Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Michal Harish, * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.amient.kafka.metrics; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import joptsimple.OptionParser; import joptsimple.OptionSet; import joptsimple.OptionSpec; import org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient; import org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkMarshallingError; import org.I0Itec.zkclient.serialize.ZkSerializer; import; import; import; import java.util.*; public class DiscoveryTool extends ZkClient implements Closeable { private static final String DEFAULT_DATASOURCE = "Kafka Metrics InfluxDB"; private static final String DEFAULT_DATABASE = "metrics"; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { OptionParser parser = new OptionParser(); parser.accepts("help", "Print usage help"); OptionSpec<String> zookeeper = parser.accepts("zookeeper", "Address of the seed zookeeper server") .withRequiredArg().required(); OptionSpec<String> dashboard = parser .accepts("dashboard", "Grafana dashboard name to be used in all generated configs") .withRequiredArg().required(); OptionSpec<String> dashboardPath = parser .accepts("dashboard-path", "Grafana location, i.e. `./instance/.data/grafana/dashboards`") .withRequiredArg(); OptionSpec<String> topic = parser.accepts("topic", "Name of the metrics topic to consume measurements from") .withRequiredArg(); OptionSpec<String> influxdb = parser .accepts("influxdb", "InfluxDB connect URL (including user and password)").withRequiredArg(); OptionSpec<String> interval = parser.accepts("interval", "JMX scanning interval in seconds") .withRequiredArg().defaultsTo("10"); //TODO --influxdb-database (DEFAULT_DATABASE) //TODO --dashboard-datasource (DEFAULT_DATASOURCE) if (args.length == 0 || args[0] == "-h" || args[0] == "--help") { parser.printHelpOn(System.err); System.exit(0); } OptionSet opts = parser.parse(args); try { DiscoveryTool tool = new DiscoveryTool(opts.valueOf(zookeeper)); try { List<String> topics = tool.getKafkaTopics(); List<Broker> brokers = tool.getKafkaBrokers(); int interval_s = Integer.parseInt(opts.valueOf(interval)); if (opts.has(dashboard) && opts.has(dashboardPath)) { tool.generateDashboard(opts.valueOf(dashboard), brokers, topics, DEFAULT_DATASOURCE, opts.valueOf(dashboardPath), interval_s).save(); } if (opts.has(topic)) { //producer/reporter settings System.out.println("kafka.metrics.topic=" + opts.valueOf(topic)); System.out.println("kafka.metrics.polling.interval=" + interval_s + "s"); //TODO --producer-bootstrap for truly non-intrusive agent deployment, // i.e. when producing to a different cluster from the one being discovered System.out.println("kafka.metrics.bootstrap.servers=" + brokers.get(0).hostPort()); //consumer settings System.out.println("consumer.topic=" + opts.valueOf(topic)); System.out.println("consumer.zookeeper.connect=" + opts.valueOf(zookeeper)); System.out.println("" + opts.valueOf(dashboard)); } if (!opts.has(influxdb) || !opts.has(topic)) { tool.generateScannerConfig(brokers, opts.valueOf(dashboard), interval_s).list(System.out); } if (opts.has(influxdb)) { URL url = new URL(opts.valueOf(influxdb)); System.out.println("influxdb.database=" + DEFAULT_DATABASE); System.out.println("influxdb.url=" + url.toString()); if (url.getUserInfo() != null) { System.out.println("influxdb.username=" + url.getUserInfo().split(":")[0]); if (url.getUserInfo().contains(":")) { System.out.println("influxdb.password=" + url.getUserInfo().split(":")[1]); } } } System.out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(3); } finally { tool.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(2); } } private final String brokersZkPath = "/brokers/ids"; private final String topicsZkPath = "/brokers/topics"; public Properties generateScannerConfig(List<Broker> brokers, String name, int interval_s) throws IOException { Properties scannerProps = new Properties(); for (Broker broker : brokers) { Integer section = Integer.parseInt( + 1; scannerProps.put(String.format("jmx.%d.address", section), + ":" + broker.jmxPort); scannerProps.put(String.format("jmx.%d.query.scope", section), "kafka.*:*"); scannerProps.put(String.format("jmx.%d.query.interval.s", section), String.valueOf(interval_s)); scannerProps.put(String.format("", section),; scannerProps.put(String.format("jmx.