Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package io.bci; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import io.bci.object.Keypair; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; import net.glxn.qrgen.core.image.ImageType; import net.glxn.qrgen.javase.QRCode; import org.json.*; /** * * @author kai */ public class BitcoinSTLGenerator { private static String publicKey; private static String privateKey; private static String filePrefix; private static String keyFileName; private static int pixelSize = 96; private static boolean noStl = false; private static ArrayList<Keypair> keys; /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Parse command line parameters commandLineParse(args); // Check if save dirs exist and create them if they don't checkSaveDir(); // Call generateQRCode(String) for both public and private key // Expandable for keys read from a file later ByteArrayOutputStream pubKey = generateQRCode(publicKey); ByteArrayOutputStream privKey = generateQRCode(privateKey); // Saves single key // Will be modified to account for JSON files saveKeys(pubKey, privKey); } private static void checkSaveDir() { File imageDir = new File("images"); File stlDir = new File("STLs"); if (!imageDir.exists()) { if (imageDir.mkdir()) { System.out.println("Image directory created successfully!"); } } if (!stlDir.exists()) { if (stlDir.mkdir()) { System.out.println("STL directory created successfully!"); } } } private static ByteArrayOutputStream generateQRCode(String key) { ByteArrayOutputStream qr; // Generate QR Code as PNG qr = QRCode.from(key).to(ImageType.PNG).withSize(getPixelSize(), getPixelSize()).stream(); return qr; } /* @function: saveKeys @parameters: pub: ByteArrayOutputStream containing public key priv: ByteArrayOutputStream containing private key @description: used to save a single key image */ private static void saveKeys(ByteArrayOutputStream pub, ByteArrayOutputStream priv) { String pubFileName = getFilePrefix() + "pubKey"; String privFileName = getFilePrefix() + "privKey"; File pubFile = new File("images/" + pubFileName + ".png"); File privFile = new File("images/" + privFileName + ".png"); // Saving public key first try { FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(pubFile); fout.write(pub.toByteArray()); fout.flush(); fout.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Public key file creation failed: " + pubFile.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Public key file read/write failed: " + pubFile.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { System.out.println("Public key file created: " + pubFile.toString()); } // Then saving the private key try { FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(privFile); fout.write(priv.toByteArray()); fout.flush(); fout.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Private key file creation failed: " + privFile.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Private key file read/write failed: " + privFile.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { System.out.println("Private key file created: " + privFile.toString()); } // Checking for noStl flag. If set, don't create stl files if (!noStl) { drawSTL(pubFile, pubFileName); drawSTL(privFile, privFileName); } } /* @function: saveKeys @parameters: pub: ByteArrayOutputStream containing public key priv: ByteArrayOutputStream containing private key index: current index of json array plus 1 @description: used to save multiple key images */ private static void saveKeys(ByteArrayOutputStream pub, ByteArrayOutputStream priv, int index) { String pubFileName = getFilePrefix() + "pubKey_" + index; String privFileName = getFilePrefix() + "privKey_" + index; File pubFile = new File("images/" + pubFileName + ".png"); File privFile = new File("images/" + privFileName + ".png"); // Saving public key first try { FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(pubFile); fout.write(pub.toByteArray()); fout.flush(); fout.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Public key file creation failed: " + pubFile.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Public key file read/write failed: " + pubFile.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { System.out.println("Public key file created: " + pubFile.toString()); } // Then saving the private key try { FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(privFile); fout.write(priv.toByteArray()); fout.flush(); fout.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Private key file creation failed: " + privFile.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Private key file read/write failed: " + privFile.