Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to CRATE Technology GmbH ("Crate") under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. Crate licenses * this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * However, if you have executed another commercial license agreement * with Crate these terms will supersede the license and you may use the * software solely pursuant to the terms of the relevant commercial agreement. */ package io.crate.metadata.doc; import; import*; import io.crate.Constants; import io.crate.action.sql.SessionContext; import io.crate.analyze.NumberOfReplicas; import io.crate.analyze.ParamTypeHints; import io.crate.analyze.TableParameterInfo; import io.crate.analyze.expressions.ExpressionAnalysisContext; import io.crate.analyze.expressions.ExpressionAnalyzer; import io.crate.analyze.expressions.TableReferenceResolver; import io.crate.exceptions.TableAliasSchemaException; import io.crate.metadata.*; import io.crate.metadata.table.ColumnPolicy; import io.crate.metadata.table.Operation; import io.crate.sql.parser.SqlParser; import io.crate.sql.tree.Expression; import io.crate.types.ArrayType; import io.crate.types.DataType; import io.crate.types.DataTypes; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias.Alias; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.template.put.PutIndexTemplateRequest; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.template.put.TransportPutIndexTemplateAction; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MappingMetaData; import org.elasticsearch.common.Booleans; import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import java.util.*; public class DocIndexMetaData { private static final String ID = "_id"; private final IndexMetaData metaData; private final MappingMetaData defaultMappingMetaData; private final Map<String, Object> defaultMappingMap; private final Map<ColumnIdent, IndexReference.Builder> indicesBuilder = new HashMap<>(); private final ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<Reference> columnsBuilder = ImmutableSortedSet .orderedBy(new Comparator<Reference>() { @Override public int compare(Reference o1, Reference o2) { return o1.ident().columnIdent().fqn().compareTo(o2.ident().columnIdent().fqn()); } }); // columns should be ordered private final ImmutableMap.Builder<ColumnIdent, Reference> referencesBuilder = ImmutableSortedMap .naturalOrder(); private final ImmutableList.Builder<Reference> partitionedByColumnsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); private final ImmutableList.Builder<GeneratedReference> generatedColumnReferencesBuilder = ImmutableList .builder(); private final Functions functions; private final TableIdent ident; private final int numberOfShards; private final BytesRef numberOfReplicas; private final ImmutableMap<String, Object> tableParameters; private final Map<String, Object> indicesMap; private final List<List<String>> partitionedByList; private final Set<Operation> supportedOperations; private ImmutableList<Reference> columns; private ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, IndexReference> indices; private ImmutableList<Reference> partitionedByColumns; private ImmutableList<GeneratedReference> generatedColumnReferences; private ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, Reference> references; private ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> primaryKey; private ImmutableCollection<ColumnIdent> notNullColumns; private ColumnIdent routingCol; private ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> partitionedBy; private final boolean isAlias; private final Set<String> aliases; private boolean hasAutoGeneratedPrimaryKey = false; private ColumnPolicy columnPolicy = ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC; private Map<String, String> generatedColumns; public DocIndexMetaData(Functions functions, IndexMetaData metaData, TableIdent ident) throws IOException { this.functions = functions; this.ident = ident; this.metaData = metaData; this.isAlias = !metaData.getIndex().equals(ident.indexName()); this.numberOfShards = metaData.getNumberOfShards(); Settings settings = metaData.getSettings(); this.numberOfReplicas = NumberOfReplicas.fromSettings(settings); this.aliases = ImmutableSet.copyOf(metaData.getAliases().keys().toArray(String.class)); this.defaultMappingMetaData = this.metaData.mappingOrDefault(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE); if (defaultMappingMetaData == null) { this.defaultMappingMap = ImmutableMap.of(); } else { this.defaultMappingMap = this.defaultMappingMetaData.sourceAsMap(); } this.tableParameters = TableParameterInfo.tableParametersFromIndexMetaData(metaData); Map<String, Object> metaMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "_meta"); indicesMap = getNested(metaMap, "indices", ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of()); partitionedByList = getNested(metaMap, "partitioned_by", ImmutableList.