Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 OICR * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.dockstore.webservice.helpers; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.SourceFile; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.Tool; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.Workflow; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.WorkflowMode; import io.dockstore.webservice.core.WorkflowVersion; import io.dockstore.webservice.resources.ResourceUtilities; import; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * @author dyuen */ public class BitBucketSourceCodeRepo extends SourceCodeRepoInterface { private static final String BITBUCKET_API_URL = ""; private static final String BITBUCKET_GIT_URL_PREFIX = ""; private static final String BITBUCKET_GIT_URL_SUFFIX = ".git"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BitBucketSourceCodeRepo.class); private final String gitUsername; private final HttpClient client; private final String bitbucketTokenContent; private final String gitRepository; public BitBucketSourceCodeRepo(String gitUsername, HttpClient client, String bitbucketTokenContent, String gitRepository) { this.client = client; this.bitbucketTokenContent = bitbucketTokenContent; this.gitUsername = gitUsername; this.gitRepository = gitRepository; } @Override public FileResponse readFile(String fileName, String reference, String gitUrl) { String repositoryId = this.getRepositoryId(gitUrl); if (fileName.startsWith("/")) { fileName = fileName.substring(1); } FileResponse fileResponse = new FileResponse(); String content; String branch = null; if (reference == null) { String mainBranchUrl = BITBUCKET_API_URL + "repositories/" + repositoryId + "/main-branch"; Optional<String> asString = ResourceUtilities.asString(mainBranchUrl, bitbucketTokenContent, client); + ": RESOURCE CALL: {}", mainBranchUrl); if (asString.isPresent()) { String branchJson = asString.get(); Gson gson = new Gson(); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map = (Map<String, String>) gson.fromJson(branchJson, map.getClass()); branch = map.get("name"); if (branch == null) { + ": Could NOT find bitbucket default branch!"); return null; // throw new CustomWebApplicationException(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } else { + ": Default branch: {}", branch); } } } else { branch = reference; } String url = BITBUCKET_API_URL + "repositories/" + repositoryId + "/raw/" + branch + '/' + fileName; Optional<String> asString = ResourceUtilities.asString(url, bitbucketTokenContent, client); + ": RESOURCE CALL: {}", url); if (asString.isPresent()) { + ": FOUND: {}", fileName); content = asString.get(); } else { + ": Branch: {} has no {}", branch, fileName); return null; } if (content != null && !content.isEmpty()) { fileResponse.setContent(content); } else { return null; } return fileResponse; } @Override public Tool findDescriptor(Tool tool, String fileName) { String descriptorType = FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileName); if (fileName.startsWith("/")) { fileName = fileName.substring(1); } String giturl = tool.getGitUrl(); if (giturl != null && !giturl.isEmpty()) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("git\\\\S+)/(\\S+)\\.git"); Matcher m = p.matcher(giturl); + ": " + giturl); if (!m.find()) { + ": Namespace and/or repository name could not be found from tool's giturl"); return tool; } String url = BITBUCKET_API_URL + "repositories/" + + '/' + + "/main-branch"; Optional<String> asString = ResourceUtilities.asString(url, bitbucketTokenContent, client); + ": RESOURCE CALL: {}", url); if (asString.isPresent()) { String branchJson = asString.get(); Gson gson = new Gson(); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map = (Map<String, String>) gson.fromJson(branchJson, map.getClass()); String branch = map.get("name"); if (branch == null) { + ": Could NOT find bitbucket default branch!"); return null; } else { + ": Default branch: {}", branch); } // String response = asString.get(); // // Gson gson = new Gson(); // Map<String, Object> branchMap = new HashMap<>(); // // branchMap = (Map<String, Object>) gson.fromJson(response, branchMap.getClass()); // Set<String> branches = branchMap.keySet(); // // for (String branch : branches) { + ": Checking {} branch for {} file", branch, descriptorType); String content = ""; url = BITBUCKET_API_URL + "repositories/" + + '/' + + "/raw/" + branch + '/' + fileName; asString = ResourceUtilities.asString(url, bitbucketTokenContent, client); + ": RESOURCE CALL: {}", url); if (asString.isPresent()) { + ": {} FOUND", descriptorType); content = asString.get(); } else { + ": Branch: {} has no {}", branch, fileName); } // Add for new descriptor types // expects file to have .cwl extension if (descriptorType.equals("cwl")) { tool = parseCWLContent(tool, content); } if (descriptorType.equals("wdl")) { tool = parseWDLContent(tool, content); } // if (tool.getHasCollab()) { // break; // } // } } } return tool; } @Override public String getOrganizationEmail() { // TODO: Need to get email of the container's organization/user return ""; } @Override public Map<String, String> getWorkflowGitUrl2RepositoryId() { Map<String, String> reposByGitURl = new HashMap<>(); String url = BITBUCKET_API_URL + "users/" + gitUsername; // Call to Bitbucket API to get list of Workflows owned by the current user (is it possible that owner is a group the user is part of?) Optional<String> asString = ResourceUtilities.asString(url, bitbucketTokenContent, client); + ": RESOURCE CALL: {}", url); if (asString.isPresent()) { String userJson = asString.get(); JsonElement jsonElement = new JsonParser().parse(userJson); JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray asJsonArray = jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("repositories"); for (JsonElement element : asJsonArray) { String owner = element.getAsJsonObject().get("owner").getAsString(); String name = element.getAsJsonObject().get("name").getAsString(); String bitbucketUrl = BITBUCKET_GIT_URL_PREFIX + owner + "/" + name + BITBUCKET_GIT_URL_SUFFIX; String id = owner + "/" + name; reposByGitURl.put(bitbucketUrl, id); } } return reposByGitURl; } @Override public Workflow getNewWorkflow(String repositoryId, Optional<Workflow> existingWorkflow) { // repository id of the form owner/name String[] id = repositoryId.split("/"); String owner = id[0]; String name = id[1]; // Create new workflow object based on repository ID Workflow workflow = new Workflow(); workflow.setOrganization(owner); workflow.setRepository(name); workflow.setGitUrl(BITBUCKET_GIT_URL_PREFIX + repositoryId + BITBUCKET_GIT_URL_SUFFIX); workflow.setLastUpdated(new Date()); // make sure path is constructed workflow.setPath(workflow.getPath()); if (!existingWorkflow.isPresent()) { // when there is no existing workflow at all, just return a stub workflow. Also set descriptor type to default cwl. workflow.setDescriptorType("cwl"); return workflow; } if (existingWorkflow.get().getMode() == WorkflowMode.STUB) { // when there is an existing stub workflow, just return the new stub as well return workflow; } workflow.setMode(WorkflowMode.FULL); // Get versions of workflow // If existing workflow, then set versions to existing ones Map<String, String> existingDefaults = new HashMap<>(); if (existingWorkflow.isPresent()) { existingWorkflow.get().getWorkflowVersions().forEach(existingVersion -> existingDefaults .put(existingVersion.getReference(), existingVersion.getWorkflowPath())); copyWorkflow(existingWorkflow.get(), workflow); } // Look at each version, check for valid workflows String url = BITBUCKET_API_URL + "repositories/" + repositoryId + "/branches-tags"; // Call to Bitbucket API to get list of branches for a given repo (what about tags) Optional<String> asString = ResourceUtilities.asString(url, bitbucketTokenContent, client); + ": RESOURCE CALL: {}", url); if (asString.isPresent()) { String repoJson = asString.get(); JsonElement jsonElement = new JsonParser().parse(repoJson); JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject(); // Iterate to find branches and tags arrays for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> objectEntry : jsonObject.entrySet()) { JsonArray branchArray = objectEntry.getValue().getAsJsonArray(); // Iterate over both arrays for (JsonElement branch : branchArray) { String branchName = branch.getAsJsonObject().get("name").getAsString(); WorkflowVersion version = new WorkflowVersion(); version.setName(branchName); version.setReference(branchName); version.setValid(false); // determine workflow version from previous String calculatedPath = existingDefaults.getOrDefault(branchName, existingWorkflow.get().getDefaultWorkflowPath()); version.setWorkflowPath(calculatedPath); // Get relative path of main workflow descriptor to find relative paths String[] path = calculatedPath.split("/"); String basepath = ""; for (int i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) { basepath += path[i] + "/"; } // Now grab source files SourceFile sourceFile; Set<SourceFile> sourceFileSet = new HashSet<>(); ArrayList<String> importPaths; if (calculatedPath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".cwl")) { sourceFile = getSourceFile(calculatedPath, repositoryId, branchName, "cwl"); } else { sourceFile = getSourceFile(calculatedPath, repositoryId, branchName, "wdl"); } // Find all import files if (sourceFile.getContent() != null) { try { final File tempDesc = File.createTempFile("temp", ".descriptor", Files.createTempDir()); Files.write(sourceFile.getContent(), tempDesc, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); importPaths = calculatedPath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".cwl") ? getCwlImports(tempDesc) : getWdlImports(tempDesc); for (String importPath : importPaths) { + ": Grabbing file " + basepath + importPath); sourceFileSet.add(getSourceFile(basepath + importPath, repositoryId, branchName, importPath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".cwl") ? "cwl" : "wdl")); } } catch (IOException e) { + ": Error writing descriptor file to temp file."); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (sourceFile.getContent() != null) { version.getSourceFiles().add(sourceFile); } if (version.getSourceFiles().size() > 0) { version.setValid(true); } // add extra source files here if (sourceFileSet.size() > 0) { version.getSourceFiles().addAll(sourceFileSet); } workflow.addWorkflowVersion(version); } } } return workflow; } /** * Uses Bitbucket API to grab a raw source file and return it * @param path * @param repositoryId * @param branch * @param type * @return source file */ private SourceFile getSourceFile(String path, String repositoryId, String branch, String type) { SourceFile file = new SourceFile(); String url = BITBUCKET_API_URL + "repositories/" + repositoryId + "/raw/" + branch + "/" + path; Optional<String> asString = ResourceUtilities.asString(url, bitbucketTokenContent, client); + ": RESOURCE CALL: {}", url); if (asString.isPresent()) { String content = asString.get(); if (content != null) { if (type.equals("cwl")) { file.setType(SourceFile.FileType.DOCKSTORE_CWL); } else { file.setType(SourceFile.FileType.DOCKSTORE_WDL); } file.setContent(content); file.setPath(path); } } return file; } /** * Parses git url for bitbucket to get the owner/repo_name * @param gitUrl * @return String of the form owner/repo_name */ private String getRepositoryId(String gitUrl) { String repoId; Pattern p = Pattern.compile("git@bitbucket\\.org:(\\S+)\\.git"); Matcher m = p.matcher(gitUrl); int repoIdPos = 1; if (!m.find()) { + ": Owner and Repository name could not be found from the giturl"); return null; } repoId =; return repoId; } }