Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 GoDataDriven B.V. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.divolte.server.recordmapping; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration; import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; import com.jayway.jsonpath.Option; import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JacksonJsonNodeJsonProvider; import com.maxmind.geoip2.model.CityResponse; import com.maxmind.geoip2.record.*; import io.divolte.server.DivolteEvent; import io.divolte.server.ip2geo.LookupService; import io.divolte.server.ip2geo.LookupService.ClosedServiceException; import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange; import io.undertow.server.handlers.Cookie; import io.undertow.util.HeaderValues; import io.undertow.util.Headers; import net.sf.uadetector.ReadableUserAgent; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.avro.Schema.Field; import org.apache.avro.Schema.Type; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecordBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault; import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static io.divolte.server.IncomingRequestProcessor.DUPLICATE_EVENT_KEY; @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault @NotThreadSafe public final class DslRecordMapping { private static final Map<Class<?>, Type> COMPATIBLE_PRIMITIVES = ImmutableMap.<Class<?>, Type>builder() .put(Boolean.class, Type.BOOLEAN).put(String.class, Type.STRING).put(Float.class, Type.FLOAT) .put(Double.class, Type.DOUBLE).put(Integer.class, Type.INT).put(Long.class, Type.LONG).build(); private static final Configuration JSON_PATH_CONFIGURATION = Configuration.builder() .options(Option.SUPPRESS_EXCEPTIONS).jsonProvider(new JacksonJsonNodeJsonProvider()).build(); private final Schema schema; private final ArrayDeque<ImmutableList.Builder<MappingAction>> stack; private final UserAgentParserAndCache uaParser; private final Optional<LookupService> geoIpService; public DslRecordMapping(final Schema schema, final UserAgentParserAndCache uaParser, final Optional<LookupService> geoIpService) { this.schema = Objects.requireNonNull(schema); this.uaParser = Objects.requireNonNull(uaParser); this.geoIpService = Objects.requireNonNull(geoIpService); stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); stack.add(ImmutableList.<MappingAction>builder()); } /* * Standard actions */ public <T> void map(final String fieldName, final ValueProducer<T> producer) { final Field field = schema.getField(fieldName); if (field == null) { throw new SchemaMappingException("Field %s does not exist in Avro schema; error in mapping %s onto %s", fieldName, producer.identifier, fieldName); } final Optional<ValidationError> validationError = producer.validateTypes(field); if (validationError.isPresent()) { throw new SchemaMappingException("Cannot map the result of %s onto field %s: %s", producer.identifier, fieldName, validationError.get().message); } stack.getLast().add((h, e, c, r) -> { producer.produce(h, e, c).flatMap(v -> producer.mapToGenericRecord(v, field.schema())) .ifPresent(v -> r.set(field, v)); return MappingAction.MappingResult.CONTINUE; }); } public <T> void map(final String fieldName, final T literal) { if (!COMPATIBLE_PRIMITIVES.containsKey(literal.getClass())) { throw new SchemaMappingException( "Type error. Cannot map literal %s of type %s. Only primitive types are allowed.", literal.toString(), literal.getClass()); } final Field field = schema.getField(fieldName); if (field == null) { throw new SchemaMappingException("Field %s does not exist in Avro schema; error in mapping %s onto %s", fieldName, literal, fieldName); } final Optional<Schema> targetSchema = unpackNullableUnion(field.schema()); if (! -> s.getType() == COMPATIBLE_PRIMITIVES.get(literal.getClass())).orElse(false)) { throw new SchemaMappingException( "Type mismatch. Cannot map literal %s of type %s onto a field of type %s (type of value and schema of field do not match).", literal.toString(), literal.getClass(), field.schema()); } stack.getLast().add((h, e, c, r) -> { r.set(field, literal); return MappingAction.MappingResult.CONTINUE; }); } /* * Higher order actions */ public void when(final ValueProducer<Boolean> condition, final Runnable closure) { stack.add(ImmutableList.<MappingAction>builder());; final List<MappingAction> actions = stack.removeLast().build(); stack.getLast().add((h, e, c, r) -> { if (condition.produce(h, e, c).orElse(false)) { for (MappingAction action : actions) { switch (action.perform(h, e, c, r)) { case EXIT: return MappingAction.MappingResult.EXIT; case STOP: return MappingAction.MappingResult.STOP; case CONTINUE: } } } return MappingAction.MappingResult.CONTINUE; }); } public void section(final Runnable closure) { stack.add(ImmutableList.