Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to CRATE Technology GmbH ("Crate") under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. Crate licenses * this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * However, if you have executed another commercial license agreement * with Crate these terms will supersede the license and you may use the * software solely pursuant to the terms of the relevant commercial agreement. */ package io.crate.analyze.where; import; import; import io.crate.analyze.EvaluatingNormalizer; import io.crate.analyze.symbol.*; import io.crate.metadata.*; import io.crate.operation.operator.EqOperator; import io.crate.operation.operator.any.AnyEqOperator; import io.crate.types.CollectionType; import io.crate.types.DataType; import io.crate.types.DataTypes; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import java.util.*; class EqualityExtractor { private static final Function NULL_MARKER = new Function( new FunctionInfo(new FunctionIdent("null_marker", ImmutableList.<DataType>of()), DataTypes.UNDEFINED), ImmutableList.<Symbol>of()); private static final EqProxy NULL_MARKER_PROXY = new EqProxy(NULL_MARKER); private EvaluatingNormalizer normalizer; EqualityExtractor(EvaluatingNormalizer normalizer) { this.normalizer = normalizer; } List<List<Symbol>> extractParentMatches(List<ColumnIdent> columns, Symbol symbol, @Nullable TransactionContext transactionContext) { return extractMatches(columns, symbol, false, transactionContext); } List<List<Symbol>> extractExactMatches(List<ColumnIdent> columns, Symbol symbol, @Nullable TransactionContext transactionContext) { return extractMatches(columns, symbol, true, transactionContext); } private List<List<Symbol>> extractMatches(Collection<ColumnIdent> columns, Symbol symbol, boolean exact, @Nullable TransactionContext transactionContext) { EqualityExtractor.ProxyInjectingVisitor.Context context = new EqualityExtractor.ProxyInjectingVisitor.Context( columns, exact); Symbol proxiedTree = ProxyInjectingVisitor.INSTANCE.process(symbol, context); // bail out if we have any unknown part in the tree if (context.exact && context.seenUnknown) { return null; } List<Set<EqProxy>> comparisons = context.comparisonSet(); Set<List<EqProxy>> cp = Sets.cartesianProduct(comparisons); List<List<Symbol>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<EqProxy> proxies : cp) { boolean anyNull = false; for (EqProxy proxy : proxies) { if (proxy != NULL_MARKER_PROXY) { proxy.setTrue(); } else { anyNull = true; } } Symbol normalized = normalizer.normalize(proxiedTree, transactionContext); if (normalized == Literal.BOOLEAN_TRUE) { if (anyNull) { return null; } if (!proxies.isEmpty()) { List<Symbol> row = new ArrayList<>(proxies.size()); for (EqProxy proxy : proxies) { proxy.reset(); row.add(proxy.origin.arguments().get(1)); } result.add(row); } } else { for (EqProxy proxy : proxies) { proxy.reset(); } } } return result.isEmpty() ? null : result; } /** * Wraps any_= functions and exhibits the same logical semantics like * OR-chained comparisons. * <p> * creates EqProxies for every single any array element * and shares pre existing proxies - so true value can be set on * this "parent" if a shared comparison is "true" */ private static class AnyEqProxy extends EqProxy implements Iterable<EqProxy> { private Map<Function, EqProxy> proxies; @Nullable private ChildEqProxy delegate = null; private AnyEqProxy(Function compared, Map<Function, EqProxy> existingProxies) { super(compared); initProxies(existingProxies); } private void initProxies(Map<Function, EqProxy> existingProxies) { Symbol left = origin.arguments().get(0); DataType leftType =; DataType rightType = ((CollectionType); FunctionInfo eqInfo = new FunctionInfo( new FunctionIdent(EqOperator.NAME, ImmutableList.of(leftType, rightType)), DataTypes.BOOLEAN); Literal arrayLiteral = (Literal) origin.arguments().get(1); proxies = new HashMap<>(); for (Literal arrayElem : Literal.explodeCollection(arrayLiteral)) { Function f = new Function(eqInfo, Arrays.asList(left, arrayElem)); EqProxy existingProxy = existingProxies.get(f); if (existingProxy == null) { existingProxy = new ChildEqProxy(f, this); } else if (existingProxy instanceof ChildEqProxy) { ((ChildEqProxy) existingProxy).addParent(this); } proxies.put(f, existingProxy); } } @Override public Iterator<EqProxy> iterator() { return proxies.values().iterator(); } @Override public <C, R> R accept(SymbolVisitor<C, R> visitor, C context) { if (delegate != null) { return delegate.accept(visitor, context); } return super.accept(visitor, context); } private void setDelegate(@Nullable ChildEqProxy childEqProxy) { delegate = childEqProxy; } private void cleanDelegate() { delegate = null; } private static class ChildEqProxy extends EqProxy { private