Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 the original author or authors. * See the file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.airlift.compress; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static java.lang.String.format; import static io.airlift.compress.BenchmarkDriver.JAVA_BLOCK; import static io.airlift.compress.BenchmarkDriver.JAVA_STREAM; import static io.airlift.compress.BenchmarkDriver.JNI_BLOCK; import static io.airlift.compress.BenchmarkDriver.JNI_STREAM; /** * Port of the micro-benchmarks for Snappy. * <p/> * Make sure to run these with the server version of hot spot. I use the following configuration: * <pre> * {@code * -server -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Xms128M -Xmx128M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC * } * </pre> */ public class SnappyBench { private static final int NUMBER_OF_RUNS = 5; private static final int CALIBRATE_ITERATIONS = 100; private static final int WARM_UP_SECONDS = 45; private static final int SECONDS_PER_RUN = 1; public static void main(String[] args) { System.err.printf("Running micro-benchmarks.\n"); SnappyBench snappyBench = new SnappyBench(); // verify implementation with a round trip for every input snappyBench.verify(); // warm up the code paths so hot spot optimizes the code snappyBench.warmUp(); // Easy to use individual tests // for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // snappyBench.runUncompress(TestData.txt1); // snappyBench.runUncompress(TestData.txt2); // snappyBench.runUncompress(TestData.txt3); // snappyBench.runUncompress(TestData.txt4); // snappyBench.runUncompress(TestData.sum); // snappyBench.runUncompress(TestData.lsp); // snappyBench.runUncompress(; // snappyBench.runUncompress(TestData.c); // snappyBench.runUncompress(TestData.cp); // } snappyBench.runCompress("Block Compress", JNI_BLOCK, JAVA_BLOCK); snappyBench.runUncompress("Block Uncompress", JNI_BLOCK, JAVA_BLOCK); snappyBench.runRoundTrip("Block Round Trip", JNI_BLOCK, JAVA_BLOCK); snappyBench.runCompress("Stream Compress (no checksum)", JNI_STREAM, JAVA_STREAM); snappyBench.runUncompress("Stream Uncompress (no checksum)", JNI_STREAM, JAVA_STREAM); snappyBench.runRoundTrip("Stream RoundTrip (no checksum)", JNI_STREAM, JAVA_STREAM); } public void verify() { for (TestData testData : TestData.values()) { byte[] contents = testData.getContents(); byte[] compressed = new byte[Snappy.maxCompressedLength(contents.length)]; int compressedSize = Snappy.compress(contents, 0, contents.length, compressed, 0); byte[] uncompressed = new byte[contents.length]; Snappy.uncompress(compressed, 0, compressedSize, uncompressed, 0); if (!Arrays.equals(uncompressed, testData.getContents())) { throw new AssertionError("Failed for " + testData); } Arrays.fill(uncompressed, (byte) 0); compressed = Arrays.copyOf(compressed, compressedSize); Snappy.uncompress(compressed, 0, compressedSize, uncompressed, 0); if (!Arrays.equals(uncompressed, testData.getContents())) { throw new AssertionError("Failed for " + testData); } } for (TestData testData : TestData.values()) { try { byte[] contents = testData.getContents(); ByteArrayOutputStream rawOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream( Snappy.maxCompressedLength(contents.length)); SnappyOutputStream out = new SnappyOutputStream(rawOut); out.write(contents); out.close(); SnappyInputStream in = new SnappyInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(rawOut.toByteArray())); byte[] uncompressed = ByteStreams.toByteArray(in); if (!Arrays.equals(uncompressed, testData.getContents())) { throw new AssertionError("Failed for " + testData); } } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } } public void warmUp() { // Warm up the code { long end = System.nanoTime() + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(WARM_UP_SECONDS); do { for (TestData testData : TestData.values()) { benchmarkCompress(testData, JAVA_BLOCK, 100); } } while (System.nanoTime() < end); end = System.nanoTime() + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(WARM_UP_SECONDS); do { for (TestData testData : TestData.values()) { benchmarkUncompress(testData, JAVA_BLOCK, 100); } } while (System.nanoTime() < end); end = System.nanoTime() + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(WARM_UP_SECONDS); do { for (TestData testData : TestData.values()) { benchmarkCompress(testData, JAVA_STREAM, 