<MappingAction>builder());; final List<MappingAction> actions = stack.removeLast().build(); stack.getLast().add((h, e, c, r) -> { for (MappingAction action : actions) { switch (action.perform(h, e, c, r)) { case EXIT: return MappingAction.MappingResult.CONTINUE; case STOP: return MappingAction.MappingResult.STOP; case CONTINUE: } } return MappingAction.MappingResult.CONTINUE; }); } /* * Short circuit actions */ public void stop() { stack.getLast().add((h, e, c, r) -> MappingAction.MappingResult.STOP); } public void exitWhen(final ValueProducer<Boolean> condition) { stack.getLast() .add((h, e, c, r) -> condition.produce(h, e, c) .map((b) -> b ? MappingAction.MappingResult.EXIT : MappingAction.MappingResult.CONTINUE) .orElse(MappingAction.MappingResult.CONTINUE)); } public void exit() { stack.getLast().add((h, e, c, r) -> MappingAction.MappingResult.EXIT); } /* * The mapping result, used by the record mapper. */ List<MappingAction> actions() { return stack.getLast().build(); } /* * Casting and conversion */ public ValueProducer<Integer> toInt(final ValueProducer<String> source) { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("parse(" + source.identifier + " to int32)", Integer.class, (h, e, c) -> source.produce(h, e, c).map(Ints::tryParse)); } public ValueProducer<Long> toLong(final ValueProducer<String> source) { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("parse(" + source.identifier + " to int64)", Long.class, (h, e, c) -> source.produce(h, e, c).map(Longs::tryParse)); } public ValueProducer<Float> toFloat(final ValueProducer<String> source) { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("parse(" + source.identifier + " to fp32)", Float.class, (h, e, c) -> source.produce(h, e, c).map(Floats::tryParse)); } public ValueProducer<Double> toDouble(final ValueProducer<String> source) { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("parse(" + source.identifier + " to fp64)", Double.class, (h, e, c) -> source.produce(h, e, c).map(Doubles::tryParse)); } public ValueProducer<Boolean> toBoolean(final ValueProducer<String> source) { return new BooleanValueProducer("parse(" + source.identifier + " to bool)", (h, e, c) -> source.produce(h, e, c).map(Boolean::parseBoolean)); } /* * Simple field mappings */ public ValueProducer<String> location() { return browserEventValueProducer("location()", String.class, e -> e.location); } public ValueProducer<String> referer() { return browserEventValueProducer("referer()", String.class, e -> e.referer); } public ValueProducer<String> eventType() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("eventType()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> e.eventType); } public ValueProducer<Boolean> firstInSession() { return new BooleanValueProducer("firstInSession()", (h, e, c) -> Optional.of(e.firstInSession)); } public ValueProducer<Boolean> corrupt() { return new BooleanValueProducer("corrupt()", (h, e, c) -> Optional.of(e.corruptEvent)); } public ValueProducer<Boolean> duplicate() { return new BooleanValueProducer("duplicate()", (h, e, c) -> Optional.ofNullable(h.getAttachment(DUPLICATE_EVENT_KEY))); } public ValueProducer<Long> timestamp() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("timestamp()", Long.class, (h, e, c) -> Optional.of(e.requestStartTime)); } public ValueProducer<Long> clientTimestamp() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("clientTimestamp()", Long.class, (h, e, c) -> Optional.of(e.requestStartTime + e.clientUtcOffset)); } public ValueProducer<String> remoteHost() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("remoteHost()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> Optional.ofNullable(h.getSourceAddress()).map(InetSocketAddress::getHostString)); } public ValueProducer<Integer> viewportPixelWidth() { return browserEventValueProducer("viewportPixelWidth()", Integer.class, e -> e.viewportPixelWidth); } public ValueProducer<Integer> viewportPixelHeight() { return browserEventValueProducer("viewportPixelHeight()", Integer.class, e -> e.viewportPixelHeight); } public ValueProducer<Integer> screenPixelWidth() { return browserEventValueProducer("screenPixelWidth()", Integer.class, e -> e.screenPixelWidth); } public ValueProducer<Integer> screenPixelHeight() { return browserEventValueProducer("screenPixelHeight()", Integer.class, e -> e.screenPixelHeight); } public ValueProducer<Integer> devicePixelRatio() { return browserEventValueProducer("devicePixelRatio()", Integer.class, e -> e.devicePixelRatio); } public ValueProducer<String> partyId() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("partyId()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> Optional.of(e.partyCookie.value)); } public ValueProducer<String> sessionId() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("sessionId()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> Optional.of(e.sessionCookie.value)); } public ValueProducer<String> pageViewId() { return