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 * Copyright Debezium Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache Software License version 2.0, available at
package io.debezium.connector.mongodb;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.bson.Document;

import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.ServerAddress;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoIterable;

import io.debezium.function.BlockingConsumer;
import io.debezium.util.Strings;

 * Utilities for working with MongoDB.
 * @author Randall Hauch
public class MongoUtil {

     * The delimiter used between addresses.
    private static final String ADDRESS_DELIMITER = ",";
     * Regular expression that gets the host and (optional) port. The raw expression is {@code ([^:]+)(:(\d+))?}.
    private static final Pattern ADDRESS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([^:]+)(:(\\d+))?");

     * Regular expression that gets the IPv6 host and (optional) port, where the IPv6 address must be surrounded
     * by square brackets. The raw expression is {@code (\[[^]]+\])(:(\d+))?}.
    private static final Pattern IPV6_ADDRESS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\[[^]]+\\])(:(\\d+))?");

     * Find the name of the replica set precedes the host addresses.
     * @param addresses the string containing the host addresses, of the form {@code replicaSetName/...}; may not be null
     * @return the replica set name, or {@code null} if no replica set name is in the string
    public static String replicaSetUsedIn(String addresses) {
        if (addresses.startsWith("[")) {
            // Just an IPv6 address, so no replica set name ...
            return null;
        // Either a replica set name + an address, or just an IPv4 address ...
        int index = addresses.indexOf('/');
        if (index < 0)
            return null;
        return addresses.substring(0, index);

     * Perform the given operation on each of the database names.
     * @param client the MongoDB client; may not be null
     * @param operation the operation to perform; may not be null
    public static void forEachDatabaseName(MongoClient client, Consumer<String> operation) {
        forEach(client.listDatabaseNames(), operation);

     * Perform the given operation on each of the collection names in the named database.
     * @param client the MongoDB client; may not be null
     * @param databaseName the name of the database; may not be null
     * @param operation the operation to perform; may not be null
    public static void forEachCollectionNameInDatabase(MongoClient client, String databaseName,
            Consumer<String> operation) {
        MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase(databaseName);
        forEach(db.listCollectionNames(), operation);

     * Perform the given operation on each of the values in the iterable container.
     * @param iterable the iterable collection obtained from a MongoDB client; may not be null
     * @param operation the operation to perform; may not be null
    public static <T> void forEach(MongoIterable<T> iterable, Consumer<T> operation) {
        try (MongoCursor<T> cursor = iterable.iterator()) {
            while (cursor.hasNext()) {

     * Perform the given operation on the database with the given name, only if that database exists.
     * @param client the MongoDB client; may not be null
     * @param dbName the name of the database; may not be null
     * @param dbOperation the operation to perform; may not be null
    public static void onDatabase(MongoClient client, String dbName, Consumer<MongoDatabase> dbOperation) {
        if (contains(client.listDatabaseNames(), dbName)) {

     * Perform the given operation on the named collection in the named database, if the database and collection both exist.
     * @param client the MongoDB client; may not be null
     * @param dbName the name of the database; may not be null
     * @param collectionName the name of the collection; may not be null
     * @param collectionOperation the operation to perform; may not be null
    public static void onCollection(MongoClient client, String dbName, String collectionName,
            Consumer<MongoCollection<Document>> collectionOperation) {
        onDatabase(client, dbName, db -> {
            if (contains(db.listCollectionNames(), collectionName)) {

     * Perform the given operation on all of the documents inside the named collection in the named database, if the database and
     * collection both exist. The operation is called once for each document, so if the collection exists but is empty then the
     * function will not be called.
     * @param client the MongoDB client; may not be null
     * @param dbName the name of the database; may not be null
     * @param collectionName the name of the collection; may not be null
     * @param documentOperation the operation to perform; may not be null
    public static void onCollectionDocuments(MongoClient client, String dbName, String collectionName,
            BlockingConsumer<Document> documentOperation) {
        onCollection(client, dbName, collectionName, collection -> {
            try (MongoCursor<Document> cursor = collection.find().iterator()) {
                while (cursor.hasNext()) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * Determine if the supplied {@link MongoIterable} contains an element that is equal to the supplied value.
     * @param iterable the iterable; may not be null
     * @param match the value to find in the iterable; may be null
     * @return {@code true} if a matching value was found, or {@code false} otherwise
    public static <T> boolean contains(MongoIterable<String> iterable, String match) {
        return contains(iterable, v -> Objects.equals(v, match));