100); } } while (System.nanoTime() < end); end = System.nanoTime() + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(WARM_UP_SECONDS); do { for (TestData testData : TestData.values()) { benchmarkUncompress(testData, JAVA_STREAM, 100); } } while (System.nanoTime() < end); } } private static void printHeader(String benchmarkTitle) { System.err.println(); System.err.println(); System.err.println("### " + benchmarkTitle); System.err.println("<pre><code>"); System.err.printf("%-8s %8s %9s %9s %11s %11s %7s\n", "", "", "JNI", "Java", "JNI", "Java", ""); System.err.printf("%-8s %8s %9s %9s %11s %11s %7s\n", "Input", "Size", "Compress", "Compress", "Throughput", "Throughput", "Change"); System.err.printf("---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } private static void printFooter() { System.err.println("</code></pre>"); } public void runCompress(String benchmarkTitle, BenchmarkDriver oldDriver, BenchmarkDriver newDriver) { printHeader(benchmarkTitle); for (TestData testData : TestData.values()) { runCompress(testData, oldDriver, newDriver); } printFooter(); } private void runCompress(TestData testData, BenchmarkDriver oldDriver, BenchmarkDriver newDriver) { long iterations = calibrateIterations(testData, oldDriver, true); long oldBytesPerSecond = benchmarkCompress(testData, oldDriver, iterations); long newBytesPerSecond = benchmarkCompress(testData, newDriver, iterations); // results String oldHumanReadableSpeed = toHumanReadableSpeed(oldBytesPerSecond); String newHumanReadableSpeed = toHumanReadableSpeed(newBytesPerSecond); double improvement = 100.0d * (newBytesPerSecond - oldBytesPerSecond) / oldBytesPerSecond; System.err.printf("%-8s %8d %8.1f%% %8.1f%% %11s %11s %+6.1f%% %s\n", testData, testData.size(), oldDriver.getCompressionRatio(testData) * 100.0, newDriver.getCompressionRatio(testData) * 100.0, oldHumanReadableSpeed, newHumanReadableSpeed, improvement, testData.getInfo()); } private long benchmarkCompress(TestData testData, BenchmarkDriver driver, long iterations) { long[] firstBenchmarkRuns = new long[NUMBER_OF_RUNS]; for (int run = 0; run < NUMBER_OF_RUNS; ++run) { firstBenchmarkRuns[run] = driver.compress(testData, iterations); } long firstMedianTimeInNanos = getMedianValue(firstBenchmarkRuns); return (long) (1.0 * iterations * testData.size() / nanosToSeconds(firstMedianTimeInNanos)); } public void runUncompress(String benchmarkTitle, BenchmarkDriver oldDriver, BenchmarkDriver newDriver) { printHeader(benchmarkTitle); for (TestData testData : TestData.values()) { runUncompress(testData, oldDriver, newDriver); } printFooter(); } private void runUncompress(TestData testData, BenchmarkDriver oldDriver, BenchmarkDriver newDriver) { long iterations = calibrateIterations(testData, oldDriver, false); long oldBytesPerSecond = benchmarkUncompress(testData, oldDriver, iterations); long newBytesPerSecond = benchmarkUncompress(testData, newDriver, iterations); // results String newHumanReadableSpeed = toHumanReadableSpeed(newBytesPerSecond); String oldHumanReadableSpeed = toHumanReadableSpeed(oldBytesPerSecond); double improvement = 100.0d * (newBytesPerSecond - oldBytesPerSecond) / oldBytesPerSecond; System.err.printf("%-8s %8d %8.1f%% %8.1f%% %11s %11s %+6.1f%% %s\n", testData, testData.size(), oldDriver.getCompressionRatio(testData) * 100.0, newDriver.getCompressionRatio(testData) * 100.0, oldHumanReadableSpeed, newHumanReadableSpeed, improvement, testData.getInfo()); } private long benchmarkUncompress(TestData testData, BenchmarkDriver driver, long iterations) { long[] jniBenchmarkRuns = new long[NUMBER_OF_RUNS]; for (int run = 0; run < NUMBER_OF_RUNS; ++run) { jniBenchmarkRuns[run] = driver.uncompress(testData, iterations); } long jniMedianTimeInNanos = getMedianValue(jniBenchmarkRuns); return (long) (1.0 * iterations * testData.size() / nanosToSeconds(jniMedianTimeInNanos)); } public void runRoundTrip(String benchmarkTitle, BenchmarkDriver oldDriver, BenchmarkDriver newDriver) { printHeader(benchmarkTitle); for (TestData testData : TestData.values()) { runRoundTrip(testData, oldDriver, newDriver); } printFooter(); } private void runRoundTrip(TestData testData, BenchmarkDriver oldDriver, BenchmarkDriver newDriver) { long iterations = calibrateIterations(testData, oldDriver, true); long oldBytesPerSecond = benchmarkRoundTrip(testData, oldDriver, iterations); long newBytesPerSecond = benchmarkRoundTrip(testData, newDriver, iterations); // results String newHumanReadableSpeed = toHumanReadableSpeed(newBytesPerSecond); String oldHumanReadableSpeed = toHumanReadableSpeed(oldBytesPerSecond); double improvement = 100.0d * (newBytesPerSecond - oldBytesPerSecond) / oldBytesPerSecond; System.err.printf("%-8s %8d %8.1f%% %8.1f%% %11s %11s %+6.1f%% %s\n", testData, testData.size(), oldDriver.getCompressionRatio(testData) * 100.0, newDriver.getCompressionRatio(testData) * 100.0, oldHumanReadableSpeed, newHumanReadableSpeed, improvement, testData.getInfo()); } private long benchmarkRoundTrip(TestData testData, BenchmarkDriver driver, long iterations) { long[] jniBenchmarkRuns = new long[NUMBER_OF_RUNS]; for (int run = 0; run < NUMBER_OF_RUNS; ++run) { jniBenchmarkRuns[run] = driver.roundTrip(testData, iterations); } long jniMedianTimeInNanos = getMedianValue(jniBenchmarkRuns); return (long) (1.0 * iterations * testData.size() / nanosToSeconds(jniMedianTimeInNanos)); } private long calibrateIterations(TestData testData, BenchmarkDriver driver, boolean compression) { // Run a few iterations first to find out approximately how fast // the benchmark is. long start = System.nanoTime(); if (compression) { driver.compress(testData, CALIBRATE_ITERATIONS); } else { driver.uncompress(testData, CALIBRATE_ITERATIONS); } long timeInNanos = System.nanoTime() - start; // Let each test case run for about 200ms, but at least as many // as we used to calibrate. // Run five times and pick the median. long iterations = 0; if (timeInNanos > 0) { double iterationsPerSecond = CALIBRATE_ITERATIONS / nanosToSeconds(timeInNanos); iterations = (long) (SECONDS_PER_RUN * iterationsPerSecond); } iterations = Math.max(iterations, CALIBRATE_ITERATIONS); return iterations; } private double nanosToSeconds(long nanos) { return 1.0 * nanos / TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1); } private String toHumanReadableSpeed(long bytesPerSecond) { String humanReadableSpeed; if (bytesPerSecond < 1024) { humanReadableSpeed = format("%dB/s", bytesPerSecond); } else if (bytesPerSecond < 1024 * 1024) { humanReadableSpeed = format("%.1fkB/s", bytesPerSecond / 1024.0f); } else if (bytesPerSecond < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { humanReadableSpeed = format("%.1fMB/s", bytesPerSecond / (1024.0f * 1024.0f)); } else { humanReadableSpeed = format("%.1fGB/s", bytesPerSecond / (1024.0f * 1024.0f * 1024.0f)); } return humanReadableSpeed; } private long getMedianValue(long[] benchmarkRuns) { ArrayList<Long> list = new ArrayList<Long>(Longs.asList(benchmarkRuns)); Collections.sort(list); return list.get(benchmarkRuns.length / 2); } @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedDeclaration" }) public enum TestData { html("html"), urls("urls.10K"), jpg("house.jpg", false), pdf("mapreduce-osdi-1.pdf"), html4("html_x_4"), cp( "cp.html"), c("fields.c"), lsp("grammar.lsp"), xls("kennedy.xls"), txt1("alice29.txt"), txt2( "asyoulik.txt"), txt3("lcet10.txt"), txt4("plrabn12.txt"), bin( "ptt5"), sum("sum"), man("xargs.1"), pb("geo.protodata"), gaviota("kppkn.gtb"); private final String fileName; private final boolean compressibleData; private final byte[] contents; private final byte[] compressed; TestData(String fileName) { this(fileName, true); } TestData(String fileName, boolean compressibleData) { this.fileName = fileName; this.compressibleData = compressibleData; try { contents = Files.toByteArray(new File("testdata", fileName)); } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } // Read the file and create buffers out side of timing byte[] compressed = new byte[Snappy.maxCompressedLength(contents.length)]; int compressedSize; try { compressedSize = org.xerial.snappy.Snappy.compress(contents, 0, contents.length, compressed, 0); } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } this.compressed = Arrays.copyOf(compressed, compressedSize); } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } public boolean isCompressibleData() { return compressibleData; } public String getInfo() { if (compressibleData) { return name(); } else { return name() + " (not compressible)"; } } public byte[] getContents() { return Arrays.copyOf(contents, contents.length); } public int size() { return contents.length; } public byte[] getCompressed() { return Arrays.copyOf(compressed, compressed.length); } public int compressedSize() { return compressed.length; } } }