browserEventValueProducer("pageViewId()", String.class, e -> Optional.of(e.pageViewId)); } public ValueProducer<String> eventId() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("eventId()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> Optional.of(e.eventId)); } /* * User agent mapping */ public ValueProducer<String> userAgentString() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("userAgentString()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> Optional.ofNullable(h.getRequestHeaders().getFirst(Headers.USER_AGENT))); } public UserAgentValueProducer userAgent() { return new UserAgentValueProducer(userAgentString(), uaParser); } public final class UserAgentValueProducer extends ValueProducer<ReadableUserAgent> { UserAgentValueProducer(final ValueProducer<String> source, final UserAgentParserAndCache parser) { super("userAgent()", (h, e, c) -> source.produce(h, e, c).flatMap(parser::tryParse), true); } public ValueProducer<String> name() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".name()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map(ReadableUserAgent::getName)); } public ValueProducer<String> family() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".family()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((ua) -> ua.getFamily().getName())); } public ValueProducer<String> vendor() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".vendor()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map(ReadableUserAgent::getProducer)); } public ValueProducer<String> type() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".type()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((ua) -> ua.getType().getName())); } public ValueProducer<String> version() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".version()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((ua) -> ua.getVersionNumber().toVersionString())); } public ValueProducer<String> deviceCategory() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".deviceCategory()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((ua) -> ua.getDeviceCategory().getName())); } public ValueProducer<String> osFamily() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".osFamily()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((ua) -> ua.getOperatingSystem().getFamily().getName())); } public ValueProducer<String> osVersion() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".osVersion()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c) .map((ua) -> ua.getOperatingSystem().getVersionNumber().toVersionString())); } public ValueProducer<String> osVendor() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".osVendor()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((ua) -> ua.getOperatingSystem().getProducer())); } @Override Optional<ValidationError> validateTypes(final Field target) { // this field cannot be directly mapped onto a Avro schema return validationError("cannot map a parsed user-agent directly; map one of its properties instead.", target.schema()); } } /* * Regex mapping */ public ValueProducer<Matcher> matcher(final ValueProducer<String> source, final String regex) { return new MatcherValueProducer(source, regex); } public final static class MatcherValueProducer extends ValueProducer<Matcher> { MatcherValueProducer(final ValueProducer<String> source, final String regex) { super("match(" + regex + " against " + source.identifier + ")", (h, e, c) -> source.produce(h, e, c).map((s) -> Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(s)), true); } public ValueProducer<Boolean> matches() { return new BooleanValueProducer(identifier + ".matches()", (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map(Matcher::matches)); } // Note: matches() must be called on a Matcher prior to calling group // In case of no match, group(...) throws an exception, in case there is // a match, but the group doesn't capture anything, it returns null. public ValueProducer<String> group(final int group) { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".group(" + group + ")", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((m) -> m.matches() ? : null)); } public ValueProducer<String> group(final String group) { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".group(" + group + ")", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((m) -> m.matches() ? : null)); } @Override Optional<ValidationError> validateTypes(final Field target) { // this field cannot be directly mapped onto a Avro schema return validationError( "cannot map a regular expression match directly; map using group() or matches() instead.", target.schema()); } } /* * URI parsing */ public ValueProducer<URI> parseUri(final ValueProducer<String> source) { return new UriValueProducer(source); } public final static class UriValueProducer extends ValueProducer<URI> { UriValueProducer(final