Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package InternalFrame; import BackEnd.B_calculation; import BackEnd.E_Spheres_calculation; import BackEnd.E_calculation; import BackEnd.E_old_calculation; import BackEnd.FazorVektor; import BackEnd.Observer; import BackEnd.databaza; import BackEnd.retazovka; import BackEnd.rozpatie; import static InternalFrame.CatenaryPanel.isListener; import dislin.plot_1D; import dislin.plot_2D; import electrical_parameters.Admittance; import electrical_parameters.Basic; import electrical_parameters.CDER; import electrical_parameters.Carson; import electrical_parameters.CarsonModified; import electrical_parameters.TakuNoda; import electrical_parameters.elpam_input_conductor; import emft_vol2.Dislin_Settings; import emft_vol2.TxT_JFrame; import emft_vol2.calculationELPAM_Settings; import emft_vol2.calculation_Settings; import java.util.ArrayList; import emft_vol2.constants; import emft_vol2.main_Jframe; import static emft_vol2.main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings; import flanagan.complex.ComplexMatrix; import java.awt.Desktop; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter; import org.apache.commons.math.complex.Complex; import org.apache.commons.math.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math.linear.RealMatrix; import org.jdelaunay.delaunay.error.DelaunayError; import org.jdelaunay.delaunay.geometries.DPoint; import; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; /** * * @author Jozef */ public class InternalFrameproject extends javax.swing.JInternalFrame { // deklarovanie default values static double A = 300; static double Z = 20; static double krok_poz = 1; //m static double krok = 1000; //vmm static ArrayList<double[]> body = new ArrayList<double[]>(); static String meno_rozpatia = language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 0); static String meno_projektu = language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 1);; public static rozpatie Rozptie = new rozpatie(meno_rozpatia, meno_projektu, A, Z, krok, krok_poz); // databazy public databaza BE = new databaza(); public databaza BEplus = new databaza(); public boolean BEpluspovolene = false; //parametricky vypocet - premenna na update percent v progress bare private int progress_bar_cycles; private int progress_bar_value; private int progress_bar_current_cycle; /** * Creates new form New */ public InternalFrameproject() { initComponents(); Locale.setDefault(new Locale("en", "US")); } /** * This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form. * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is always * regenerated by the Form Editor. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents private void initComponents() { jMenuItem1 = new javax.swing.JMenuItem(); buttonGroup1 = new javax.swing.ButtonGroup(); basicInfoPanel = new InternalFrame.BasicInfoPanel(); basicSettingsPanel = new InternalFrame.BasicSettingsPanel(); catenaryPanel1 = new InternalFrame.CatenaryPanel(); observerPanel1 = new InternalFrame.ObserverPanel(); jPanel1 = new javax.swing.JPanel(); calcB = new javax.swing.JButton(); calcE_OLD = new javax.swing.JButton(); calcE_OLD_plus = new javax.swing.JButton(); load = new javax.swing.JButton(); save = new javax.swing.JButton(); calcBaE = new javax.swing.JButton(); save1 = new javax.swing.JButton(); jProgressBar = new javax.swing.JProgressBar(); calc_MATRIX = new javax.swing.JButton(); calc_MATRIX1 = new javax.swing.JButton(); outputPanel2 = new InternalFrame.outputPanel(); elpam_method_panel = new javax.swing.JPanel(); jMenuItem1.setText("jMenuItem1"); setClosable(true); setIconifiable(true); setMaximizable(true); setResizable(true); setAutoscrolls(true); addInternalFrameListener(new javax.swing.event.InternalFrameListener() { public void internalFrameActivated(javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent evt) { } public void internalFrameClosed(javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent evt) { formInternalFrameClosed(evt); } public void internalFrameClosing(javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent evt) { } public void internalFrameDeactivated(javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent evt) { } public void internalFrameDeiconified(javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent evt) { } public void internalFrameIconified(javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent evt) { } public void internalFrameOpened(javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent evt) { } }); jPanel1.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(52, 152, 219)); calcB.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255, 51, 51)); calcB.setText("B"); calcB.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { calcBActionPerformed(evt); } }); calcE_OLD.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255, 51, 51)); calcE_OLD.setText("E"); calcE_OLD.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { calcE_OLDActionPerformed(evt); } }); calcE_OLD_plus.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255, 51, 51)); calcE_OLD_plus.setText("E +"); calcE_OLD_plus.setEnabled(false); calcE_OLD_plus.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { calcE_OLD_plusActionPerformed(evt); } }); load.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/graphics/if_Open_1493293 (1).png"))); // NOI18N load.setToolTipText(language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 6)); load.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { loadActionPerformed(evt); } }); save.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/graphics/Save-24.png"))); // NOI18N save.setToolTipText(language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 8)); save.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { saveActionPerformed(evt); } }); calcBaE.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255, 51, 51)); calcBaE.setText("B & E"); calcBaE.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { calcBaEActionPerformed(evt); } }); save1.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/graphics/Calculator-24.png"))); // NOI18N save.setToolTipText(language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 8)); save1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { save1ActionPerformed(evt); } }); jProgressBar.setStringPainted(true); calc_MATRIX.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255, 51, 51)); calc_MATRIX.setText("ELPAM"); calc_MATRIX.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { calc_MATRIXActionPerformed(evt); } }); calc_MATRIX1.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255, 51, 51)); calc_MATRIX1.setText("ELPAM + B&E"); calc_MATRIX1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { calc_MATRIX1ActionPerformed(evt); } }); javax.swing.GroupLayout jPanel1Layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(jPanel1); jPanel1.setLayout(jPanel1Layout); jPanel1Layout.setHorizontalGroup(jPanel1Layout .createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGroup(jPanel1Layout.createSequentialGroup().addContainerGap() .addComponent(load, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 24, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addComponent(save, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 24, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addComponent(save1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 24, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addComponent(jProgressBar, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 306, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED).addComponent(calcB) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED).addComponent(calcE_OLD) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addComponent(calcE_OLD_plus, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 56, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED).addComponent(calcBaE) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addComponent(calc_MATRIX, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 101, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addComponent(calc_MATRIX1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 117, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addContainerGap(javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))); jPanel1Layout.setVerticalGroup(jPanel1Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGroup(jPanel1Layout.createSequentialGroup().addContainerGap().addGroup(jPanel1Layout .createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addComponent(load, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(save, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(save1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addGroup(jPanel1Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE) .addComponent(calcB, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(calcE_OLD, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(calcE_OLD_plus, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(calcBaE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 26, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addComponent(calc_MATRIX, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(calc_MATRIX1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE)) .addComponent(jProgressBar, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)) .addContainerGap())); javax.swing.GroupLayout elpam_method_panelLayout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(elpam_method_panel); elpam_method_panel.setLayout(elpam_method_panelLayout); elpam_method_panelLayout.setHorizontalGroup(elpam_method_panelLayout .createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING).addGap(0, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE)); elpam_method_panelLayout.setVerticalGroup(elpam_method_panelLayout .createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING).addGap(0, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE)); javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane()); getContentPane().setLayout(layout); layout.setHorizontalGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addComponent(jPanel1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup().addContainerGap().addGroup(layout .createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addComponent(catenaryPanel1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 1138, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup().addGroup(layout .createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup().addGroup(layout .createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING, false) .addComponent(basicInfoPanel, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(basicSettingsPanel, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addComponent(observerPanel1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)) .addComponent(outputPanel2, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED, 79, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(elpam_method_panel, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))) .addContainerGap())); layout.setVerticalGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup().addContainerGap() .addComponent(jPanel1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup() .addComponent(basicInfoPanel, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 135, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addComponent(basicSettingsPanel, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)) .addComponent(observerPanel1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 400, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addComponent(outputPanel2, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 132, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup().addGap(0, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addComponent(elpam_method_panel, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addGap(100, 100, 100))) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addComponent(catenaryPanel1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 288, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addContainerGap())); pack(); }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents public JButton getLoad() { return load; } public boolean isBEpluspovolene() { return BEpluspovolene; } public void setBEpluspovolene(boolean BEpluspovolene) { this.BEpluspovolene = BEpluspovolene; } private void formInternalFrameClosed(javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_formInternalFrameClosed main_Jframe.window = null; }//GEN-LAST:event_formInternalFrameClosed public BasicInfoPanel getBasicInfoPanel() { return basicInfoPanel; } public void setBasicInfoPanel(BasicInfoPanel basicInfoPanel) { this.basicInfoPanel = basicInfoPanel; } public BasicSettingsPanel getBasicSettingsPanel() { return basicSettingsPanel; } public void setBasicSettingsPanel(BasicSettingsPanel basicSettingsPanel) { this.basicSettingsPanel = basicSettingsPanel; } public CatenaryPanel getCatenaryPanel1() { return catenaryPanel1; } public void setCatenaryPanel1(CatenaryPanel catenaryPanel1) { this.catenaryPanel1 = catenaryPanel1; } public ObserverPanel getObserverPanel1() { return observerPanel1; } public void setObserverPanel1(ObserverPanel observerPanel1) { this.observerPanel1 = observerPanel1; } public outputPanel getOutputPanel2() { return outputPanel2; } public void setOutputPanel2(outputPanel outputPanel2) { this.outputPanel2 = outputPanel2; } private void calcBActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_calcBActionPerformed try { changeValueAtObserverPanelXp(); changeValueAtObserverPanelZp(); //kontrolaci je vobwec nem //jake lano catenaryPanel1.calculatecatenary(); // vytvor retazovku a generuj teren ak neni // bnacitaj velkost elementu double elementh = Rozptie.getKrok(); //help.ReadCheckIntErrorSign(basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_krok, 1000, language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 5)); boolean sulana = true; if (Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size() == 0) { sulana = false; } for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllDlVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory Dl Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRoVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0 } if (sulana == true) { //START MAIN // cyklus vysok Cl0 BE.clear(); // predkadym startom sa databaza vy?isti for (int cl0 = 0; cl0 < observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRowCount(); cl0++) { if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { calculate_B_priecne(BE, cl0); // vypo?ita B rpe?ne a napli data do databazi } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { calculate_B_pozdlzne(BE, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { calculate_B_volne(BE, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { calculate_B_2D_hor(BE, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { calculate_B_2D_ver(BE, (int) Rozptie.getH()); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { calculate_B_parameter(BE, cl0); } } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { Draw_1D_graph("priecne", "Z", 0, "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { Draw_1D_graph("pozdlzne", "X", 1, "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { // ZOBRAZOVANIE TU TREBA UROBIT KOREKCIE PRE OS X STLACA GRAF DOKOPY Draw_1D_graph("neurcite", "X", 2, "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { // ZOBRAZOVANIE TU TREBA UROBIT KOREKCIE PRE OS X STLACA GRAF DOKOPY Draw_1D_graph("parametricke", "P", 3, "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("hor", "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("hor", "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("vert", "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("vert", "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (outputPanel2.getTxT_short().isSelected() == true) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 0, BE, "POKUS", true); } if (outputPanel2.getTxT_long().isSelected() == true) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 0, BE, "POKUS", false); } try { if (TxT_JFrame.getB_GeoMat().isSelected() == true) { make_TxTGEOMAT(Rozptie, BE, "POKUS"); } } catch (NullPointerException E) { } } } catch (DelaunayError ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }//GEN-LAST:event_calcBActionPerformed /** * odlozene koli aalgoritmom matmatika je zla * * @param evt */ private void calcE(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { try { //kontrolaci je vobwec nem //jake lano catenaryPanel1.calculatecatenary(); // vytvor retazovku a generuj teren ak neni // bnacitaj velkost elementu double elementh = Rozptie.getKrok(); //help.ReadCheckIntErrorSign(basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_krok, 1000, language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 5)); boolean sulana = true; if (Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size() == 0) { sulana = false; } for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllDlVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory Dl Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRoVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0 Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror } if (sulana == true) { //START MAIN // cyklus vysok Cl0 BE.clear(); // predkadym startom sa databaza vy?isti Rozptie.calculateTau(); for (int cl0 = 0; cl0 < observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRowCount(); cl0++) { calculate_E_priecne(cl0); // vypo?ita B rpe?ne a napli data do databazi // calculate_B_pozdlzne(cl0); // calculate_B_volne(cl0); // calculate_B_2D_hor(cl0); // calculate_B_2D_ver(40); } plot_1D graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D("Z", BE.getFromList1D(0, 0)), BE.getYray1DList("E", "RMS E", BE.getP1D_priecne()), constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "ROW1", "ROW2", BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_priecne(), Rozptie.getPole())); // graf2.setunits(1000000); graf2.draw_1D_yn(); // graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D("X", BE.getFromList1D(0, 1)), BE.getYray1DList("B", "RMS B", BE.getP1D_pozdlzne()), constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "ROW1", "ROW2", BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_pozdlzne())); // graf2.setunits(1000000); // graf2.draw_1D_yn(); // // ZOBRAZOVANIE TU TREBA UROBIT KOREKCIE PRE OS X STLACA GRAF DOKOPY // graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D("X", BE.getFromList1D(0, 2)), BE.getYray1DList("B", "RMS B", BE.getP1D_neurcite()), constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "ROW1", "ROW2", BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_neurcite())); // graf2.setunits(1000000); // graf2.draw_1D_yn(); // // plot_2D graf3 = new plot_2D(BE.getXray2D("X", BE.getP2D_hor()), BE.getYray2D("Z", BE.getP2D_hor()), BE.getZMAT2D("B", "RMS B", BE.getP2D_hor()), constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "ROW1", "ROW2",true); // graf3.setunits(1000000); // graf3.draw_2D_yn(); // // graf3 = new plot_2D(BE.getXray2D("Z", BE.getP2D_vert()), BE.getYray2D("Y", BE.getP2D_vert()), BE.getZMAT2D("B", "RMS B", BE.getP2D_vert()), constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "ROW1", "ROW2",true); // graf3.setunits(1000000); // graf3.draw_2D_yn(); // nakrm databazu nakonci observerom // databaza BE1D = new datazaza(); } } catch (DelaunayError ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } private void calcE_OLDActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_calcE_OLDActionPerformed try { changeValueAtObserverPanelXp(); changeValueAtObserverPanelZp(); //kontrolaci je vobwec nem //jake lano catenaryPanel1.calculatecatenary(); // vytvor retazovku a generuj teren ak neni // bnacitaj velkost elementu double elementh = Rozptie.getKrok(); //help.ReadCheckIntErrorSign(basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_krok, 1000, language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 5)); boolean sulana = true; boolean aproxx = true; if (Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size() == 0) { sulana = false; } for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllDlVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory Dl Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRoVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0 //vyber metody zrkaldnia // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == false) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror } if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == true) { if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorA().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro(elementh); aproxx = false; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorB().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1) .calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); aproxx = true; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorOff().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_OFF(elementh); } } } if (sulana == true) { //START MAIN // cyklus vysok Cl0 BE.clear(); // predkadym startom sa databaza vy?isti Rozptie.calculateTau_OLD(aproxx); for (int cl0 = 0; cl0 < observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRowCount(); cl0++) { jProgressBar.setValue(0); if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_priecne(BE, cl0); // vypo?ita B rpe?ne a napli data do databazi } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_pozdlzne(BE, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_volne(BE, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_2D_hor(BE, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_2D_ver(BE, (int) Rozptie.getH()); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_old_parameter(BE, cl0); } } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { Draw_1D_graph("priecne", "Z", 0, "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { Draw_1D_graph("pozdlzne", "X", 1, "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { // ZOBRAZOVANIE TU TREBA UROBIT KOREKCIE PRE OS X STLACA GRAF DOKOPY Draw_1D_graph("neurcite", "X", 2, "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { // ZOBRAZOVANIE TU TREBA UROBIT KOREKCIE PRE OS X STLACA GRAF DOKOPY Draw_1D_graph("parametricke", "P", 3, "E", constants.getROW1() + observerPanel1.getNazov(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("hor", "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("hor", "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("vert", "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("vert", "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } // @param B_E_I_EMOD 0=B, 1 =E, 2 = B E , 3 = B E I , 4 = B E Emod, 5 = B E I Emod if (outputPanel2.getTxT_short().isSelected() == true) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 1, BE, "POKUS", true); } if (outputPanel2.getTxT_long().isSelected() == true) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 1, BE, "POKUS", false); } } } catch (DelaunayError ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } BEpluspovolene = true; calcE_OLD_plus.setEnabled(true); }//GEN-LAST:event_calcE_OLDActionPerformed private void calcE_OLD_plusActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_calcE_OLD_plusActionPerformed try { changeValueAtObserverPanelXp(); changeValueAtObserverPanelZp(); //kontrolaci je vobwec nem //jake lano catenaryPanel1.calculatecatenary(); // vytvor retazovku a generuj teren ak neni // bnacitaj velkost elementu double elementh = Rozptie.getKrok(); //help.ReadCheckIntErrorSign(basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_krok, 1000, language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 5)); boolean sulana = true; boolean aproxx = true; if (Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size() == 0) { sulana = false; } for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllDlVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory Dl Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRoVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0 //vyber metody zrkaldnia // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror} if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == false) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror } if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == true) { if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorA().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro(elementh); aproxx = false; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorB().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1) .calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); aproxx = true; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorOff().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_OFF(elementh); } } } if (sulana == true) { //START MAIN // cyklus vysok Cl0 BEplus.clear(); // predkadym startom sa databaza vy?isti Rozptie.calculateTau_OLD(aproxx); for (int cl0 = 0; cl0 < observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRowCount(); cl0++) { if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_plus_priecne(BEplus, cl0); // vypo?ita B rpe?ne a napli data do databazi } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_plus_pozdlzne(BEplus, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_plus_volne(BEplus, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_plus_2D_hor(BEplus, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_plus_2D_ver(BEplus, (int) Rozptie.getH()); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_old_plus_parameter(BEplus, cl0); } } BE.scitanie(BEplus); if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { Draw_1D_graph("priecne", "Z", 0, "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { Draw_1D_graph("pozdlzne", "X", 1, "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { // ZOBRAZOVANIE TU TREBA UROBIT KOREKCIE PRE OS X STLACA GRAF DOKOPY Draw_1D_graph("neurcite", "X", 2, "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { // ZOBRAZOVANIE TU TREBA UROBIT KOREKCIE PRE OS X STLACA GRAF DOKOPY Draw_1D_graph("parametricke", "P", 3, "E", constants.getROW1() + observerPanel1.getNazov(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("hor", "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("hor", "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("vert", "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("vert", "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } // @param B_E_I_EMOD 0=B, 1 =E, 2 = B E , 3 = B E I , 4 = B E Emod, 5 = B E I Emod if (outputPanel2.getTxT_short().isSelected() == true) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 1, BE, "POKUS", true); } if (outputPanel2.getTxT_long().isSelected() == true) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 1, BE, "POKUS", false); } } } catch (DelaunayError ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }//GEN-LAST:event_calcE_OLD_plusActionPerformed private void calcE() { try { changeValueAtObserverPanelXp(); changeValueAtObserverPanelZp(); //kontrolaci je vobwec nem //jake lano catenaryPanel1.calculatecatenary(); // vytvor retazovku a generuj teren ak neni // bnacitaj velkost elementu double elementh = Rozptie.getKrok(); //help.ReadCheckIntErrorSign(basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_krok, 1000, language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 5)); boolean sulana = true; if (Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size() == 0) { sulana = false; } for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllDlVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory Dl Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRoVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0 Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror } if (sulana == true) { //START MAIN // cyklus vysok Cl0 BE.clear(); // predkadym startom sa databaza vy?isti for (int cl0 = 0; cl0 < observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRowCount(); cl0++) { calculate_E_sphere_priecne(cl0); // vypo?ita B rpe?ne a napli data do databazi // calculate_B_pozdlzne(cl0); // calculate_B_volne(cl0); // calculate_B_2D_hor(cl0); // calculate_B_2D_ver(40); } plot_1D graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D("Z", BE.getFromList1D(0, 0)), BE.getYray1DList("E", "RMS E", BE.getP1D_priecne()), constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "ROW1", "ROW2", BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_priecne(), Rozptie.getPole())); // graf2.setunits(1000000); graf2.draw_1D_yn(); // graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D("X", BE.getFromList1D(0, 1)), BE.getYray1DList("B", "RMS B", BE.getP1D_pozdlzne()), constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "ROW1", "ROW2", BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_pozdlzne())); // graf2.setunits(1000000); // graf2.draw_1D_yn(); // // ZOBRAZOVANIE TU TREBA UROBIT KOREKCIE PRE OS X STLACA GRAF DOKOPY // graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D("X", BE.getFromList1D(0, 2)), BE.getYray1DList("B", "RMS B", BE.getP1D_neurcite()), constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "ROW1", "ROW2", BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_neurcite())); // graf2.setunits(1000000); // graf2.draw_1D_yn(); // // plot_2D graf3 = new plot_2D(BE.getXray2D("X", BE.getP2D_hor()), BE.getYray2D("Z", BE.getP2D_hor()), BE.getZMAT2D("B", "RMS B", BE.getP2D_hor()), constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "ROW1", "ROW2",true); // graf3.setunits(1000000); // graf3.draw_2D_yn(); // // graf3 = new plot_2D(BE.getXray2D("Z", BE.getP2D_vert()), BE.getYray2D("Y", BE.getP2D_vert()), BE.getZMAT2D("B", "RMS B", BE.getP2D_vert()), constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "ROW1", "ROW2",true); // graf3.setunits(1000000); // graf3.draw_2D_yn(); // nakrm databazu nakonci observerom // databaza BE1D = new datazaza(); } } catch (DelaunayError ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } BEpluspovolene = true; calcE_OLD_plus.setEnabled(true); } private void loadActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_loadActionPerformed String userhome = System.getProperty(constants.getProgrampath()); JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(userhome + "\\" + constants.getProject_input_folder()); FileNameExtensionFilter txtfilter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("emft files (*Emft)", "Emft"); chooser.setDialogTitle(language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 7)); chooser.setFileFilter(txtfilter); chooser.showOpenDialog(null); File f = chooser.getSelectedFile(); File subor = new File(f.getParent() + "\\" + f.getName()); int pocet_Vysok = 0; try { Scanner input = new Scanner(subor); basicInfoPanel.jTextField_mano.setText(input.nextLine()); basicInfoPanel.jTextField_mano_projektu.setText(input.nextLine()); basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_A.setText(String.valueOf(input.nextDouble())); basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_Z.setText(String.valueOf(input.nextDouble())); basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_H.setText(String.valueOf(input.nextDouble())); basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_krok.setText(String.valueOf(input.nextDouble())); basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_krok_pozorovatela.setText(String.valueOf(input.nextDouble())); input.nextLine(); pocet_Vysok = input.nextInt(); input.nextLine(); int rowCount = observerPanel1.DTMTable.getRowCount();// odsrrani riadky z DTM table for (int i = rowCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { observerPanel1.isListener = false; observerPanel1.DTMTable.removeRow(i); observerPanel1.isListener = true; } for (int i = 0; i < pocet_Vysok; i++) { observerPanel1.isListener = false; observerPanel1.DTMTable.addRow(new Object[] { input.nextLine() }); observerPanel1.isListener = true; } observerPanel1.Table.selectAll(); // ozna? potom vetky stplce observerPanel1.isListener = false; observerPanel1.DTMTable.addRow(new Object[0]); observerPanel1.isListener = true; int pocet_catenary_riadkov = input.nextInt(); input.nextLine(); rowCount = catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getRowCount();// odsrrani riadky z DTM table for (int i = rowCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { catenaryPanel1.isListener = false; catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.removeRow(i); catenaryPanel1.isListener = true; } for (int i = 0; i < pocet_catenary_riadkov; i++) { catenaryPanel1.isListener = false; double V1 = input.nextDouble(); double V2 = input.nextDouble(); double I1 = input.nextDouble(); double I2 = input.nextDouble(); double W1 = input.nextDouble(); double W2 = input.nextDouble(); double X1 = input.nextDouble(); double X2 = input.nextDouble(); int zvazok = input.nextInt(); double alpha = input.nextDouble(); double d = input.nextDouble(); int CH = input.nextInt(); boolean ch = false; if (CH == 1) { ch = true; } double val = input.nextDouble(); double r = input.nextDouble(); double U = input.nextDouble(); double I = input.nextDouble(); double Phi = input.nextDouble(); int pocitaj = input.nextInt(); String lano = input.nextLine(); lano = lano.substring(1); boolean poc = false; if (pocitaj == 1) { poc = true; } // najdi lano v databaze int index = 0; for (int j = 0; j < catenaryPanel1.getConductor_Name_Matrix().size(); j++) { if (lano.equals(catenaryPanel1.getConductor_Name_Matrix().get(j))) { index = j; } } catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.addRow(new Object[] { V1, V2, I1, I2, W1, W2, X1, X2, zvazok, alpha, d, ch, val, r, U, I, Phi, "-", "-", "-", poc, false, lano }); catenaryPanel1.isListener = true; } catenaryPanel1.isListener = false; catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.addRow(new Object[0]); catenaryPanel1.isListener = true; } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(terenmodel_jDialog.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }//GEN-LAST:event_loadActionPerformed private void saveActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_saveActionPerformed String userhome = System.getProperty(constants.getProgrampath()); //userhome is home folder of program // ak je zadan pec lokaciakde uklada tak tam ak nide default prie?ion kde existuje JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(userhome + "\\" + constants.getProject_input_folder()); //key files are stored in resources FileNameExtensionFilter txtfilter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("emft files (*.Emft)", "Emft"); // whitch type of files are we looking for chooser.setDialogTitle(language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 9)); // title for Jfile chooser window chooser.setFileFilter(txtfilter); // Txt filter for choosing file chooser.showSaveDialog(null); File f = chooser.getSelectedFile(); String project_filename = f.getName() + ".Emft"; String project_filepath = f.getParent(); File subor = new File(project_filepath + "\\" + project_filename); PrintWriter fw; try { fw = new PrintWriter(subor); fw.println(basicInfoPanel.jTextField_mano.getText()); fw.println(basicInfoPanel.jTextField_mano_projektu.getText()); fw.println(basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_A.getText() + " " + basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_Z.getText() + " " + basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_H.getText() + " " + basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_krok.getText() + " " + basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_krok_pozorovatela.getText() + " "); fw.println(observerPanel1.Table.getRowCount() - 1); for (int i = 0; i < observerPanel1.Table.getRowCount() - 1; i++) { fw.println(observerPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 0)); } fw.println(catenaryPanel1.Table.getRowCount() - 1); for (int i = 0; i < catenaryPanel1.Table.getRowCount() - 1; i++) { double V1 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 0)); double V2 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 1)); double I1 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 2)); double I2 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 3)); double W1 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 4)); double W2 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 5)); double X1 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 6)); double X2 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 7)); int zvazok = (int) help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 8)); double alpha = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 9)); double d = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 10)); int CH = 0; boolean ch = help.Object_To_Boolean(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 11)); if (ch == true) { CH = 1; } double val = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 12)); double r = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 13)); double U = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 14)); double I = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 15)); double Phi = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 16)); int poc = 0; boolean pocitaj = help.Object_To_Boolean(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 20)); if (pocitaj == true) { poc = 1; } String lano = String.valueOf(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 22)); fw.println(V1 + " " + V2 + " " + I1 + " " + I2 + " " + W1 + " " + W2 + " " + X1 + " " + X2 + " " + zvazok + " " + alpha + " " + d + " " + CH + " " + val + " " + r + " " + U + " " + I + " " + Phi + " " + poc + " " + lano); } Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); fw.println("END of file"); fw.println("time of creation :" + df2.format(todaysDate)); fw.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }//GEN-LAST:event_saveActionPerformed private void calcBaEActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_calcBaEActionPerformed try { changeValueAtObserverPanelXp(); changeValueAtObserverPanelZp(); //kontrolaci je vobwec nem //jake lano catenaryPanel1.calculatecatenary(); // vytvor retazovku a generuj teren ak neni // bnacitaj velkost elementu double elementh = Rozptie.getKrok(); //help.ReadCheckIntErrorSign(basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_krok, 1000, language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 5)); boolean sulana = true; boolean CalcI = false; boolean aproxx = true; boolean CalcEmod = false; if (Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size() == 0) { sulana = false; } for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllDlVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory Dl Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRoVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0 //vyber metody zrkaldnia // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror} if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == false) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror } if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == true) { if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorA().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro(elementh); aproxx = false; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorB().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1) .calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); aproxx = true; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorOff().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_OFF(elementh); } } if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == true) { if (calculation_Settings.getI().isSelected() == true) { CalcI = true; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmod().isSelected() == true) { CalcEmod = true; } } } if (sulana == true) { //START MAIN // cyklus vysok Cl0 BE.clear(); // predkadym startom sa databaza vy?isti BEplus.clear(); // predkadym startom sa databaza vy?isti Rozptie.calculateTau_OLD(aproxx); for (int cl0 = 0; cl0 < observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRowCount(); cl0++) { if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { calculate_B_priecne(BE, cl0); // vypo?ita B rpe?ne a napli data do databazi } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { calculate_B_pozdlzne(BE, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { calculate_B_volne(BE, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { calculate_B_2D_hor(BE, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { calculate_B_2D_ver(BE, (int) Rozptie.getH()); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { calculate_B_parameter(BE, cl0); } for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllDlVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory Dl Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRoVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0 //vyber metody zrkaldnia // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror} if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == false) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1) .calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror } if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == true) { if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorA().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro(elementh); aproxx = false; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorB().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1) .calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); aproxx = true; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorOff().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_OFF(elementh); } } } Rozptie.calculateTau_OLD(aproxx); if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_plus_priecne(BEplus, cl0); // vypo?ita B rpe?ne a napli data do databazi } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_plus_pozdlzne(BEplus, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_plus_volne(BEplus, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_plus_2D_hor(BEplus, cl0); } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_OLD_plus_2D_ver(BEplus, Integer.valueOf(basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_H.getText())); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { calculate_E_old_parameter(BEplus, cl0); } } if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == true) { if (calculation_Settings.getI().isSelected() == true) { CalcI = true; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmod().isSelected() == true) { CalcEmod = true; } } if (CalcI == false && CalcEmod == false) { BE.scitanie(BEplus); } else { BE.scitanieAndCalcIEmod(BEplus, CalcI, CalcEmod, constants.getKE_I(), constants.getKB_I(), constants.getKE_Emod(), constants.getKB_Emod(), constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), constants.getSigma(), constants.getFrequency()); } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { Draw_1D_graph("priecne", "Z", 0, "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); Draw_1D_graph("priecne", "Z", 0, "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); if (CalcI == true) { Draw_1D_graph("priecne", "Z", 0, "I", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (CalcEmod == true) { Draw_1D_graph("priecne", "Z", 0, "Emod", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { Draw_1D_graph("pozdlzne", "X", 1, "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); Draw_1D_graph("pozdlzne", "X", 1, "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); if (CalcI == true) { Draw_1D_graph("pozdlzne", "X", 1, "I", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (CalcEmod == true) { Draw_1D_graph("pozdlzne", "X", 1, "Emod", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { // ZOBRAZOVANIE TU TREBA UROBIT KOREKCIE PRE OS X STLACA GRAF DOKOPY Draw_1D_graph("neurcite", "X", 2, "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); Draw_1D_graph("neurcite", "X", 2, "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); if (CalcI == true) { Draw_1D_graph("neurcite", "X", 2, "I", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (CalcEmod == true) { Draw_1D_graph("neurcite", "X", 2, "Emod", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { // ZOBRAZOVANIE TU TREBA UROBIT KOREKCIE PRE OS X STLACA GRAF DOKOPY Draw_1D_graph("parametricke", "P", 3, "B", constants.getROW1() + observerPanel1.getNazov(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); Draw_1D_graph("parametricke", "P", 3, "E", constants.getROW1() + observerPanel1.getNazov(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); if (CalcI == true) { Draw_1D_graph("parametrickee", "P", 3, "I", constants.getROW1() + observerPanel1.getNazov(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (CalcEmod == true) { Draw_1D_graph("parametricke", "P", 3, "Emod" + observerPanel1.getNazov(), constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("hor", "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("hor", "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("hor", "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("hor", "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcI == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("hor", "I", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcI == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("hor", "I", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcEmod == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("hor", "Emod", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcEmod == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("hor", "Emod", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } } if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("vert", "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("vert", "B", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("vert", "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("vert", "E", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcI == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("vert", "I", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcI == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("vert", "I", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (outputPanel2.getConturry().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcEmod == true) { Draw_2D_graph_kontury("vert", "Emod", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } if (outputPanel2.getFill().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcEmod == true) { Draw_2D_graph_fill("vert", "Emod", constants.getROW1(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } } } // @param B_E_I_EMOD 0=B, 1 =E, 2 = B E , 3 = B E I , 4 = B E Emod, 5 = B E I Emod if (outputPanel2.getTxT_short().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcI == false) { if (CalcEmod == false) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 2, BE, "POKUS", true); } } } if (outputPanel2.getTxT_long().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcI == false) { if (CalcEmod == false) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 2, BE, "POKUS", false); } } } if (outputPanel2.getTxT_short().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcI == true) { if (CalcEmod == false) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 3, BE, "POKUS", true); } } } if (outputPanel2.getTxT_long().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcI == true) { if (CalcEmod == false) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 3, BE, "POKUS", false); } } } if (outputPanel2.getTxT_short().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcI == false) { if (CalcEmod == true) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 4, BE, "POKUS", true); } } } if (outputPanel2.getTxT_long().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcI == false) { if (CalcEmod == true) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 4, BE, "POKUS", false); } } } if (outputPanel2.getTxT_short().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcI == true) { if (CalcEmod == true) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 5, BE, "POKUS", true); } } } if (outputPanel2.getTxT_long().isSelected() == true) { if (CalcI == true) { if (CalcEmod == true) { make_TxT(Rozptie, 5, BE, "POKUS", false); } } } } } catch (DelaunayError ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } calcE_OLD_plus.setEnabled(true); }//GEN-LAST:event_calcBaEActionPerformed private void save1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_save1ActionPerformed if (TxT_JFrame.about_JframeIsOpen == false) { String[] args = null; TxT_JFrame.main(args); } if (calculation_Settings.about_JframeIsOpen == false) { iscalculation_Settings = true; String[] args = null; calculation_Settings.main(args); } if (Dislin_Settings.about_JframeIsOpen == false) { String[] args = null; Dislin_Settings.main(args); } }//GEN-LAST:event_save1ActionPerformed private void calc_MATRIXActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_calc_MATRIXActionPerformed if (main_Jframe.iscalculationELPAM_Settings == false) { String[] args = null; calculationELPAM_Settings.main(args); main_Jframe.iscalculationELPAM_Settings = true; } else //Ak parametricke riesenie if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { databaza BEplusELPAM = new databaza(); // nastavenie parametrizacie double odVal = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 1)); double doVal = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 2)); double krokVal = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 3)); int pocetCyklovparametrov = 0; if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_A.isSelected() == true) { pocetCyklovparametrov = (int) ((doVal - odVal) / krokVal); this.progress_bar_cycles = pocetCyklovparametrov; } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_B.isSelected() == true) { pocetCyklovparametrov = (int) help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 2)); this.progress_bar_cycles = pocetCyklovparametrov; } ; int selectedIndex = observerPanel1.getjComboBox_par().getSelectedIndex(); if (selectedIndex != -1) { if (selectedIndex < 3) { selectedIndex = selectedIndex + 8; } else if (selectedIndex >= 3) { selectedIndex = selectedIndex + 9; } } //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov_ELPAM = new Observer[pocetCyklovparametrov]; // main cyklus pre parametrizaciu this.progress_bar_current_cycle = 1; for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < pocetCyklovparametrov; cl01++) { // nacitaj velkost elementu double elementh = Rozptie.getKrok(); //help.ReadCheckIntErrorSign(basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_krok, 1000, language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 5)); // ochrana ?i je vobec co pocitat boolean sulana = true; boolean aproxx = true; if (Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size() == 0) { sulana = false; } calculatecatenaryParameter_ELPAM_parameter(selectedIndex, krokVal * cl01, odVal); // neupravuje hodnoty elpam aproxx = priprava_vektorov(elementh, aproxx); vektor_observerov_ELPAM[cl01] = calculateELPAM(calculationELPAM_Settings.getmetoda(), calculationELPAM_Settings.getzvazky(), aproxx, calculationELPAM_Settings.getEXGMR(), calculationELPAM_Settings.getEXRAC(), false, true); vektor_observerov_ELPAM[cl01].setParameter(elementh); // vloz hodnotu parametra do observera if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_A.isSelected() == true) { vektor_observerov_ELPAM[cl01].setParameter(odVal + krokVal * cl01); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_B.isSelected() == true) { vektor_observerov_ELPAM[cl01].setParameter(krokVal * cl01); } this.progress_bar_current_cycle++; } ArrayList<Observer[]> ELPAM_parametre = new ArrayList<>(); ELPAM_parametre.add(vektor_observerov_ELPAM); BEplusELPAM.setP1D_parameter_ELMPAM(ELPAM_parametre); // nakrnemeni databazy try { Draw_1D_graph(BEplusELPAM, "parametricke", "P", 4, outputPanel2.YAxisVal_ELPAM(), constants.getROW1() + observerPanel1.getNazov(), constants.getROW2(), "POKUS"); } catch (DelaunayError ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } this.progress_bar_current_cycle = 1; } else { // ak neni zaskrtnuta parametrizacia this.progress_bar_current_cycle = 1; this.progress_bar_cycles = 1; // nie je parametrizacia - progress bar nebude delit vyslednu hodnotu este poctom cyklov catenaryPanel1.calculatecatenary(); // vytvor retazovku a generuj teren ak neni // nacitaj velkost elementu double elementh = Rozptie.getKrok(); //help.ReadCheckIntErrorSign(basicSettingsPanel.jTextField_krok, 1000, language_internal_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(), 5)); // ochrana ?i je vobec co pocitat boolean sulana = true; boolean aproxx = true; if (Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size() == 0) { sulana = false; } // Priprava vektorov aproxx = priprava_vektorov(elementh, aproxx); if (sulana == true) { //nacitanie z mainframeu do retazovky catenaryPanel1.add_parametre_to_conductor(); calculateELPAM(calculationELPAM_Settings.getmetoda(), calculationELPAM_Settings.getzvazky(), aproxx, calculationELPAM_Settings.getEXGMR(), calculationELPAM_Settings.getEXRAC(), true, false); } } }//GEN-LAST:event_calc_MATRIXActionPerformed private void calc_MATRIX1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_calc_MATRIX1ActionPerformed // POCITA AJ POLIA AJ PARAMATRE VYStUP DVA TZPY Podielovy alebo jednotkovy // ak parametre tak sa pocita aj arraylist a graf }//GEN-LAST:event_calc_MATRIX1ActionPerformed //prepocitaj auto polohy pozorovatela private void changeValueAtObserverPanelXp() { try { double val = Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getA1_over(); if (observerPanel1.X_precne_auto.isSelected() == true) { observerPanel1.priecna_X_textfield.