<List<String>>of()); generatedColumns = getNested(metaMap, "generated_columns", ImmutableMap.<String, String>of()); if (isAlias && partitionedByList.isEmpty()) { supportedOperations = Operation.READ_ONLY; } else { supportedOperations = Operation.buildFromIndexSettings(metaData.getSettings()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T> T getNested(Map map, String key) { return (T) map.get(key); } private static <T> T getNested(@Nullable Map map, String key, T defaultValue) { if (map == null) { return defaultValue; } Object o = map.get(key); if (o == null) { return defaultValue; } //noinspection unchecked return (T) o; } private void addPartitioned(ColumnIdent column, DataType type) { add(column, type, ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC, Reference.IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED, true, true); } private void add(ColumnIdent column, DataType type, Reference.IndexType indexType, boolean isNotNull) { add(column, type, ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC, indexType, false, isNotNull); } private void add(ColumnIdent column, DataType type, ColumnPolicy columnPolicy, Reference.IndexType indexType, boolean partitioned, boolean isNotNull) { Reference info; String generatedExpression = generatedColumns.get(column.fqn()); if (generatedExpression == null) { info = newInfo(column, type, columnPolicy, indexType, isNotNull); } else { info = newGeneratedColumnInfo(column, type, columnPolicy, indexType, generatedExpression, isNotNull); } // don't add it if there is a partitioned equivalent of this column if (partitioned || !(partitionedBy != null && partitionedBy.contains(column))) { if (info.ident().isColumn()) { columnsBuilder.add(info); } referencesBuilder.put(info.ident().columnIdent(), info); if (info instanceof GeneratedReference) { generatedColumnReferencesBuilder.add((GeneratedReference) info); } } if (partitioned) { partitionedByColumnsBuilder.add(info); } } private void addGeoReference(ColumnIdent column, @Nullable String tree, @Nullable String precision, @Nullable Integer treeLevels, @Nullable Double distanceErrorPct) { GeoReference info = new GeoReference(refIdent(column), tree, precision, treeLevels, distanceErrorPct); columnsBuilder.add(info); referencesBuilder.put(column, info); } private ReferenceIdent refIdent(ColumnIdent column) { return new ReferenceIdent(ident, column); } private GeneratedReference newGeneratedColumnInfo(ColumnIdent column, DataType type, ColumnPolicy columnPolicy, Reference.IndexType indexType, String generatedExpression, boolean isNotNull) { return new GeneratedReference(refIdent(column), granularity(column), type, columnPolicy, indexType, generatedExpression, isNotNull); } private RowGranularity granularity(ColumnIdent column) { if (partitionedBy.contains(column)) { return RowGranularity.PARTITION; } return RowGranularity.DOC; } private Reference newInfo(ColumnIdent column, DataType type, ColumnPolicy columnPolicy, Reference.IndexType indexType, boolean nullable) { return new Reference(refIdent(column), granularity(column), type, columnPolicy, indexType, nullable); } /** * extract dataType from given columnProperties * * @param columnProperties map of String to Object containing column properties * @return dataType of the column with columnProperties */ public static DataType getColumnDataType(Map<String, Object> columnProperties) { DataType type; String typeName = (String) columnProperties.get("type"); if (typeName == null) { if (columnProperties.containsKey("properties")) { type = DataTypes.OBJECT; } else { return DataTypes.NOT_SUPPORTED; } } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("array")) { Map<String, Object> innerProperties = getNested(columnProperties, "inner"); DataType innerType = getColumnDataType(innerProperties); type = new ArrayType(innerType); } else { typeName = typeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); type = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(DataTypes.ofMappingName(typeName), DataTypes.NOT_SUPPORTED); } return type; } private Reference.IndexType getColumnIndexType(Map<String, Object> columnProperties) { String indexType = (String) columnProperties.get("index"); String analyzerName = (String) columnProperties.get("analyzer"); if (indexType != null) { if (indexType.equals(Reference.IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED.toString())) { return Reference.IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED; } else if (indexType.equals(Reference.IndexType.NO.toString())) { return