Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Apache License v2.0 which accompany this distribution. * * The Apache License is available at * * *******************************************************************************/ package io.cloudslang.score.lang; import io.cloudslang.score.api.EndBranchDataContainer; import; import io.cloudslang.score.api.StartBranchDataContainer; import io.cloudslang.score.facade.execution.ExecutionStatus; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; /** * User: * Date: 11/06/2014 */ public class ExecutionRuntimeServices implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2557429503280678353L; protected static final String EXECUTION_PAUSED = "EXECUTION_PAUSED"; private static final String BRANCH_DATA = "BRANCH_DATA"; protected static final String SCORE_EVENTS_QUEUE = "SCORE_EVENTS_QUEUE"; protected static final String NO_WORKERS_IN_GROUP = "NO_WORKERS_IN_GROUP"; private static final String NEW_SPLIT_ID = "NEW_SPLIT_ID"; private static final String BRANCH_ID = "BRANCH_ID"; private static final String EXECUTION_ID_CONTEXT = "executionIdContext"; private static final String EXECUTION_STEP_ERROR_KEY = "EXECUTION_STEP_ERROR_KEY"; private static final String FINISHED_CHILD_BRANCHES_DATA = "FINISHED_CHILD_BRANCHES_DATA"; private static final String RUNNING_PLANS_MAP = "RUNNING_PLANS_MAP"; private static final String BEGIN_STEPS_MAP = "BEGIN_STEPS_MAP"; private static final String FLOW_TERMINATION_TYPE = "FLOW_TERMINATION_TYPE"; private static final String REQUESTED_EXECUTION_PLAN_ID = "REQUESTED_EXECUTION_PLAN_ID"; public static final String LANGUAGE_TYPE = "LANGUAGE_TYPE"; private static final String METADATA = "METADATA"; protected Map<String, Serializable> contextMap = new HashMap<>(); public ExecutionRuntimeServices() { } /** * copy constructor that clean the NEW_SPLIT_ID & BRANCH_ID keys * @param executionRuntimeServices */ public ExecutionRuntimeServices(ExecutionRuntimeServices executionRuntimeServices) { contextMap.putAll(executionRuntimeServices.contextMap); contextMap.remove(NEW_SPLIT_ID); contextMap.remove(BRANCH_ID); } /** * setter for the finished child brunches data * @param data - list of EndBranchDataContainer */ public void setFinishedChildBranchesData(ArrayList<EndBranchDataContainer> data) { Validate.isTrue(!contextMap.containsKey(FINISHED_CHILD_BRANCHES_DATA), "not allowed to overwrite finished branches data"); contextMap.put(FINISHED_CHILD_BRANCHES_DATA, data); } /** * put all the data relevant for sub flows: map of runningPlanIds and list of BeginStepIds * @param runningPlansIds - map of flowUUID to runningPlanId * @param beginStepsIds - map of flowUUID to beginStepId */ public void setSubFlowsData(Map<String, Long> runningPlansIds, Map<String, Long> beginStepsIds) { contextMap.put(RUNNING_PLANS_MAP, (Serializable) runningPlansIds); contextMap.put(BEGIN_STEPS_MAP, (Serializable) beginStepsIds); } /** * * @param subFlowUuid - the required sub flow UUID * @return the id of the runningPlan of the given flow */ public Long getSubFlowRunningExecutionPlan(String subFlowUuid) { return ((Map<String, Long>) contextMap.get(RUNNING_PLANS_MAP)).get(subFlowUuid); } /** * * @param subFlowUuid - the required sub flow UUID * @return the begin step of the given flow */ public Long getSubFlowBeginStep(String subFlowUuid) { return ((Map<String, Long>) contextMap.get(BEGIN_STEPS_MAP)).get(subFlowUuid); } public String getLanguageName() { return ((String) contextMap.get(LANGUAGE_TYPE)); } public void setLanguageName(String languageName) { contextMap.put(LANGUAGE_TYPE, languageName); } /** * * @return the brunchId of the current execution */ public String getBranchId() { return getFromMap(BRANCH_ID); } /** * setter for the brunch id of the current Execution * @param brunchId */ public void setBranchId(String brunchId) { Validate.isTrue(StringUtils.isEmpty(getBranchId()), "not allowed to overwrite branch id"); contextMap.put(BRANCH_ID, brunchId); } /** * * @return the flow termination type : one of ExecutionStatus values */ public ExecutionStatus getFlowTerminationType() { return getFromMap(FLOW_TERMINATION_TYPE); } /** * set the flow termination type * @param flowTerminationType - from ExecutionStatus */ public void setFlowTerminationType(ExecutionStatus flowTerminationType) { contextMap.put(FLOW_TERMINATION_TYPE, flowTerminationType); } /** * Request the engine to change the running execution plan to a new one * The engine will deal with the request after finishing to execute the curretn step * @param runningExecutionPlanId the new running execution plan id */ public void requestToChangeExecutionPlan(Long runningExecutionPlanId) { contextMap.put(REQUESTED_EXECUTION_PLAN_ID, runningExecutionPlanId); } /** * This method should be used by score engine once it finishes executing a step, and checks * if the running execution plan should be changed * @return the id of the requested running execution plan */ public Long pullRequestForChangingExecutionPlan() { return removeFromMap(REQUESTED_EXECUTION_PLAN_ID); } /** * * @return the error key of the