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException S) { double val = Rozptie.getA() / 2; if (observerPanel1.X_precne_auto.isSelected() == true) { observerPanel1.priecna_X_textfield.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } } } private void changeValueAtObserverPanelZp() { double val = Rozptie.getZ() / 2; if (observerPanel1.Z_pozdl_auto.isSelected() == true) { observerPanel1.pozdl_Z_textfield.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } } private Observer calculateELPAM(int metoda, boolean bundle, boolean aproxx, boolean exactGMR, boolean exactRAC, boolean makeTxt, boolean parametrical) { Observer output = new Observer(); try { //vytvorenie zoznamu vodicov ako su pouzite v mainframe int pocet_vodicov = Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); ArrayList<elpam_input_conductor> cnd_list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < pocet_vodicov; i++) { elpam_input_conductor cnd2add = new elpam_input_conductor(); //treba vzdy definovat nanovo nech neprepisuje ArrayList!!!!!!!!!!!! Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).calcGMR_Rac_xi(); cnd2add.setF(constants.getFrequency()); cnd2add.setD(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_D()); cnd2add.setT(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_T()); cnd2add.setRho_conductor(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_rho_cnd()); cnd2add.setRho_ground(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_rho_gnd()); cnd2add.setRdc(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_Rdc()); cnd2add.setAl_layers(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_Al_layers()); cnd2add.setAl_start(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_Al_start()); cnd2add.setAl_d(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_Al_d()); cnd2add.setGMR(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_GMR()); cnd2add.setRac(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_Rac()); cnd2add.setXi(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_xi()); cnd2add.setGMR_default(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_GMR_default()); cnd2add.setXi_default(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getElpam_xi_default()); cnd2add.setBundle(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).isBundle()); cnd_list.add(i, cnd2add); } //definovanie realmatrix premennych - zistovanie ich velkosti - .get(xyz) hovori o elementoch v rozpati //int element = 0; //nastavenie useku v retazovke if (progress_bar_current_cycle == 1) { this.progress_bar_value = 0; } //false -> uvazuje klasicky prepocet cez r_zv, true -> vodice vo zvazku ako nove lana v systeme Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "A", aproxx, bundle, Complex.ONE, 0.26244, 1.12385); //nutne pre stanovenie velkosti matic int gw = Rozptie.getPocet_zemnych_lan_bez_zvazkov(); int fv = Rozptie.getPocet_faz(); int number_of_elements = Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getRo_vectors().size(); /** * method: 1 - Carson no gnd 2 - Carson gnd 3 - Carson mod no gnd 4 * - Carson mod gnd 5 - Basic 6 - CDER 7 - TakuNoda */ int method = metoda; String type = "phase"; if (Rozptie.getPocet_faz() % 3 == 0) { type = "all"; } //ArrLists for Impedance/Admittance - phase matrices, symmetrical components matrices //ComplexMatrices for Impedance/Admittance - phase matrices, symmetrical components matrices ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Y_total = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Y_total_symm = new ArrayList<>(); ComplexMatrix Y_total_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix Y_total_symm_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); if (method == 1) { ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_Carson_no_gnd = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_Carson_no_gnd_symm = new ArrayList<>(); ComplexMatrix Z_total_Carson_no_gnd_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix Z_total_Carson_no_gnd_symm_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); //for each element in span for (int element = 0; element < number_of_elements; element++) { int rows = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getRowDimension(); int cols = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getColumnDimension(); RealMatrix Dik = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Dik_mirror_real = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Fik = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); double[] hx2 = new double[rows]; //Carson & Carson Modified & Basic Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "A", aproxx, bundle, Complex.ONE, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "B", aproxx, bundle, Complex.ONE, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik_mirror_real = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Fik = Rozptie.getPAr_Alpha_real().get(element); hx2 = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_real().get(element)); Carson test_carson = new Carson(Dik, Dik_mirror_real, Fik, hx2, cnd_list, exactGMR, exactRAC, fv, gw); Admittance test_admittance = new Admittance(Dik, Dik_mirror_real, hx2, cnd_list, Rozptie.getKrok(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getBundle_over(), fv, gw); //compute all parameters test_carson.calcAll(type); test_admittance.calcAll(type); //store to ArrayLists Z_total_Carson_no_gnd.add(test_carson.getZ_red_no_gnd()); Y_total.add(test_admittance.getY()); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_Carson_no_gnd_symm.add(test_carson.getZ_red_no_gnd_symm()); Y_total_symm.add(test_admittance.getY_symm()); } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } //make average parameters from ArrayLists ComplexMatrix cSum_Carson_no_gnd = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Carson_no_gnd_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); for (int i = 0; i < number_of_elements; i++) { cSum_Carson_no_gnd =; cSum_Y =; if (type.equals("all")) { cSum_Carson_no_gnd_symm =; cSum_Y_symm =; } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } Z_total_Carson_no_gnd_final = cSum_Carson_no_gnd.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_final = cSum_Y.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_Carson_no_gnd_symm_final = cSum_Carson_no_gnd_symm .times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_symm_final = cSum_Y_symm.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); } //write to observer output = new Observer(Z_total_Carson_no_gnd_final, Y_total_final, Z_total_Carson_no_gnd_symm_final, Y_total_symm_final, 0); //writin into file if (makeTxt) make_TXT_ELPAM_Basic(type, method, output); } else if (method == 2) { ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_Carson_gnd = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_Carson_gnd_symm = new ArrayList<>(); ComplexMatrix Z_total_Carson_gnd_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix Z_total_Carson_gnd_symm_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); //for each element in span for (int element = 0; element < number_of_elements; element++) { int rows = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getRowDimension(); int cols = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getColumnDimension(); RealMatrix Dik = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Dik_mirror_real = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Fik = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); double[] hx2 = new double[rows]; //Carson & Acrson Modified & Basic & Admittance Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "A", aproxx, bundle, Complex.ONE, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "B", aproxx, bundle, Complex.ONE, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik_mirror_real = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Fik = Rozptie.getPAr_Alpha_real().get(element); hx2 = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_real().get(element)); Carson test_carson = new Carson(Dik, Dik_mirror_real, Fik, hx2, cnd_list, exactGMR, exactRAC, fv, gw); Admittance test_admittance = new Admittance(Dik, Dik_mirror_real, hx2, cnd_list, Rozptie.getKrok(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getBundle_over(), fv, gw); //compute all parameters test_carson.calcAll(type); test_admittance.calcAll(type); //store to ArrayLists Z_total_Carson_gnd.add(test_carson.getZ_red_gnd()); Y_total.add(test_admittance.getY()); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_Carson_gnd_symm.add(test_carson.getZ_red_gnd_symm()); Y_total_symm.add(test_admittance.getY_symm()); } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } //make average parameters from ArrayLists ComplexMatrix cSum_Carson_gnd = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Carson_gnd_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); for (int i = 0; i < number_of_elements; i++) { cSum_Carson_gnd =; cSum_Y =; if (type.equals("all")) { cSum_Y_symm =; cSum_Carson_gnd_symm =; } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } Z_total_Carson_gnd_final = cSum_Carson_gnd.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_final = cSum_Y.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_Carson_gnd_symm_final = cSum_Carson_gnd_symm.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_symm_final = cSum_Y_symm.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); } //write to observer output = new Observer(Z_total_Carson_gnd_final, Y_total_final, Z_total_Carson_gnd_symm_final, Y_total_symm_final, 0); //writin into file if (makeTxt) make_TXT_ELPAM_Basic(type, method, output); } else if (method == 3) { ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_Carson_mod_no_gnd = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_Carson_mod_no_gnd_symm = new ArrayList<>(); ComplexMatrix Z_total_Carson_mod_no_gnd_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix Z_total_Carson_mod_no_gnd_symm_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); //for each element in span for (int element = 0; element < number_of_elements; element++) { int rows = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getRowDimension(); int cols = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getColumnDimension(); RealMatrix Dik = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Dik_mirror_real = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Fik = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); double[] hx2 = new double[rows]; //Carson & Acrson Modified & Basic Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "A", aproxx, bundle, Complex.ONE, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "B", aproxx, bundle, Complex.ONE, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik_mirror_real = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Fik = Rozptie.getPAr_Alpha_real().get(element); hx2 = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_real().get(element)); CarsonModified test_carson_mod = new CarsonModified(Dik, Dik_mirror_real, Fik, hx2, cnd_list, exactGMR, exactRAC, fv, gw); Admittance test_admittance = new Admittance(Dik, Dik_mirror_real, hx2, cnd_list, Rozptie.getKrok(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getBundle_over(), fv, gw); //compute all parameters // System.out.println(); // System.out.println("Carson modified"); test_carson_mod.calcAll(type); test_admittance.calcAll(type); //store to ArrayLists Z_total_Carson_mod_no_gnd.add(element, test_carson_mod.getZ_red_no_gnd()); Y_total.add(test_admittance.getY()); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_Carson_mod_no_gnd_symm.add(element, test_carson_mod.getZ_red_no_gnd_symm()); Y_total_symm.add(test_admittance.getY_symm()); } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } //make average parameters from ArrayLists ComplexMatrix cSum_Carson_mod_no_gnd = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Carson_mod_no_gnd_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); for (int i = 0; i < number_of_elements; i++) { cSum_Carson_mod_no_gnd =; cSum_Y =; if (type.equals("all")) { cSum_Carson_mod_no_gnd_symm = cSum_Carson_mod_no_gnd_symm .plus(Z_total_Carson_mod_no_gnd_symm.get(i)); cSum_Y_symm =; } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } Z_total_Carson_mod_no_gnd_final = cSum_Carson_mod_no_gnd.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_final = cSum_Y.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_Carson_mod_no_gnd_symm_final = cSum_Carson_mod_no_gnd_symm .times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_symm_final = cSum_Y_symm.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); } //write to observer output = new Observer(Z_total_Carson_mod_no_gnd_final, Y_total_final, Z_total_Carson_mod_no_gnd_symm_final, Y_total_symm_final, 0); //writin into file if (makeTxt) make_TXT_ELPAM_Basic(type, method, output); } else if (method == 4) { ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_Carson_mod_gnd = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_Carson_mod_gnd_symm = new ArrayList<>(); ComplexMatrix Z_total_Carson_mod_gnd_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix Z_total_Carson_mod_gnd_symm_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); //for each element in span for (int element = 0; element < number_of_elements; element++) { int rows = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getRowDimension(); int cols = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getColumnDimension(); RealMatrix Dik = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Dik_mirror_real = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Fik = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); double[] hx2 = new double[rows]; //Carson & Acrson Modified & Basic Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "A", aproxx, bundle, Complex.ONE, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "B", aproxx, bundle, Complex.ONE, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik_mirror_real = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Fik = Rozptie.getPAr_Alpha_real().get(element); hx2 = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_real().get(element)); CarsonModified test_carson_mod = new CarsonModified(Dik, Dik_mirror_real, Fik, hx2, cnd_list, exactGMR, exactRAC, fv, gw); Admittance test_admittance = new Admittance(Dik, Dik_mirror_real, hx2, cnd_list, Rozptie.getKrok(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getBundle_over(), fv, gw); //compute all parameters test_carson_mod.calcAll(type); test_admittance.calcAll(type); //store to ArrayLists Z_total_Carson_mod_gnd.add(test_carson_mod.getZ_red_gnd()); Y_total.add(test_admittance.getY()); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_Carson_mod_gnd_symm.add(test_carson_mod.getZ_red_gnd_symm()); Y_total_symm.add(test_admittance.getY_symm()); } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } //make average parameters from ArrayLists ComplexMatrix cSum_Carson_mod_gnd = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Carson_mod_gnd_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); for (int i = 0; i < number_of_elements; i++) { cSum_Carson_mod_gnd =; cSum_Y =; if (type.equals("all")) { cSum_Carson_mod_gnd_symm = cSum_Carson_mod_gnd_symm .plus(Z_total_Carson_mod_gnd_symm.get(i)); cSum_Y_symm =; } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } Z_total_Carson_mod_gnd_final = cSum_Carson_mod_gnd.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_final = cSum_Y.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_Carson_mod_gnd_symm_final = cSum_Carson_mod_gnd_symm .times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_symm_final = cSum_Y_symm.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); } //write to observer output = new Observer(Z_total_Carson_mod_gnd_final, Y_total_final, Z_total_Carson_mod_gnd_symm_final, Y_total_symm_final, 0); //writin into file if (makeTxt) make_TXT_ELPAM_Basic(type, method, output); } else if (method == 5) { ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_Basic = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_Basic_symm = new ArrayList<>(); ComplexMatrix Z_total_Basic_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix Z_total_Basic_symm_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); //for each element in span for (int element = 0; element < number_of_elements; element++) { int rows = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getRowDimension(); int cols = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getColumnDimension(); RealMatrix Dik = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Dik_mirror_real = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); double[] hx2; //Carson & Acrson Modified & Basic Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "A", aproxx, bundle, Complex.ONE, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "B", aproxx, bundle, Complex.ONE, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik_mirror_real = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); hx2 = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_real().get(element)); Basic test_basic = new Basic(Dik, cnd_list, exactGMR, exactRAC, fv, gw); Admittance test_admittance = new Admittance(Dik, Dik_mirror_real, hx2, cnd_list, Rozptie.getKrok(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getBundle_over(), fv, gw); //compute all parameters test_basic.calcAll(type); test_admittance.calcAll(type); //store to ArrayLists Z_total_Basic.add(test_basic.getZ_red()); Y_total.add(test_admittance.getY()); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_Basic_symm.add(test_basic.getZ_red_symm()); Y_total_symm.add(test_admittance.getY_symm()); } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } //make average parameters from ArrayLists ComplexMatrix cSum_Basic = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Basic_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); for (int i = 0; i < number_of_elements; i++) { cSum_Basic =; cSum_Y =; if (type.equals("all")) { cSum_Basic_symm =; cSum_Y_symm =; } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } Z_total_Basic_final = cSum_Basic.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_final = cSum_Y.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_Basic_symm_final = cSum_Basic_symm.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_symm_final = cSum_Y_symm.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); } //write to observer output = new Observer(Z_total_Basic_final, Y_total_final, Z_total_Basic_symm_final, Y_total_symm_final, 0); //writin into file if (makeTxt) make_TXT_ELPAM_Basic(type, method, output); } else if (method == 6) { ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_CDER = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_CDER_symm = new ArrayList<>(); ComplexMatrix Z_total_CDER_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix Z_total_CDER_symm_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); //for each element in span for (int element = 0; element < number_of_elements; element++) { int rows = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getRowDimension(); int cols = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getColumnDimension(); RealMatrix Dik = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Dik_mirror_real_CDER = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Dik_mirror_imag_CDER = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Dik_mirror_real; double[] hx2_real = new double[rows]; double[] hx2_imag = new double[rows]; double[] hx2_kap; //complex const double omega = (double) 2 * Math.PI * constants.getFrequency(); double mu = (4e-7) * Math.PI; Complex p; p = new Complex(cnd_list.get(0).getRho_ground(), 0).divide(new Complex(0, omega * mu)).sqrt(); //CDER Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "B", aproxx, bundle, p, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik_mirror_real = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); hx2_kap = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_real().get(element)); Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("b", "A", aproxx, bundle, p, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("b", "C", aproxx, bundle, p, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik_mirror_real_CDER = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Dik_mirror_imag_CDER = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_Image().get(element); hx2_real = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_real().get(element)); hx2_imag = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_image().get(element)); CDER cder_test = new CDER(Dik, Dik_mirror_real_CDER, Dik_mirror_imag_CDER, hx2_real, hx2_imag, cnd_list, exactGMR, exactRAC, fv, gw); Admittance test_admittance = new Admittance(Dik, Dik_mirror_real, hx2_kap, cnd_list, Rozptie.getKrok(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getBundle_over(), fv, gw); //compute all parameters cder_test.calcAll(type); test_admittance.calcAll(type); //store to ArrayLists Z_total_CDER.add(cder_test.getZ_red()); Y_total.add(test_admittance.getY()); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_CDER_symm.add(cder_test.getZ_red_symm()); Y_total_symm.add(test_admittance.getY_symm()); } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } //make average parameters from ArrayLists ComplexMatrix cSum_CDER = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_CDER_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); for (int i = 0; i < number_of_elements; i++) { cSum_CDER =; cSum_Y =; if (type.equals("all")) { cSum_CDER_symm =; cSum_Y_symm =; } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } Z_total_CDER_final = cSum_CDER.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_final = cSum_Y.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_CDER_symm_final = cSum_CDER_symm.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_symm_final = cSum_Y_symm.