Reference.IndexType.NO; } else if (indexType.equals(Reference.IndexType.ANALYZED.toString()) && analyzerName != null && !analyzerName.equals("keyword")) { return Reference.IndexType.ANALYZED; } } // default indexType is analyzed so need to check analyzerName if indexType is null else if (analyzerName != null && !analyzerName.equals("keyword")) { return Reference.IndexType.ANALYZED; } return Reference.IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED; } private static ColumnIdent childIdent(@Nullable ColumnIdent ident, String name) { if (ident == null) { return new ColumnIdent(name); } return ColumnIdent.getChild(ident, name); } /** * extracts index definitions as well */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void internalExtractColumnDefinitions(@Nullable ColumnIdent columnIdent, @Nullable Map<String, Object> propertiesMap) { if (propertiesMap == null) { return; } for (Map.Entry<String, Object> columnEntry : propertiesMap.entrySet()) { Map<String, Object> columnProperties = (Map) columnEntry.getValue(); DataType columnDataType = getColumnDataType(columnProperties); ColumnIdent newIdent = childIdent(columnIdent, columnEntry.getKey()); boolean nullable = !notNullColumns.contains(newIdent); columnProperties = furtherColumnProperties(columnProperties); Reference.IndexType columnIndexType = getColumnIndexType(columnProperties); if (columnDataType == DataTypes.GEO_SHAPE) { String geoTree = (String) columnProperties.get("tree"); String precision = (String) columnProperties.get("precision"); Integer treeLevels = (Integer) columnProperties.get("tree_levels"); Double distanceErrorPct = (Double) columnProperties.get("distance_error_pct"); addGeoReference(newIdent, geoTree, precision, treeLevels, distanceErrorPct); } else if (columnDataType == DataTypes.OBJECT || ( == ArrayType.ID && ((ArrayType) columnDataType).innerType() == DataTypes.OBJECT)) { ColumnPolicy columnPolicy = ColumnPolicy.of(columnProperties.get("dynamic")); add(newIdent, columnDataType, columnPolicy, Reference.IndexType.NO, false, nullable); if (columnProperties.get("properties") != null) { // walk nested internalExtractColumnDefinitions(newIdent, (Map<String, Object>) columnProperties.get("properties")); } } else if (columnDataType != DataTypes.NOT_SUPPORTED) { List<String> copyToColumns = getNested(columnProperties, "copy_to"); // extract columns this column is copied to, needed for indices if (copyToColumns != null) { for (String copyToColumn : copyToColumns) { ColumnIdent targetIdent = ColumnIdent.fromPath(copyToColumn); IndexReference.Builder builder = getOrCreateIndexBuilder(targetIdent); builder.addColumn( newInfo(newIdent, columnDataType, ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC, columnIndexType, false)); } } // is it an index? if (indicesMap.containsKey(newIdent.fqn())) { IndexReference.Builder builder = getOrCreateIndexBuilder(newIdent); builder.indexType(columnIndexType).analyzer((String) columnProperties.get("analyzer")); } else { add(newIdent, columnDataType, columnIndexType, nullable); } } } } /** * get the real column properties from a possible array mapping, * keeping most of this stuff inside "inner" */ private Map<String, Object> furtherColumnProperties(Map<String, Object> columnProperties) { if (columnProperties.get("inner") != null) { return (Map<String, Object>) columnProperties.get("inner"); } else { return columnProperties; } } private IndexReference.Builder getOrCreateIndexBuilder(ColumnIdent ident) { IndexReference.Builder builder = indicesBuilder.get(ident); if (builder == null) { builder = new IndexReference.Builder(refIdent(ident)); indicesBuilder.put(ident, builder); } return builder; } private ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> getPrimaryKey() { Map<String, Object> metaMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "_meta"); if (metaMap != null) { ImmutableList.Builder<ColumnIdent> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); Object pKeys = metaMap.get("primary_keys"); if (pKeys != null) { if (pKeys instanceof String) { builder.add(ColumnIdent.fromPath((String) pKeys)); return; } else if (pKeys instanceof Collection) { Collection keys = (Collection) pKeys; if (!keys.isEmpty()) { for (Object pkey : keys) { builder.add(ColumnIdent.fromPath(pkey.toString())); } return; } } } } if (getCustomRoutingCol() == null && partitionedByList.isEmpty()) { hasAutoGeneratedPrimaryKey = true; return ImmutableList.of(DocSysColumns.ID); } return ImmutableList.of(); } private ImmutableCollection<ColumnIdent> getNotNullColumns() { Map<String, Object> metaMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "_meta"); if (metaMap != null) { ImmutableSet.Builder<ColumnIdent> builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); Map<String, Object> constraintsMap = getNested(metaMap, "constraints"); if (constraintsMap != null) { Object notNullColumnsMeta = constraintsMap.get("not_null"); if (notNullColumnsMeta != null) { Collection notNullColumns = (Collection) notNullColumnsMeta; if (!notNullColumns.isEmpty()) { for (Object notNullColumn : notNullColumns) { builder.add(ColumnIdent.fromPath(notNullColumn.toString())); } return; } } } } return ImmutableList.of(); } private ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> getPartitionedBy() { ImmutableList.Builder<ColumnIdent> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (List<String> partitionedByInfo : partitionedByList) { builder.add(ColumnIdent.fromPath(partitionedByInfo.get(0))); } return; } private ColumnPolicy getColumnPolicy() { Object dynamic = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "dynamic"); if (ColumnPolicy.STRICT.value().equals(String.valueOf(dynamic).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) { return ColumnPolicy.STRICT; } else if (Booleans.isExplicitFalse(String.valueOf(dynamic))) { return ColumnPolicy.IGNORED; } else { return ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC; } } private void createColumnDefinitions() { Map<String, Object> propertiesMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "properties"); internalExtractColumnDefinitions(null, propertiesMap); extractPartitionedByColumns(); } private ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, IndexReference> createIndexDefinitions() { ImmutableMap.Builder<ColumnIdent, IndexReference> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<ColumnIdent, IndexReference.Builder> entry : indicesBuilder.entrySet()) { builder.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().build()); } indices =; return indices; } private void extractPartitionedByColumns() { for (Tuple<ColumnIdent, DataType> partitioned : PartitionedByMappingExtractor .extractPartitionedByColumns(partitionedByList)) { addPartitioned(partitioned.v1(), partitioned.v2()); } } private ColumnIdent getCustomRoutingCol() { if (defaultMappingMetaData != null) { Map<String, Object> metaMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "_meta"); if (metaMap != null) { String routingPath = (String) metaMap.get("routing"); if (routingPath != null && !routingPath.equals(ID)) { return ColumnIdent.fromPath(routingPath); } } } return null; } private ColumnIdent getRoutingCol() { ColumnIdent col = getCustomRoutingCol(); if (col != null) { return col; } if (primaryKey.size() == 1) { return primaryKey.get(0); } return DocSysColumns.ID; } private void initializeGeneratedExpressions() { if (generatedColumnReferences.isEmpty()) { return; } Collection<Reference> references = this.references.values(); TableReferenceResolver tableReferenceResolver = new TableReferenceResolver(references); ExpressionAnalyzer expressionAnalyzer = new ExpressionAnalyzer(functions, SessionContext.SYSTEM_SESSION, ParamTypeHints.EMPTY, tableReferenceResolver, null); ExpressionAnalysisContext context = new ExpressionAnalysisContext(); for (Reference reference : generatedColumnReferences) { GeneratedReference generatedReference = (GeneratedReference) reference; Expression expression = SqlParser.createExpression(generatedReference.formattedGeneratedExpression()); generatedReference.generatedExpression(expressionAnalyzer.convert(expression, context)); generatedReference.referencedReferences(ImmutableList.copyOf(tableReferenceResolver.references())); tableReferenceResolver.references().clear(); } } public DocIndexMetaData build() { notNullColumns = getNotNullColumns(); partitionedBy = getPartitionedBy(); columnPolicy = getColumnPolicy(); createColumnDefinitions(); indices = createIndexDefinitions(); columns = ImmutableList.copyOf(; partitionedByColumns =; for (Tuple<ColumnIdent, Reference> sysColumn : DocSysColumns.forTable(ident)) { referencesBuilder.put(sysColumn.v1(), sysColumn.v2()); } references =; generatedColumnReferences =; primaryKey = getPrimaryKey(); routingCol = getRoutingCol(); initializeGeneratedExpressions(); return this; } public ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, Reference> references() { return references; } public ImmutableList<Reference> columns() { return columns; } public ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, IndexReference> indices() { return indices; } public ImmutableList<Reference> partitionedByColumns() { return partitionedByColumns; } public ImmutableList<GeneratedReference> generatedColumnReferences() { return generatedColumnReferences; } public ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> primaryKey() { return primaryKey; } public ColumnIdent routingCol() { return routingCol; } /** * Returns true if the schema of