     * Determine if the supplied {@link MongoIterable} contains at least one element that satisfies the given predicate.
     * @param iterable the iterable; may not be null
     * @param matcher the predicate function called on each value in the iterable until a match is found; may not be null
     * @return {@code true} if a matching value was found, or {@code false} otherwise
    public static <T> boolean contains(MongoIterable<T> iterable, Predicate<T> matcher) {
        try (MongoCursor<T> cursor = iterable.iterator()) {
            while (cursor.hasNext()) {
                if (matcher.test(
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Parse the server address string, of the form {@code host:port} or {@code host}.
     * <p>
     * The IP address can be either an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address surrounded by square brackets.
     * @param addressStr the string containing the host and port; may be null
     * @return the server address, or {@code null} if the string did not contain a host or host:port pair
    public static ServerAddress parseAddress(String addressStr) {
        if (addressStr != null) {
            addressStr = addressStr.trim();
            Matcher matcher = ADDRESS_PATTERN.matcher(addressStr);
            if (!matcher.matches()) {
                matcher = IPV6_ADDRESS_PATTERN.matcher(addressStr);
            if (matcher.matches()) {
                // Both regex have the same groups
                String host =;
                String port =;
                if (port == null) {
                    return new ServerAddress(host.trim());
                return new ServerAddress(host.trim(), Integer.parseInt(port));
        return null;

     * Parse the comma-separated list of server addresses. The format of the supplied string is one of the following:
     * <pre>
     * replicaSetName/host:port
     * replicaSetName/host:port,host2:port2
     * replicaSetName/host:port,host2:port2,host3:port3
     * host:port
     * host:port,host2:port2
     * host:port,host2:port2,host3:port3
     * </pre>
     * where {@code replicaSetName} is the name of the replica set, {@code host} contains the resolvable hostname or IP address of
     * the server, and {@code port} is the integral port number. If the port is not provided, the
     * {@link ServerAddress#defaultPort() default port} is used. If neither the host or port are provided (or
     * {@code addressString} is {@code null}), then an address will use the {@link ServerAddress#defaultHost() default host} and
     * {@link ServerAddress#defaultPort() default port}.
     * <p>
     * The IP address can be either an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address surrounded by square brackets.
     * <p>
     * This method does not use the replica set name.
     * @param addressStr the string containing a comma-separated list of host and port pairs, optionally preceded by a
     *            replica set name
     * @return the list of server addresses; never null, but possibly empty
    protected static List<ServerAddress> parseAddresses(String addressStr) {
        List<ServerAddress> addresses = new ArrayList<>();
        if (addressStr != null) {
            addressStr = addressStr.trim();
            for (String address : addressStr.split(ADDRESS_DELIMITER)) {
                String hostAndPort = null;
                if (address.startsWith("[")) {
                    // Definitely an IPv6 address without a replica set name ...
                    hostAndPort = address;
                } else {
                    // May start with replica set name ...
                    int index = address.indexOf("/[");
                    if (index >= 0) {
                        if ((index + 2) < address.length()) {
                            // replica set name with IPv6, so use just the IPv6 address ...
                            hostAndPort = address.substring(index + 1);
                        } else {
                            // replica set name with just opening bracket; this is invalid, so we'll ignore ...
                    } else {
                        // possible replica set name with IPv4 only
                        index = address.indexOf("/");
                        if (index >= 0) {
                            if ((index + 1) < address.length()) {
                                // replica set name with IPv4, so use just the IPv4 address ...
                                hostAndPort = address.substring(index + 1);
                            } else {
                                // replica set name with no address ...
                                hostAndPort = ServerAddress.defaultHost();
                        } else {
                            // No replica set name with IPv4, so use the whole address ...
                            hostAndPort = address;
                ServerAddress newAddress = parseAddress(hostAndPort);
                if (newAddress != null)
        return addresses;

    protected static String toString(ServerAddress address) {
        String host = address.getHost();
        if (host.contains(":")) {
            // IPv6 address, so wrap with square brackets ...
            return "[" + host + "]:" + address.getPort();
        return host + ":" + address.getPort();

    protected static String toString(List<ServerAddress> addresses) {
        return Strings.join(ADDRESS_DELIMITER, addresses);

    private MongoUtil() {