Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) GmbH. All rights reserved. * * This software is confidential and proprietary information. * You shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the * license agreement you entered into with GmbH. ******************************************************************************/ package io.cortical.model; import; import; import; import; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; /** * Testing ExpressionFactory class . */ public class TestExpressionFactory { /** * */ private static final String CAR = "car"; private static final String JAGUAR = "jaguar"; private static final String CAR_STRING = "This is a sample text about cars"; private static final String JAGUAT_STRING = "This is a sample text about jaguars"; private static final int[] FINGERPRINT_ARRAY_1 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 }; private static final int[] FINGERPRINT_ARRAY_2 = new int[] { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 }; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_CAR_TERM = prepareJson( "{ \"term\" : \"car\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0}"); private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_JAGUAR_TERM = "{ \"term\" : \"jaguar\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0}"; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_CAR_TEXT = "{ \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about cars\"}"; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_JAGUAR_TEXT = "{ \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about jaguars\"}"; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_FINGERPRINT_1 = "{ \"positions\" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 ]}"; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_FINGERPRINT_2 = "{ \"positions\" : [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 ]}"; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_AND_EXPRESSION_1 = "{ \"and\" : [ { \"term\" : \"car\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0 }, { \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about jaguars\" } ]}"; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_AND_EXPRESSION_2 = "{ \"and\" : [ { \"term\" : \"jaguar\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0 }, { \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about cars\" }, { \"and\" : [ { \"term\" : \"car\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0 }, { \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about jaguars\" } ] } ]}"; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_OR_EXPRESSION_1 = "{ \"or\" : [ { \"term\" : \"car\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0 }, { \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about jaguars\" } ]}"; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_OR_EXPRESSION_2 = "{ \"or\" : [ { \"term\" : \"jaguar\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0 }, { \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about cars\" }, { \"or\" : [ { \"term\" : \"car\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0 }, { \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about jaguars\" } ] } ]}"; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_SUB_EXPRESSION_1 = "{ \"sub\" : [ { \"term\" : \"car\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0 }, { \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about jaguars\" } ]}"; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_SUB_EXPRESSION_2 = "{ \"sub\" : [ { \"term\" : \"jaguar\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0 }, { \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about cars\" }, { \"sub\" : [ { \"term\" : \"car\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0 }, { \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about jaguars\" } ] } ]}"; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_XOR_EXPRESSION_1 = "{ \"xor\" : [ { \"term\" : \"car\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0 }, { \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about jaguars\" } ]}"; private static final String EXPECTED_JSON_XOR_EXPRESSION_2 = "{ \"xor\" : [ { \"term\" : \"jaguar\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0 }, { \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about cars\" }, { \"xor\" : [ { \"term\" : \"car\", \"df\" : 0.0, \"score\" : 0.0 }, { \"text\" : \"This is a sample text about jaguars\" } ] } ]}"; /** * */ private Term carTermExpected = new Term(CAR); private Term jaguarTermExpected = new Term(JAGUAR); private Text carTextExpected = new Text(CAR_STRING); private Text jaguarTextExpected = new Text(JAGUAT_STRING); private Fingerprint fingerprint1Expected = fingerprint(FINGERPRINT_ARRAY_1); private Fingerprint fingerprint2Expected = fingerprint(FINGERPRINT_ARRAY_2); @Test public void termTest() throws JsonProcessingException { Term termCarActual = term(CAR); assertEquals(carTermExpected.getTerm(), termCarActual.getTerm()); assertEquals(new Double(0.0), new Double(termCarActual.getDf())); assertNull(termCarActual.getFingerprint()); assertNull(termCarActual.getPosTypes()); assertEquals(new Double(0.0), new Double(termCarActual.getScore())); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_CAR_TERM, prepareJson(termCarActual.toJson())); Term termJaguarActual = term(JAGUAR); assertEquals(termJaguarActual.getTerm(), jaguarTermExpected.getTerm()); assertEquals(new Double(0.0), new Double(termJaguarActual.getDf())); assertNull(termJaguarActual.getFingerprint()); assertNull(termJaguarActual.getPosTypes()); assertEquals(new Double(0.0), new Double(termJaguarActual.getScore())); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_JAGUAR_TERM, prepareJson(termJaguarActual.toJson())); } @Test public void textTest() throws JsonProcessingException { Text textCarActual = text(CAR_STRING); assertEquals(carTextExpected.getText(), textCarActual.getText()); assertNull(textCarActual.getFingerprint()); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_CAR_TEXT, prepareJson(textCarActual.toJson())); Text textJaguarActual = text(JAGUAT_STRING); assertEquals(jaguarTextExpected.getText(), textJaguarActual.getText()); assertNull(textJaguarActual.getFingerprint()); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_JAGUAR_TEXT, prepareJson(textJaguarActual.toJson())); } @Test public void fingerprintTest() throws JsonProcessingException { Fingerprint fingerprint1Actual = fingerprint(FINGERPRINT_ARRAY_1); assertEquals(fingerprint1Expected.getPositions(), fingerprint1Actual.getPositions()); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_FINGERPRINT_1, prepareJson(fingerprint1Actual.toJson())); Fingerprint fingerprint2Actual = fingerprint(FINGERPRINT_ARRAY_2); assertEquals(fingerprint2Expected.getPositions(), fingerprint2Actual.getPositions()); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_FINGERPRINT_2, prepareJson(fingerprint2Actual.toJson())); } @Test public void andExpressionTest() throws JsonProcessingException { Model actualAndExpression1 = and(carTermExpected, jaguarTextExpected); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_AND_EXPRESSION_1, prepareJson(actualAndExpression1.toJson())); Model actualAndExpression2 = and(jaguarTermExpected, carTextExpected, actualAndExpression1); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_AND_EXPRESSION_2, prepareJson(actualAndExpression2.toJson())); } @Test public void orExpressionTest() throws JsonProcessingException { Model actualOrExpression1 = or(carTermExpected, jaguarTextExpected); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_OR_EXPRESSION_1, prepareJson(actualOrExpression1.toJson())); Model actualOrExpression2 = or(jaguarTermExpected, carTextExpected, actualOrExpression1); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_OR_EXPRESSION_2, prepareJson(actualOrExpression2.toJson())); } @Test public void subExpressionTest() throws JsonProcessingException { Model actualSubExpression1 = sub(carTermExpected, jaguarTextExpected); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_SUB_EXPRESSION_1, prepareJson(actualSubExpression1.toJson())); Model actualSubExpression2 = sub(jaguarTermExpected, carTextExpected, actualSubExpression1); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_SUB_EXPRESSION_2, prepareJson(actualSubExpression2.toJson())); } @Test public void xorExpressionTest() throws JsonProcessingException { Model actualXorExpression1 = xor(carTermExpected, jaguarTextExpected); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_XOR_EXPRESSION_1, prepareJson(actualXorExpression1.toJson())); Model actualXorExpression2 = xor(jaguarTermExpected, carTextExpected, actualXorExpression1); assertEquals(EXPECTED_JSON_XOR_EXPRESSION_2, prepareJson(actualXorExpression2.toJson())); } private static String prepareJson(String json) { return json.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", ""); } }