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); } //write to observer output = new Observer(Z_total_CDER_final, Y_total_final, Z_total_CDER_symm_final, Y_total_symm_final, 0); //writin into file if (makeTxt) make_TXT_ELPAM_Basic(type, method, output); } else if (method == 7) { ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_TakuNoda = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<ComplexMatrix> Z_total_TakuNoda_symm = new ArrayList<>(); ComplexMatrix Z_total_TakuNoda_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix Z_total_TakuNoda_symm_final = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); //for each element in span for (int element = 0; element < number_of_elements; element++) { int rows = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getRowDimension(); int cols = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element).getColumnDimension(); RealMatrix Dik = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); double[] hx2_real_alpha = new double[rows]; double[] hx2_imag_alpha = new double[rows]; double[] hx2_real_beta = new double[rows]; double[] hx2_imag_beta = new double[rows]; RealMatrix Dik_mirror_real_alpha = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Dik_mirror_imag_alpha = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Dik_mirror_real_beta = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Dik_mirror_imag_beta = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); RealMatrix Dik_mirror_real; double[] hx2_kap; //complex const double omega = (double) 2 * Math.PI * constants.getFrequency(); double mu = (4e-7) * Math.PI; Complex p; p = new Complex(cnd_list.get(0).getRho_ground(), 0).divide(new Complex(0, omega * mu)).sqrt(); //Taku Noda Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "B", aproxx, bundle, p, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik_mirror_real = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); hx2_kap = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_real().get(element)); //Dik Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("a", "A", aproxx, bundle, p, 0.26244, 1.12385); Dik = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); //alpha Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("c", "D", aproxx, bundle, p, 0.26244, 1.12385); hx2_real_alpha = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_real().get(element)); hx2_imag_alpha = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_image().get(element)); Dik_mirror_real_alpha = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Dik_mirror_imag_alpha = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_Image().get(element); //beta Rozptie.calculateMatrix_opt_XX("d", "E", aproxx, bundle, p, 0.26244, 1.12385); hx2_real_beta = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_real().get(element)); hx2_imag_beta = ArrList2Arr(Rozptie.getPAr_diagonala_image().get(element)); Dik_mirror_real_beta = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_REAL().get(element); Dik_mirror_imag_beta = Rozptie.getPAr_Dik_Image().get(element); TakuNoda tn_test = new TakuNoda(Dik, Dik_mirror_real_alpha, Dik_mirror_imag_alpha, Dik_mirror_real_beta, Dik_mirror_imag_beta, hx2_real_alpha, hx2_imag_alpha, hx2_real_beta, hx2_imag_beta, cnd_list, exactGMR, exactRAC, fv, gw); Admittance test_admittance = new Admittance(Dik, Dik_mirror_real, hx2_kap, cnd_list, Rozptie.getKrok(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getBundle_over(), fv, gw); //compute all parameters tn_test.calcAll(type); test_admittance.calcAll(type); //store to ArrayLists Z_total_TakuNoda.add(tn_test.getZ_red()); Y_total.add(test_admittance.getY()); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_TakuNoda_symm.add(tn_test.getZ_red_symm()); Y_total_symm.add(test_admittance.getY_symm()); } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } //make average parameters from ArrayLists ComplexMatrix cSum_TakuNoda = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_TakuNoda_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); ComplexMatrix cSum_Y_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv); for (int i = 0; i < number_of_elements; i++) { cSum_TakuNoda =; cSum_Y =; if (type.equals("all")) { cSum_TakuNoda_symm =; cSum_Y_symm =; } //vypis no progress baru progress_bar_value++; double value = (((double) progress_bar_value) / ((double) 2 * (double) number_of_elements * (double) progress_bar_cycles)) * 100; //2 iteratory no n.o.e if (value % 5 == 0) { updatePB((int) value); } } Z_total_TakuNoda_final = cSum_TakuNoda.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_final = cSum_Y.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); if (type.equals("all")) { Z_total_TakuNoda_symm_final = cSum_TakuNoda_symm.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); Y_total_symm_final = cSum_Y_symm.times((double) 1 / number_of_elements); } //write to observer output = new Observer(Z_total_TakuNoda_final, Y_total_final, Z_total_TakuNoda_symm_final, Y_total_symm_final, 0); //writin into file if (makeTxt) make_TXT_ELPAM_Basic(type, method, output); } if (parametrical) { if (progress_bar_current_cycle == progress_bar_cycles) { updatePB(100); } } else { updatePB(100); } } catch (DelaunayError ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return output; } //....................................... //kalkulacky pozorovatelov //....................................... /** * funkcia ktory vytvory arraylist vektorov pozorovatela pre 1D mapovanie * * @param X1 start point X * @param X2 end point X * @param Z1 Z coordinate * @param Z2 Z3 coordinate * @param Y konstantna vyska * @param krok_pozorovatela ktork pozorovatela * @return vrati arralist * @throws DelaunayError */ private ArrayList<DPoint> pozorovatel_1D(double X1, double X2, double Z1, double Z2, double Y, double krok_pozorovatela) throws DelaunayError { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<>(); int pocet_P = (int) (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(X2 - X1, 2) + Math.pow(Z2 - Z1, 2)) / krok_pozorovatela); // pocer vektorov Rp v realite ete jeden navye lebo sa zaokruhluje dole double alpha = 0; // uhol otocenia if (X1 == X2) { if (Z1 - Z2 < 0) { alpha = Math.PI / 2; } if (Z1 - Z2 > 0) { alpha = -Math.PI / 2; } } // n ochrana pred 90 stupnami a delenim nulou else { alpha = Math.atan((Z1 - Z2) / (X1 - X2)); // uhol otocenia // else{ alpha = Math.atan2((LCX2 - LCX1),(LCZ2 - LCZ1) ); // else{ alpha = Math.atan((LCZ1 - LCZ2) / (LCX1 - LCX2)); // uhol otocenia } for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 <= pocet_P + 1; cl1++) { DPoint hodnota = new DPoint(); if (cl1 == 0) { hodnota.setX(X1); hodnota.setY(Y); hodnota.setZ(Z1); hodnota = Rozptie.getPole().getYaboveTer(hodnota); } else { hodnota.setX(X1 + (Math.cos(alpha) * cl1 * krok_pozorovatela)); hodnota.setY(Y); hodnota.setZ(Z1 + (Math.sin(alpha) * cl1 * krok_pozorovatela)); hodnota = Rozptie.getPole().getYaboveTer(hodnota); } Rp_vectors.add(hodnota); } return Rp_vectors; } ; /** * vektory RP ale len v polojhe priecnej * @param X1 poloha priecneho mapovania * @param Y vyska nad terenom * @param Z dlzka priecneho mapovania Z * @return */ private ArrayList<DPoint> pozorovatel_1D_priecne(double X1, double Y, double krok_pozorovatela) throws DelaunayError { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<>(); int pocet_P = (int) ((((Rozptie.getZ()) * 2) / krok_pozorovatela)); for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 <= pocet_P; cl1++) { DPoint hodnota = new DPoint(); hodnota.setX(X1); hodnota.setY(Y); hodnota.setZ(-Rozptie.getZ() + cl1 * krok_pozorovatela); // nastavuje hodnotu Z len priecne mapovanie meni sa hodnota = Rozptie.getPole().getYaboveTer(hodnota); Rp_vectors.add(hodnota); } return Rp_vectors; } ; /** * vektory RP ale len v polojhe priecnej * @param Z1 poloha pozdlezneho * @param Y vyska nad terenom * @return */ private ArrayList<DPoint> pozorovatel_1D_pozdlezne(double Z1, double Y, double krok_pozorovatela) throws DelaunayError { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<>(); int pocet_P = (int) (((Rozptie.getA())) / krok_pozorovatela) - 1; for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 <= pocet_P + 1; cl1++) { DPoint hodnota = new DPoint(); hodnota.setX(cl1 * krok_pozorovatela); hodnota.setY(Y); hodnota.setZ(Z1); // nastavuje hodnotu Z len priecne mapovanie meni sa hodnota = Rozptie.getPole().getYaboveTer(hodnota); Rp_vectors.add(hodnota); } return Rp_vectors; } /** * * @param auto automatika na vzdialenost X1 alebo vlastne hodnota ak * automatika tak podla prveho lana sa ur?i * @param row_index ktora vyka sa po?ita za?ina sa na 1 * @return vektor Rp pre prie?ne mapovanie s poloautomatikoou * @throws DelaunayError */ private ArrayList<DPoint> pozorovatel_1D_priecne_final(boolean auto, int row_index) throws DelaunayError { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<>(); double X1 = 0; double Y1 = 1.8; if (auto == true) { X1 = Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getA1_over(); X1 = X1 * Math.cos(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getBeta_over()); // priemet do osi X } else { X1 = observerPanel1.getPriecna_X(); } Y1 = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(row_index, 0)); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_priecne(X1, Y1, Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela()); return Rp_vectors; } /** * * @param auto automatika na vzdialenost X1 alebo vlastne hodnota ak * automatika tak podla prveho lana sa ur?i * @param row_index ktora vyka sa po?ita za?ina sa na 1 * @return vektor Rp pre prie?ne mapovanie s poloautomatikoou * @throws DelaunayError */ private ArrayList<DPoint> pozorovatel_1D_priecne_final_vert(boolean auto, double height) throws DelaunayError { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<>(); double X1 = 0; if (auto == true) { X1 = Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getA1_over(); X1 = X1 * Math.cos(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getBeta_over()); // priemet do osi X } else { X1 = observerPanel1.getPriecna_X(); } Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_priecne(X1, height, Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela()); return Rp_vectors; } private ArrayList<DPoint> pozorovatel_1D_volne_final(int row_index) throws DelaunayError { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<>(); double Y1 = 1.8; double X1 = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_1D.getValueAt(0, 0)); double Z1 = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_1D.getValueAt(0, 1)); double X2 = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_1D.getValueAt(0, 2)); double Z2 = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_1D.getValueAt(0, 3)); Y1 = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(row_index, 0)); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D(X1, X2, Z1, Z2, Y1, Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela()); return Rp_vectors; } private ArrayList<DPoint> pozorovatel_1D_pozdlzne_final(boolean auto, int row_index) throws DelaunayError { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<>(); double Z1 = 0; double Y1 = 1.8; if (auto == true) { Z1 = Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getW1_over(); // Z1=Z1*Math.sin(Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(0).getBeta_over()); // priemet do osi X } else { Z1 = observerPanel1.getPozdlzna_Z(); } Y1 = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(row_index, 0)); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_pozdlezne(Z1, Y1, Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela()); return Rp_vectors; } //....................................... //kalkulacky zakladne core jadra //....................................... /** * nepouzivat chybna matematikka * * @param cl0 iterator cyklu vysok * @throws DelaunayError */ private void calculate_E_priecne(int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_priecne_final(observerPanel1.X_precne_auto.isSelected(), observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main E E_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real(), Rozptie.getTau_image(), Rozptie.getPolohy_lan(), iterator_lan, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer( new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / Rp_vectors.size()); updatePB((int) value); } BE.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 0); } } private void calculate_E_OLD_priecne(databaza BE, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_priecne_final(observerPanel1.X_precne_auto.isSelected(), observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B E_old_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_old_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real_mat(), Rozptie.getTau_image_mat(), iterator_lan, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer( new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / Rp_vectors.size()); updatePB((int) value); } BE.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 0); } } private void updatePB(int val) { if (jProgressBar.getValue() == 100) { jProgressBar.setValue(0); jProgressBar.update(jProgressBar.getGraphics()); ; } else if (Math.abs(jProgressBar.getValue() - val) > 2) { jProgressBar.setValue(val); jProgressBar.update(jProgressBar.getGraphics()); ; } } private void calculate_E_OLD_plus_priecne(databaza BEplus, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_priecne_final(observerPanel1.X_precne_auto.isSelected(), observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B E_old_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_old_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real_mat(), Rozptie.getTau_image_mat(), iterator_lan, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer( new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / Rp_vectors.size()); updatePB((int) value); } BEplus.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 0); } } private void calculate_E_sphere_priecne(int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_priecne_final(observerPanel1.X_precne_auto.isSelected(), observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela E_Spheres_calculation Main_E_cal = new E_Spheres_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), // deklarouj constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie, Rp_vectors.get(0)); Main_E_cal.priprava(1); //priprav naboje for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; Main_E_cal.setRp(Rp_vectors.get(cl01)); // pocitaj pre dany Rp; E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal.getE()); System.out.println(Rp_vectors.get(cl01)); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer( new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; } BE.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 0); } } private void calculate_E_OLD_pozdlzne(databaza BE, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_pozdlzne_final(observerPanel1.Z_pozdl_auto.isSelected(), observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B E_old_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_old_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real_mat(), Rozptie.getTau_image_mat(), iterator_lan, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer( new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / Rp_vectors.size()); updatePB((int) value); } BE.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 1); } } private void calculate_E_OLD_plus_pozdlzne(databaza BEplus, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_pozdlzne_final(observerPanel1.Z_pozdl_auto.isSelected(), observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B E_old_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_old_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real_mat(), Rozptie.getTau_image_mat(), iterator_lan, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer( new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / Rp_vectors.size()); updatePB((int) value); } BEplus.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 1); } } private void calculate_E_OLD_volne(databaza BE, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_volne_final(observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B E_old_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_old_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real_mat(), Rozptie.getTau_image_mat(), iterator_lan, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer( new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / Rp_vectors.size()); updatePB((int) value); } BE.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 2); } } private void calculate_E_OLD_plus_volne(databaza BEplus, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_volne_final(observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B E_old_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_old_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real_mat(), Rozptie.getTau_image_mat(), iterator_lan, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer( new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / Rp_vectors.size()); updatePB((int) value); } BEplus.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 2); } } private void calculate_E_OLD_2D_hor(databaza BE, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); int pocet_P = (int) ((((Rozptie.getZ()) * 2) / Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela())); for (int cl1p = 0; cl1p <= pocet_P; cl1p++) { //vytvaranie RP vectorov pozdlzne Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_pozdlezne(-Rozptie.getZ() + Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela() * cl1p, help.Object_To_double( observerPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0, 0)), Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela()); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B E_old_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_old_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real_mat(), Rozptie.getTau_image_mat(), iterator_lan, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer( new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; } double value = ((cl1p + 1) * 100 / pocet_P); updatePB((int) value); // vloznie do databazy BE.addToList2D(vektor_observerov, 0); // nula je horizontal } } } private void calculate_E_OLD_plus_2D_hor(databaza BEplus, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); int pocet_P = (int) ((((Rozptie.getZ()) * 2) / Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela())); for (int cl1p = 0; cl1p <= pocet_P; cl1p++) { //vytvaranie RP vectorov pozdlzne Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_pozdlezne(-Rozptie.getZ() + Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela() * cl1p, help.Object_To_double( observerPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0, 0)), Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela()); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B E_old_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_old_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real_mat(), Rozptie.getTau_image_mat(), iterator_lan, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer( new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; } double value = ((cl1p + 1) * 100 / pocet_P); updatePB((int) value); // vloznie do databazy BEplus.addToList2D(vektor_observerov, 0); // nula je horizontal } } } private void calculate_E_OLD_2D_ver(databaza BE, int height) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); int pocet_P = (int) (((height) / Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela())); for (int cl1p = 0; cl1p <= pocet_P; cl1p++) { //vytvaranie RP vectorov pozdlzne Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_priecne_final_vert(observerPanel1.X_precne_auto.isSelected(), cl1p * Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela()); //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B E_old_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_old_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real_mat(), Rozptie.getTau_image_mat(), iterator_lan, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer( new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; } double value = ((cl1p + 1) * 100 / pocet_P); updatePB((int) value); // vloznie do databazy BE.addToList2D(vektor_observerov, 1); // nula je horizontal } } } private void calculate_E_OLD_plus_2D_ver(databaza BEplus, int height) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); int pocet_P = (int) (((height) / Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela())); for (int cl1p = 0; cl1p <= pocet_P; cl1p++) { //vytvaranie RP vectorov pozdlzne Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_priecne_final_vert(observerPanel1.X_precne_auto.isSelected(), cl1p * Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela()); //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B E_old_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_old_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real_mat(), Rozptie.getTau_image_mat(), iterator_lan, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer( new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; } double value = ((cl1p + 1) * 100 / pocet_P); updatePB((int) value); // vloznie do databazy BEplus.addToList2D(vektor_observerov, 1); // nula je horizontal } } } private void calculate_B_priecne(databaza BE, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_priecne_final(observerPanel1.X_precne_auto.isSelected(), observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor B = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B B_calculation Main_B_cal_single_wire = new B_calculation(constants.getMu0(), constants.getMu1(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getI_over(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getPhi_over(), Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica B.AddToFazorVektor(Main_B_cal_single_wire.getB()); // priraduj gaometricke konstanty od kazeho lana geometrickaMaticaB[0][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[0]; geometrickaMaticaB[1][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[1]; geometrickaMaticaB[2][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[2]; // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer(B, new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / Rp_vectors.size()); updatePB((int) value); } BE.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 0); } } private void calculate_B_pozdlzne(databaza BE, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_pozdlzne_final(observerPanel1.Z_pozdl_auto.isSelected(), observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { Complex NULA = new Complex(0, 0); FazorVektor B = new FazorVektor(NULA, NULA, NULA); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B B_calculation Main_B_cal_single_wire = new B_calculation(constants.getMu0(), constants.getMu1(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getI_over(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getPhi_over(), Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica B.AddToFazorVektor(Main_B_cal_single_wire.getB()); // priraduj gaometricke konstanty od kazeho lana geometrickaMaticaB[0][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[0]; geometrickaMaticaB[1][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[1]; geometrickaMaticaB[2][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[2]; // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer(B, new FazorVektor(NULA, NULA, NULA), Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / Rp_vectors.size()); updatePB((int) value); } // vloznie do databazy BE.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 1); } } private void calculate_B_volne(databaza BE, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_volne_final(observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { FazorVektor B = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B B_calculation Main_B_cal_single_wire = new B_calculation(constants.getMu0(), constants.getMu1(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getI_over(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getPhi_over(), Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica B.AddToFazorVektor(Main_B_cal_single_wire.getB()); // priraduj gaometricke konstanty od kazeho lana geometrickaMaticaB[0][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[0]; geometrickaMaticaB[1][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[1]; geometrickaMaticaB[2][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[2]; // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer(B, new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / Rp_vectors.size()); updatePB((int) value); } BE.