step */ public String getStepErrorKey() { return getFromMap(EXECUTION_STEP_ERROR_KEY); } /** * set the step error key * @param stepErrorKey */ public void setStepErrorKey(String stepErrorKey) { contextMap.put(EXECUTION_STEP_ERROR_KEY, stepErrorKey); } /** * * @return true if there is step error */ public boolean hasStepErrorKey() { return contextMap.containsKey(EXECUTION_STEP_ERROR_KEY); } /** * clean step error key * @return the values cleaned */ public String removeStepErrorKey() { return (String) removeFromMap(EXECUTION_STEP_ERROR_KEY); } /** * * @return the execution id */ public Long getExecutionId() { return getFromMap(EXECUTION_ID_CONTEXT); } /** * set the execution id - should be called only once in score triggering! * @param executionId */ public void setExecutionId(Long executionId) { contextMap.put(EXECUTION_ID_CONTEXT, executionId); } /** * * @return the split id */ public String getSplitId() { return getFromMap(NEW_SPLIT_ID); } /** * set teh split id * @param splitId */ public void setSplitId(String splitId) { Validate.isTrue(StringUtils.isEmpty(getSplitId()), "not allowed to overwrite split id"); contextMap.put(NEW_SPLIT_ID, splitId); } /** * used for asking score to pause your run */ public void pause() { contextMap.put(EXECUTION_PAUSED, Boolean.TRUE); } /** * * @return true if the execution should be paused */ public boolean isPaused() { return contextMap.containsKey(EXECUTION_PAUSED) && contextMap.get(EXECUTION_PAUSED).equals(Boolean.TRUE); } /** * add event - for score to fire * @param eventType - string which is the key you can listen to * @param eventData - the event data */ public void addEvent(String eventType, Serializable eventData) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Queue<ScoreEvent> eventsQueue = getFromMap(SCORE_EVENTS_QUEUE); if (eventsQueue == null) { eventsQueue = new ArrayDeque<>(); contextMap.put(SCORE_EVENTS_QUEUE, (ArrayDeque) eventsQueue); } eventsQueue.add(new ScoreEvent(eventType, getLanguageName(), eventData, getMetaData())); } /** * * @return all the added events */ public ArrayDeque<ScoreEvent> getEvents() { return getFromMap(SCORE_EVENTS_QUEUE); } /** * means we dont have worker with the required group * @param groupName - the name of the missing group */ public void setNoWorkerInGroup(String groupName) { contextMap.put(NO_WORKERS_IN_GROUP, groupName); } /** * * @return the missing group name */ public String getNoWorkerInGroupName() { return getFromMap(NO_WORKERS_IN_GROUP); } protected <T> T getFromMap(String key) { if (contextMap.containsKey(key)) { Serializable value = contextMap.get(key); if (value != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T retVal = (T) value; return retVal; } } return null; } /** * add brunch - means you want to split your execution * @param startPosition - the position in the execution plan the new brunch will point to * @param flowUuid - the flow uuid * @param context - the context of the created brunch */ public void addBranch(Long startPosition, String flowUuid, Map<String, Serializable> context) { Map<String, Long> runningPlansIds = getFromMap(RUNNING_PLANS_MAP); Long runningPlanId = runningPlansIds.get(flowUuid); addBranch(startPosition, runningPlanId, context, new ExecutionRuntimeServices(this)); } protected void addBranch(Long startPosition, Long executionPlanId, Map<String, Serializable> context, ExecutionRuntimeServices executionRuntimeServices) { if (!contextMap.containsKey(BRANCH_DATA)) { contextMap.put(BRANCH_DATA, new ArrayList<StartBranchDataContainer>()); } List<StartBranchDataContainer> branchesData = getFromMap(BRANCH_DATA); Map<String, Serializable> contextMapForBranch = new HashMap<>(executionRuntimeServices.contextMap); contextMapForBranch.remove(BRANCH_DATA); contextMapForBranch.put(SCORE_EVENTS_QUEUE, (ArrayDeque) new ArrayDeque<>()); branchesData.add(new StartBranchDataContainer(startPosition, executionPlanId, context, new SystemContext(contextMapForBranch))); } /** * Removes the branches data and returns it */ public List<StartBranchDataContainer> removeBranchesData() { return removeFromMap(BRANCH_DATA); } /** * @return a list of all branches ended. */ public List<EndBranchDataContainer> getFinishedChildBranchesData() { return (List<EndBranchDataContainer>) removeFromMap(FINISHED_CHILD_BRANCHES_DATA); } public void putMetaData(Map<String, ? extends Serializable> metadata) { contextMap.put(METADATA, (Serializable) metadata); } public Map<String, ? extends Serializable> getMetaData() { return (Map<String, Serializable>) contextMap.get(METADATA); } private <T> T removeFromMap(String key) { if (contextMap.containsKey(key)) { Serializable value = contextMap.remove(key); if (value != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T retVal = (T) value; return retVal; } } return null; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } ExecutionRuntimeServices that = (ExecutionRuntimeServices) o; return new EqualsBuilder().append(this.contextMap, that.contextMap).isEquals(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder().append(this.contextMap).toHashCode(); } }