List<AnyEqProxy> parentProxies = new ArrayList<>(); private ChildEqProxy(Function origin, AnyEqProxy parent) { super(origin); this.addParent(parent); } private void addParent(AnyEqProxy parentProxy) { parentProxies.add(parentProxy); } @Override public void setTrue() { super.setTrue(); for (AnyEqProxy parent : parentProxies) { parent.setTrue(); parent.setDelegate(this); } } @Override public void reset() { super.reset(); for (AnyEqProxy parent : parentProxies) { parent.reset(); parent.cleanDelegate(); } } } } static class EqProxy extends Symbol { protected Symbol current; protected final Function origin; private Function origin() { return origin; } EqProxy(Function origin) { this.origin = origin; this.current = origin; } public void reset() { this.current = origin; } public void setTrue() { this.current = Literal.BOOLEAN_TRUE; } @Override public SymbolType symbolType() { return current.symbolType(); } @Override public <C, R> R accept(SymbolVisitor<C, R> visitor, C context) { return current.accept(visitor, context); } @Override public DataType valueType() { return current.valueType(); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public String forDisplay() { if (this == NULL_MARKER_PROXY) { return "NULL"; } String s = "(" + ((Reference) origin.arguments().get(0)).ident().columnIdent().fqn() + "=" + ((Literal) origin.arguments().get(1)).value() + ")"; if (current != origin) { s += " TRUE"; } return s; } @Override public String toString() { return "EqProxy{" + forDisplay() + "}"; } } static class ProxyInjectingVisitor extends SymbolVisitor<ProxyInjectingVisitor.Context, Symbol> { public static final ProxyInjectingVisitor INSTANCE = new ProxyInjectingVisitor(); private ProxyInjectingVisitor() { } static class Comparison { final HashMap<Function, EqProxy> proxies = new HashMap<>(); public Comparison() { proxies.put(NULL_MARKER, NULL_MARKER_PROXY); } public EqProxy add(Function compared) { if ( { AnyEqProxy anyEqProxy = new AnyEqProxy(compared, proxies); for (EqProxy proxiedProxy : anyEqProxy) { if (!proxies.containsKey(proxiedProxy.origin())) { proxies.put(proxiedProxy.origin(), proxiedProxy); } } return anyEqProxy; } EqProxy proxy = proxies.get(compared); if (proxy == null) { proxy = new EqProxy(compared); proxies.put(compared, proxy); } return proxy; } } static class Context { private LinkedHashMap<ColumnIdent, Comparison> comparisons; private boolean proxyBelow; private boolean seenUnknown = false; private final boolean exact; private Context(Collection<ColumnIdent> references, boolean exact) { this.exact = exact; comparisons = new LinkedHashMap<>(references.size()); for (ColumnIdent reference : references) { comparisons.put(reference, new Comparison()); } } private List<Set<EqProxy>> comparisonSet() { List<Set<EqProxy>> comps = new ArrayList<>(comparisons.size()); for (Comparison comparison : comparisons.values()) { // TODO: probably create a view instead of a seperate set comps.add(new HashSet<>(comparison.proxies.values())); } return comps; } } @Override protected Symbol visitSymbol(Symbol symbol, Context context) { return symbol; } @Override public Symbol visitMatchPredicate(MatchPredicate matchPredicate, Context context) { context.seenUnknown = true; return Literal.BOOLEAN_TRUE; } @Override public Symbol visitReference(Reference symbol, Context context) { if (!context.comparisons.containsKey(symbol.ident().columnIdent())) { context.seenUnknown = true; } return super.visitReference(symbol, context); } public Symbol visitFunction(Function function, Context context) { String functionName =; if (functionName.equals(EqOperator.NAME)) { if (function.arguments().get(0) instanceof Reference) { Comparison comparison = context.comparisons .get(((Reference) function.arguments().get(0)).ident().columnIdent()); if (comparison != null) { context.proxyBelow = true; return comparison.add(function); } } } else if (functionName.equals(AnyEqOperator.NAME) && function.arguments().get(1).symbolType().isValueSymbol()) { // ref = any ([1,2,3]) if (function.arguments().get(0) instanceof Reference) { Reference reference = (Reference) function.arguments().get(0); Comparison comparison = context.comparisons.get(reference.ident().columnIdent()); if (comparison != null) { context.proxyBelow = true; return comparison.add(function); } } } boolean proxyBelowPre = context.proxyBelow; boolean proxyBelowPost = proxyBelowPre; ArrayList<Symbol> args = new ArrayList<>(function.arguments().size()); for (Symbol arg : function.arguments()) { context.proxyBelow = proxyBelowPre; args.add(process(arg, context)); proxyBelowPost = context.proxyBelow || proxyBelowPost; } context.proxyBelow = proxyBelowPost; if (!context.proxyBelow && function.valueType().equals(DataTypes.BOOLEAN)) { return Literal.BOOLEAN_TRUE; } return new Function(, args); } } }