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 2); } } private void calculate_B_2D_hor(databaza BE, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); int pocet_P = (int) ((((Rozptie.getZ()) * 2) / Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela())); for (int cl1p = 0; cl1p <= pocet_P; cl1p++) { //vytvaranie RP vectorov pozdlzne Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_pozdlezne(-Rozptie.getZ() + Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela() * cl1p, help.Object_To_double( observerPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0, 0)), Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela()); // cisielko nastavuje vsku a tu je iterea?ny ?len //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { Complex NULA = new Complex(0, 0); FazorVektor B = new FazorVektor(NULA, NULA, NULA); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B B_calculation Main_B_cal_single_wire = new B_calculation(constants.getMu0(), constants.getMu1(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getI_over(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getPhi_over(), Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica B.AddToFazorVektor(Main_B_cal_single_wire.getB()); // priraduj gaometricke konstanty od kazeho lana geometrickaMaticaB[0][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[0]; geometrickaMaticaB[1][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[1]; geometrickaMaticaB[2][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[2]; // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer(B, new FazorVektor(NULA, NULA, NULA), Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; } double value = ((cl1p + 1) * 100 / pocet_P); updatePB((int) value); // vloznie do databazy BE.addToList2D(vektor_observerov, 0); // nula je horizontal } } } private void calculate_B_2D_ver(databaza BE, int height) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { ArrayList<DPoint> Rp_vectors = new ArrayList<DPoint>(); int pocet_P = (int) (((height) / Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela())); for (int cl1p = 0; cl1p <= pocet_P; cl1p++) { //vytvaranie RP vectorov pozdlzne Rp_vectors = pozorovatel_1D_priecne_final_vert(observerPanel1.X_precne_auto.isSelected(), cl1p * Rozptie.getKrok_pozorovatela()); //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[Rp_vectors.size()]; // cyklus posuvania pozorovatela for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < Rp_vectors.size(); cl01++) { Complex NULA = new Complex(0, 0); FazorVektor B = new FazorVektor(NULA, NULA, NULA); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; int iterator_lan = 0; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B B_calculation Main_B_cal_single_wire = new B_calculation(constants.getMu0(), constants.getMu1(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getI_over(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getPhi_over(), Rp_vectors.get(cl01), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica B.AddToFazorVektor(Main_B_cal_single_wire.getB()); // priraduj gaometricke konstanty od kazeho lana geometrickaMaticaB[0][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[0]; geometrickaMaticaB[1][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[1]; geometrickaMaticaB[2][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[2]; // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } // System.out.println( Rp_vectors.get(cl01) ); // testovaci vypis // System.out.println( constants.getMu0() ); // System.out.println("X=" + B.getX_ABS() + " <" +B.getX_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Y=" + B.getY_ABS() + " <" +B.getY_Angle() ); // System.out.println("Z=" + B.getZ_ABS() + " <" +B.getZ_Angle() ); // Ukonceny jeden bod pozoovatela vloz hodnotu do Observera, kde sa kumuluju data E nie je pocitane // tu potom urobit taku ochranu e ked sa uzivatel rozhodne spocitat E ale zmeni medzitym nastavenia pre pozorovatela tak nespaja s povodnym observerom ale premae ho Observer BOD = new Observer(B, new FazorVektor(NULA, NULA, NULA), Rp_vectors.get(cl01), geometrickaMaticaB); // // testovaci vypis // for (int cl4 = 0; cl4 < pocet_vodicov(Rozptie); cl4++){ // System.out.println( " A= " +geometrickaMaticaB[0][cl4] + " B= " + geometrickaMaticaB[1][cl4] +" C= "+ geometrickaMaticaB[2][cl4] ); // } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; } double value = ((cl1p + 1) * 100 / pocet_P); updatePB((int) value); // vloznie do databazy BE.addToList2D(vektor_observerov, 1); // nula je horizontal } } } private void calculate_B_parameter(databaza BE, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { DPoint Rp = new DPoint(); Rp.setX(help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 4))); Rp.setY(help.Object_To_double( observerPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0, 0))); Rp.setZ(help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 5))); // nastavuje hodnotu Z len priecne mapovanie meni sa Rp = Rozptie.getPole().getYaboveTer(Rp); double odVal = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 1)); double doVal = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 2)); double krokVal = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 3)); int pocetCyklovparametrov = 0; if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_A.isSelected() == true) { pocetCyklovparametrov = (int) ((doVal - odVal) / krokVal); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_B.isSelected() == true) { pocetCyklovparametrov = (int) help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 2)); } ; //index ulozenie z catenary table int selectedIndex = observerPanel1.getjComboBox_par().getSelectedIndex(); if (selectedIndex != -1) { if (selectedIndex < 3) { selectedIndex = selectedIndex + 8; } else if (selectedIndex >= 3) { selectedIndex = selectedIndex + 9; } } //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[pocetCyklovparametrov]; //krokovy cyklus for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < pocetCyklovparametrov; cl01++) { int iterator_lan = 0; calculatecatenaryParameter(selectedIndex, krokVal * cl01, odVal); double elementh = Rozptie.getKrok(); for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllDlVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory Dl Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRoVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0 } FazorVektor B = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B B_calculation Main_B_cal_single_wire = new B_calculation(constants.getMu0(), constants.getMu1(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getI_over(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getPhi_over(), Rp, Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica B.AddToFazorVektor(Main_B_cal_single_wire.getB()); // priraduj gaometricke konstanty od kazeho lana geometrickaMaticaB[0][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[0]; geometrickaMaticaB[1][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[1]; geometrickaMaticaB[2][iterator_lan] = Main_B_cal_single_wire.getGeoVektor()[2]; // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } Observer BOD = new Observer(); if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_A.isSelected() == true) { BOD = new Observer(B, new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), Rp, geometrickaMaticaB, odVal + krokVal * cl01); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_B.isSelected() == true) { BOD = new Observer(B, new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), Rp, geometrickaMaticaB, krokVal * cl01); } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / pocetCyklovparametrov); updatePB((int) value); } BE.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 3); } } private void calculate_E_old_parameter(databaza BE, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { DPoint Rp = new DPoint(); Rp.setX(help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 4))); Rp.setY(help.Object_To_double( observerPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0, 0))); Rp.setZ(help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 5))); // nastavuje hodnotu Z len priecne mapovanie meni sa Rp = Rozptie.getPole().getYaboveTer(Rp); double odVal = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 1)); double doVal = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 2)); double krokVal = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 3)); int pocetCyklovparametrov = 0; if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_A.isSelected() == true) { pocetCyklovparametrov = (int) ((doVal - odVal) / krokVal); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_B.isSelected() == true) { pocetCyklovparametrov = (int) help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 2)); } ; //index ulozenie z catenary table int selectedIndex = observerPanel1.getjComboBox_par().getSelectedIndex(); if (selectedIndex != -1) { if (selectedIndex < 3) { selectedIndex = selectedIndex + 8; } else if (selectedIndex >= 3) { selectedIndex = selectedIndex + 9; } } //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[pocetCyklovparametrov]; //krokovy cyklus for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < pocetCyklovparametrov; cl01++) { int iterator_lan = 0; calculatecatenaryParameter(selectedIndex, krokVal * cl01, odVal); double elementh = Rozptie.getKrok(); boolean aproxx = true; for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllDlVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory Dl Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRoVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0 //vyber metody zrkaldnia // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror} if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == false) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1) .calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror } if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == true) { if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorA().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro(elementh); aproxx = false; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorB().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1) .calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); aproxx = true; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorOff().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_OFF(elementh); } } } Rozptie.calculateTau_OLD(aproxx); FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B //deklaruj main E E_old_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_old_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real_mat(), Rozptie.getTau_image_mat(), iterator_lan, Rp, Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } Observer BOD = new Observer(); if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_A.isSelected() == true) { BOD = new Observer(new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp, geometrickaMaticaB, odVal + krokVal * cl01); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_B.isSelected() == true) { BOD = new Observer(new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp, geometrickaMaticaB, krokVal * cl01); } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / pocetCyklovparametrov); updatePB((int) value); } BE.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 3); } } private void calculate_E_old_plus_parameter(databaza BE, int cl0) throws DelaunayError { if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { DPoint Rp = new DPoint(); Rp.setX(help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 4))); Rp.setY(help.Object_To_double( observerPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(observerPanel1.Table.getSelectedRow() + cl0, 0))); Rp.setZ(help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 5))); // nastavuje hodnotu Z len priecne mapovanie meni sa Rp = Rozptie.getPole().getYaboveTer(Rp); double odVal = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 1)); double doVal = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 2)); double krokVal = help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 3)); int pocetCyklovparametrov = 0; if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_A.isSelected() == true) { pocetCyklovparametrov = (int) ((doVal - odVal) / krokVal); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_B.isSelected() == true) { pocetCyklovparametrov = (int) help.Object_To_double(observerPanel1.DTMTable_par.getValueAt(0, 2)); } ; //index ulozenie z catenary table int selectedIndex = observerPanel1.getjComboBox_par().getSelectedIndex(); if (selectedIndex != -1) { if (selectedIndex < 3) { selectedIndex = selectedIndex + 8; } else if (selectedIndex >= 3) { selectedIndex = selectedIndex + 9; } } //Databaza observera pre dany typ priecne mapovanie velkost ako pocet vektorov Rp Observer[] vektor_observerov = new Observer[pocetCyklovparametrov]; //krokovy cyklus for (int cl01 = 0; cl01 < pocetCyklovparametrov; cl01++) { int iterator_lan = 0; calculatecatenaryParameter(selectedIndex, krokVal * cl01, odVal); double elementh = Rozptie.getKrok(); boolean aproxx = true; for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllDlVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory Dl Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRoVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0 //vyber metody zrkaldnia // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror} if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == false) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1) .calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror } if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == true) { if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorA().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro(elementh); aproxx = false; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorB().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1) .calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); aproxx = true; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorOff().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_OFF(elementh); } } } Rozptie.calculateTau_OLD(aproxx); FazorVektor E = new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)); // novy FV v novom bode ozorovatela double[][] geometrickaMaticaB = new double[3][pocet_vodicov(Rozptie)]; // cyklus lan cl1 for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { //deklaruj main B //deklaruj main E E_old_calculation Main_E_cal_single_wire = new E_old_calculation(constants.getEpsi0(), constants.getEpsi1(), Rozptie.getTau_real_mat(), Rozptie.getTau_image_mat(), iterator_lan, Rp, Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getRo_mirror_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getDl_vectors(), Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[0][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getZY_cor_Bundle()[1][cl2], Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBeta_over()); // vyrataj main B; // priraduj B od kazdeho vodica E.AddToFazorVektor(Main_E_cal_single_wire.getE()); // celkovy pocet vyp vodicov iterator_lan = iterator_lan + 1; } } Observer BOD = new Observer(); if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_A.isSelected() == true) { BOD = new Observer(new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp, geometrickaMaticaB, odVal + krokVal * cl01); } if (observerPanel1.P1D_par_B.isSelected() == true) { BOD = new Observer(new FazorVektor(new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0), new Complex(0, 0)), E, Rp, geometrickaMaticaB, krokVal * cl01); } vektor_observerov[cl01] = BOD; double value = ((cl01 + 1) * 100 / pocetCyklovparametrov); updatePB((int) value); } BEplus.addToList1D(vektor_observerov, 3); } } private void calculatecatenaryParameter(int Stlpec, double hodnota, double start) { isListener = false; boolean idemePocitat = true; // boolena ci sa ide vobec pocitat catenary if (idemePocitat == true) { // vymarat vetky ktore su vytvorene InternalFrameproject.Rozptie.erazeRetazovkaArrayList(); // vytvor novu arraylist retazovky ArrayList<retazovka> Retazovka_zoznam = new ArrayList<>(); int rows = catenaryPanel1.Table.getRowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rows - 1; i++) { boolean isChecked = Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 20))); boolean isCheckedpar = Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 21))); if (isChecked == true) { // iba ak je zaskrtnute tak vklada lana int val8 = (int) help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 8)); double val9 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 9)); double val10 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 10)); double val12 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 12)); double val13 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 13)); double val14 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 14)); double val15 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 15)); double val16 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 16)); if (isCheckedpar == true && observerPanel1.P1D_par_A.isSelected() == true) { if (Stlpec == 8) { val8 = (int) start + (int) hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 9) { val9 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 10) { val10 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 12) { val12 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 13) { val13 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 14) { val14 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 15) { val15 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 16) { val16 = start + hodnota; } } if (isCheckedpar == true && observerPanel1.P1D_par_B.isSelected() == true) { if (Stlpec == 8) { val8 = (int) help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 8)) + (int) hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 9) { val9 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 9)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 10) { val10 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 10)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 12) { val12 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 12)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 13) { val13 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 13)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 14) { val14 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 14)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 15) { val15 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 15)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 16) { val16 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 16)) + hodnota; } } try { retazovka lano = new retazovka(help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 0)), // V1 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 1)), // V2 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 2)), // I1 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 3)), // I2 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 4)), // W1 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 5)), // W2 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 6)), // X1 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 7)), // X2 val8, // bundle val9, // alpha val10, // distance val12, // H/C value Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 11))), // true/false val13, // polomer val14, // U val15, // I val16, // Phi InternalFrameproject.Rozptie.getTeren(), InternalFrameproject.Rozptie.isIsV1V2base(), InternalFrameproject.Rozptie.getV1base(), InternalFrameproject.Rozptie.getV2base()); // Table.setValueAt(lano.getC_over(), i, 17); // Table.setValueAt(lano.getH_over()+lano.getZY_cor_bundle_lowest_conductor(), i, 18); // odpocitaj od vysky stredu vysku spodneho vodi?a vo zvazku // Table.setValueAt(lano.getHter_over()+lano.getZY_cor_bundle_lowest_conductor(), i, 19); Retazovka_zoznam.add(lano); } catch (DelaunayError ex) { isListener = true; Logger.getLogger(CatenaryPanel.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } InternalFrameproject.Rozptie.setRetazovkaArrayList(Retazovka_zoznam); // vlozi zoznam retazoviem s prepocitanimi parametrami do retazovky rozpatia } isListener = true; } /** * nahodi parametre do vodi?a a priprave vsetko napparametrizaciu pre dany * krok poradie j pre subor conductor.txt kde su ulozene parametre * setElpam_D setElpam_T; setElpam_rho_cnd; setElpam_rho_gnd; setElpam_Rdc; * setElpam_Al_layers; setElpam_Al_start; setElpam_Al_d; */ public void calculatecatenaryParameter_ELPAM_parameter(int Stlpec, double hodnota, double start) { isListener = false; boolean idemePocitat = true; // boolena ci sa ide vobec pocitat catenary if (idemePocitat == true) { // vymarat vetky ktore su vytvorene InternalFrameproject.Rozptie.erazeRetazovkaArrayList(); // vytvor novu arraylist retazovky ArrayList<retazovka> Retazovka_zoznam = new ArrayList<>(); int rows = catenaryPanel1.Table.getRowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rows - 1; i++) { //hlavame aky vodic v databeze je tu String porovnavacka = String.valueOf(catenaryPanel1.DTMTable.getValueAt(i, 22)); int index = 0; for (int j = 0; j < catenaryPanel1.getConductor_Name_Matrix().size(); j++) { if (porovnavacka.equals(catenaryPanel1.getConductor_Name_Matrix().get(j))) { index = j; } } boolean isChecked = Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 20))); boolean isCheckedpar = Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 21))); if (isChecked == true) { // iba ak je zaskrtnute tak vklada lana int val8 = (int) help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 8)); double val9 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 9)); double val10 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 10)); double val12 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 12)); double val13 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 13)); double val14 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 14)); double val15 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 15)); double val16 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 16)); double valF = constants.getFrequency(); double valT = catenaryPanel1.getConductor_parameters_Matrix().get(index)[1]; double valrho_cnd = catenaryPanel1.getConductor_parameters_Matrix().get(index)[2]; double valrho_gnd = catenaryPanel1.getConductor_parameters_Matrix().get(index)[3]; double valRdc = catenaryPanel1.getConductor_parameters_Matrix().get(index)[4]; double valAl_layers = catenaryPanel1.getConductor_parameters_Matrix().get(index)[4]; double valAl_start = catenaryPanel1.getConductor_parameters_Matrix().get(index)[6]; double valAl_d = catenaryPanel1.getConductor_parameters_Matrix().get(index)[7]; if (isCheckedpar == true && observerPanel1.P1D_par_A.isSelected() == true) { if (Stlpec == 8) { val8 = (int) start + (int) hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 9) { val9 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 10) { val10 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 12) { val12 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 13) { val13 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 14) { val14 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 15) { val15 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 16) { val16 = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 17) { valF = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 18) { valT = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 19) { valrho_cnd = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 20) { valrho_gnd = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 21) { valRdc = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 22) { valAl_layers = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 23) { valAl_start = start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 24) { valAl_d = start + hodnota; } } if (isCheckedpar == true && observerPanel1.P1D_par_B.isSelected() == true) { if (Stlpec == 8) { val8 = (int) help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 8)) + (int) hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 9) { val9 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 9)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 10) { val10 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 10)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 12) { val12 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 12)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 13) { val13 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 13)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 14) { val14 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 14)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 15) { val15 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 15)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 16) { val16 = help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 16)) + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 17) { valF = valF + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 18) { valT = valT + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 19) { valrho_cnd = valrho_cnd + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 20) { valrho_gnd = valrho_gnd + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 21) { valRdc = valRdc + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 22) { valAl_layers = valAl_layers + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 23) { valAl_start = valAl_start + hodnota; } if (Stlpec == 24) { valAl_d = valAl_d + hodnota; } } try { retazovka lano = new retazovka(help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 0)), // V1 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 1)), // V2 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 2)), // I1 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 3)), // I2 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 4)), // W1 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 5)), // W2 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 6)), // X1 help.Object_To_double(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 7)), // X2 val8, // bundle val9, // alpha val10, // distance val12, // H/C value Boolean.valueOf(String.valueOf(catenaryPanel1.Table.getValueAt(i, 11))), // true/false val13, // polomer val14, // U val15, // I val16, // Phi InternalFrameproject.Rozptie.getTeren(), InternalFrameproject.Rozptie.isIsV1V2base(), InternalFrameproject.Rozptie.getV1base(), InternalFrameproject.Rozptie.getV2base()); lano.setElpam_f(valF); lano.setElpam_D(val13 * 2); // priemer lana lano.setElpam_T(valT); lano.setElpam_rho_cnd(valrho_cnd); lano.setElpam_rho_gnd(valrho_gnd); lano.setElpam_Rdc(valRdc); lano.setElpam_Al_layers((int) valAl_layers); lano.setElpam_Al_start((int) valAl_start); lano.setElpam_Al_d(valAl_d); Retazovka_zoznam.add(lano); } catch (DelaunayError ex) { isListener = true; Logger.getLogger(CatenaryPanel.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } InternalFrameproject.Rozptie.setRetazovkaArrayList(Retazovka_zoznam); // vlozi zoznam retazoviem s prepocitanimi parametrami do retazovky rozpatia } isListener = true; } private int pocet_vodicov(rozpatie X) { int pocel_lan = 0; for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < X.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { //cyklus bundle for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < X.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).getBundle_over(); cl2++) { pocel_lan = pocel_lan + 1; } } return pocel_lan; } /** * funkcia ktory pripravy vektory casto sa opakujuci krok * * @param elementh dlzka elementu * @param aproxx aproxx povoleny alebo nie */ private boolean priprava_vektorov(double elementh, boolean aproxx) { for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); cl1++) { try { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllDlVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory Dl Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRoVectors(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0 //vyber metody zrkaldnia // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == false) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); // priprav vsetky vektory R0_mirror } if (main_Jframe.iscalculation_Settings == true) { if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorA().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro(elementh); aproxx = false; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorB().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1) .calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_from_Ro_aproxxplane(elementh); aproxx = true; } if (calculation_Settings.getEmirrorOff().isSelected() == true) { Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(cl1).calcul_AllRo_mirrorVectors_OFF(elementh); } } } catch (DelaunayError ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return aproxx; } //draw functions private void Draw_1D_graph(String typ, String Xos, int poloha_v_dat, String BorE, String ROW1, String ROW2, String Sufix) throws DelaunayError { String label = outputPanel2.getJComboBox_Yvar_ELPAM().getSelectedItem().toString(); if (BorE == "B") { label = constants.getDislin_Label_B(); } if (BorE == "E") { label = constants.getDislin_Label_E(); } if (BorE == "Emod") { label = constants.getDislin_Label_Emod(); } if (BorE == "I") { label = constants.getDislin_Label_I(); } if (typ == "priecne") { plot_1D graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D(Xos, BE.getFromList1D(0, poloha_v_dat)), BE.getYray1DList(BorE, outputPanel2.YAxisVal(BorE), BE.getP1D_priecne()), constants.getDislin_Label_Z(), label, ROW1, ROW2, BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_priecne(), Rozptie.getPole())); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.BscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.EscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.IscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setunits(1); } graf2.setScreen(outputPanel2.getGraph_screen().isSelected()); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneB()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneE()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneI()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneEmod()); } Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf2.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf2.noZeroYA_limit(constants.isDislin_nozeroYA()); graf2.draw_1D_yn(); } if (typ == "pozdlzne") { plot_1D graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D(Xos, BE.getFromList1D(0, poloha_v_dat)), BE.getYray1DList(BorE, outputPanel2.YAxisVal(BorE), BE.getP1D_pozdlzne()), constants.getDislin_Label_Z(), label, ROW1, ROW2, BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_pozdlzne(), Rozptie.getPole())); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.BscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.EscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.IscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setunits(1); } graf2.setScreen(outputPanel2.getGraph_screen().isSelected()); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneB()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneE()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneI()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneEmod()); } Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf2.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf2.noZeroYA_limit(constants.isDislin_nozeroYA()); graf2.draw_1D_yn(); } if (typ == "neurcite") { plot_1D graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D(Xos, BE.getFromList1D(0, poloha_v_dat)), BE.getYray1DList(BorE, outputPanel2.YAxisVal(BorE), BE.getP1D_neurcite()), constants.getDislin_Label_Z(), label, ROW1, ROW2, BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_neurcite(), Rozptie.getPole())); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.BscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.EscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.IscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setunits(1); } graf2.setScreen(outputPanel2.getGraph_screen().isSelected()); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneB()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneE()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneI()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneEmod()); } Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf2.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf2.noZeroYA_limit(constants.isDislin_nozeroYA()); graf2.draw_1D_yn(); } if (typ == "parametricke") { if (BorE == "B" || BorE == "E" || BorE == "I" || BorE == "Emod") { plot_1D graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D(Xos, BE.getFromList1D(0, poloha_v_dat)), BE.getYray1DList(BorE, outputPanel2.YAxisVal(BorE), BE.getP1D_parameter()), observerPanel1.getNazov(), label, ROW1, ROW2, BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_parameter(), Rozptie.getPole())); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.BscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.EscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.IscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setunits(1); } graf2.setScreen(outputPanel2.getGraph_screen().isSelected()); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneB()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneE()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneI()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneEmod()); } Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf2.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf2.noZeroYA_limit(constants.isDislin_nozeroYA()); graf2.draw_1D_yn(); } else { plot_1D graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D(Xos, BE.getFromList1D(0, poloha_v_dat)), BE.getYray1DList(BorE, "0", BE.getP1D_parameter_ELMPAM()), observerPanel1.getNazov(), label, ROW1, ROW2); Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf2.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf2.noZeroYA_limit(true); graf2.draw_1D_yn(); } } } // o iste co vrchna funkci ale konkretuzujeme databazu z ktorej cerpat private void Draw_1D_graph(databaza BE, String typ, String Xos, int poloha_v_dat, String BorE, String ROW1, String ROW2, String Sufix) throws DelaunayError { String label = outputPanel2.getJComboBox_Yvar_ELPAM().getSelectedItem().toString(); if (BorE == "B") { label = constants.getDislin_Label_B(); } if (BorE == "E") { label = constants.getDislin_Label_E(); } if (BorE == "Emod") { label = constants.getDislin_Label_Emod(); } if (BorE == "I") { label = constants.getDislin_Label_I(); } if (typ == "priecne") { plot_1D graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D(Xos, BE.getFromList1D(0, poloha_v_dat)), BE.getYray1DList(BorE, outputPanel2.YAxisVal(BorE), BE.getP1D_priecne()), constants.getDislin_Label_Z(), label, ROW1, ROW2, BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_priecne(), Rozptie.getPole())); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.BscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.EscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.IscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setunits(1); } graf2.setScreen(outputPanel2.getGraph_screen().isSelected()); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneB()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneE()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneI()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneEmod()); } Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf2.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf2.noZeroYA_limit(constants.isDislin_nozeroYA()); graf2.draw_1D_yn(); } if (typ == "pozdlzne") { plot_1D graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D(Xos, BE.getFromList1D(0, poloha_v_dat)), BE.getYray1DList(BorE, outputPanel2.YAxisVal(BorE), BE.getP1D_pozdlzne()), constants.getDislin_Label_Z(), label, ROW1, ROW2, BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_pozdlzne(), Rozptie.getPole())); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.BscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.EscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.IscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setunits(1); } graf2.setScreen(outputPanel2.getGraph_screen().isSelected()); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneB()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneE()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneI()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneEmod()); } Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf2.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf2.noZeroYA_limit(constants.isDislin_nozeroYA()); graf2.draw_1D_yn(); } if (typ == "neurcite") { plot_1D graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D(Xos, BE.getFromList1D(0, poloha_v_dat)), BE.getYray1DList(BorE, outputPanel2.YAxisVal(BorE), BE.getP1D_neurcite()), constants.getDislin_Label_Z(), label, ROW1, ROW2, BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_neurcite(), Rozptie.getPole())); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.BscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.EscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.IscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setunits(1); } graf2.setScreen(outputPanel2.getGraph_screen().isSelected()); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneB()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneE()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneI()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneEmod()); } Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf2.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf2.noZeroYA_limit(constants.isDislin_nozeroYA()); graf2.draw_1D_yn(); } if (typ == "parametricke") { if (BorE == "B" || BorE == "E" || BorE == "I" || BorE == "Emod") { plot_1D graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D(Xos, BE.getFromList1D(0, poloha_v_dat)), BE.getYray1DList(BorE, outputPanel2.YAxisVal(BorE), BE.getP1D_parameter()), observerPanel1.getNazov(), label, ROW1, ROW2, BE.getYray_height_name(BE.getP1D_parameter(), Rozptie.getPole())); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.BscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.EscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setunits(outputPanel2.IscaleFactor()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setunits(1); } graf2.setScreen(outputPanel2.getGraph_screen().isSelected()); if (BorE == "B") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneB()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneE()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneI()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf2.setLimits(outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneEmod()); } Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf2.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf2.noZeroYA_limit(constants.isDislin_nozeroYA()); graf2.draw_1D_yn(); } else { plot_1D graf2 = new plot_1D(BE.getXray1D(Xos, BE.getFromList1D(0, poloha_v_dat)), BE.getYray1DList_systemovy(BorE, BE.getP1D_parameter_ELMPAM(), BE.getP1D_parameter_ELMPAM().get(0)[0].getC0_ELPAM().length), observerPanel1.getNazov(), label, ROW1, ROW2); Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf2.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf2.noZeroYA_limit(constants.isDislin_nozeroYA()); graf2.draw_1D_yn(); } } } /** * kresnenie koturoveho grafu * * @param HORvert "hor" or "vert" * @param BorE "B" or"E" or "I" or "Emod" * @param ROW1 napis na row 1 * @param ROW2 napis na rov 2 * @param Sufix sufix pre file n vystup */ private void Draw_2D_graph_kontury(String HORvert, String BorE, String ROW1, String ROW2, String Sufix) { if (HORvert == "hor") { plot_2D graf3 = new plot_2D(BE.getXray2D("X", BE.getP2D_hor()), BE.getYray2D("Z", BE.getP2D_hor()), BE.getZMAT2D(BorE, outputPanel2.YAxisVal(BorE), BE.getP2D_hor()), constants.getDislin_Label_X(), constants.getDislin_Label_Z(), ROW1, ROW2, true); if (BorE == "B") { graf3.setunits(outputPanel2.BscaleFactor(), outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneB()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf3.setunits(outputPanel2.EscaleFactor(), outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneE()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf3.setunits(outputPanel2.IscaleFactor(), outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneI()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf3.setunits(1, outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneEmod()); } Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf3.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf3.setIsequalSides(outputPanel2.getEqual_sides().isSelected()); graf3.draw_2D_yn(); } if (HORvert == "vert") { plot_2D graf3 = new plot_2D(BE.getXray2D("Z", BE.getP2D_vert()), BE.getYray2D("Y", BE.getP2D_vert()), BE.getZMAT2D(BorE, outputPanel2.YAxisVal(BorE), BE.getP2D_vert()), constants.getDislin_Label_X(), constants.getDislin_Label_Y(), ROW1, ROW2, true); if (BorE == "B") { graf3.setunits(outputPanel2.BscaleFactor(), outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneB()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf3.setunits(outputPanel2.EscaleFactor(), outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneE()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf3.setunits(outputPanel2.IscaleFactor(), outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneI()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf3.setunits(1, outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneEmod()); } graf3.setScreen(outputPanel2.getGraph_screen().isSelected()); Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf3.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf3.setIsequalSides(outputPanel2.getEqual_sides().isSelected()); graf3.draw_2D_yn(); } } /** * kresnenie koturoveho grafu * * @param HORvert "hor" or "vert" * @param BorE "B" or"E" or "I" or "Emod" * @param ROW1 napis na row 1 * @param ROW2 napis na rov 2 * @param Sufix sufix pre file n vystup */ private void Draw_2D_graph_fill(String HORvert, String BorE, String ROW1, String ROW2, String Sufix) { String label = "kokotik"; if (BorE == "B") { label = constants.getDislin_Label_B(); } if (BorE == "E") { label = constants.getDislin_Label_E(); } if (BorE == "Emod") { label = constants.getDislin_Label_Emod(); } if (BorE == "I") { label = constants.getDislin_Label_I(); } if (HORvert == "hor") { plot_2D graf3 = new plot_2D(BE.getXray2D("X", BE.getP2D_hor()), BE.getYray2D("Z", BE.getP2D_hor()), BE.getZMAT2D(BorE, outputPanel2.YAxisVal(BorE), BE.getP2D_hor()), constants.getDislin_Label_X(), constants.getDislin_Label_Z(), ROW1, ROW2, true, label); if (BorE == "B") { graf3.setunits(outputPanel2.BscaleFactor(), outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneB()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf3.setunits(outputPanel2.EscaleFactor(), outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneE()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf3.setunits(outputPanel2.IscaleFactor(), outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneI()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf3.setunits(1, outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneEmod()); } graf3.setScreen(outputPanel2.getGraph_screen().isSelected()); Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf3.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf3.setIsequalSides(outputPanel2.getEqual_sides().isSelected()); graf3.draw_2D_yn(); } if (HORvert == "vert") { plot_2D graf3 = new plot_2D(BE.getXray2D("Z", BE.getP2D_vert()), BE.getYray2D("Y", BE.getP2D_vert()), BE.getZMAT2D(BorE, outputPanel2.YAxisVal(BorE), BE.getP2D_vert()), constants.getDislin_Label_X(), constants.getDislin_Label_Y(), ROW1, ROW2, true, label); if (BorE == "B") { graf3.setunits(outputPanel2.BscaleFactor(), outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneB()); } if (BorE == "E") { graf3.setunits(outputPanel2.EscaleFactor(), outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneE()); } if (BorE == "I") { graf3.setunits(outputPanel2.IscaleFactor(), outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneI()); } if (BorE == "Emod") { graf3.setunits(1, outputPanel2.getLimit().isSelected(), constants.getAkcneEmod()); } graf3.setScreen(outputPanel2.getGraph_screen().isSelected()); Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); graf3.setFile(outputPanel2.getGraph_file().isSelected(), outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + ".png"); graf3.setIsequalSides(outputPanel2.getEqual_sides().isSelected()); graf3.draw_2D_yn(); } } private void make_TxT_elpam_noDB(rozpatie roz, String type, int method, RealMatrix R, RealMatrix L, RealMatrix C, ComplexMatrix Z, ComplexMatrix Y, RealMatrix Rs, RealMatrix Ls, RealMatrix Cs, ComplexMatrix Zs, ComplexMatrix Ys) throws IOException { DecimalFormat df5 = new DecimalFormat("0.00000"); DecimalFormat dfE3 = new DecimalFormat("0.000E0"); String file_recognition = ""; String method_name = ""; if (type.equals("phase")) { file_recognition = "_Phase"; } else if (type.equals("symm")) { file_recognition = "_Symm"; } else if (type.equals("all")) { file_recognition = "_All"; } switch (method) { case 1: method_name = "Carson without ground"; break; case 2: method_name = "Carson with ground"; break; case 3: method_name = "Carson modified without ground"; break; case 4: method_name = "Carson modified with ground"; break; case 5: method_name = "Basic approximated"; break; case 6: method_name = "CDER"; break; case 7: method_name = "Taku Noda"; break; default: method_name = "unknown"; break; } Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); DateFormat df3 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); File subor = new File( df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + "ELPAM" + file_recognition + ".txt"); try { PrintWriter fw = new PrintWriter(subor); if (type.equals("phase")) { fw.println("--- PHASE PARAMETRICAL OUTPUT ---"); } else if (type.equals("symm")) { fw.println("--- SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS OUTPUT ---"); } else if (type.equals("all")) { fw.println("--- COMPLETE PARAMETRICAL OUTPUT ---"); } fw.println("----------------------------------------------"); fw.println("Time of the calculation : " + df3.format(todaysDate)); fw.println("Type of the calculation : " + method_name); fw.println("Name of the project : " + meno_projektu); fw.println("Name of the span : " + meno_rozpatia); fw.println(""); fw.println("Total number of wires : " + (roz.getPocet_faz() + roz.getPocet_zemnych_lan_bez_zvazkov())); fw.println("Number of phase conductors : " + roz.getPocet_faz()); fw.println("Number of ground wires : " + roz.getPocet_zemnych_lan_bez_zvazkov()); fw.println("----------------------------------------------"); fw.println(); if (type.equals("phase")) { //print all phase matrices to file fw.println("--- PHASE MATRICES ---"); fw.println(); fw.println("R [Ohm/km]"); print2fileRealMatrix(R, fw, df5); fw.println(); fw.println("L [mH/km]"); print2fileRealMatrix(L.scalarMultiply(1e3), fw, df5); fw.println(); fw.println("C [F/km]"); print2fileRealMatrix(C, fw, dfE3); fw.println(); fw.println("Z [Ohm/km]"); print2fileComplexMatrix(Z, fw, df5); fw.println(); fw.println("Y [S/km]"); print2fileComplexMatrix(Y, fw, dfE3); fw.println(); } else if (type.equals("symm")) { //print all symm matrices to file fw.println(); fw.println("--- SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS ---"); fw.println(); fw.println("R [Ohm/km]"); print2fileSymmRealMatrix(Rs, fw, df5); fw.println(); fw.println("L [mH/km]"); print2fileSymmRealMatrix(Ls.scalarMultiply(1e3), fw, df5); fw.println(); fw.println("C [F/km]"); print2fileSymmRealMatrix(Cs, fw, dfE3); fw.println(); fw.println("Z [Ohm/km]"); print2fileSymmComplexMatrix(Zs, fw, df5); fw.println(); fw.println("Y [S/km]"); print2fileSymmComplexMatrix(Ys, fw, dfE3); fw.println(); } else if (type.equals("all")) { //print all phase matrices to file fw.println("--- PHASE MATRICES ---"); fw.println(); fw.println("R [Ohm/km]"); print2fileRealMatrix(R, fw, df5); fw.println(); fw.println("L [mH/km]"); print2fileRealMatrix(L.scalarMultiply(1e3), fw, df5); fw.println(); fw.println("C [F/km]"); print2fileRealMatrix(C, fw, dfE3); fw.println(); fw.println("Z [Ohm/km]"); print2fileComplexMatrix(Z, fw, df5); fw.println(); fw.println("Y [S/km]"); print2fileComplexMatrix(Y, fw, dfE3); fw.println(); //print all symm matrices to file fw.println(); fw.println("--- SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS ---"); fw.println(); fw.println("R [Ohm/km]"); print2fileSymmRealMatrix(Rs, fw, df5); fw.println(); fw.println("L [mH/km]"); print2fileSymmRealMatrix(Ls.scalarMultiply(1e3), fw, df5); fw.println(); fw.println("C [F/km]"); print2fileSymmRealMatrix(Cs, fw, dfE3); fw.println(); fw.println("Z [Ohm/km]"); print2fileSymmComplexMatrix(Zs, fw, df5); fw.println(); fw.println("Y [S/km]"); print2fileSymmComplexMatrix(Ys, fw, dfE3); fw.println(); } fw.println("END OF FILE"); fw.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { } if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) { Desktop.getDesktop().edit(subor); } else { // dunno, up to you to handle this } } /** * funkcia vytvara kratky vystup * * @param roz rozpatie * @param B_E_I_EMOD 0=B, 1 =E, 2 = B E , 3 = B E I , 4 = B E Emod, 5 = B E * I Emod * @param BE databaza * @param Sufix pripona pre subory * @param Short of true kratky vystup if False dlhy * @throws IOException */ private void make_TxT(rozpatie roz, int B_E_I_EMOD, databaza BE, String Sufix, Boolean Short) throws IOException { String fF = "%18.8E"; // String cF = "%8.3f"; // String YaxisVal = ""; String BorE = ""; String file_recognition = ""; if (Short == true) { file_recognition = "_Short_"; } if (Short == false) { file_recognition = "_Long_"; } if (B_E_I_EMOD == 0) { BorE = "B"; } if (B_E_I_EMOD == 1) { BorE = "E"; } if (B_E_I_EMOD == 2) { BorE = "B & E"; } if (B_E_I_EMOD == 3) { BorE = "B & E & I"; } if (B_E_I_EMOD == 4) { BorE = "B & E & Emod"; } if (B_E_I_EMOD == 5) { BorE = "B & E & I & Emod"; } Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); DateFormat df3 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); File subor = new File(outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + file_recognition + ".TxT"); try { PrintWriter fw = new PrintWriter(subor); if (Short == true) { fw.println("EMFT2 - Short TxT output for given calculation"); } if (Short == false) { fw.println("EMFT2 - Long TxT output for given calculation"); } fw.println("----------------------------------------------"); fw.println("Time of the calculation : " + df3.format(todaysDate)); fw.println("Type of the calculation : " + BorE); fw.println("Name of the project : " + meno_projektu); fw.println("Name of the span : " + meno_rozpatia); fw.println(""); fw.println("Total number of wires : " + roz.getPocet_lan()); fw.println("Number of phase conductors : " + (roz.getPocet_lan() - roz.getPocet_zemnych_lan())); fw.println("Number of ground wires : " + roz.getPocet_zemnych_lan()); fw.println("----------------------------------------------"); fw.println("RESULTS MAXIMUM VALUES"); ; if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { fw.println(""); fw.println("Perpendicular solution"); if (Short == true) { make_TXT_shor_futro(BorE, fw, cF, fF, BE.getP1D_priecne()); } if (Short == false) { make_TXT_long_futro(BorE, fw, cF, fF, BE.getP1D_priecne()); } } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { fw.println(""); fw.println("Paralel solution"); if (Short == true) { make_TXT_shor_futro(BorE, fw, cF, fF, BE.getP1D_pozdlzne()); } if (Short == false) { make_TXT_long_futro(BorE, fw, cF, fF, BE.getP1D_pozdlzne()); } } ; if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { fw.println(""); fw.println("Free position solution"); if (Short == true) { make_TXT_shor_futro(BorE, fw, cF, fF, BE.getP1D_neurcite()); } if (Short == false) { make_TXT_long_futro(BorE, fw, cF, fF, BE.getP1D_neurcite()); } } ; if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { fw.println(""); fw.println("parameter Solution"); if (Short == true) { make_TXT_shor_futroParameter(BorE, observerPanel1.getNazov(), fw, cF, fF, BE.getP1D_parameter()); } if (Short == false) { make_TXT_long_futroParameter(BorE, observerPanel1.getNazov(), fw, cF, fF, BE.getP1D_parameter()); } } ; if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dh.isSelected() == true) { fw.println(""); fw.println("2D horizontal"); if (Short == true) { make_TXT_shor_futro(BorE, fw, cF, fF, BE.getP2D_hor()); } if (Short == false) { make_TXT_long_futro(BorE, fw, cF, fF, BE.getP2D_hor()); } } ; if (observerPanel1.P2D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P2Dv.isSelected() == true) { fw.println(""); fw.println("2D vertical"); if (Short == true) { make_TXT_shor_futro(BorE, fw, cF, fF, BE.getP2D_vert()); } if (Short == false) { make_TXT_long_futro(BorE, fw, cF, fF, BE.getP2D_vert()); } } ; printCatenaryinformation(cF, fw); fw.println("END OF FILE"); fw.