Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import; import io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.Map; /** * This util class helps to prepare parameters of Android-specific JSONWP * commands. */ public class AndroidMobileCommandHelper extends MobileCommand { /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the getting of the current activity. * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> currentActivityCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(CURRENT_ACTIVITY, ImmutableMap.of()); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the getting of the current package. * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> currentPackageCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(GET_CURRENT_PACKAGE, ImmutableMap.of()); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the ending of the test coverage. * * @param intent intent to broadcast. * @param path path to .ec file. * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> endTestCoverageCommand(String intent, String path) { String[] parameters = new String[] { "intent", "path" }; Object[] values = new Object[] { intent, path }; return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(END_TEST_COVERAGE, prepareArguments(parameters, values)); } /** * returns the information type of the system state which is supported to read * as like cpu, memory, network traffic, and battery. * @return output - array like below * [cpuinfo, batteryinfo, networkinfo, memoryinfo] * */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> getSupportedPerformanceDataTypesCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(GET_SUPPORTED_PERFORMANCE_DATA_TYPES, ImmutableMap.of()); } /** * returns the resource usage information of the application. the resource is one of the system state * which means cpu, memory, network traffic, and battery. * * @param packageName the package name of the application * @param dataType the type of system state which wants to read. * It should be one of the supported performance data types, * the return value of the function "getSupportedPerformanceDataTypes" * @param dataReadTimeout the number of attempts to read * @return table of the performance data, The first line of the table represents the type of data. * The remaining lines represent the values of the data. * in case of battery info : [[power], [23]] * in case of memory info : * [[totalPrivateDirty, nativePrivateDirty, dalvikPrivateDirty, eglPrivateDirty, glPrivateDirty, * totalPss, nativePss, dalvikPss, eglPss, glPss, nativeHeapAllocatedSize, nativeHeapSize], * [18360, 8296, 6132, null, null, 42588, 8406, 7024, null, null, 26519, 10344]] * in case of network info : * [[bucketStart, activeTime, rxBytes, rxPackets, txBytes, txPackets, operations, bucketDuration,], * [1478091600000, null, 1099075, 610947, 928, 114362, 769, 0, 3600000], * [1478095200000, null, 1306300, 405997, 509, 46359, 370, 0, 3600000]] * in case of network info : * [[st, activeTime, rb, rp, tb, tp, op, bucketDuration], * [1478088000, null, null, 32115296, 34291, 2956805, 25705, 0, 3600], * [1478091600, null, null, 2714683, 11821, 1420564, 12650, 0, 3600], * [1478095200, null, null, 10079213, 19962, 2487705, 20015, 0, 3600], * [1478098800, null, null, 4444433, 10227, 1430356, 10493, 0, 3600]] * in case of cpu info : [[user, kernel], [0.9, 1.3]] */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> getPerformanceDataCommand(String packageName, String dataType, int dataReadTimeout) { String[] parameters = new String[] { "packageName", "dataType", "dataReadTimeout" }; Object[] values = new Object[] { packageName, dataType, dataReadTimeout }; return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(GET_PERFORMANCE_DATA, prepareArguments(parameters, values)); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters to * Retrieve the display density of the Android device. * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a * {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> getDisplayDensityCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(GET_DISPLAY_DENSITY, ImmutableMap.of()); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the getting of a network connection value. * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a * {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> getNetworkConnectionCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(GET_NETWORK_CONNECTION, ImmutableMap.of()); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters to * Retrieve visibility and bounds information of the status and navigation bars. * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> getSystemBarsCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(GET_SYSTEM_BARS, ImmutableMap.of()); } /** * This method forms a {@link java.util.Map} of parameters for the * finger print authentication invocation. * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> isLockedCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(IS_LOCKED, ImmutableMap.of()); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the finger print authentication invocation. * * @param fingerPrintId finger prints stored in Android Keystore system (from 1 to 10) * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> fingerPrintCommand(int fingerPrintId) { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(FINGER_PRINT, prepareArguments("fingerprintId", fingerPrintId)); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the notification opening. * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> openNotificationsCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(OPEN_NOTIFICATIONS, ImmutableMap.of()); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the setting of device network connection. * * @param bitMask The bitmask of the desired connection * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> setConnectionCommand(long bitMask) { String[] parameters = new String[] { "name", "parameters" }; Object[] values = new Object[] { "network_connection", ImmutableMap.of("type", bitMask) }; return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(SET_NETWORK_CONNECTION, prepareArguments(parameters, values)); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the activity starting. * * @param appPackage The package containing the activity. [Required] * @param appActivity The activity to start. [Required] * @param appWaitPackage Automation will begin after this package starts. [Optional] * @param appWaitActivity Automation will begin after this activity starts. [Optional] * @param intentAction Intent action which will be used to start activity [Optional] * @param intentCategory Intent category which will be used to start activity [Optional] * @param intentFlags Flags that will be used to start activity [Optional] * @param optionalIntentArguments