ValueProducer<String> source) { super("parse(" + source.identifier + " to uri)", (h, e, c) -> source.produce(h, e, c).map((location) -> { try { return new URI(location); } catch (Exception ignored) { // When we cannot parse as URI, leave the producer empty return null; } }), true); } public ValueProducer<String> path() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".path()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map(URI::getPath)); } public ValueProducer<String> rawPath() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".rawPath()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map(URI::getRawPath)); } public ValueProducer<String> scheme() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".scheme()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map(URI::getScheme)); } public ValueProducer<String> host() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".host()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map(URI::getHost)); } public ValueProducer<Integer> port() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".port()", Integer.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((uri) -> uri.getPort() != -1 ? uri.getPort() : null)); } public ValueProducer<String> decodedQueryString() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".decodedQueryString()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map(URI::getQuery)); } public ValueProducer<String> rawQueryString() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".rawQueryString()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map(URI::getRawQuery)); } public ValueProducer<String> decodedFragment() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".decodedFragment()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map(URI::getFragment)); } public ValueProducer<String> rawFragment() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".rawFragment()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map(URI::getRawFragment)); } public QueryStringValueProducer query() { return new QueryStringValueProducer(rawQueryString()); } @Override Optional<ValidationError> validateTypes(final Field target) { return validationError("cannot map an URI directly; map one of its properties.", target.schema()); } } public final static class QueryStringValueProducer extends ValueProducer<Map<String, List<String>>> { QueryStringValueProducer(final ValueProducer<String> source) { super("parse (" + source.identifier + " to querystring)", (h, e, c) -> source.produce(h, e, c).map(QueryStringParser::parseQueryString), true); } public ValueProducer<String> value(final String key) { // Note that we do not check for the empty list, as is could not exist; if the key is in the map, there is at least one element in the list return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".value(" + key + ")", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((qs) -> qs.get(key)).map((l) -> l.get(0))); } public ValueProducer<List<String>> valueList(final String key) { return new PrimitiveListValueProducer<>(identifier + ".valueList(" + key + ")", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((qs) -> qs.get(key))); } @Override Optional<ValidationError> validateTypes(final Field target) { return validateTrivialUnion(target.schema(), s -> s.getType() == Type.MAP && s.getValueType().getType() == Type.ARRAY && s.getValueType().getElementType().getType() == Type.STRING, "query strings can only be mapped to an Avro map where the values are arrays of strings"); } } /* * Cookie mapping */ public ValueProducer<String> cookie(final String name) { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("cookie(" + name + ")", String.class, (h, e, c) -> Optional.ofNullable(h.getRequestCookies().get(name)).map(Cookie::getValue)); } /* * Custom event parameter mapping */ public final static class EventParameterValueProducer extends JsonValueProducer { EventParameterValueProducer() { super("eventParameters()", (h, e, c) -> e.eventParametersProducer.get(), true); } public ValueProducer<String> value(String name) { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".value(" + name + ")", String.class, (h, e, c) -> EventParameterValueProducer.this.produce(h, e, c).map(json -> json.path(name).asText())); } public ValueProducer<JsonNode> path(final String path) { final JsonPath jsonPath = JsonPath.compile(path); return new JsonValueProducer(identifier + ".path(" + path + ')', (h, e, c) -> EventParameterValueProducer.this.produce(h, e, c) .map(json ->, JSON_PATH_CONFIGURATION)), false); } } @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault private static class JsonValueProducer extends ValueProducer<JsonNode> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonValueProducer.class); protected JsonValueProducer(final String identifier, final FieldSupplier<JsonNode> supplier, final boolean memoize) { super(identifier, supplier, memoize); } @Override