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { } if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) { Desktop.getDesktop().edit(subor); } else { // dunno, up to you to handle this } } /** * vyklus pre vnutro short TXT vypiysu * * @param BorE vstupuje z main TXT kod podla cisla * @param fw printwrite * @param cF format coordinatov na vypiys * @param fF format pola na vypiys * @param X arraylist observerov s ktorm ma praovat */ private void make_TXT_shor_futro(String BorE, PrintWriter fw, String cF, String fF, ArrayList<Observer[]> X) { boolean deg = false; String unit = ""; if (outputPanel2.getJComboBox_Yvar().getSelectedIndex() == 3 || outputPanel2.getJComboBox_Yvar().getSelectedIndex() == 5 || outputPanel2.getJComboBox_Yvar().getSelectedIndex() == 9 || outputPanel2.getJComboBox_Yvar().getSelectedIndex() == 13) { deg = true; } String YaxisVal = ""; if (BorE == "B") { YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("B"); double[] out = BE.getMaxVal("B", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "T"; } fw.println( " X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); } if (BorE == "E") { YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("E"); double[] out = BE.getMaxVal("E", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println( " X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); } if (BorE == "B & E") { YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("B"); double[] out = BE.getMaxVal("B", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "T"; } fw.println( " X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("E"); out = BE.getMaxVal("E", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println( " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); } if (BorE == "B & E & I") { YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("B"); double[] out = BE.getMaxVal("B", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "T"; } fw.println( " X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("E"); out = BE.getMaxVal("E", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println( " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("I"); out = BE.getMaxVal("I", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "A/m2"; } fw.println( " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); } if (BorE == "B & E & Emod") { YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("B"); double[] out = BE.getMaxVal("B", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "T"; } fw.println( " X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("E"); out = BE.getMaxVal("E", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println( " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("Emod"); out = BE.getMaxVal("Emod", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println( " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); } if (BorE == "B & E & I & Emod") { YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("B"); double[] out = BE.getMaxVal("B", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "T"; } fw.println( " X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("E"); out = BE.getMaxVal("E", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println( " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("I"); out = BE.getMaxVal("I", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "A/m2"; } fw.println( " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("Emod"); out = BE.getMaxVal("Emod", YaxisVal, X); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println( " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "]"); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0])); } } private void make_TXT_shor_futroParameter(String BorE, String Parameter, PrintWriter fw, String cF, String fF, ArrayList<Observer[]> X) { boolean deg = false; String unit = ""; if (outputPanel2.getJComboBox_Yvar().getSelectedIndex() == 3 || outputPanel2.getJComboBox_Yvar().getSelectedIndex() == 5 || outputPanel2.getJComboBox_Yvar().getSelectedIndex() == 9 || outputPanel2.getJComboBox_Yvar().getSelectedIndex() == 13) { deg = true; } String YaxisVal = ""; if (BorE == "B") { YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("B"); double[] out = BE.getMaxVal("B", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "T"; } fw.println(" X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); } if (BorE == "E") { YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("E"); double[] out = BE.getMaxVal("E", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println(" X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); } if (BorE == "B & E") { YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("B"); double[] out = BE.getMaxVal("B", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "T"; } fw.println(" X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("E"); out = BE.getMaxVal("E", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println(" " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); } if (BorE == "B & E & I") { YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("B"); double[] out = BE.getMaxVal("B", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "T"; } fw.println(" X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("E"); out = BE.getMaxVal("E", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println(" " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("I"); out = BE.getMaxVal("I", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "A/m2"; } fw.println(" " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); } if (BorE == "B & E & Emod") { YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("B"); double[] out = BE.getMaxVal("B", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "T"; } fw.println(" X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("E"); out = BE.getMaxVal("E", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println(" " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("Emod"); out = BE.getMaxVal("Emod", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println(" " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); } if (BorE == "B & E & I & Emod") { YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("B"); double[] out = BE.getMaxVal("B", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "T"; } fw.println(" X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("E"); out = BE.getMaxVal("E", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println(" " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("I"); out = BE.getMaxVal("I", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "A/m2"; } fw.println(" " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); YaxisVal = outputPanel2.YAxisVal("Emod"); out = BE.getMaxVal("Emod", YaxisVal, X, true); if (deg == true) { unit = "deg"; } else { unit = "V/m"; } fw.println(" " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + YaxisVal + " [" + unit + "] " + Parameter); fw.println(String.format(cF, out[1]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[2]) + " " + String.format(cF, out[3]) + " " + String.format(fF, out[0]) + String.format(fF, out[4])); } } /** * vyklus pre vnutro short TXT vypiysu * * @param BorE vstupuje z main TXT kod podla cisla * @param fw printwrite * @param cF format coordinatov na vypiys * @param fF format pola na vypiys * @param X arraylist observerov s ktorm ma praovat */ private void make_TXT_long_futro(String BorE, PrintWriter fw, String cF, String fF, ArrayList<Observer[]> X) { if (BorE == "B") { make_TXT_long_futro_futra("B", fw, cF, fF, X); } if (BorE == "E") { make_TXT_long_futro_futra("E", fw, cF, fF, X); } if (BorE == "B & E") { make_TXT_long_futro_futra("B", fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futra("E", fw, cF, fF, X); } if (BorE == "B & E & I") { make_TXT_long_futro_futra("B", fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futra("E", fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futra("I", fw, cF, fF, X); } if (BorE == "B & E & Emod") { make_TXT_long_futro_futra("B", fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futra("E", fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futra("Emod", fw, cF, fF, X); } if (BorE == "B & E & I & Emod") { make_TXT_long_futro_futra("B", fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futra("E", fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futra("I", fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futra("Emod", fw, cF, fF, X); } } private void make_TXT_long_futroParameter(String BorE, String Parameter, PrintWriter fw, String cF, String fF, ArrayList<Observer[]> X) { if (BorE == "B") { make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("B", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); } if (BorE == "E") { make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("E", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); } if (BorE == "B & E") { make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("B", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("E", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); } if (BorE == "B & E & I") { make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("B", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("E", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("I", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); } if (BorE == "B & E & Emod") { make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("B", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("E", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("Emod", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); } if (BorE == "B & E & I & Emod") { make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("B", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("E", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("I", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); fw.println(""); make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter("Emod", Parameter, fw, cF, fF, X); } } private void make_TXT_long_futro_futra(String BorE, PrintWriter fw, String cF, String dF, ArrayList<Observer[]> X) { ArrayList<String> hlavicka = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Boolean> ISvariable = new ArrayList<>(); if (BorE == "B") { hlavicka = mate_TXT_long_futro_futra_hlavicka(BorE, hlavicka); } if (BorE == "E") { hlavicka = mate_TXT_long_futro_futra_hlavicka(BorE, hlavicka); } if (BorE == "I") { hlavicka = mate_TXT_long_futro_futra_hlavicka(BorE, hlavicka); } if (BorE == "Emod") { hlavicka = mate_TXT_long_futro_futra_hlavicka(BorE, hlavicka); } for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < 19; cl1++) { // daj vade false a potom len nastav kde bude true ISvariable.add(false); } if (BorE == "B") { ISvariable.set(0, true); //X cor ISvariable.set(1, true); //Y cor ISvariable.set(2, true); //Z cor if (TxT_JFrame.getB_RMS1().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(3, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getB_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(4, true); ISvariable.set(5, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getB_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(6, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getB_XYZ_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(7, true); ISvariable.set(11, true); ISvariable.set(15, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getB_XYZ_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(8, true); ISvariable.set(9, true); ISvariable.set(12, true); ISvariable.set(13, true); ISvariable.set(16, true); ISvariable.set(17, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getB_XYZ_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(10, true); ISvariable.set(14, true); ISvariable.set(18, true); } } if (BorE == "E") { ISvariable.set(0, true); //X cor ISvariable.set(1, true); //Y cor ISvariable.set(2, true); //Z cor if (TxT_JFrame.getE_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(3, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getE_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(4, true); ISvariable.set(5, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getE_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(6, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getE_XYZ_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(7, true); ISvariable.set(11, true); ISvariable.set(15, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getE_XYZ_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(8, true); ISvariable.set(9, true); ISvariable.set(12, true); ISvariable.set(13, true); ISvariable.set(16, true); ISvariable.set(17, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getE_XYZ_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(10, true); ISvariable.set(14, true); ISvariable.set(18, true); } } if (BorE == "I") { ISvariable.set(0, true); //X cor ISvariable.set(1, true); //Y cor ISvariable.set(2, true); //Z cor if (TxT_JFrame.getI_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(3, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getI_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(4, true); ISvariable.set(5, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getI_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(6, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getI_XYZ_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(7, true); ISvariable.set(11, true); ISvariable.set(15, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getI_XYZ_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(8, true); ISvariable.set(9, true); ISvariable.set(12, true); ISvariable.set(13, true); ISvariable.set(16, true); ISvariable.set(17, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getI_XYZ_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(10, true); ISvariable.set(14, true); ISvariable.set(18, true); } } if (BorE == "Emod") { ISvariable.set(0, true); //X cor ISvariable.set(1, true); //Y cor ISvariable.set(2, true); //Z cor if (TxT_JFrame.getEmod_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(3, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getEmod_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(4, true); ISvariable.set(5, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getEmod_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(6, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getEmod_XYZ_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(7, true); ISvariable.set(11, true); ISvariable.set(15, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getEmod_XYZ_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(8, true); ISvariable.set(9, true); ISvariable.set(12, true); ISvariable.set(13, true); ISvariable.set(16, true); ISvariable.set(17, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getEmod_XYZ_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(10, true); ISvariable.set(14, true); ISvariable.set(18, true); } } String head = ""; for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < ISvariable.size(); cl1++) { //poskladaj hlavi?ku if (ISvariable.get(cl1) == true) { head = head + hlavicka.get(cl1) + " "; } } fw.println(head); for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < X.size(); cl1++) { for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < X.get(cl1).length; cl2++) { head = ""; if (ISvariable.get(0) == true) { head = head + String.format(cF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getPoloha().getX()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(1) == true) { head = head + String.format(cF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getPoloha().getY()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(2) == true) { head = head + String.format(cF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getPoloha().getZ()) + " "; } if (BorE == "B") { if (ISvariable.get(3) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getComplex_rms_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(4) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getComplex_rms().getReal()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(5) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getComplex_rms().getImaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(6) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getComplex_rms_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(7) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getX_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(8) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getX_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(9) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getX_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(10) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getX_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(11) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getY_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(12) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getY_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(13) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getY_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(14) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getY_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(15) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getZ_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(16) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getZ_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(17) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getZ_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(18) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getZ_Angle()) + " "; } } if (BorE == "E") { if (ISvariable.get(3) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getComplex_rms_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(4) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getComplex_rms().getReal()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(5) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getComplex_rms().getImaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(6) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getComplex_rms_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(7) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getX_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(8) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getX_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(9) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getX_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(10) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getX_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(11) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getY_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(12) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getY_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(13) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getY_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(14) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getY_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(15) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getZ_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(16) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getZ_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(17) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getZ_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(18) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getZ_Angle()) + " "; } } if (BorE == "I") { if (ISvariable.get(3) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getComplex_rms_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(4) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getComplex_rms().getReal()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(5) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getComplex_rms().getImaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(6) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getComplex_rms_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(7) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getX_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(8) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getX_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(9) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getX_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(10) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getX_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(11) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getY_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(12) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getY_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(13) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getY_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(14) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getY_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(15) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getZ_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(16) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getZ_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(17) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getZ_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(18) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getZ_Angle()) + " "; } } if (BorE == "Emod") { if (ISvariable.get(3) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getComplex_rms_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(4) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getComplex_rms().getReal()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(5) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getComplex_rms().getImaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(6) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getComplex_rms_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(7) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getX_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(8) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getX_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(9) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getX_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(10) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getX_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(11) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getY_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(12) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getY_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(13) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getY_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(14) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getY_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(15) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getZ_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(16) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getZ_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(17) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getZ_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(18) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getZ_Angle()) + " "; } } fw.println(head); } } } private void make_TXT_long_futro_futraParameter(String BorE, String Parameter, PrintWriter fw, String cF, String dF, ArrayList<Observer[]> X) { ArrayList<String> hlavicka = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Boolean> ISvariable = new ArrayList<>(); if (BorE == "B") { hlavicka = mate_TXT_long_futro_futra_hlavickaParmeter(BorE, Parameter, hlavicka); } if (BorE == "E") { hlavicka = mate_TXT_long_futro_futra_hlavickaParmeter(BorE, Parameter, hlavicka); } if (BorE == "I") { hlavicka = mate_TXT_long_futro_futra_hlavickaParmeter(BorE, Parameter, hlavicka); } if (BorE == "Emod") { hlavicka = mate_TXT_long_futro_futra_hlavickaParmeter(BorE, Parameter, hlavicka); } for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < 20; cl1++) { // daj vade false a potom len nastav kde bude true ISvariable.add(false); } if (BorE == "B") { ISvariable.set(0, true); //X cor ISvariable.set(1, true); //Y cor ISvariable.set(2, true); //Z cor if (TxT_JFrame.getB_RMS1().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(3, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getB_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(4, true); ISvariable.set(5, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getB_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(6, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getB_XYZ_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(7, true); ISvariable.set(11, true); ISvariable.set(15, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getB_XYZ_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(8, true); ISvariable.set(9, true); ISvariable.set(12, true); ISvariable.set(13, true); ISvariable.set(16, true); ISvariable.set(17, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getB_XYZ_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(10, true); ISvariable.set(14, true); ISvariable.set(18, true); } ISvariable.set(19, true); //parameter } if (BorE == "E") { ISvariable.set(0, true); //X cor ISvariable.set(1, true); //Y cor ISvariable.set(2, true); //Z cor if (TxT_JFrame.getE_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(3, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getE_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(4, true); ISvariable.set(5, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getE_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(6, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getE_XYZ_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(7, true); ISvariable.set(11, true); ISvariable.set(15, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getE_XYZ_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(8, true); ISvariable.set(9, true); ISvariable.set(12, true); ISvariable.set(13, true); ISvariable.set(16, true); ISvariable.set(17, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getE_XYZ_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(10, true); ISvariable.set(14, true); ISvariable.set(18, true); } ISvariable.set(19, true); //parameter } if (BorE == "I") { ISvariable.set(0, true); //X cor ISvariable.set(1, true); //Y cor ISvariable.set(2, true); //Z cor if (TxT_JFrame.getI_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(3, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getI_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(4, true); ISvariable.set(5, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getI_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(6, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getI_XYZ_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(7, true); ISvariable.set(11, true); ISvariable.set(15, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getI_XYZ_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(8, true); ISvariable.set(9, true); ISvariable.set(12, true); ISvariable.set(13, true); ISvariable.set(16, true); ISvariable.set(17, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getI_XYZ_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(10, true); ISvariable.set(14, true); ISvariable.set(18, true); } ISvariable.set(19, true); //parameter } if (BorE == "Emod") { ISvariable.set(0, true); //X cor ISvariable.set(1, true); //Y cor ISvariable.set(2, true); //Z cor if (TxT_JFrame.getEmod_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(3, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getEmod_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(4, true); ISvariable.set(5, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getEmod_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(6, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getEmod_XYZ_RMS().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(7, true); ISvariable.set(11, true); ISvariable.set(15, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getEmod_XYZ_COMPLEX().