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { System.out.println("Private key file created: " + privFile.toString()); } // Checking for noStl flag. If set, don't create stl files if (!noStl) { drawSTL(pubFile, pubFileName); drawSTL(privFile, privFileName); } } private static void drawSTL(File qrFile, String filename) { int height = 0; int width = 0; float PLATFORM_RATIO = 2.3f; float PLATFORM_HEIGHT = 1.0f; boolean printPlatform = false; boolean printQRbottom = true; STLDrawer drawer = null; float[] pofloat1 = new float[3]; float[] pofloat2 = new float[3]; float[] pofloat3 = new float[3]; float[] pofloat4 = new float[3]; Color color; int count; BufferedImage image = null; try { drawer = new STLDrawer("STLs/" + filename + ".stl"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Unable to create stl file! - " + filename + ".stl"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { image =; height = image.getHeight(); width = image.getWidth(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Unable to open picture file! - " + qrFile.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } if (printPlatform) { //Base background pofloat1[0] = 0.0f; pofloat1[1] = 0.0f; pofloat1[2] = 0; pofloat2[0] = 0.0f + (float) width; pofloat2[1] = 0.0f + 0.0f; pofloat2[2] = 0; pofloat3[0] = 0.0f + (float) width; pofloat3[1] = 0.0f + (float) height; pofloat3[2] = 0; pofloat4[0] = 0.0f + 0.0f; pofloat4[1] = 0.0f + (float) height; pofloat4[2] = 0; drawer.drawCube(pofloat1, pofloat2, pofloat3, pofloat4, PLATFORM_HEIGHT); //end base background } int[][] drawArray = new int[width + 2][height + 2]; for (int jj = 0; jj < height; jj++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < width; ii++) { color = new Color(image.getRGB(ii, jj)); if (color.equals(Color.BLACK)) { drawArray[ii + 1][height - jj + 1] = 1; //PNG origin starts at top left of image, my origin is bottom left } } } count = 0; for (int jj = 1; jj < height + 2; jj++) //drawTop { for (int ii = 1; ii < width + 2; ii++) { if (drawArray[ii][jj] == 1) { while ((ii + count < width + 2) && (drawArray[ii + count][jj] == 1) && (drawArray[ii + count][jj + 1] == 0)) { count++; } pofloat1[0] = (float) ii; pofloat1[1] = (float) jj; pofloat1[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat4[0] = (float) ii + 0.0f; pofloat4[1] = (float) jj + 1.0f; pofloat4[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat3[0] = (float) ii + count;//1.0f; pofloat3[1] = (float) jj + 1.0f; pofloat3[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat2[0] = (float) ii + 1.0f; pofloat2[1] = (float) jj + 0.0f; pofloat2[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; ii = ii + count; if (count != 0) { drawer.drawTop(pofloat1, pofloat2, pofloat3, pofloat4, PLATFORM_RATIO); } count = 0; } } } count = 0; for (int jj = 1; jj < height + 2; jj++) //bottom { for (int ii = 1; ii < width + 2; ii++) { if (drawArray[ii][jj] == 1) { while ((ii + count < width + 2) && (drawArray[ii + count][jj] == 1) && (drawArray[ii + count][jj - 1] == 0)) { count++; } pofloat1[0] = (float) ii; pofloat1[1] = (float) jj; pofloat1[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat4[0] = (float) ii + 0.0f; pofloat4[1] = (float) jj + 1.0f; pofloat4[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat3[0] = (float) ii + 1.0f; pofloat3[1] = (float) jj + 1.0f; pofloat3[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat2[0] = (float) ii + count;//1.0f; pofloat2[1] = (float) jj + 0.0f; pofloat2[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; if (count != 0) { drawer.drawBottom(pofloat1, pofloat2, pofloat3, pofloat4, PLATFORM_RATIO); } ii = ii + count; count = 0; } } } for (int ii = 1; ii < width + 2; ii++) //draw right { for (int jj = 1; jj < height + 2; jj++) { if (drawArray[ii][jj] == 1) { while ((jj + count < height + 2) && (drawArray[ii][jj + count] == 1) && (drawArray[ii + 1][jj + count] == 0)) { count++; } pofloat1[0] = (float) ii; pofloat1[1] = (float) jj; pofloat1[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat4[0] = (float) ii + 0.0f; pofloat4[1] = (float) jj + 1.0f; pofloat4[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat3[0] = (float) ii + 1.0f; pofloat3[1] = (float) jj + count;//1.0f; pofloat3[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat2[0] = (float) ii + 1.0f; pofloat2[1] = (float) jj + 0.0f; pofloat2[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; if (count != 0) { drawer.drawRight(pofloat1, pofloat2, pofloat3, pofloat4, PLATFORM_RATIO); } jj = jj + count; count = 0; } } } for (int ii = 1; ii < width + 2; ii++) //draw left { for (int jj = 1; jj < height + 2; jj++) { if (drawArray[ii][jj] == 1) { while ((jj + count < height + 2) && (drawArray[ii][jj + count] == 1) && (drawArray[ii - 1][jj + count] == 0)) { count++; } pofloat1[0] = (float) ii; pofloat1[1] = (float) jj; pofloat1[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat4[0] = (float) ii + 0.0f; pofloat4[1] = (float) jj + count;//1.0f; pofloat4[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat3[0] = (float) ii + 