Optional<ValidationError> validateTypes(final Field target) { /* * We can do some basic validation here because there are * some Avro schemas (e.g non-trivial unions) that we don't * support. */ return JacksonSupport.AVRO_MAPPER.checkValid(target.schema()); } @Override Optional<Object> mapToGenericRecord(final JsonNode value, final Schema schema) throws SchemaMappingException { try { return Optional.ofNullable(, schema)); } catch (final IOException e) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Error mapping JSON value %s to schema: %s", value, schema), e); } return Optional.empty(); } } } public EventParameterValueProducer eventParameters() { return new EventParameterValueProducer(); } /* * Remove this at some point. It is not documented, but used in mappings * on some installations. */ @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unused") public ValueProducer<String> eventParameter(final String name) { final EventParameterValueProducer eventParametersProducer = eventParameters(); return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("eventParameter(" + name + ")", String.class, (h, e, c) -> eventParametersProducer.produce(h, e, c).map(json -> json.path(name).asText())); } /* * Custom header mapping */ public HeaderValueProducer header(final String name) { return new HeaderValueProducer(name); } public final static class HeaderValueProducer extends PrimitiveListValueProducer<String> { private final static Joiner COMMA_JOINER = Joiner.on(','); HeaderValueProducer(final String name) { super("header(" + name + ")", String.class, (h, e, c) -> Optional.ofNullable(h.getRequestHeaders().get(name))); } public ValueProducer<String> first() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".first()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((hv) -> ((HeaderValues) hv).getFirst())); } public ValueProducer<String> last() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".last()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((hv) -> ((HeaderValues) hv).getLast())); } public ValueProducer<String> commaSeparated() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".commaSeparated()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map(COMMA_JOINER::join)); } } /* * IP to geo mapping */ public GeoIpValueProducer ip2geo(final ValueProducer<String> source) { final PrimitiveValueProducer<InetAddress> addressProducer = new PrimitiveValueProducer<>( "parse(" + source.identifier + " to IP address)", InetAddress.class, (h, e, c) -> source.produce(h, e, c).flatMap(DslRecordMapping::tryParseIpv4), true); return new GeoIpValueProducer(addressProducer, verifyAndReturnLookupService()); } public GeoIpValueProducer ip2geo() { final PrimitiveValueProducer<InetAddress> addressProducer = new PrimitiveValueProducer<>("<remote host IP>", InetAddress.class, (h, e, c) -> Optional.ofNullable(h.getSourceAddress()).map(InetSocketAddress::getAddress)); return new GeoIpValueProducer(addressProducer, verifyAndReturnLookupService()); } private LookupService verifyAndReturnLookupService() { return geoIpService.orElseThrow(() -> new SchemaMappingException( "Attempt to use a ip2geo mapping, while the ip2geo lookup database is not configured.")); } public final static class GeoIpValueProducer extends ValueProducer<CityResponse> { GeoIpValueProducer(final ValueProducer<InetAddress> source, final LookupService service) { super("ip2geo(" + source.identifier + ")", (h, e, c) -> source.produce(h, e, c).flatMap((address) -> { try { return service.lookup(address); } catch (ClosedServiceException ex) { return null; } }), true); } public ValueProducer<Integer> cityId() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".cityId()", Integer.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getCity()).map(City::getGeoNameId)); } public ValueProducer<String> cityName() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".cityName()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getCity()).map(City::getName)); } public ValueProducer<String> continentCode() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".continentCode()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getContinent()).map(Continent::getCode)); } public ValueProducer<Integer> continentId() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".continentId()", Integer.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getContinent()).map(Continent::getGeoNameId)); } public ValueProducer<String> continentName() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".continentName()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getContinent()).map(Continent::getName)); } public ValueProducer<String> countryCode() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".countryCode()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getCountry()).map(Country::getIsoCode)); } public ValueProducer<Integer> countryId() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".countryId()", Integer.