long userId) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @PUT @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/shareWithGroup") @ApiOperation(value = "User shares a container with a chosen group", notes = "Needs to be fleshed out.", hidden = true) public void shareWithGroup(@QueryParam("container_id") Long containerId, @QueryParam("group_id") Long groupId) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/builds") @ApiOperation(value = "Get the list of repository builds.", notes = "For TESTING purposes. Also useful for getting more information about the repository.\n Enter full path without", response = String.class, hidden = true) public String builds(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @QueryParam("repository") String repo, @QueryParam("userId") long userId) { Helper.checkUser(user, userId); List<Token> tokens = tokenDAO.findByUserId(userId); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (Token token : tokens) { if (token.getTokenSource().equals(TokenType.QUAY_IO.toString())) { String url = TARGET_URL + "repository/" + repo + "/build/"; Optional<String> asString = ResourceUtilities.asString(url, token.getContent(), client); if (asString.isPresent()) { String json = asString.get(); + ": RESOURCE CALL: {}", url); Gson gson = new Gson(); Map<String, ArrayList> map = new HashMap<>(); map = (Map<String, ArrayList>) gson.fromJson(json, map.getClass()); Map<String, Map<String, String>> map2; if (!map.get("builds").isEmpty()) { map2 = (Map<String, Map<String, String>>) map.get("builds").get(0); String gitURL = map2.get("trigger_metadata").get("git_url"); + ": " + gitURL); ArrayList<String> tags = (ArrayList<String>) map2.get("tags"); for (String tag : tags) { + ": " + tag); } } builder.append(asString.get()); } builder.append('\n'); } } return builder.toString(); } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/search") @ApiOperation(value = "Search for matching registered containers.", notes = "Search on the name (full path name) and description. NO authentication", response = Tool.class, responseContainer = "List", tags = { "containers" }) public List<Tool> search(@QueryParam("pattern") String word) { return toolDAO.searchPattern(word); } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/tags") @ApiOperation(value = "List the tags for a registered container", response = Tag.class, responseContainer = "List", hidden = true) public List<Tag> tags(@ApiParam(hidden = true) @Auth User user, @QueryParam("containerId") long containerId) { Tool repository = toolDAO.findById(containerId); Helper.checkEntry(repository); Helper.checkUser(user, repository); List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<>(); tags.addAll(repository.getTags()); return tags; } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}/dockerfile") @ApiOperation(value = "Get the corresponding Dockerfile on Github.", tags = { "containers" }, notes = "Does not need authentication", response = SourceFile.class) public SourceFile dockerfile( @ApiParam(value = "Tool id", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId, @QueryParam("tag") String tag) { return entryVersionHelper.getSourceFile(containerId, tag, FileType.DOCKERFILE); } // Add for new descriptor types @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}/cwl") @ApiOperation(value = "Get the corresponding Dockstore.cwl file on Github.", tags = { "containers" }, notes = "Does not need authentication", response = SourceFile.class) public SourceFile cwl(@ApiParam(value = "Tool id", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId, @QueryParam("tag") String tag) { return entryVersionHelper.getSourceFile(containerId, tag, FileType.DOCKSTORE_CWL); } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}/wdl") @ApiOperation(value = "Get the corresponding Dockstore.wdl file on Github.", tags = { "containers" }, notes = "Does not need authentication", response = SourceFile.class) public SourceFile wdl(@ApiParam(value = "Tool id", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId, @QueryParam("tag") String tag) { return entryVersionHelper.getSourceFile(containerId, tag, FileType.DOCKSTORE_WDL); } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}/cwl/{relative-path}") @ApiOperation(value = "Get the corresponding Dockstore.cwl file on Github.", tags = { "containers" }, notes = "Does not need authentication", response = SourceFile.class) public SourceFile secondaryCwlPath( @ApiParam(value = "Tool id", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId, @QueryParam("tag") String tag, @PathParam("relative-path") String path) { return entryVersionHelper.getSourceFileByPath(containerId, tag, FileType.DOCKSTORE_CWL, path); } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}/wdl/{relative-path}") @ApiOperation(value = "Get the corresponding Dockstore.wdl file on Github.", tags = { "containers" }, notes = "Does not need authentication", response = SourceFile.class) public SourceFile secondaryWdlPath( @ApiParam(value = "Tool id", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId, @QueryParam("tag") String tag, @PathParam("relative-path") String path) { return entryVersionHelper.getSourceFileByPath(containerId, tag, FileType.DOCKSTORE_WDL, path); } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}/secondaryCwl") @ApiOperation(value = "Get a list of secondary CWL files from Git.", tags = { "containers" }, notes = "Does not need authentication", response = SourceFile.class, responseContainer = "List") public List<SourceFile> secondaryCwl( @ApiParam(value = "Tool id", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId, @QueryParam("tag") String tag) { return entryVersionHelper.getAllSecondaryFiles(containerId, tag, FileType.DOCKSTORE_CWL); } @GET @Timed @UnitOfWork @Path("/{containerId}/secondaryWdl") @ApiOperation(value = "Get a list of secondary WDL files from Git.", tags = { "containers" }, notes = "Does not need authentication", response = SourceFile.class, responseContainer = "List") public List<SourceFile> secondaryWdl( @ApiParam(value = "Tool id", required = true) @PathParam("containerId") Long containerId, @QueryParam("tag") String tag) { return entryVersionHelper.getAllSecondaryFiles(containerId, tag, FileType.DOCKSTORE_WDL); } }