1.0f; pofloat3[1] = (float) jj + 1.0f; pofloat3[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat2[0] = (float) ii + 1.0f; pofloat2[1] = (float) jj + 0.0f; pofloat2[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; if (count != 0) { drawer.drawLeft(pofloat1, pofloat2, pofloat3, pofloat4, PLATFORM_RATIO); } jj = jj + count; count = 0; } } } for (int jj = 1; jj < height + 2; jj++) //draw back { for (int ii = 1; ii < width + 2; ii++) { if (drawArray[ii][jj] == 1) { while ((ii + count < width + 2) && (drawArray[ii + count][jj] == 1)) { count++; } pofloat1[0] = (float) ii; pofloat1[1] = (float) jj; pofloat1[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat4[0] = (float) ii + 0.0f; pofloat4[1] = (float) jj + 1.0f; pofloat4[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat3[0] = (float) ii + count;//1.0f; pofloat3[1] = (float) jj + 1.0f; pofloat3[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat2[0] = (float) ii + count;//1.0f; pofloat2[1] = (float) jj + 0.0f; pofloat2[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; if (count != 0) { drawer.drawBack(pofloat1, pofloat2, pofloat3, pofloat4, PLATFORM_RATIO); } ii = ii + count; count = 0; } } } if (printQRbottom) { for (int jj = 1; jj < height + 2; jj++) //draw front { for (int ii = 1; ii < width + 2; ii++) { if (drawArray[ii][jj] == 1) { while ((ii + count < width + 2) && (drawArray[ii + count][jj] == 1)) { count++; } pofloat1[0] = (float) ii; pofloat1[1] = (float) jj; pofloat1[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat4[0] = (float) ii + 0.0f; pofloat4[1] = (float) jj + 1.0f; pofloat4[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat3[0] = (float) ii + count;//1.0f; pofloat3[1] = (float) jj + 1.0f; pofloat3[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; pofloat2[0] = (float) ii + count;//1.0f; pofloat2[1] = (float) jj + 0.0f; pofloat2[2] = PLATFORM_HEIGHT; if (count != 0) { drawer.drawFront(pofloat1, pofloat2, pofloat3, pofloat4, PLATFORM_RATIO); } ii = ii + count; count = 0; } } } } drawer.resizeNumTriangles(); System.out.println("STL drawn: " + filename + ".stl"); drawer.closeFile(); } private static void parseJsonFile() { try { String jsonFile = new Scanner(new File(getKeyFileName())).useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); System.out.println(jsonFile); JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(jsonFile); JSONArray keyArray = new JSONArray(tokener); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void commandLineParse(String[] args) { ParamParser parse = new ParamParser(); JCommander jcom = new JCommander(parse, args); jcom.setProgramName("BitcoinSTLGenerator"); if (parse.isHelp()) { jcom.usage(); System.exit(0); } if (parse.getPublicKey() == null || parse.getPrivateKey() == null) { // Once keyfile parsing is implemented, this will be used // if (parse.getKeyFile() == null) { // System.out.println("No keyfile specified. You must supply both public and private key to create STL file."); // System.exit(-1); // } // // if (parse.getKeyFile().toLowerCase().contains(".json")) { // setKeyFileName(parse.getKeyFile().toLowerCase()); // } else { // setKeyFileName(parse.getKeyFile().toLowerCase() + ".json"); // } // // // Initialize key arraylist // setKeys(new ArrayList<Keypair>()); // // // // Parse keys from JSON // parseJsonFile(); System.out.println("You must supply both public and private key to create STL file."); System.exit(-1); } else { setPublicKey(parse.getPublicKey()); setPrivateKey(parse.getPrivateKey()); } if (parse.getFilePrefix() != null) { setFilePrefix(parse.getFilePrefix() + "_"); } else { setFilePrefix(""); } if (parse.isNoStl()) { setNoStl(true); } if (parse.getInchSize() > 0) { double pxSize = parse.getInchSize() * 96; setPixelSize((int) Math.floor(pxSize)); } } public static String getPublicKey() { return publicKey; } public static void setPublicKey(String publicKey) { BitcoinSTLGenerator.publicKey = publicKey; } public static String getPrivateKey() { return privateKey; } public static void setPrivateKey(String privateKey) { BitcoinSTLGenerator.privateKey = privateKey; } public static String getFilePrefix() { return filePrefix; } public static void setFilePrefix(String filePrefix) { BitcoinSTLGenerator.filePrefix = filePrefix; } public static String getKeyFileName() { return keyFileName; } public static void setKeyFileName(String keyFileName) { BitcoinSTLGenerator.keyFileName = keyFileName; } public static int getPixelSize() { return pixelSize; } public static void setPixelSize(int pixelSize) { BitcoinSTLGenerator.pixelSize = pixelSize; } public static boolean isNoStl() { return noStl; } public static void setNoStl(boolean noStl) { BitcoinSTLGenerator.noStl = noStl; } public static ArrayList<Keypair> getKeys() { return keys; } public static void setKeys(ArrayList<Keypair> keys) { BitcoinSTLGenerator.keys = keys; } }