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getCountry()).map(Country::getGeoNameId)); } public ValueProducer<String> countryName() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".countryName()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getCountry()).map(Country::getName)); } public ValueProducer<Double> latitude() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".latitude()", Double.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getLocation()).map(Location::getLatitude)); } public ValueProducer<Double> longitude() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".latitude()", Double.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getLocation()).map(Location::getLongitude)); } public ValueProducer<Integer> metroCode() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".metroCode()", Integer.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getLocation()).map(Location::getMetroCode)); } public ValueProducer<String> timeZone() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".timeZone()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getLocation()).map(Location::getTimeZone)); } public ValueProducer<String> mostSpecificSubdivisionCode() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".mostSpecificSubdivisionCode()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getMostSpecificSubdivision()).map(Subdivision::getIsoCode)); } public ValueProducer<Integer> mostSpecificSubdivisionId() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".mostSpecificSubdivisionId()", Integer.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getMostSpecificSubdivision()) .map(Subdivision::getGeoNameId)); } public ValueProducer<String> mostSpecificSubdivisionName() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".mostSpecificSubdivisionName()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getMostSpecificSubdivision()).map(Subdivision::getName)); } public ValueProducer<String> postalCode() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".postalCode()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getPostal()).map(Postal::getCode)); } public ValueProducer<String> registeredCountryCode() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".registeredCountryCode()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getRegisteredCountry()).map(Country::getIsoCode)); } public ValueProducer<Integer> registeredCountryId() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".registeredCountryId()", Integer.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getRegisteredCountry()).map(Country::getGeoNameId)); } public ValueProducer<String> registeredCountryName() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".registeredCountryName()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getRegisteredCountry()).map(Country::getName)); } public ValueProducer<String> representedCountryCode() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".representedCountryCode()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getRepresentedCountry()).map(Country::getIsoCode)); } public ValueProducer<Integer> representedCountryId() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".representedCountryId()", Integer.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getRepresentedCountry()).map(Country::getGeoNameId)); } public ValueProducer<String> representedCountryName() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".representedCountryName()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getRepresentedCountry()).map(Country::getName)); } public ValueProducer<List<String>> subdivisionCodes() { return new PrimitiveListValueProducer<>(identifier + ".subdivisionCodes()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getSubdivisions()) .map((l) -> Lists.transform(l, Subdivision::getIsoCode))); } public ValueProducer<List<Integer>> subdivisionIds() { return new PrimitiveListValueProducer<>(identifier + ".subdivisionIds()", Integer.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getSubdivisions()) .map((l) -> Lists.transform(l, Subdivision::getGeoNameId))); } public ValueProducer<List<String>> subdivisionNames() { return new PrimitiveListValueProducer<>(identifier + ".subdivisionNames()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getSubdivisions()) .map((l) -> Lists.transform(l, Subdivision::getName))); } public ValueProducer<Integer> autonomousSystemNumber() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".autonomousSystemNumber()", Integer.