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(8, true); ISvariable.set(9, true); ISvariable.set(12, true); ISvariable.set(13, true); ISvariable.set(16, true); ISvariable.set(17, true); } if (TxT_JFrame.getEmod_XYZ_PHASOR().isSelected() == true) { ISvariable.set(10, true); ISvariable.set(14, true); ISvariable.set(18, true); } ISvariable.set(19, true); //parameter } String head = ""; for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < ISvariable.size(); cl1++) { //poskladaj hlavi?ku if (ISvariable.get(cl1) == true) { head = head + hlavicka.get(cl1) + " "; } } fw.println(head); for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < X.size(); cl1++) { for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < X.get(cl1).length; cl2++) { head = ""; if (ISvariable.get(0) == true) { head = head + String.format(cF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getPoloha().getX()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(1) == true) { head = head + String.format(cF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getPoloha().getY()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(2) == true) { head = head + String.format(cF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getPoloha().getZ()) + " "; } if (BorE == "B") { if (ISvariable.get(3) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getComplex_rms_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(4) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getComplex_rms().getReal()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(5) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getComplex_rms().getImaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(6) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getComplex_rms_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(7) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getX_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(8) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getX_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(9) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getX_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(10) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getX_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(11) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getY_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(12) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getY_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(13) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getY_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(14) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getY_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(15) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getZ_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(16) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getZ_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(17) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getZ_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(18) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getB().getZ_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(19) == true) ; head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getParameter()) + " "; } if (BorE == "E") { if (ISvariable.get(3) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getComplex_rms_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(4) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getComplex_rms().getReal()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(5) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getComplex_rms().getImaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(6) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getComplex_rms_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(7) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getX_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(8) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getX_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(9) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getX_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(10) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getX_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(11) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getY_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(12) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getY_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(13) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getY_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(14) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getY_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(15) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getZ_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(16) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getZ_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(17) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getZ_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(18) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getE().getZ_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(19) == true) ; head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getParameter()) + " "; } if (BorE == "I") { if (ISvariable.get(3) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getComplex_rms_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(4) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getComplex_rms().getReal()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(5) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getComplex_rms().getImaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(6) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getComplex_rms_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(7) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getX_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(8) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getX_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(9) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getX_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(10) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getX_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(11) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getY_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(12) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getY_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(13) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getY_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(14) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getY_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(15) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getZ_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(16) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getZ_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(17) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getZ_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(18) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getI().getZ_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(19) == true) ; head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getParameter()) + " "; } if (BorE == "Emod") { if (ISvariable.get(3) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getComplex_rms_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(4) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getComplex_rms().getReal()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(5) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getComplex_rms().getImaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(6) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getComplex_rms_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(7) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getX_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(8) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getX_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(9) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getX_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(10) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getX_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(11) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getY_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(12) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getY_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(13) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getY_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(14) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getY_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(15) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getZ_ABS()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(16) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getZ_Real()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(17) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getZ_Imaginary()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(18) == true) { head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getEmod().getZ_Angle()) + " "; } if (ISvariable.get(19) == true) ; head = head + String.format(dF, X.get(cl1)[cl2].getParameter()) + " "; } fw.println(head); } } } private ArrayList<String> mate_TXT_long_futro_futra_hlavicka(String BorE, ArrayList<String> hlavicka) { if (BorE == "B") { hlavicka.add(" X[m] "); //0 hlavicka.add(" Y[m] "); //1 hlavicka.add(" Z[m] "); //2 hlavicka.add(" B{rms} [T] "); //3 hlavicka.add(" B{Re} [T] "); //4 hlavicka.add(" B{Im} [T] "); //5 hlavicka.add(" B{Fi} [deg] "); //6 hlavicka.add(" Bx{rms} [T] "); //7 hlavicka.add(" Bx{Re} [T] "); //8 hlavicka.add(" Bx{Im} [T] "); //9 hlavicka.add(" Bx{Fi} [deg] "); //10 hlavicka.add(" By{rms} [T] "); //11 hlavicka.add(" By{Re} [T] "); //12 hlavicka.add(" By{Im} [T] "); //13 hlavicka.add(" By{Fi} [deg] "); //14 hlavicka.add(" Bz{rms} [T] "); //15 hlavicka.add(" Bz{Re} [T] "); //16 hlavicka.add(" Bz{Im} [T] "); //17 hlavicka.add(" Bz{Fi} [deg] "); //18 } if (BorE == "E") { hlavicka.add(" X[m] "); //0 hlavicka.add(" Y[m] "); //1 hlavicka.add(" Z[m] "); //2 hlavicka.add(" E{rms} [V/m] "); //3 hlavicka.add(" E{Re} [V/m] "); //4 hlavicka.add(" E{Im} [V/m] "); //5 hlavicka.add(" E{Fi} [deg] "); //6 hlavicka.add(" Ex{rms} [V/m] "); //7 hlavicka.add(" Ex{Re} [V/m] "); //8 hlavicka.add(" Ex{Im} [V/m] "); //9 hlavicka.add(" Ex{Fi} [deg] "); //10 hlavicka.add(" Ey{rms} [V/m] "); //11 hlavicka.add(" Ey{Re} [V/m] "); //12 hlavicka.add(" Ey{Im} [V/m] "); //13 hlavicka.add(" Ey{Fi} [deg] "); //14 hlavicka.add(" Ez{rms} [V/m] "); //15 hlavicka.add(" Ez{Re} [V/m] "); //16 hlavicka.add(" Ez{Im} [V/m] "); //17 hlavicka.add(" Ez{Fi} [deg] "); //18 } if (BorE == "I") { hlavicka.add(" X[m] "); //0 hlavicka.add(" Y[m] "); //1 hlavicka.add(" Z[m] "); //2 hlavicka.add(" I{rms} [A/m2]"); //3 hlavicka.add(" I{Re} [A/m2]"); //4 hlavicka.add(" I{Im} [A/m2]"); //5 hlavicka.add(" I{Fi} [deg] "); //6 hlavicka.add(" Ix{rms} [A/m2]"); //7 hlavicka.add(" Ix{Re} [A/m2]"); //8 hlavicka.add(" Ix{Im} [A/m2]"); //9 hlavicka.add(" Ix{Fi} [deg] "); //10 hlavicka.add(" Iy{rms} [A/m2]"); //11 hlavicka.add(" Iy{Re} [A/m2]"); //12 hlavicka.add(" Iy{Im} [A/m2]"); //13 hlavicka.add(" Iy{Fi} [deg] "); //14 hlavicka.add(" Iz{rms} [A/m2]"); //15 hlavicka.add(" Iz{Re} [A/m2]"); //16 hlavicka.add(" Iz{Im} [A/m2]"); //17 hlavicka.add(" Iz{Fi} [deg] "); //18 } if (BorE == "Emod") { hlavicka.add(" X[m] "); //0 hlavicka.add(" Y[m] "); //1 hlavicka.add(" Z[m] "); //2 hlavicka.add(" Emod{rms}[V/m] "); //3 hlavicka.add(" Emod{Re} [V/m] "); //4 hlavicka.add(" Emod{Im} [V/m] "); //5 hlavicka.add(" Emod{Fi} [deg] "); //6 hlavicka.add(" Emodx{rms}[V/m]"); //7 hlavicka.add(" Emodx{Re}[V/m] "); //8 hlavicka.add(" Emodx{Im}[V/m] "); //9 hlavicka.add(" Emodx{Fi}[deg] "); //10 hlavicka.add(" Emody{rms}[V/m]"); //11 hlavicka.add(" Emody{Re}[V/m] "); //12 hlavicka.add(" Emody{Im}[V/m] "); //13 hlavicka.add(" Emody{Fi}[deg] "); //14 hlavicka.add(" Emodz{rms}[V/m]"); //15 hlavicka.add(" Emodz{Re}[V/m] "); //16 hlavicka.add(" Emodz{Im}[V/m] "); //17 hlavicka.add(" Emodz{Fi}[deg] "); //18 } return hlavicka; } private ArrayList<String> mate_TXT_long_futro_futra_hlavickaParmeter(String BorE, String Parameter, ArrayList<String> hlavicka) { if (BorE == "B") { hlavicka.add(" X[m] "); //0 hlavicka.add(" Y[m] "); //1 hlavicka.add(" Z[m] "); //2 hlavicka.add(" B{rms} [T] "); //3 hlavicka.add(" B{Re} [T] "); //4 hlavicka.add(" B{Im} [T] "); //5 hlavicka.add(" B{Fi} [deg] "); //6 hlavicka.add(" Bx{rms} [T] "); //7 hlavicka.add(" Bx{Re} [T] "); //8 hlavicka.add(" Bx{Im} [T] "); //9 hlavicka.add(" Bx{Fi} [deg] "); //10 hlavicka.add(" By{rms} [T] "); //11 hlavicka.add(" By{Re} [T] "); //12 hlavicka.add(" By{Im} [T] "); //13 hlavicka.add(" By{Fi} [deg] "); //14 hlavicka.add(" Bz{rms} [T] "); //15 hlavicka.add(" Bz{Re} [T] "); //16 hlavicka.add(" Bz{Im} [T] "); //17 hlavicka.add(" Bz{Fi} [deg] "); //18 hlavicka.add(Parameter); //19 } if (BorE == "E") { hlavicka.add(" X[m] "); //0 hlavicka.add(" Y[m] "); //1 hlavicka.add(" Z[m] "); //2 hlavicka.add(" E{rms} [V/m] "); //3 hlavicka.add(" E{Re} [V/m] "); //4 hlavicka.add(" E{Im} [V/m] "); //5 hlavicka.add(" E{Fi} [deg] "); //6 hlavicka.add(" Ex{rms} [V/m] "); //7 hlavicka.add(" Ex{Re} [V/m] "); //8 hlavicka.add(" Ex{Im} [V/m] "); //9 hlavicka.add(" Ex{Fi} [deg] "); //10 hlavicka.add(" Ey{rms} [V/m] "); //11 hlavicka.add(" Ey{Re} [V/m] "); //12 hlavicka.add(" Ey{Im} [V/m] "); //13 hlavicka.add(" Ey{Fi} [deg] "); //14 hlavicka.add(" Ez{rms} [V/m] "); //15 hlavicka.add(" Ez{Re} [V/m] "); //16 hlavicka.add(" Ez{Im} [V/m] "); //17 hlavicka.add(" Ez{Fi} [deg] "); //18 hlavicka.add(Parameter); //19 } if (BorE == "I") { hlavicka.add(" X[m] "); //0 hlavicka.add(" Y[m] "); //1 hlavicka.add(" Z[m] "); //2 hlavicka.add(" I{rms} [A/m2]"); //3 hlavicka.add(" I{Re} [A/m2]"); //4 hlavicka.add(" I{Im} [A/m2]"); //5 hlavicka.add(" I{Fi} [deg] "); //6 hlavicka.add(" Ix{rms} [A/m2]"); //7 hlavicka.add(" Ix{Re} [A/m2]"); //8 hlavicka.add(" Ix{Im} [A/m2]"); //9 hlavicka.add(" Ix{Fi} [deg] "); //10 hlavicka.add(" Iy{rms} [A/m2]"); //11 hlavicka.add(" Iy{Re} [A/m2]"); //12 hlavicka.add(" Iy{Im} [A/m2]"); //13 hlavicka.add(" Iy{Fi} [deg] "); //14 hlavicka.add(" Iz{rms} [A/m2]"); //15 hlavicka.add(" Iz{Re} [A/m2]"); //16 hlavicka.add(" Iz{Im} [A/m2]"); //17 hlavicka.add(" Iz{Fi} [deg] "); //18 hlavicka.add(Parameter); //19 } if (BorE == "Emod") { hlavicka.add(" X[m] "); //0 hlavicka.add(" Y[m] "); //1 hlavicka.add(" Z[m] "); //2 hlavicka.add(" Emod{rms}[V/m] "); //3 hlavicka.add(" Emod{Re} [V/m] "); //4 hlavicka.add(" Emod{Im} [V/m] "); //5 hlavicka.add(" Emod{Fi} [deg] "); //6 hlavicka.add(" Emodx{rms}[V/m]"); //7 hlavicka.add(" Emodx{Re}[V/m] "); //8 hlavicka.add(" Emodx{Im}[V/m] "); //9 hlavicka.add(" Emodx{Fi}[deg] "); //10 hlavicka.add(" Emody{rms}[V/m]"); //11 hlavicka.add(" Emody{Re}[V/m] "); //12 hlavicka.add(" Emody{Im}[V/m] "); //13 hlavicka.add(" Emody{Fi}[deg] "); //14 hlavicka.add(" Emodz{rms}[V/m]"); //15 hlavicka.add(" Emodz{Re}[V/m] "); //16 hlavicka.add(" Emodz{Im}[V/m] "); //17 hlavicka.add(" Emodz{Fi}[deg] "); //18 hlavicka.add(Parameter); //19 } return hlavicka; } /** * funkcia vytvara kratky vystup * * @param roz rozpatie * @param B_E_I_EMOD 0=B, 1 =E, 2 = B E , 3 = B E I , 4 = B E Emod, 5 = B E * I Emod * @param BE databaza * @param Sufix pripona pre subory * @param Short of true kratky vystup if False dlhy * @throws IOException */ private void make_TxTGEOMAT(rozpatie roz, databaza BE, String Sufix) throws IOException { String fF = "%18.8E"; // String cF = "%8.3f"; // String YaxisVal = ""; String BorE = ""; String file_recognition = ""; file_recognition = "_GEOmat_"; Date todaysDate = new Date(); DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); DateFormat df3 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); File subor = new File(outputPanel2.getjTextField1().getText() + "/" + df2.format(todaysDate) + "_" + meno_projektu + "_" + Sufix + file_recognition + ".TxT"); try { PrintWriter fw = new PrintWriter(subor); fw.println("EMFT2 - Long TxT GEOMAT output for given calculation"); fw.println("----------------------------------------------"); fw.println("Time of the calculation : " + df3.format(todaysDate)); fw.println("Type of the calculation : " + BorE); fw.println("Name of the project : " + meno_projektu); fw.println("Name of the span : " + meno_rozpatia); fw.println(""); fw.println("Total number of wires : " + roz.getPocet_lan()); fw.println("Number of phase conductors : " + (roz.getPocet_lan() - roz.getPocet_zemnych_lan())); fw.println("Number of ground wires : " + roz.getPocet_zemnych_lan()); fw.println("----------------------------------------------"); fw.println("RESULTS MAXIMUM VALUES"); ; if (observerPanel1.P1Dpriecne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { fw.println(""); fw.println("Perpendicular solution"); mateTXT_long_GEOMATE_futra(cF, fF, fw, BE.getP1D_priecne()); } if (observerPanel1.P1Dpozdlzne.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true) { fw.println(""); fw.println("Paralel solution"); mateTXT_long_GEOMATE_futra(cF, fF, fw, BE.getP1D_pozdlzne()); } ; if (observerPanel1.P1D.isSelected() == true && observerPanel1.P1D_free.isSelected() == true) { fw.println(""); fw.println("Free position solution"); mateTXT_long_GEOMATE_futra(cF, fF, fw, BE.getP1D_neurcite()); } ; if (observerPanel1.P1D_par.isSelected() == true) { fw.println(""); fw.println("parameter Solution"); mateTXT_long_GEOMATE_futra(cF, fF, fw, BE.getP1D_parameter()); } ; printCatenaryinformation(cF, fw); fw.println("END OF FILE"); fw.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { } if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) { Desktop.getDesktop().edit(subor); } else { // dunno, up to you to handle this } } private void printCatenaryinformation(String cF, PrintWriter fw) { fw.println("----------------------------------------------"); fw.println("CATENARY INFORMTIONS"); fw.println(""); fw.println("Catenary" + " " + " c[m] " + " " + "h_rel[m]" + " " + " h_0[m]" + " " + " Amod[m]" + " " + " A1[m]"); for (int i = 0; i < Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().size(); i++) { fw.println(String.format(cF, (double) i) + " " + String.format(cF, Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getC_over()) + " " + String.format(cF, Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getHter_over()) + " " + String.format(cF, Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getH_over()) + " " + String.format(cF, Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getAmod_over()) + " " + String.format(cF, Rozptie.getRetazovkaList().get(i).getA1_over()) + " "); } } private void mateTXT_long_GEOMATE_futra(String cF, String dF, PrintWriter fw, ArrayList<Observer[]> X) { for (int i = 0; i < X.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < X.get(i).length; j++) { fw.println(" X[m] " + " " + " Y[m] " + " " + " Z[m] "); fw.println(String.format(cF, X.get(i)[j].getPoloha().getX()) + " " + String.format(cF, X.get(i)[j].getPoloha().getY()) + " " + String.format(cF, X.get(i)[j].getPoloha().getZ())); fw.println(""); fw.println(" | Ax |" + " " + "| Ay |" + " " + "| Az |"); for (int cl1 = 0; cl1 < X.get(i)[j].getGeoMatrix_A().getColumnDimension(); cl1++) { for (int cl2 = 0; cl2 < X.get(i)[j].getGeoMatrix_A().getRowDimension(); cl2++) { fw.print(String.format(dF, X.get(i)[j].getGeoMatrix_A().getData()[cl2][cl1]) + " "); } fw.println(""); } fw.println(""); } } } private void make_TXT_ELPAM_Basic(String type, int method, ComplexMatrix Z, ComplexMatrix Y, ComplexMatrix Zs, ComplexMatrix Ys) { //writin into file double omega = (double) 2 * Math.PI * constants.getFrequency(); try { make_TxT_elpam_noDB(Rozptie, type, method, Complex2RealMatrix(Z), Complex2ImagMatrix(Z).scalarMultiply(1 / omega), Complex2ImagMatrix(Y).scalarMultiply(1 / omega), Z, Y, Complex2RealMatrix(Zs), Complex2ImagMatrix(Zs).scalarMultiply(1 / omega), Complex2ImagMatrix(Ys).scalarMultiply(1 / omega), Zs, Ys); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } private void make_TXT_ELPAM_Basic(String type, int method, Observer obs) { //writin into file double omega = (double) 2 * Math.PI * constants.getFrequency(); try { make_TxT_elpam_noDB(Rozptie, type, method, Complex2RealMatrix(obs.getZ()), Complex2ImagMatrix(obs.getZ()).scalarMultiply(1 / omega), Complex2ImagMatrix(obs.getY()).scalarMultiply(1 / omega), obs.getZ(), obs.getY(), Complex2RealMatrix(obs.getZs()), Complex2ImagMatrix(obs.getZs()).scalarMultiply(1 / omega), Complex2ImagMatrix(obs.getYs()).scalarMultiply(1 / omega), obs.getZs(), obs.getYs()); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(InternalFrameproject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables private InternalFrame.BasicInfoPanel basicInfoPanel; private InternalFrame.BasicSettingsPanel basicSettingsPanel; private javax.swing.ButtonGroup buttonGroup1; private javax.swing.JButton calcB; private javax.swing.JButton calcBaE; private javax.swing.JButton calcE_OLD; public static javax.swing.JButton calcE_OLD_plus; private javax.swing.JButton calc_MATRIX; private javax.swing.JButton calc_MATRIX1; private InternalFrame.CatenaryPanel catenaryPanel1; private javax.swing.JPanel elpam_method_panel; private javax.swing.JMenuItem jMenuItem1; private javax.swing.JPanel jPanel1; private javax.swing.JProgressBar jProgressBar; private javax.swing.JButton load; private InternalFrame.ObserverPanel observerPanel1; private InternalFrame.outputPanel outputPanel2; private javax.swing.JButton save; private javax.swing.JButton save1; // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables //public static Boolean IsOpen = false; } class language_internal_frame { /** * Function just add elements to the array list If once function runs and * sets variable "inicializovane" true it never runs again */ static void constructor() { /*SK*/ /*CZ*/ /*EN*/ /*0*/ SK.add("Nov rozptie"); CZ.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, autoi Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); EN.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, created by Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); /*1*/ SK.add("Nov projekt"); CZ.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, autoi Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); EN.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, created by Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); //language String value at position /*2*/ SK.add("Os - X "); CZ.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, autoi Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); EN.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, created by Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); //language String value at position //language String value at position /*3*/ SK.add("Os - Y "); CZ.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, autoi Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); EN.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, created by Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); //language String value at position /*4*/ SK.add("Os - Z "); CZ.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, autoi Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); EN.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, created by Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); //language String value at position /*5*/ SK.add("Zla hodnota deltaL, korektura na 1000 mm"); CZ.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, autoi Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); EN.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, created by Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); //language String value at position /*6*/ SK.add("Otvor subor"); CZ.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, autoi Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); EN.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, created by Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); //language String value at position /*7*/ SK.add("Na?itaj rozptie"); CZ.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, autoi Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); EN.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, created by Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); //language String value at position /*8*/ SK.add("Ulo subor"); CZ.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, autoi Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); EN.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, created by Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); //language String value at position /*9*/ SK.add("Ulo rozptie"); CZ.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, autoi Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); EN.add("MT3 software, SAG Elektrovod, created by Jozef Bendk & Matej Cenk 2016 1.release"); //language String value at position // language_main_frame.LangLabel(constants.getLanguage_option(),0) inicializovane = true; } /** * Function returns on string label in set language * * @param X defines the language 1 Slovak, 2 Czech, 3 English * @param Y defines the label position according the drawing, is starts from * 0 * @return */ public static String LangLabel(int X, int Y) { if (inicializovane == false) { constructor(); } String SlovoDaloSlovo = "empty"; switch (X) { case 1: SlovoDaloSlovo = SK.get(Y); break; case 2: SlovoDaloSlovo = CZ.get(Y); break; case 3: SlovoDaloSlovo = EN.get(Y); break; } return SlovoDaloSlovo; } public static String LangLabel2() { String SlovoDaloSlovo = "empty"; return SlovoDaloSlovo; } private static final ArrayList<String> SK = new ArrayList<>(); private static final ArrayList<String> CZ = new ArrayList<>(); private static final ArrayList<String> EN = new ArrayList<>(); private static boolean inicializovane = false; }