%d.tag.service", section), String.format("broker-%s",; scannerProps.put(String.format("", section), name); } return scannerProps; } public DiscoveryTool(String serverstring) { super(serverstring, 30000, 30000, new ZkSerializer() { private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); @Override public byte[] serialize(Object o) throws ZkMarshallingError { throw new ZkMarshallingError("This is a read-only zkClient"); } @Override public Object deserialize(byte[] bytes) throws ZkMarshallingError { try { return mapper.readTree(bytes); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ZkMarshallingError(e); } } }); } public List<String> getKafkaTopics() { List<String> result = new LinkedList<>(); for (String topic : getChildren(topicsZkPath)) { result.add(topic); } return result; } public List<Broker> getKafkaBrokers() throws IOException { List<Broker> result = new LinkedList<>(); for (String brokerId : getChildren(brokersZkPath)) { result.add(getBroker(brokerId)); } return result; } public Broker getBroker(String brokerId) { JsonNode json = readData(brokersZkPath + "/" + brokerId); return new Broker(brokerId, json.get("host").asText(), json.get("port").asInt(), json.get("jmx_port").asInt()); } public Dashboard generateDashboard(String name, List<Broker> brokers, List<String> topics, String dataSource, String path, int interval_s) { Dashboard dash = new Dashboard(name, dataSource, path + "/" + name + ".json"); ///////////// ROW 1 - TOPIC METRICS dash.newVariable("topic", true, topics.toArray(new String[topics.size()])); ArrayNode topicsRow = dash.newRow("TOPIC METRICS FOR `$topic`", 250, true); ObjectNode graphT1 = dash.newGraph(topicsRow, "Input / Sec", 5, false).put("fill", 2).put("stack", false); graphT1.replace("y_formats", dash.newArray("bytes", "short")); graphT1.set("tooltip", dash.newObject().put("value_type", "individual").put("shared", false)); dash.newTarget(graphT1, "$tag_topic", "SELECT sum(\"OneMinuteRate\") FROM \"BytesInPerSec\" " + "WHERE \"name\" = '" + name + "' AND \"topic\" =~ /^$topic$/ AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(" + interval_s + "s), \"topic\" fill(null)"); ObjectNode graphT2 = dash.newGraph(topicsRow, "Failed Fetch Requests / Sec", 2, false).put("fill", 4) .put("stack", false); graphT2.set("tooltip", dash.newObject().put("value_type", "individual").put("shared", false)); dash.newTarget(graphT2, "$tag_topic", "SELECT sum(\"OneMinuteRate\") FROM \"FailedFetchRequestsPerSec\" " + "WHERE \"name\" = '" + name + "' AND \"topic\" =~ /^$topic$/ AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(" + interval_s + "s), \"topic\" fill(null)"); ObjectNode graphT3 = dash.newGraph(topicsRow, "Output / Sec", 5, false).put("fill", 2).put("stack", false); graphT3.replace("y_formats", dash.newArray("bytes", "short")); graphT3.set("tooltip", dash.newObject().put("value_type", "individual").put("shared", false)); dash.newTarget(graphT3, "$tag_topic", "SELECT sum(\"OneMinuteRate\") FROM \"BytesOutPerSec\" " + "WHERE \"name\" = '" + name + "' AND \"topic\" =~ /^$topic$/ AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(" + interval_s + "s), \"topic\" fill(null)"); ///////////// ROW 2 - AGGREGATED CLUSTER METRICS ArrayNode clusterRow = dash.newRow(String.format("CLUSTER METRICS FOR %d broker(s)", brokers.size()), 172, true); dash.newStat(clusterRow, "Controllers", 1, "SELECT sum(\"Value\") FROM \"ActiveControllerCount\" " + "WHERE \"group\" = 'kafka.controller' AND \"name\" = '" + name + "' AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(" + interval_s + "s)") .put("valueFontSize", "150%"); ObjectNode graph1 = dash.newGraph(clusterRow, "Under-Replicated Partitions", 2, false).put("bars", true); dash.newTarget(graph1, "$tag_service", "SELECT mean(\"Value\") FROM \"UnderReplicatedPartitions\" " + "WHERE \"group\" = 'kafka.server' AND \"name\" = '" + name + "' AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(" + interval_s + "s), \"service\""); dash.newTable(clusterRow, "Partition Count", 2, "avg", "$tag_service", "SELECT last(\"Value\") FROM \"PartitionCount\" " + "WHERE \"group\" = 'kafka.server' AND \"name\" = '" + name + "' AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(" + interval_s + "s), \"service\"") .put("transform", "timeseries_aggregations").put("showHeader", false); //Total Maximum Log Flush Time ObjectNode graph5 = dash.newGraph(clusterRow, "Log Flush Time (98th maximum)", 2, false).put("linewidth", 1) .put("points", false).put("fill", 0); graph5.replace("y_formats", dash.newArray("ms", "short")); dash.get(graph5, "grid").put("threshold1", 6).put("threshold1Color", "rgba(236, 118, 21, 0.21)") .put("threshold2", 12).put("threshold2Color", "rgba(234, 112, 112, 0.22)"); dash.newTarget(graph5, "$tag_service", "SELECT max(\"98thPercentile\") as \"98thPercentile\" " + "FROM \"LogFlushRateAndTimeMs\" " + "WHERE \"group\" = 'kafka.log' AND \"name\" = '" + name + "' AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(1m), \"service\""); ObjectNode graph2 = dash.newGraph(clusterRow, "Input / Sec", 2, false).put("fill", 2).put("stack", true); graph2.replace("y_formats", dash.newArray("bytes", "short")); graph2.replace("tooltip", dash.newObject().put("value_type", "individual").put("shared", true)); dash.get(graph2, "grid").put("leftMin", 0); dash.newTarget(graph2, "$tag_service", "SELECT sum(\"OneMinuteRate\") FROM \"BytesInPerSec\" " + "WHERE \"group\" = 'kafka.server' AND \"topic\" =~ /^$topic$/ AND \"name\" = '" + name + "' " + "AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(" + interval_s + "s), \"service\""); ObjectNode graph3 = dash.newGraph(clusterRow, "Output / Sec", 2, false).put("fill", 2).put("stack", true); graph3.replace("y_formats", dash.newArray("bytes", "short")); graph3.replace("tooltip", dash.newObject().put("value_type", "individual").put("shared", true)); dash.get(graph3, "grid").put("leftMin", 0); dash.newTarget(graph3, "$tag_service", "SELECT sum(\"OneMinuteRate\") FROM \"BytesOutPerSec\" " + "WHERE \"group\" = 'kafka.server' AND \"topic\" =~ /^$topic$/ AND \"name\" = '" + name + "' " + "AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(" + interval_s + "s), \"service\""); dash.newStat(clusterRow, "Requests/Sec", 1, "SELECT mean(\"OneMinuteRate\") FROM \"RequestsPerSec\" " + "WHERE \"group\" = '' AND \"name\" = '" + name + "' AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(" + interval_s + "s)") .put("decimals", 1).put("valueName", "avg").put("valueFontSize", "35%").put("format", "short") .replace("sparkline", dash.newObject().put("show", true).put("full", false)); ///////////// ROW (2 + b) - BROKER-LEVEL METRICS for (Broker broker : brokers) { //extra row for each broker ArrayNode brokerRow = dash .newRow(String.format("Kafka Broker ID %s @ %s",, broker.hostPort()), 250, false); //Purgatory graph ObjectNode graph6 = dash.newGraph(brokerRow, "Num.delayed requests", 4, true); dash.newTarget(graph6, "$col", "SELECT max(\"Value\"), median(\"Value\"), min(\"Value\") FROM \"NumDelayedRequests\" " + "WHERE \"name\" = 'stag-kafka-cluster' AND \"service\" = 'broker-1' AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time($interval) fill(null)"); //Log Flush Time graph ObjectNode graph7 = dash.newGraph(brokerRow, "Log Flush Time (mean)", 4, false).put("linewidth", 1) .put("points", true).put("pointradius", 1).put("fill", 0); graph7.replace("y_formats", dash.newArray("ms", "short")); dash.get(graph7, "grid").put("leftLogBase", 2).put("threshold1", 100) .put("threshold1Color", "rgba(236, 118, 21, 0.21)").put("threshold2", 250) .put("threshold2Color", "rgba(234, 112, 112, 0.22)"); dash.newTarget(graph7, "$col", "SELECT sum(\"999thPercentile\") as \"999thPercentile\" " + "FROM \"LogFlushRateAndTimeMs\" " + "WHERE \"group\" = 'kafka.log' AND \"service\" = '" + String.format("broker-%s", + "'" + "AND \"name\" = '" + name + "' AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(30s)"); dash.newTarget(graph7, "$col", "SELECT sum(\"99thPercentile\") as \"99thPercentile\" " + "FROM \"LogFlushRateAndTimeMs\" " + "WHERE \"group\" = 'kafka.log' AND \"service\" = '" + String.format("broker-%s", + "'" + "AND \"name\" = '" + name + "' AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(30s)"); dash.newTarget(graph7, "$col", "SELECT sum(\"95thPercentile\") as \"95thPercentile\" " + "FROM \"LogFlushRateAndTimeMs\" " + "WHERE \"group\" = 'kafka.log' AND \"service\" = '" + String.format("broker-%s", + "'" + "AND \"name\" = '" + name + "' AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time(30s)"); //Combined Throughput Graph ObjectNode graph8 = dash.newGraph(brokerRow, "Throughput", 4, true).put("linewidth", 1).put("fill", 6) .put("y-axis", false); graph8.replace("y_formats", dash.newArray("bytes", "short")); graph8.set("aliasColors", dash.newObject().put("Input", "#BF1B00").put("Output", "#508642")); dash.newTarget(graph8, "Output", "SELECT sum(\"OneMinuteRate\") * -1 FROM \"BytesOutPerSec\" " + "WHERE \"name\" = 'stag-kafka-cluster' AND \"topic\" =~ /^$topic$/ " + "AND \"service\" = '" + String.format("broker-%s", + "' AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time($interval) fill(null)"); dash.newTarget(graph8, "Input", "SELECT sum(\"OneMinuteRate\") FROM \"BytesInPerSec\" " + "WHERE \"name\" = 'stag-kafka-cluster' AND \"topic\" =~ /^$topic$/ " + "AND \"service\" = '" + String.format("broker-%s", + "' AND $timeFilter " + "GROUP BY time($interval) fill(null)"); } return dash; } }