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getTraits()).map(Traits::getAutonomousSystemNumber)); } public ValueProducer<String> autonomousSystemOrganization() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".autonomousSystemOrganization()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getTraits()).map(Traits::getAutonomousSystemOrganization)); } public ValueProducer<String> domain() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".domain()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getTraits()).map(Traits::getDomain)); } public ValueProducer<String> isp() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".isp()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getTraits()).map(Traits::getIsp)); } public ValueProducer<String> organisation() { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(identifier + ".organisation()", String.class, (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getTraits()).map(Traits::getOrganization)); } public ValueProducer<Boolean> anonymousProxy() { return new BooleanValueProducer(identifier + ".anonymousProxy()", (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getTraits()).map(Traits::isAnonymousProxy)); } public ValueProducer<Boolean> satelliteProvider() { return new BooleanValueProducer(identifier + ".satelliteProvider()", (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((r) -> r.getTraits()).map(Traits::isSatelliteProvider)); } @Override Optional<ValidationError> validateTypes(Field target) { return validationError("cannot map a GeoIP lookup result directly; map one of its properties instead.", target.schema()); } } /* * Handy when using something other than the remote host as IP address (e.g. custom headers set by a load balancer). * We force the address to be in the numeric IPv4 scheme, to prevent name resolution and IPv6. */ private static Optional<InetAddress> tryParseIpv4(final String ip) { final byte[] result = new byte[4]; final String[] parts = StringUtils.split(ip, '.'); if (parts.length != 4) { return Optional.empty(); } try { for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { final int x = Integer.parseInt(parts[c]); if (x < 0x00 || x > 0xff) { return Optional.empty(); } result[c] = (byte) (x & 0xff); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return Optional.empty(); } try { return Optional.of(InetAddress.getByAddress(result)); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { return Optional.empty(); } } private static Optional<Schema> unpackNullableUnion(final Schema source) { if (source.getType() == Type.UNION) { if (source.getTypes().size() != 2) { return Optional.empty(); } else { return source.getTypes().stream().filter((t) -> t.getType() != Type.NULL).findFirst(); } } else { return Optional.of(source); } } @FunctionalInterface private interface BrowserFieldSupplier<T> { Optional<T> apply(DivolteEvent.BrowserEventData event); } private static <T> ValueProducer<T> browserEventValueProducer(final String readableName, final Class<T> type, final BrowserFieldSupplier<T> fieldSupplier) { return new PrimitiveValueProducer<>(readableName, type, (h, e, c) -> e.browserEventData.flatMap(fieldSupplier::apply)); } @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault public static abstract class ValueProducer<T> { protected interface FieldSupplier<T> { Optional<T> apply(HttpServerExchange httpServerExchange, DivolteEvent eventData, Map<String, Optional<?>> context); } protected final String identifier; private final FieldSupplier<T> supplier; private final boolean memoize; ValueProducer(final String identifier, final FieldSupplier<T> supplier, final boolean memoize) { this.identifier = Objects.requireNonNull(identifier); this.supplier = Objects.requireNonNull(supplier); this.memoize = memoize; } ValueProducer(final String identifier, final FieldSupplier<T> supplier) { this(identifier, supplier, false); } final Optional<T> produce(final HttpServerExchange exchange, final DivolteEvent divolteEvent, final Map<String, Optional<?>> context) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Optional<T> result = memoize ? (Optional<T>) context.computeIfAbsent(identifier, (x) -> supplier.apply(exchange, divolteEvent, context)) : supplier.apply(exchange, divolteEvent, context); return result; } public ValueProducer<Boolean> equalTo(final ValueProducer<T> other) { return new BooleanValueProducer(identifier + ".equalTo(" + other.identifier + ")", (h, e, c) -> { final Optional<T> left = this.produce(h, e, c); final Optional<T> right = other.produce(h, e, c); return left.isPresent() && right.isPresent() ? Optional.of(left.get().equals(right.get())) : Optional.of(false); }); } public ValueProducer<Boolean> equalTo(final T literal) { return new BooleanValueProducer(identifier + ".equalTo(" + literal + ")", (h, e, c) -> { final Optional<T> value = produce(h, e, c); return value.isPresent() ? Optional.of(value.get().equals(literal)) : Optional.of(false); }); } public ValueProducer<Boolean> isPresent() { return new BooleanValueProducer(identifier + ".isPresent()", (h, e, c) -> Optional.of(produce(h, e, c).map((x) -> Boolean.TRUE).orElse(Boolean.FALSE))); } public ValueProducer<Boolean> isAbsent() { return new