this and <code>other</code> is the same, * this includes the table name, as this is reflected in the ReferenceIdents of * the columns. */ public boolean schemaEquals(DocIndexMetaData other) { if (this == other) return true; if (other == null) return false; // TODO: when analyzers are exposed in the info, equality has to be checked on them // see: TransportSQLActionTest.testSelectTableAliasSchemaExceptionColumnDefinition if (columns != null ? !columns.equals(other.columns) : other.columns != null) return false; if (primaryKey != null ? !primaryKey.equals(other.primaryKey) : other.primaryKey != null) return false; if (indices != null ? !indices.equals(other.indices) : other.indices != null) return false; if (references != null ? !references.equals(other.references) : other.references != null) return false; if (routingCol != null ? !routingCol.equals(other.routingCol) : other.routingCol != null) return false; return true; } protected DocIndexMetaData merge(DocIndexMetaData other, TransportPutIndexTemplateAction transportPutIndexTemplateAction, boolean thisIsCreatedFromTemplate) throws IOException { if (schemaEquals(other)) { return this; } else if (thisIsCreatedFromTemplate) { if (this.references.size() < other.references.size()) { // this is older, update template and return other // settings in template are always authoritative for table information about // number_of_shards and number_of_replicas updateTemplate(other, transportPutIndexTemplateAction, this.metaData.getSettings()); // merge the new mapping with the template settings return new DocIndexMetaData(functions, IndexMetaData.builder(other.metaData).settings(this.metaData.getSettings()).build(), other.ident).build(); } else if (references().size() == other.references().size() && !references().keySet().equals(other.references().keySet())) { XContentHelper.update(defaultMappingMap, other.defaultMappingMap, false); // update the template with new information updateTemplate(this, transportPutIndexTemplateAction, this.metaData.getSettings()); return this; } // other is older, just return this return this; } else { throw new TableAliasSchemaException(; } } private void updateTemplate(DocIndexMetaData md, TransportPutIndexTemplateAction transportPutIndexTemplateAction, Settings updateSettings) { String templateName = PartitionName.templateName(ident.schema(),; PutIndexTemplateRequest request = new PutIndexTemplateRequest(templateName) .mapping(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE, md.defaultMappingMap).create(false) .settings(updateSettings).template(templateName + "*"); for (String alias : md.aliases()) { request = request.alias(new Alias(alias)); } transportPutIndexTemplateAction.execute(request); } /** * @return the name of the underlying index even if this table is referenced by alias */ public String concreteIndexName() { return metaData.getIndex(); } public boolean isAlias() { return isAlias; } public Set<String> aliases() { return aliases; } public boolean hasAutoGeneratedPrimaryKey() { return hasAutoGeneratedPrimaryKey; } public int numberOfShards() { return numberOfShards; } public BytesRef numberOfReplicas() { return numberOfReplicas; } public ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> partitionedBy() { return partitionedBy; } public ColumnPolicy columnPolicy() { return columnPolicy; } public ImmutableMap<String, Object> tableParameters() { return tableParameters; } private ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, String> getAnalyzers(ColumnIdent columnIdent, Map<String, Object> propertiesMap) { ImmutableMap.Builder<ColumnIdent, String> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> columnEntry : propertiesMap.entrySet()) { Map<String, Object> columnProperties = (Map) columnEntry.getValue(); DataType columnDataType = getColumnDataType(columnProperties); ColumnIdent newIdent = childIdent(columnIdent, columnEntry.getKey()); columnProperties = furtherColumnProperties(columnProperties); if (columnDataType == DataTypes.OBJECT || ( == ArrayType.ID && ((ArrayType) columnDataType).innerType() == DataTypes.OBJECT)) { if (columnProperties.get("properties") != null) { builder.putAll( getAnalyzers(newIdent, (Map<String, Object>) columnProperties.get("properties"))); } } String analyzer = (String) columnProperties.get("analyzer"); if (analyzer != null) { builder.put(newIdent, analyzer); } } return; } public ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, String> analyzers() { Map<String, Object> propertiesMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "properties"); if (propertiesMap == null) { return ImmutableMap.of(); } else { return getAnalyzers(null, propertiesMap); } } public Set<Operation> supportedOperations() { return supportedOperations; } }