Additional intent arguments that will be used to * start activity [Optional] * @param stopApp Stop app on reset or not * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. * @throws IllegalArgumentException when any required argument is empty */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> startActivityCommand(String appPackage, String appActivity, String appWaitPackage, String appWaitActivity, String intentAction, String intentCategory, String intentFlags, String optionalIntentArguments, boolean stopApp) throws IllegalArgumentException { checkArgument((!StringUtils.isBlank(appPackage) && !StringUtils.isBlank(appActivity)), String.format("'%s' and '%s' are required.", "appPackage", "appActivity")); String targetWaitPackage = !StringUtils.isBlank(appWaitPackage) ? appWaitPackage : ""; String targetWaitActivity = !StringUtils.isBlank(appWaitActivity) ? appWaitActivity : ""; String targetIntentAction = !StringUtils.isBlank(intentAction) ? intentAction : ""; String targetIntentCategory = !StringUtils.isBlank(intentCategory) ? intentCategory : ""; String targetIntentFlags = !StringUtils.isBlank(intentFlags) ? intentFlags : ""; String targetOptionalIntentArguments = !StringUtils.isBlank(optionalIntentArguments) ? optionalIntentArguments : ""; ImmutableMap<String, ?> parameters = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder().put("appPackage", appPackage) .put("appActivity", appActivity).put("appWaitPackage", targetWaitPackage) .put("appWaitActivity", targetWaitActivity).put("dontStopAppOnReset", !stopApp) .put("intentAction", targetIntentAction).put("intentCategory", targetIntentCategory) .put("intentFlags", targetIntentFlags).put("optionalIntentArguments", targetOptionalIntentArguments) .build(); return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(START_ACTIVITY, parameters); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the toggling of location services. * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> toggleLocationServicesCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(TOGGLE_LOCATION_SERVICES, ImmutableMap.of()); } /** * This method forms a {@link java.util.Map} of parameters for the element. * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> unlockCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(UNLOCK, ImmutableMap.of()); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the element * value replacement. It is used against input elements * * @param remoteWebElement an instance which contains an element ID * @param value a new value * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> replaceElementValueCommand(RemoteWebElement remoteWebElement, String value) { String[] parameters = new String[] { "id", "value" }; Object[] values = new Object[] { remoteWebElement.getId(), value }; return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(REPLACE_VALUE, prepareArguments(parameters, values)); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the element * value replacement. It is used against input elements * * @param phoneNumber The phone number of message sender * @param message The message content * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> sendSMSCommand(String phoneNumber, String message) { ImmutableMap<String, ?> parameters = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder().put("phoneNumber", phoneNumber) .put("message", message).build(); return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(SEND_SMS, parameters); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the element * value replacement. It is used against input elements * * @param phoneNumber The phone number of message sender * @param gsmCallActions One of available GSM call actions * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> gsmCallCommand(String phoneNumber, GsmCallActions gsmCallActions) { String[] parameters = new String[] { "phoneNumber", "action" }; Object[] values = new Object[] { phoneNumber, }; return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(GSM_CALL, prepareArguments(parameters, values)); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the element * value replacement. It is used against input elements * * @param gsmSignalStrength One of available GSM signal strength * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> gsmSignalStrengthCommand(GsmSignalStrength gsmSignalStrength) { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(GSM_SIGNAL, prepareArguments("signalStrengh", gsmSignalStrength.ordinal())); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the element * value replacement. It is used against input elements * * @param gsmVoiceState One of available GSM voice state * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> gsmVoiceCommand(GsmVoiceState gsmVoiceState) { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(GSM_VOICE, prepareArguments("state",; } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the element * value replacement. It is used against input elements * * @param networkSpeed One of possible NETWORK_SPEED values * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> networkSpeedCommand(NetworkSpeed networkSpeed) { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(NETWORK_SPEED, prepareArguments("netspeed",; } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the element * value replacement. It is used against input elements * * @param percent A number in range [0, 4] * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> powerCapacityCommand(int percent) { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(POWER_CAPACITY, prepareArguments("percent", percent)); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the element * value replacement. It is used against input elements * * @param powerACState One of available power AC state * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> powerACCommand(PowerACState powerACState) { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(POWER_AC_STATE, prepareArguments("state",; } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the toggling of wifi. * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> toggleWifiCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(TOGGLE_WIFI, ImmutableMap.of()); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the toggle airplane mode. * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> toggleAirplaneCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(TOGGLE_AIRPLANE_MODE, ImmutableMap.of()); } /** * This method forms a {@link Map} of parameters for the toggle data. * * @return a key-value pair. The key is the command name. The value is a {@link Map} command arguments. */ public static Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>> toggleDataCommand() { return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(TOGGLE_DATA, ImmutableMap.of()); } }