BooleanValueProducer(identifier + ".isAbsent()", (h, e, c) -> Optional.of(produce(h, e, c).map((x) -> Boolean.FALSE).orElse(Boolean.TRUE))); } abstract Optional<ValidationError> validateTypes(final Field target); Optional<Object> mapToGenericRecord(final T value, final Schema schema) { // Default mapping is the identity mapping. return Optional.of(value); } @Override public String toString() { return identifier; } } @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault public static class PrimitiveValueProducer<T> extends ValueProducer<T> { private final Class<T> type; /** * Construct a value producer that will produce a primitive value. * @param readableName A human-readable description of this producer, used in error messages. * @param type The type of value that this producer will produce. * @param supplier A supplier that can be used to calculate the value on demand. * @param memoize Whether the value should be calculated once and remembered, or on every request. * This should only be set to true when calculating the value is expensive. */ PrimitiveValueProducer(final String readableName, final Class<T> type, final FieldSupplier<T> supplier, final boolean memoize) { super(readableName, supplier, memoize); this.type = Objects.requireNonNull(type); } PrimitiveValueProducer(final String readableName, final Class<T> type, final FieldSupplier<T> supplier) { this(readableName, type, supplier, false); } @Override Optional<ValidationError> validateTypes(final Field target) { return validateTrivialUnion(target.schema(), s -> COMPATIBLE_PRIMITIVES.get(type) == s.getType(), "type must be compatible with %s", type); } } @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault public static class PrimitiveListValueProducer<T> extends ValueProducer<List<T>> { private final Class<T> type; PrimitiveListValueProducer(final String identifier, final Class<T> type, final FieldSupplier<List<T>> supplier) { super(identifier, supplier); this.type = Objects.requireNonNull(type); } @Override Optional<ValidationError> validateTypes(final Field target) { final Schema targetSchema = target.schema(); final Optional<ValidationError> validationError = validateTrivialUnion(targetSchema, s -> s.getType() == Type.ARRAY, "must map to an Avro array, not %s", target); return validationError.isPresent() ? validationError : validateTrivialUnion(unpackNullableUnion(targetSchema).get().getElementType(), s -> COMPATIBLE_PRIMITIVES.get(type) == s.getType(), "array type must be compatible with %s", type); } } public static class BooleanValueProducer extends PrimitiveValueProducer<Boolean> { BooleanValueProducer(final String identifier, final FieldSupplier<Boolean> supplier) { super(identifier, Boolean.class, supplier); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public ValueProducer<Boolean> or(final ValueProducer<Boolean> other) { return new BooleanValueProducer(identifier + ".or(" + other.identifier + ")", (h, e, c) -> { final Optional<Boolean> left = produce(h, e, c); final Optional<Boolean> right = other.produce(h, e, c); return left.isPresent() && right.isPresent() ? Optional.of(left.get() || right.get()) : Optional.empty(); }); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public ValueProducer<Boolean> and(final ValueProducer<Boolean> other) { return new BooleanValueProducer(identifier + ".and(" + other.identifier + ")", (h, e, c) -> { final Optional<Boolean> left = produce(h, e, c); final Optional<Boolean> right = other.produce(h, e, c); return left.isPresent() && right.isPresent() ? Optional.of(left.get() && right.get()) : Optional.empty(); }); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public ValueProducer<Boolean> negate() { return new BooleanValueProducer("not(" + identifier + ")", (h, e, c) -> produce(h, e, c).map((b) -> !b)); // This would have been a fine candidate use for a method reference to BooleanUtils } } private static Optional<ValidationError> validateTrivialUnion(final Schema targetSchema, final Function<Schema, Boolean> validator, final String messageIfInvalid, Object... messageParameters) { final Optional<Schema> resolvedSchema = unpackNullableUnion(targetSchema); final Optional<Optional<ValidationError>> unionValidation = resolvedSchema .map(s -> validator.apply(s) ? Optional.empty() : validationError(String.format(messageIfInvalid, messageParameters), targetSchema)); return unionValidation.orElseGet(() -> validationError( "mapping to non-trivial unions (" + targetSchema + ") is not supported", targetSchema)); } private static Optional<ValidationError> validationError(final String message, final Schema schema) { return Optional.of(new ValidationError(message, schema)); } interface MappingAction { enum MappingResult { STOP, EXIT, CONTINUE } MappingResult perform(HttpServerExchange exchange, DivolteEvent divolteEvent, Map<String, Optional<?>> context, GenericRecordBuilder record); } }